
Self-change Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Our nervous system, which governs everything about who we are, how we feel and what we do, does have the capability to change itself in response to experience, and even in ways that we consciously and deliberately decide to change it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The way that you change yourself ironically is not through trying to change yourself; it's through accepting yourself. That's where change begins."
"Changing the self equals changing the outside world."
"The key is empowerment; you have to get a person empowered to change their relationship with themselves."
"The only thing comparable to the realization that I could consciously change myself is the realization that my unconscious is most of me."
"It doesn't matter who you were; it only matters who you are in the here and now."
"You owe it to yourself to do something differently if you're not getting what you want."
"You can change things about you that limit you, that you don't like about yourself."
"You can't change yourself for a relationship."
"Change is within you. No one can change your life but you. Make the decision to avoid negative influences and focus on the positive."
"Therapy is a catalyst, but it's definitely not the solution...You have to change yourself."
"Nobody can give us things to eliminate where we are. We have to change from within ourselves."
"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand how foolish it is to think you can change somebody else."
"I hated what I saw in the mirror enough to make a change."
"I refuse to do that ever. If there is something, a feeling, an intuition, a negative thing that I don't like or I'm not agreeing with, I am going to figure out how to change it."
"Remember you have power and you can change it. And perhaps that's the lesson. Let me change how I feel about this. Let me change how I view it."
"You are not obligated to continue to be that person. You have the right, you have the right, okay, to change your life."
"Realizing that these things have value and it's okay and it doesn't mean you have to turn into something you don't want to turn into or change you as a person."
"In this life you know there is no one on this planet you can change but yourself."
"Only I have the power to change my life. I am capable and comfortable with any change I choose to make."
"If you can't change yourself, how the fuck are you going to change anything else?"
"The only way to get something better is to change what you hold within you about you and against you."
"The more you entertain this person, the more you're gonna be changing things about yourself that just really isn't necessary."
"As long as I stay true to myself, all those other narratives will fall by the wayside."
"It's not the spoon that bends, it's yourself."
"The task in life is not to punish yourself; it's to change yourself."
"Opportunity to be this new version of yourself... give yourself a lot of separation."
"You're under no obligation to be the person you were five minutes ago."
"You are the agent of change in your own life."
"You either reject the source, or I change who I am. It's a lot."
"You have the power to change your life, period. You have to act like the person you want to become before you feel like that person."
"You're not a victim, and take accountability because it can change."
"I had pressure on myself to change my circumstances."
"You're not handcuffed to any of it, it's an old version of you that you are showing you so that you can choose to be in the new states."
"Don't assume that you can't change yourself for the better if you consistently work towards doing so."
"We cannot change anything in this world with certainty except ourselves, and no one can prevent us from changing ourselves if we so desire."
"I've given up on myself, but I've learned that I can change myself."
"The real power and the real change comes from you."
"Maybe it's deep inside you, you're scared that if you find the truth, it's gonna ask you to change yourself."
"The most important story to change is yourself because you can't sustain what it is you desire to manifest in if you have these limiting beliefs."
"You can indeed change anything about yourself."
"Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never overestimate your power to change others."
"You're not changing because you're withholding the very support, empowerment, and celebration that you need to change."
"Loki, you can't save everybody. I can't change sh*t for them. They gotta want change for themselves."
"No one is going to make you change but you."
"You can't change one part of you without changing all of you."
"You can get rid of people in your life that are hurting you by changing yourself within."
"If you want change in your life, you'll probably have to start with yourself."
"You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago. I am making these choices for myself."
"Our former self that created the karma is not the same as our present self that's experiencing the result now."
"If what getting in the way is the way you feel, then change the way you feel and you'll be able to do what you want."
"I'm going to be the change I want."
"If this thought gained possession of you, it would change you as you are or perhaps crush you."
"If you change in any way for other people, you change who you are."
"I am the change that I want to see in this world."
"There is no one to change but oneself."
"Loving someone does not change them, it changes us."
"Attention changes the world. The way in which we look governs the kind of world that we find coming to attention, and it changes us, the ones who are paying the attention."
"The only person that I could change is myself."
"There's no need to persuade, influence, convince, or change another person; there's no one to change but self."
"It's time for you to actually take accountability and change yourself."
"If you want change, become the change yourself."
"I am a changed person; I am different; my life will be different."
"The change a lot of times needs to happen within yourself."
"I can't change his mind to who he is, instead you let him change who you are."
"If you look at nature and to a sky with different eyes, you have changed something in yourself."
"By changing vision of matter and the universe, we have changed ourselves."
"We cannot change ourselves, is the future truly set?"
"We invest so much energy into shifting and changing who and what we are, think of where we could be if we hadn't invested all of that energy and strength into becoming something that we're not."
"If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves."
"You can change the way that you relate to yourself and relate to others with that very special gift."
"You don't need closure. You can't change people, but you can change you."
"Eventually, I decided to stop waiting for something to change me. I had to make the change myself."
"I chose something different and I literally changed myself."
"You're not changing anything in the world; you change it within yourself, and then everything else changes with it."
"We can only change ourselves, and we can only be true to what we're willing to admit to."
"No matter what change you desire to see, the only way that it comes about is first through a change in the conception of self."
"Marriage doesn't change who you are, you change who you are."
"...you really can't change anybody but yourself."
"What are you doing right now to change your life?"
"I'd rather not have more if it means that I would change for the worse."
"It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what's changed is you."
"The most impactful change sometimes comes from us just being that thing that we want to see."
"If you want to change, it's gonna come from you."
"Change comes from within; you are that change beneath the skin."
"You've got to change yourself before anything can get fixed; you've got to mature."
"Anytime I find myself in emotional turmoil, I will be able to clearly see that the cause is that I'm right in the middle of trying to change one of those three things: the past, the truth, or you."
"I'm the only one who had the power to change my life."
"I realized I can't control what people say, think, or do. The only thing I can change is myself."
"I'm wearing a new dress, a new hat, brand new ideas; as a matter of fact, I've changed for good."
"You were the change you wanted to see."
"I realized I was the only person who could change it."
"I am powerful. I can change my life and set my path."
"When we try to change ourselves, normally we fail, and that's because we focus on what we want to change instead of changing what causes what we want to change."
"It's a love that I've been searching for my entire life; it fundamentally changed me who I am as a person."
"No one can change anyone; we can only change ourselves."
"I think what's the most attractive is if you're not changing yourself for someone else, and you're changing yourself for you, to be a better person and to be healthier."
"We cannot change the rest of the world, but we can change ourselves."
"For you to attract a different reality, you do need to change who you actually are."
"Reinventing yourself... you can change everything there is about yourself if you're not happy."
"Honestly, I think it's all gotten beyond ridiculous. I'm debating just changing myself."
"Allah will not take away or change the blessing that He was giving to people until the people changed themselves."
"When you change for yourself, that's when God moves for you."
"If you really focus on the impermanence of the body and its weakness, you will develop spiritual motivation, the recognition that you must change."
"It wasn't an external factor that needed to change for me to be happy, it was my own mindset."
"The only person that can change is you."
"You are the one who must change yourself."
"When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world... Now as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself."
"We can change ourselves; we can do the necessary, we can do the possible, and then the impossible starts to happen."
"This work is about self-change, the subject of the work is you yourself."
"The only thing you can do is change yourself."
"Nothing outside you will change you, only it change has to come from within."
"I created the life that I was living and I was really tired of it and I wanted out."
"The secret to changing other people is changing oneself."
"I believe in my needs, I can choose to change based on what I need, I am a rhythmic, cyclical, fluid being."
"Nobody can make changes for you but you."
"Change also comes from within, so if you have the power to change yourself, you can change the world."
"If you don't like something about yourself, you can always change it."
"It isn't really about changing anyone else's mind; it's really just about changing yourself."
"You can't change how people view you, you can't change the world, but you can change yourself."
"Anybody can change anytime they want, as long as they make the decision they're going to do it."
"Rather than waiting on another to change, I make the changes within myself so that I may have these things reflected back to me."
"I'm not the same kid that I came in; I'm a different man now."
"I'm not changing me, but I'm changing the way that I view things."
"Friends are her strength and that she herself is responsible for changing her own world."
"I feel like a completely changed woman as I enter those doors."
"When you can make a conscious choice to change how you view yourself... you are literally setting the stage to change your future."
"To go beyond limits is to change things, to change yourself, and to change society."
"Change starts with you. Becoming who you want to be starts with you."
"When you make the change yourself, you can't lose."
"Change yourself from today on, putting up good causes."
"You cannot change others unless you change yourself."
"Remembering you can make the change that you want in your life; it's all about what goes on in here and in here, your heart."
"My life will not change until I do and until I do something different."
"You have to be the one to change your situation, you have to be the one to make the change."
"Maybe it's yourself that's changed."
"Everyone's here now because you changed yourself."
"You have the opportunity now to absolutely change the game for yourself."
"Choose the path that is true to your values and do not hold back. Be bold and exercise your free will. You cannot change others, you can only change yourself."
"If you want to make that change, you got to start with yourself."
"It's really shifting some things for you, the way you exist, the way you see things, the way you even feel things."
"You do have the strength to change yourself this time."
"Helping others is your happiness; changing yourself is freedom."
"You have the power to change your world yourself."
"Allah says in the Quran: He's never changed the state of a person until they change themselves."
"Of course I can change my life; it's mine, it's easy."
"After the eclipse, you have gone through a major change, a life-changing force for yourself on this planet Earth."