
Social Status Quotes

There are 626 quotes

"The Challenge Hypothesis of Testosterone in Action: Testosterone is what you secrete when your status is being challenged."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The problem with that virtue... is that you can start to use your hypothetical care for the poor and oppressed as a marker for your superior social status."
"High scores can lead to benefits such as lower interest rates on loans, access to high-speed trains and planes without restrictions, and easier access to visas."
"Really good news towards the end of the month and the start of May in regards to your social status and matters of big projects that start giving you great results."
"Even Americans who weren't millionaires desperately wanted to participate in the consumerism and flexing frenzy."
"Okay, this is how you mitigate risk so you could become a higher status guy. We're going to eliminate all the things that could mess you up."
"The number one sign of a loser, of a low status individual, is their inability to consider what others are experiencing and to kind of deal with that."
"The notion of 'refined poverty' is to buy luxury goods and exclusively wear branded clothing, despite living in abysmal housing conditions."
"Getting 100% in this game is mostly just for bragging rights."
"No matter who you are, male or female, if you know how to cook, you're instantly someone's BAE."
"Conspicuous consumption is basically buying things which are intentionally overpriced for their function, things which are needlessly fancy."
"Many people who appear to be fairly secure in their place in society actually have a reasonable fear of things going suddenly wrong and having a spectacular loss of security."
"Sion, who heard this, immediately denied it because the happiness of a human being should not be seen from a status."
"Luxury goods have become a noisier indicator of status, and as a result, luxury beliefs have arisen."
"Welcome to Night City, where your address says more about you than anything else."
"Achieving some level of status is only good if the people you admire admire you back."
"Gentleman's dress and it was a sign and a symbol of the fact that you were prepared to duel to protect your honor."
"Dwarfs held a unique and highly regarded position in ancient Egyptian society."
"Cognac is also one of those drinks you associate with the wealthy. It’s the kind of thing you drink in the drawing-room after dinner while smoking cigars and talking with bearded gentlemen about how you plan to do an arms deal with a dictator on the other side of the world."
"He who gives and urges others to give things in charity will be reborn rich, surrounded by numerous attendants, and holding vast possessions; he will be a shining moon in the assembly of men."
"Once you leave the Royal family, you leave the royal privileges behind."
"Attraction wins most. People say that status is king, and status is king to a certain extent, but at the end of the day for true attraction, then the girl has to be physically attracted to you."
"The prestige of the host would be judged by the exclusivity and quantity of the food provided."
"If your shoe had air bubbles, you were cool."
"A person who plays high status is saying 'Don't come near me, I bite.' Someone who plays low status is saying 'Don't bite me, I'm not worth the trouble.'"
"Food is a very important sign of status throughout the novel."
"We got our big town now, we're big hotshots now, fancy."
"Anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you."
"Is caviar actually worth it or is it just popular because of its status as a luxury product?"
"Your beliefs give you a stake to a claim in a status hierarchy."
"Blockchain really offers a new level of that almost bragging rights."
"Ignore status symbols; status is a game that you can't win and stupid games have stupid prizes."
"Money came to symbolize for me everything...I didn't have—stability, security, peace of mind, happiness, status, comfort in my own skin."
"Undoubtedly status must come above looks, there's just no doubt about that."
"Flexing designer clothes on tenure makes you look a little self-centered."
"She knows that when Philip invites her out stalking it's like a massive compliment and a massive chance for her to win him over."
"Women want a man who other women want and what other guys want to be."
"Whether they were heroes or outcasts, senators or slaves, they were among the most celebrated athletes in the history of the world."
"So, that's what you can do with status, it's super cool, super effective."
"You're either rich or you're poor or you're like you know chatter my so like when that's true..."
"Status symbols merely attempt to prove that their owner is valuable."
"Luxury goods have become a sort of language through which people communicate taste and connoisseurship on digital platforms."
"Being cool or popular in high school is overrated."
"Like getting the tuning cable getting the 50 was like dang like I'm popping now."
"That's a clue into her wealth. I feel like only someone who's exorbitantly wealthy would be giving away pearls."
"I've got status now when I meet a girl like that."
"I can be that person in rooms with people who don't have to say who they are."
"Life gave him the universe, whatever you want to call it, gave him the biggest platform on Earth."
"He's accumulating all of this social status, all of this energy, all of these eyes on him."
"Women typically want a relationship with a higher status guy."
"Nothing says old money like a little dog, the smaller the dog the bigger the money."
"Karen was a snob, she thought she was better than everybody else because her husband was a CEO."
"As a man, it is your job to keep improving and keep improving your status. That's the one thing you can control."
"You want to be the biggest ballers, shot callers. You want to live a life of luxury. Love it."
"I think debt is like, you want to show off ludicrous wealth, but the moment you run into trouble, it's like a fine line. The moment you run into trouble, people drop you like a rock."
"Apple status it's a status symbol where if you get the jet black one everyone knows you're a mega baller and bought the top of the line."
"Gain in popularity, recognition, or social status."
"Flat taxes is going to take a very... I'm with Adam on this."
"There might be some resistance and the need for extra responsibilities, but the career, the opportunity to improve your social status, your reputation, it's coming."
"He's doing better than me. They're doing better than me."
"His lifestyle is a veritable smorgasbord board of expensive flights, expensive hotels, expensive meals, and expensive clothes."
"Luxury goods really cater for people's positional urges."
"It's a symbol of status and power, and here's their house. This is where they are on the outside of the village, looking in too rich and powerful to be living with the ordinary people."
"Wearing a nice watch like I wear my Rolex, I go out for dinner or go to social events, I know I'm wearing the daddy watch."
"Unlike today when having money means you can eat out, if you are rich in Pompeii, you are dining at home surrounded by opulence."
"A drow's perception of its worth is only determined by its status over society."
"He cannot resist an opportunity to show status."
"I love you so much. If it's a status thing for you for me to socialize with you amongst your friends, I'll hide in the corner."
"I think the best thing that a woman can do for a man is make him feel like he has increased status."
"There are luxury beliefs that are ways to express status more than actual consumption."
"Income gains strongest at the bottom of the economic ladder."
"Even though people at the bottom are doing better, they still aren't feeling economically secure."
"Women tend to want a man who is a little bit higher in status than they are."
"Why? Status, bragging rights, so they could tell their friends that their privileged children got into the Ivies even though in reality their children weren't good enough academically or athletically."
"Looking rich is very costly... are you buying it for yourself or are you buying it to show to other people?"
"Dude, when my sister, mom, and Tony visited, we went to some restaurant in Beverly Hills, and it was just like, we are rich and we're going out to show that we are rich, and that is the point of the night."
"Women want dudes, other guys want to be you."
"You can find somebody probably that age or younger with more money."
"Luxury beliefs denote status and membership in the Elite Ivy League circles."
"A new positive career beginning, improvements in social status, and possibly a marriage in the next 18 months."
"More educated African Americans would report less discrimination due potentially to also being of higher socioeconomic status."
"Not having a smartphone is kind of the new status symbol."
"So your family is like rich, quite comfortable? That is exactly what a super-rich person would say."
"This is the hot spot, this is the cool spot... I'm the man right here."
"Our pursuit for status is more important than our pursuit for money."
"The more status gains people play in their life, the more sources of status they have, the more groups they belong to, the more stable their personality, the happier they tend to be."
"Regardless of whether you were living on the streets or you were a billionaire, you would be so generous with whatever you have."
"I think what I've learned with this, and guys we're in my opinion, we're the cool people."
"No matter how secret somebody is, how much money they have, they'll eventually want clout."
"So, I am a complete proponent of public status and having status symbols for people to achieve."
"You look expensive. You look like you can afford me 10 times."
"Unvaccinated people will quickly receive pariah status."
"Now I have the bling-bling, I can get a husband."
"Ultimately, if they're still lesser, it doesn't matter how well-off they are."
"Being able to roll up to your next car meet in something that no one has ever seen before, that is absolutely priceless."
"Snob effect: people buy to signify success, status, or morality."
"There's a position of servitude... to recognize their higher state than yours."
"They wanted to secure a social membership at the exclusive golf club."
"A woman's number one greatest tool is her ability to judge your value based on how many other women want you."
"Alcohol at feasts: a sign of wealth and hospitality."
"That ring is big bling and looks mad luxurious."
"Butchers were as highly regarded as doctors."
"Status doesn't matter. Everyone can have their own opinion, you know what I mean?"
"Having one's portrait painted by him was seen as an indication of impeccable good taste."
"She's cute, intelligent, and has a cool attitude. She's like the queen of the school."
"They want to flaunt and they want to impress."
"The success of the Civil Rights Movement notwithstanding, has the subordinate status of African-Americans persisted in the 21st century."
"Become a lord or a lady with established titles."
"We talk about and share things that give us status by association. Things like cool bars, but also cool information or restaurants that make us look smart and in the know."
"Most of the time, I don't care. In fact, it's actually a badge of honor because it means that when you get big, you get a lot of people who envy it and don't like it."
"Do you want to show the world you've arrived? You need a Phantom."
"They love to flaunt them Bugattis and Ferraris all over social media." - Their flashy cars are a symbol of their wealth and status.
"Being a rich kid in South Korea sounds pretty sweet, don't you think?"
"Conspicuous consumption posits that sometimes, especially wealthy people, want to give the illusion that they are wealthy, will spend vast amounts of money on objects and items and products not because they need them, but to show that they can."
"For the most part, those who obtain the status have assumed roles of exceptional prominence."
"As meaningful as a status symbol as it gets."
"Part of the appeal is that they are not attainable by ordinary people they exist in this rarefied air of pricing."
"Your life just generally improves, doesn't it? Like, you make more money, you live in a nicer house, you drive nicer cars, you have more influential friends."
"I don't think that there's a big statement uh being made here um they're no longer senior members of the work uh senior working members of the royal family yeah why wouldn't they be pushed down to the bottom with prince Andrew"
"Your name is up in lights across the community."
"Without the downtrodden members, they're kings of nothing."
"Some of the most kind people I've ever met were the least fortunate."
"Spices were very prized in the medieval period. As a result, they were very expensive and prized in the upper class."
"Peasant women even do have some power and some control over their circumstances."
"We don't want less than cool people wearing the clothes."
"In a room full of 10s, I'm always grand prize."
"Flexing is more of like a riches. It's the cash, okay."
"Prestige is sexy, and it's tough to get more prestigious than royalty."
"Let's find out the root of them and work from there up."
"A purple achievement, that means I'm cool. Now I'm gonna tell all my friends at school, they're gonna be so jealous you'll see."
"Status and the ways that it pollutes our ability to just see a situation for what it is."
"He was just bragging about how rich he was, how he was so rich he doesn't even know what to do with his bajillions of dollars."
"Enjoyment in terms of status... kind of makes me cringe a little bit."
"Men derive their status from creating change in the world."
"The sword is very much a mark of a high-status Warrior, only owned by the wealthy or the elite warriors."
"Shake Shack is a little bougie, she's a little bougie."
"Just the fact that I could read and write would probably give me a huge boost in status."
"Jewelry speaks an international language. It generates for the people who wear them a sense of overwhelming opulence, social supremacy, and confidence."
"You can ratchet yourself up the hierarchy so fast you can't believe it."
"Wearing jewelry was common in the ancient world, and just as it does today, was often used to signal someone's social position or status."
"Being respected is better than being the underdog."
"The odds of hotel guests rubbing shoulders with royalty are slim to none, but just knowing you're in the same building should make you feel like you're a king or queen for a day."
"People just ignore[d] it because of his numbers because of his status."
"Rachel Dolezal did more than lie about being black."
"Rachel Dolezal ran a long con to get to a place where she could have higher status in a community that she fetishizes."
"Your perceived effort in life and your self-knowledge from that effort is what gives you status and confidence."
"Look like a match made in heaven, this beautiful high society horsewoman, only daughter of a wealthy Oil Man."
"At least I can be the queen of the girls and be respected by these minions."
"See an improvement on money. You can see improvement in your status even if it's a little or a lot. It doesn't matter as long as you're seeing improvement, that's what counts."
"Humiliating myself for money is honestly what's raising my status in the world."
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"Wow, she is so rich that she even has a personal assistant."
"The idea of status related to posture is very, very similar."
"A man: born into a world where he's always last."
"You just gotta realize your status in life now."
"Your status is higher when you're being yourself."
"It's just that was a thing why've you got terracotta or something you've made it in life."
"The hairstyles of the elites in the Bronze Age Aegean clearly represented an individual's age, status, or position."
"White women were told, 'You are already free, you're in a protected class.'"
"It was a foreseeable error, made more likely by the lack of written procedures, checklists, alarms and safety shutdown systems at the CAI Plant."
"Just to sort of marvel at it and congratulate themselves on being so high up in Pharaoh's favor."
"There's a great amount of prestige with this title."
"I don't want it to be accessible, I want only bosses to have it."
"Money is just supposed to symbolize your ability to provide."
"Women do want to be with high value men because of their lifestyle."
"The issues are only getting more concerning, not less."
"It's about raising your status and upping your game."
"When Heaven showered good luck onto the Earth Violet Ripkin must have been standing there front and center."
"She is indeed a winner in all aspects of life for having an enviable family career fortune and social status."
"Your level is not socioeconomic. Your level is SMV - your looks and your figure initially."
"Outside of money and chasing excellence, one of the feathers in my cap is I have red-pilled a mate of mine who is worth in the deck of millions."
"Long nails weren't meant to be practical, they were meant to be a status symbol."
"Negativity is the #1 thing guys do to show they might be a beta male."
"I was down bad that my life took a shift now I'm chasing bags I put diamonds on my wrist I'm just popping tags get the bag and make a flip now that I got my money I got all my haters pissed."
"Now they see the gain, they see the prestige, they see the way it could actually position her as maybe more of a star."
"I mean how cool would it be if your dad or mom picked you up in a Raptor every day I mean that would make my day that would make you the most popular kid in school."
"Kai just got reborn into an awesome life. Before, he was poor and in the streets. Now he's born royal. He's the royal blood now."
"Sign value: Objects as symbols of status and identity."
"One of the things that evolutionary psychology teaches us is human beings, above both genders, are very highly status oriented and that they will do many things in order to increase their status at the expense of other people."
"I'm Lord Dan Hardy as you can see, officially now."
"What they're selling is exclusivity, it's that great sort of social cachet."
"They know that money and status mean nothing if you don't have a genuine deep connection."
"You're so lucky the boot licker chasing you turns out to be a rich second generation in Disguise."
"In conclusion, this is once again another case of a celebrity simply trying to boost their social status and profiteer off a marginalized group."
"If you see someone wearing this in the room with you, you better take your watch off because you lost."
"We live in a state of society now, so it's hard. One of the easiest ways to get status is who you know, right? A lot of it's networking and who you know, and the right people, you can get some status, at least on them, to some degree."
"Women do not date down or if they date down they will not marry down."
"I'd still be your best friend no matter if you have a big house or a little house."
"Reputation is the most valuable thing a man can build... The partner they choose to be with should increase his status."
"You are already in the top five percent of wealthiest, blessed people on this planet."
"A damaged reputation isolates you; your influence wanes."
"Some of the best job opportunities in America right now are roles that people associate with the working class."
"You're gonna buy this for pretty much status, and just rolling around town you're gonna feel pretty pimp driving it."
"Whenever anyone says they're a socialite, what do they really do? You have to ask what they really do."
"These cars are status symbols they prove that you've made it in life or have achieved a lifetime goal of owning a Corvette or a 911."
"Traditionally, tattoos used to be part of their culture, usually reserved for people of more notable social status."
"Everybody loves driving Rolls Royces around, they're just status symbols."
"It's a status thing, and people get caught up, and like you're trapped, and you don't need to be there."