
Infatuation Quotes

There are 648 quotes

"It's not just that love can protect us from pain. It's that infatuation and obsession can protect us from pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you're infatuated with somebody...do you realize this is not what it looks like on the surface? In fact, what you're experiencing is a very powerful internal journey."
"I was blinded by the Supernova that was Susie."
"When it comes to money, we have an infatuation with money in this country."
"The whole thing started because she had a serious crush on a hairdresser."
"Somebody definitely wants to get back together with you or get with you. They're very infatuated with you."
"I can't get you off my mind, you constantly distract me."
"I love the honeymoon feeling, I'm like, 'Oh my God, I really like him, you know?'"
"I was hooked. I had no desire to be around anyone other than him."
"Love plots the course of their Affair from the initial delirium of infatuation to the depths of suicidal Inspire through the Marxist stage of coming to terms with being loved by the unattainable Beloved."
"You'd be so infatuated with somebody that whack-ass sex feels good and you don't realize it's whack-ass sex until your your relationship starts to fall apart."
"They're totally head over heels for you, infatuated and captivated."
"You're very attractive to them and they kind of can't get you out of their head, you know? They just kind of play in their imagination as like this ideal partner."
"Some of you are really kind of feeling crazy about somebody that makes your heart sing."
"In my delusional mind, I've made myself believe that this boy also likes me."
"The way that you choose a partner and approach relationships should be rooted in something other than infatuation pure feelings or sexual attraction raw cougar feral sexual attraction."
"I'm obsessed with her. Low-key stalking her, probably shouldn't say that."
"Love addicts are attracted to the intense experience of falling in love."
"The heady days of a love affair in its early stages is intoxicating."
"I'm under your spell, baby, this is our time."
"You've bewitched me from the very first moment we met."
"Ren found him once again and began to chase after him while daydreaming of their happy marriage."
"I just fell in love with it. I don't have anything like this in my wardrobe already."
"If she left, who could fill her spot? And there's a nobody there, right? So because of that, she's already categorized as my dream girl."
"You got me all worked up, got me spinning, I'm crazy for love."
"You got me going crazy, it's so amazing."
"I definitely fell head over heels for these shoes."
"Now you're in my life, I can't get you off my mind."
"You are like a flame to them, and they are this little moth."
"Wrapped up in daydreaming about her crush that she spaces out even in the middle of conversations."
"She is hopelessly and helplessly in love with him."
"This person is pretty much gonna fall for you pretty fast."
"They fall in love with you very hard."
"They can't take their eyes off you."
"I just want you to know I may have fallen in love with you, at least as much as someone who just met someone can."
"They're feeling like they're back in high school in a certain way, like they're having a crush again."
"You're on my mind 24/7, constantly, you're the first thing I think of when I wake up, you're what I think of while I'm working all day."
"This person is definitely very smitten with you."
"This person makes you feel excited for once."
"Obsessed with you, so this person is thinking about you all the time, you're always on their mind."
"They're kind of unsure of how exactly to approach you because it feels like they have a big crush on you."
"This person has you on their mind constantly, non-stop, thinking about this connection between the two of you."
"This person is so attractive and they just love you so much, like you cannot get rid of this person because they're so amazing."
"Erudian smiles while looking at their connected hands, and Urenica can't help but start simping for his handsome face."
"Edward was utterly obsessed by Wallace Simpson, he was obsessed by her in a way that I think we'd look at today and see it as a form of stalking."
"I fell in love with him at that moment; I never stood a chance."
"I fell in love with Cat. I fell hard for her."
"I fell in love with you right away."
"Once I like someone it's like what do you mean you can't hang out I just got done writing a poem about the way your hair smells."
"When they first saw you, baby, when they laid their eyes on you the first time, they knew you were special. They knew you were something that was just going to make their heart flutter, explode."
"He immediately fell deeply in love with her."
"He feels very much excited when he sees you."
"The thing about girls, every time they do something pretty... you have to fall in love with them."
"They want to express themselves. They can't stop thinking about you. They're replaying your conversations over and over again."
"This person is obsessively thinking about being with you, like you should be together no matter what."
"I saw your mother clear across a crowded room... She was looking so hot."
"You have that type of beauty that makes him want to think about you constantly. Like where you're always on his mind."
"They're very stuck on you, they cannot move past you."
"They're crazy about you, drawn to you, tempted, and unable to resist."
"You give this person butterflies when they think about you."
"I think people... Like when you first meet somebody... They're like, 'Oh, I'm so in love with this person.'... That's just like a crazy feeling you have... But I don't think that's real love."
"Someone's not a player; they just crush a lot."
"He fell in love when he saw her, love at first sight."
"I'm flushed, I'm giggling, and I'm kicking my feet for Troy Bolton, obviously."
"I'm blushing, I'm giggling, and I'm kicking my feet for David Mailer."
"You make me want to leave the one I'm with."
"You got me wrapped around your finger, spinning like a bullet."
"Someone here fantasizing about you big time."
"Infatuation is fun. It's dopamine meets the fairy tale."
"They're in love, think about you all the time."
"The more and more I saw it, I fell in love with it."
"Her name was Emily and I've never crushed on a girl as hard as her ever."
"Her name is Christine and I think I'm in love."
"How do we define love? We often mistake attraction for love. Or infatuation for love. And that's because this is what movies have taught us to do."
"He realizes he's completely in love with Lily."
"True, actually, very close. It was just very pretty. I was just about to let her rip, man. You know? I wasn't thinking properly, man. That's what happened. As I was stricken, I was smitten. But, uh, true, actually. Very close."
"She's extremely gorgeous. I was about to let her rip, man. You know? I wasn't thinking properly, man. That's what happened. As I was stricken, I was smitten. But, uh, true, actually. Very close."
"You fall in love with a car like this."
"I thought Lucy was, um... I really liked her. I'm so dumb."
"Sold to Paris Hilton. Paris is so infatuated with Butters that she's willing to pay for him."
"You're dangerous, honey. You're so dangerous because the more I think about you, the less my mind is filled with that fair sense."
"Maybe I'm Maddon's completely smitten by you but it doesn't mean that I can't restrain myself."
"When I first saw this house it was love at first sight."
"He had a hard on for me, and when Doc has a hard on for you, you're [ __ ] down the road eventually."
"Wow, is this what love at first sight feels like?"
"I just can't get enough of this girl."
"The moment they see you, it's an instant wow. It's an instant damn. Did I just meet the one?"
"I've fallen in love with you, at least as much as someone who just met someone can love at first sight."
"I felt drawn to him, paralyzed almost, like I never wanted to leave."
"Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. It's intense love. You guys cannot think straight."
"They're so addicted to you that they cannot stop thinking about you."
"They may be very Fantastical with the way they feel about you."
"...a majority of people but if it's just you that sees that beautiful amazing thing about that person it is possible that you are be clouded by infatuation or sex or desperation or lack of options or so many other things that might be Cloud your logic..."
"Ruby fell in love at first sight."
"Maybe it's just been me. Through all this, I've never been able to think of anyone like I've been able to think of you."
"...I've liked you since the first time I laid eyes on you."
"smitten I looked forward to seeing him"
"Alice brushed a strand of hair away from my face and I felt my insides explode."
"I might buy this before I'd buy a 911. Absolutely. I mean, I just fell in love with it."
"It's a real case of the potential dangerous depth some people can fall into when they are infatuated by someone."
"I am obsessed with you as well. Head over heels, crazy in love with you."
"This person feels like when they think about you, they can't stop thinking about you, Leo. It's a very mentally stuck on Leo kind of feeling."
"You're so beautiful, it's making me lose my mind."
"Early on I knew I had like love at first sight moment, yeah."
"Why is he feeling like this? Is It Love infatuation? She's too old for my husband, so what is it? And why would he think that he couldn't have her?"
"Love is blinding. When you're in love with somebody, you are blind. Love makes us crazy, love makes us go gaga, and we are just not able to act in a way that we would if we weren't in love."
"I just fell in love with him, like hardcore."
"'Cause I know I'm in love, 'cause I get butterflies every time I see you, girl."
"God he really must be in love because there could be no other reason for him to find that cute."
"This person couldn't get you out of their head, they couldn't even when they were with this person."
"When I first met her... I saw good value, and I'll admit I was smitten when I saw her."
"thank you oh my God I think me and him were meant to be let me see him again he's so hot."
"Truthfully, she found him cute that she even followed him at work."
"If Jimin was watching this show, there's one thing I would want to say to him. I would literally — I've got a ring — I would literally say, 'Jimin, I want to marry you.'"
"This is somebody who is all consumed in your energy. This is somebody who literally has somebody else know that they have somebody else, but this person cannot stop thinking about you. You are the only thing on this person's mind."
"I never fell in love with anyone quite so fast"
"They think about you quite a bit, and they're obsessed with you. They might try to hide their feelings, but they can't."
"It's absolute pure mesmerized love at first sight."
"They fantasize about you all the time because they're infatuated. It's like an obsession. It's driving them crazy."
"They are just so sexually into you that it's almost hard for them to talk about anything else because... they are so like turned on by you."
"If a man voluntarily tries to get hiccups to see a woman, you know he's down bad."
"Limerance is the word for an obsession or infatuation for somebody that's not really a relationship."
"He couldn't stop thinking about her. It was most infuriating."
"This person can't take you off their mind, constantly thinking about you."
"I'm really in love with you, crazy about you."
"She's every [ __ ] Crush right now, going back to when the movie came out."
"Nobody else mattered other than her and what she wanted."
"Limerence, also known as romantic infatuation, is an obsessive kind of fixation on an object, a person, but actually more about the idea of that person."
"I absolutely love her. Like, I'm just... I'm falling in love with this woman."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you since the first time I saw you."
"And what happens then is that in your mind, you'll say, 'Holy [ __ ], I'm really going crazy for this person. I must like them if I'm making up [ __ ] in my mind.'"
"Someone caught feelings for you big time, like quickly. I'm getting like love at first sight. They're extremely attracted, catching feelings quickly, can't stop looking at you."
"I met with her one time, soon as I met with her, I was like, 'Oh yeah, this is it.'"
"You go for a spell of being so obsessed and in love with each other, no one can ruin that."
"This gave me like false god energy like I'm going to be with you even if other people say it's wrong."
"...a really adorable running theme of George Harrison crushing hard on Bob Dylan."
"This person is infatuated to say the least with you."
"Love Struck straight to my head, got love sick all over my bed. Love to think you'll never forget."
"At the beginning, it's out of love. You spend all the time with her, you don't hang out with Amanda, you don't do, you know why? Because it's the love that's blinded you."
"This person feels like they're on cloud nine when they think of you."
"You live in my mind every second of the day. I'm obsessed with you."
"This person is finally learning to accept the fact that they're infatuated with you for a reason."
"Imprinting on someone is like when you see her, all of a sudden it's not gravity holding you to the planet, it's her."
"You got me stuck on the thought of you, you're making me feel brand new."
"Ever since she met that fella, she's been grinning like a butcher's dog."
"You make them anxious, give them butterflies."
"She can't stop thinking about Raku."
"She accepts her feelings towards Raku."
"Girl, when you smile, you gotta know you drive me wild, step by step. Ooh baby, you're always on my mind, step by step. Ooh girl, I really think it's just a matter of time."
"I fell deeply in love with her. I couldn't separate myself from her. I wanted to be wherever she was."
"He came to talk to her but then he got a little distracted watching her."
"They're obsessed with you, they think about you every day, every night."
"Dom didn't love Francesca, Dom loved the idea of Francesca."
"You crazy about someone, you will know that you're crazy about them."
"I couldn't keep my eyes off her. If I fell asleep, I would wake up kind of startled."
"Love is a crazy drug sometimes you do fall in love in a week."
"...it just seems like you're just like, oh, they're the best most amazingest most incredibl beautifullest person you know..."
"It's that infatuation. She's beautiful, and he's fascinated and captivated by her."
"Inspired by her words and smitten with her, Staz doesn't want to ignore her request."
"I've been a fan even before I met you. You're so beautiful and amazing and it's driving me crazy."
"He in love. He hopped out of ice and now he in love. Girls can get you just like that."
"Limerance is one of those things that it just it's like an addiction that just it it'll grab onto your brain and sort of send you down the path of Destruction every time."
"She's a cook she's she's very she's very proud of her muffins you know yeah exactly she has very kind of more traditional value she wants to get married to him and all this kind of stuff right well she's a infatuated with a teenager."
"We completely fell in love with it and we had to have the house. This is it."
"He was just looked instantly smitten when he saw her. It stopped him in his tracks."
"He wanted her honey coolers and the way she breathed out slowly through her mouth when she was setting a piece of chocolate or twirling a garnish for a shot."
"Dipper tried to impress a girl from the town called Wendy so he went with her to an abandoned Mystery Shack and discovered that its owners were ghosts who hated teenagers."
"He was just totally enamored of her."
"I can't get enough of you. Not by a long shot."
"He’s fallen completely in love with her."
"Jester is infatuated with No Name assassin."
"Nothing Else Matters like the only thing that matters is this feeling that I have for this girl and it's crazy that's a beautiful thing so beautiful it's the best feeling"
"I fell in love with you at the first glance."
"For a second, you couldn't think of anything other than the way he looked at you."
"I'm smitten with them today, it's a thing."
"When you smile at me, I lose feel it all in my hands and feet. So distracted, I can't keep track of time."
"I admit it, I have a crush on you."
"Your person feels intoxicated with this love."
"You thought i was in love with you before bro now i'm [ __ ] head over heels."
"I feel like you've been hit by Cupid's arrow in regards to this person."
"Your crush just, I feel like they could talk about you forever, they could look at you forever, they could think about you forever."
"I felt sick. There was also a note with it. It said something along the lines of, 'You're so beautiful, I'm in love with you. I'd be a much better husband than what you have now. Please give me a chance.'"
"He's very obsessed with you, you're his queen of Cups, a deeply feeling, empathetic, and romantic connection."
"I never really believed in love at first sight. I believe in an infatuation at first sight."
"I was absolutely in love with her, 100%. I would have married her in 10th Grade."
"For six months it was like I was completely intoxicated by him."
"I was crushing on her hard from the first moment I saw her."
"I think you're gonna fall for this person and go right down this Rabbit Trail right with this person"
"He nearly ruined himself over her."
"I believe infatuation is at first sight. I think those feelings are other things and they help fuel the feeling of love that becomes more sustained."
"There's crush energy here that could potentially lead to a higher level of commitment."
"I wish I knew. The new girl is doing something to me. The more I see her, the more I want to be around her."
"Are you my special interest 'cause I've been thinking about you every day for my whole life."
"Are you she asked breathless as his arms curled around her waist, a fool, besotted with me, utterly?"
"I did want Tom first moment I set eyes on him. I wanted him for mine."
"You were perfect, so perfect, I just let myself get carried away because you were so beautiful."
"Any woman who has you distracted forgetting your schedule and tied up in knots must be worth chasing after."
"I have a huge crush on young Harrison Ford."
"You know, I’m sure you have a celebrity crush when you even see her picture on social media, you’re like, 'Damn!'"
"A little crush?" Shannon echoed, pure delight in her voice.