
Injury Quotes

There are 1229 quotes

"Neuroplasticity offers us a number of different principles that we can leverage to ensure that if we are ever injured, we are able to understand the difference between injury and pain because there is a difference."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He was attacked in broad daylight, and his forehead and his hands were really badly injured."
"Every bone in my body is shattered, but you know what? I think we've got a chance."
"Then I destroyed my ankle and was told I would never walk again."
"If you had a broken leg, you wouldn't just walk on it until it stopped hurting."
"When someone sees devastating injury that could end it right there and they're like I'm out."
"And he was clutching his shoulder which also started pouring blood."
"It was about this time that Yun learned that Otto had suffered brain damage."
"She had lived for approximately eight hours after receiving the scalp injury, something I have never seen before."
"The left eye to me looks like he got punched."
"After enduring that much injury, the Prince of all Saiyans still stood for more."
"It's an interesting story, he suffered a very bad leg injury in a football game going back to high school."
"That's funny your arm's broken or something."
"Sprained ankles: underrated. You can milk it."
"The moment six nine 270 come across the middle and 205 come full speed at that knee, it's going to change your whole perspective on life."
"Tom Segura, you know Tom Segura, one of Rogan's best friends. He was playing basketball, man, and fell down and shattered his arm, his bone is completely broken apart."
"There was nothing to choose determination more than winning a gold medal in the Olympics with the agony of a broken neck."
"You are limited only by your imagination and the blood spouting from your fingers."
"But listen I was there on the carpet and I and bumped into him with his bum leg."
"She had all these horrible wounds on her head."
"People don't like getting cut. Juries don't like to see people getting cut."
"I'd disappear," Bruno's injury would spell disaster.
"Serious? There's blood coming straight from the top of this big-ass head."
"If I was to tear my knee up and I couldn't Blow by nobody or jump over nobody anymore I still can get my game off skill right."
"Dude, stop! That hurts. It's gonna leave a bruise."
"That's why I was gonna come on to you, but to do exactly what he did, which is send him flying and then stroke it into the back of the net like that, there's nobody I'd expect to do it but Gabriel Jesus."
"From the front, you could see, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on and his skull on."
"He finished number two overall last year, obviously Mahomes had the injury."
"Getting hit in the face with the skateboard hard enough to break my eye socket at a skate park is probably enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth."
"It's not much about getting hit in the head, it's about the damage done on me over time."
"I started working out in 2003. It's 2021. Just got my first injury ever now. Everyone's had tears since I've never had that."
"Everybody likes that. I mean, people like seeing me break my arm."
"I twisted my ankle again, the same one that I twisted a couple of weeks ago."
"Hyperextension, or what you can think of as just going backwards, it's gonna be a painful one."
"Grade two, that is where you get a partial tear."
"My whole knee just dislocated and it was so painful."
"Some had the courage to continue despite painful injuries."
"I dropped a lot of weight when I was injured, which was not intentional."
"Foot injuries are a great opportunity to get super strong in your core and your upper body."
"Jackie Chan broke every bone in his body. The things we do for love."
"Injuries killed this guy. He would have been Harry Kane before Harry Kane."
"You can't go out there with fear. People get hurt every day playing, you know, playing football."
"In total, 13 people were injured and Campbell died from his injuries."
"That was the last time you saw Izzy hurt. You haven't seen him hurt since the Gastelum fight."
"Certainly one of the guys inside is bleeding, but he's not dead."
"Can you look at that injury as a blessing? Absolutely, 100."
"Rashford's not available. It's a consequence of the Arsenal game and it's a muscle injury."
"It's a clean tackle or a bad tackle; if you break a player's leg, it's a clear red."
"The reason why Tomohiro Ishii is not able to be here tonight is because of the injury that he suffered."
"I know what happened and what he's been going through, and to come back from this kind of an injury, this type of an accident, is something which is not impossible but very, very difficult."
"Victorious by way of first round TKO due to injury, Alan Arzeno defeats Fred Pierce tonight."
"During the stunt, the bike's speed suddenly diminished. Not having enough power, Knievel crashed badly, sustaining many debilitating injuries including a concussion, multiple fractures, and a crushed pelvis."
"Injured and don't know where to start? Morgan and Morgan has you covered."
"I think I've only ever had one serious injury... my shoulder particularly the left one."
"Kaye Gonzales's injuries were significantly more brutal than her best friend Maddie's injuries."
"Never a good time to get injured, but you'd rather as a manager know that these days they're going to be out for three to four months now than first of February when you can't actually do anything."
"LeBron James takes his team to the finals but gets injured in Game one and they win in Game seven LeBron still gets a ring."
"For every injury of his [ __ ] kicked in by Cornelius Vanderbilt."
"Even a minor burn can be very painful, but being on fire is another experience altogether."
"His skull was broken, people could even see his brain."
"There was a four hour long beating inflicted upon Dolores Jackson, where 58 injuries were inflicted from the top of her head to the bottom of her legs."
"That's ill eagle, you're gonna need medical treatment."
"I don't want to say I'm lucky because I sailed back to shore to the emergency room and had to get nine Staples in my arm but I'm lucky that I'm alive."
"Next we get to the actual x-rays of Alex's injury if we look here we can see the tibia here on the right side of the screen and the fibula here on the left."
"Relationships since people can't help but be overly interested in celebrity couples."
"If I'm gonna stay on top, I can't stop because I got hurt."
"Particularly Linda Hamilton injured her foot, damaging ligaments and gaining a fracture."
"Oddly he was cut after his first promotional loss which came via an eye injury but his legacy will likely live on forever."
"Anyone who's done a lot of martial arts, if they haven't had injuries, they ain't doing the martial arts for long."
"As I was sitting there, [mumbling] my skin was open on my shin. And bone white? It's very white. So, I kept touching it, and my friend was there. I was like, 'Look how white that is, that's crazy!'"
"Honestly, I think the bicep thing might have been a blessing in disguise."
"I knew he hit in the liver but it was a little confusing for me to see her reaction like that."
"Chainsaw to the chest and I've got a matching scar that will remind me of this one."
"If I bite off my own finger, could it be reattached?"
"I tore my hamstring, and part of the pain was the fear."
"That's a single smite. It is so. One takes a mortal wound."
"Prison napalm: That would suck. That's like a hospital trip and a new [ __ ] face."
"We're calling it a miracle, I have a chance but I'm still bleeding guys, like I still have a giant gash in my side."
"As painful as it sounds, Glossi didn't notice until he looked down and noticed the missing extremities."
"I can't see anything, I got blood everywhere. Can someone drag me somewhere else so I can just hear one thing?"
"She split her jaw and her eye with one punch."
"He definitely would have died from that wound."
"One injury is enough to change your whole lifestyle."
"I've been contemplating it long before the rib injury."
"They saw their relative covered in bloody claw marks all over his face, neck, and arms, all along the coffin walls."
"Kevin Durant could miss the remainder of the regular season with a grade 2 sprain."
"He reached the stage when he was seriously injured and he tells destruction Lord that this is not how he was promised it would be."
"Myers still competes for Impact today, now wearing an eye patch after an apparent near-blinding at the hands of Edwards."
"I know when you hurt yourself and the pain just hits, it's too strong for your own good."
"Your adrenaline is going so high you don't really know if you're injured like that whole first really first night I didn't feel nothing because my adrenaline."
"His head hit the glass windshield so hard that actually knocked him unconscious."
"My right thigh had about an eight-inch fresh scratch."
"A very unusual wound that was now turned up at the edges turned up like like a satisfied smile."
"Just because you said you didn't get hurt doesn't mean you didn't get hurt, my friend. Lol."
"I'm quite all right, Barbara. I ran it under a cold tap."
"Oh, dearer, you have suffered minor head trauma. This is considered an optimal outcome."
"Gregor's serious wound from which he suffered for over a month... seemed to have reminded even his father that Gregor was a member of the family."
"It's truly a miracle that no one died in this terrible event, and only three people suffered injuries."
"It sucks that she got injured but it is really scummy to try and scam minimum wage workers who don't have money to throw around."
"I feel bad for the Italian player, he's just done his hamstring. Yeah, it's actually sad."
"You broke your leg? I remember being at the tournament, and, you know, I'm saying we watching the games, I'm like, what? Like, when they really announced that's what's going on."
"People do suffer brain damage, like I said, you know, you can get kicked in the head at any given time in UFC and be [ __ ] up."
"I broke it by running down a volcano and I tripped on my sandals and I flipped and all my body weight went on my hand."
"It's okay. I feel a sense of pride, but also it could be the overwhelming heat coming from my arm due to that [ __ ] murder kitty taking a chunk out of it."
"The muscle tissue is damaged, the skin texture is completely off."
"Injuries are almost like never going to happen."
"Orville suffered serious injuries that would plague him for the rest of his life; Lieutenant Selfridge was fatally wounded."
"He'd be out a month if the playoffs weren't next week."
"That's really bad injury for Doom Guy to have."
"But on the flip side of that I've got 11 fight scenes, once you get an injury like a bad one, you know the train there's no stopping and getting better."
"With Cadarius Tony here, this is someone that dealt with a multitude of injuries."
"After the suplex he gave, any normal person would need intense spinal surgery."
"I don't give a if he's injured, if he's injured better for us."
"When athletes get injured, it's like, what is my purpose?"
"Johnny Walker's worm: After his emphatic win over Misha Circkanov, Walker decided to do the worm and immediately dislocated his shoulder."
"Rusty made the smart play, he dumped the puck low while he was low on energy to get off the ice and what happens he gets bodied in the head, taken out on a stretcher and unfortunately was not able to finish the game."
"Actually, while I was there, I had to get stitches for an injury and I got to experience the health care system and I didn't have to pay a cent."
"Ultimately though, eye injuries like it's debilitating, it's awful but like eye patches look cool as [ __ ]."
"You can credit this to the fact that there was a little bit of a delay when sheiku kuyate was injured. That's good time in a game of football."
"I pray to the basketball gods to make sure all my tendons and ligaments were intact."
"She's been nursing a bad knee all summer but was still successful."
"Adam was able to do the impossible, coming back from what should have been a career-ending injury."
"Her dog had jumped off the bed and hit her... The nose of her dog hit her in the neck."
"The leg was still you know ten days from having it scoped so still sending and tearing it violently."
"We're putting through the stages, giving you an insight on what we do and what's important about that injury."
"The Texas tornado, Kerry Von Erich, became Intercontinental Champion in the stead of grievously injured Brutus Beefcake."
"The only time I've ever broken a bone was when I was riding my scooter to class in college and got cut off by a truck who decided not to stop at the stop sign."
"I slammed into his passenger side door going 50 on my little motorbike and only ended up with a slightly broken wrist, a black eye, a few chipped teeth, and a bad concussion."
"Getting the medical tape off my stomach the next morning was way more painful than the actual injury. Seriously though, that stuff is like duct tape. Have you ever tried to peel duct tape off of bare skin? It hurts so bad."
"When we have a rotator cuff tear, we have a detachment of the tendon from bone."
"I just got dizzy or something and veed off to the left, and I'm in the ditch before I know it, and I can't move anything below my chest."
"Rotator cuff tears are very common that we see in our population, particularly as one gets a little bit senior in life."
"We've lost Anna Smoothie to an ankle injury, but we have the next best thing, Big Brother legendary Freeride World Tour Rider Sam Smoothie."
"We were both bleeding by the time we got back."
"I'm injured, and I am so mad and I'm so sorry. Talk about like depression, you know what I mean? Like when you go from training three times a day to an injury that gets no blood flow to that area, so the only thing that you can do is nothing."
"Against the Sixers in game one of round one of the 2012 playoffs, Derrick Rose tore his ACL on a drive to the basket."
"After you get past the skin and it goes to your muscle, it's past the blood vessels."
"It wasn't just a clean in and out sucking chest wound it had gone down and hit another organ and so he was like internally bleeding plus the sucking chest wound so it was a lot more complicated than that."
"He was described as a really compassionate kid, but after a severe head injury in high school... he was never really the same."
"Martin's knee issues were worse than originally thought."
"He'll be fine. It's superficial but will bleed a lot."
"My client was holding on for dear life to grab the bar for support, but it was improperly attached, causing him to fall on the floor and injure his head."
"Many people hurt their back in an effort to increase the strength thinking that that's going to relieve their back pain."
"Orthotics often can help in those initial stages of an acute injury because you are offloading."
"Jonathan Brooks finds his way off the board in a trade up by the Carolina Panthers. They won't trade up inside the top 50 to take him as the rb1 off the board if they have concerns about that ACL injury he suffered at Texas last year."
"Patrick punched him in the nose and broke his [__] nose."
"You wouldn't break your arm while falling down the stairs and not go to the hospital."
"I got a Q-tip stuck in here cuz I fell asleep on the massage chair cuz I cracked my rib."
"I can't tell you the number of times I've broken a finger. I've never been injured gardening. The only bones I've ever broken are my two pinkies, separate occasions, both times catching a basketball."
"The wound was a clean, almost star-shaped hole."
"Your blade is just barely out of the board, we're going to get it cut, we're going to get some stitches, not going to be happy about it but we'll live to fight another day."
"I can't believe she broke my freaking elbow."
"I dunno what the hell happened, but I'm pretty sure my arm is busted."
"I tore my hamstring and I will not be able to compete here."
"I saw the arrow it was like sponge I can I can feel it now just went in and he went all the way in I knew was deep in I was like I'm dead and I remember collapsing I remember just smiling."
"Healthy activity can be health-promoting for a healthy system, but healthy activity with an injury can be a trigger."
"I lost my contract with Joe Weider for breaking my neck... I had to make up this wicked lie."
"King Viserys stumbled and reached out to right himself and sliced his left hand open to the bone on the jagged blades protruding from the Iron Throne."
"I have a regret. I cut my foot on a bottle cap, so I have made a crucial error in taking off my cleats 'cause I need these."
"Was that One Singular freak injury enough to end the career of a potential Hall of Famer? No, absolutely not."
"Many players would have given up after such a serious injury but instead Iomi refused to accept defeat and found a way to keep playing."
"...Antonio's injury has probably cost them the Champions League."
"Wait for an injury on that Horizon and this man is going to prove that he is still a baller."
"If their most important injured player was fit all season long, let's just see where each Premier League club would be in the table."
"Michigan will be without their superstar offensive lineman career here on senior day. His family was able to come down, surround him as they worked on that left leg, and now this offensive line will have to regroup."
"Wow, why you gotta indent, it's a scar bruh, I got stitches bro."
"Aemon gets cut across the face, losing his left eye."
"I think I hurt myself but it was fun."
"Looks like he only suffered minor burns to the back of his hands, a sprained left ankle, and was discharged from the hospital soon after. That's crazy that that's all that happened."
"I broke his cheekbone, I think his nose, maybe the occipital bone too, I'm not sure. But I got real lucky, you know, I didn't suffer an injury like that on that fight."
"One of the worst things was the wound on my bottom."
"I'm on my lead shin and you know my, I can send you a pic after this interview if you want but my foot is swollen like a balloon my ankle is huge from all the blood running down from my shin."
"I fell down the stairs and I broke my nose."
"I know but Cole hadn't wrestled in a month before this and now I hear he's banged up again, yeah apparently he got hurt again."
"He just blew out his ACL, he got surgery already."
"Chevy Chase actually broke his pinky finger while filming that scene."
"He didn't treat the wound either, he just went back to watching TV afterwards like he didn't get third degree burns."
"He should have never been playing with the injury he had. It [expletive] with his mechanics and it [expletive] with his value to both the team and the league."
"It's not a matter of 'if' I get hurt, it's 'when' am I going to get hurt."
"She didn't even blister. Her skin was just gone."
"We've been rolling an ankle today, we've got to try and figure out how to play on Friday or Tuesday if we've got a basketball game."
"Brad Pitt broke his arm during a chase scene in Seven, resulting in his character wearing a sling for the rest of the film."
"You need to rest, please. I'm just saying, when you're injured, sometimes rest helps. I don't think this is one of those moments where all this dude needs is a nap, man."
"Keep in mind, if you are seriously hurt, your injury could be worth millions."
"...problems in the sports clinic and specifically lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow probably the most frequent."
"After the intense fight, no Smo then wakes up full of bruises and wounds in every part of his body."
"The leg's still injured. I mean, he's just an incredible athlete, so he's not going to show it if it doesn't feel it, but he's feeling it now."
"I was not hurt by a shell, and I was not drunk."
"Papa Cap is injured but uh, you might uh pinch hit a little bit."
"I fell rock climbing and I can't get down the stairs to my office right now but I'm fine I'm rocking a cane I'm gonna be back to normal in a couple of days"
"That dude, I'm pretty sure, I think from what I saw, they thought that he was paralyzed."
"It's so crazy, he tried to trip him while his knee was breaking at the same time, oh my God."
"Otani's worst fears about his elbow were realized. After experiencing renewed discomfort in his elbow during his return to the mound in September, an MRI revealed new ligament damage."
"My leg was essentially crushed by the weight of the motor pushing back into the dashboard."
"Unfortunately, Juju got hurt, but we gotta focus on our game."
"Michael Cole has an update on Terry. Here's his update: they're checking her for a concussion. We don't know if she has a broken neck or a broken back. We'll keep you updated. That's a goddamn update."
"She injured her shoulder this morning."
"A ski pole that appeared to be sticking out of the floor was actually embedded in Michaelson's skull."
"This act of aggression resulted in potentially permanent injuries for the McDonald's employee."