
Belief System Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"Pain is a perceptual thing as much as it's a physical thing. It's a belief system about what you're experiencing in your body and has important relevance for healing different types of injury and the pain associated with that injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stigma is a virus that plagues the hero's journey. It's the villain, and it's bent on infecting something very dear: your belief system."
"Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass."
"The moment you start seeing feedback in your life, you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life."
"Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience."
"I consider my opinions better than opposing opinions; if I didn't think that other opinions were worse, then I would hold those opinions and not mine."
"I believe in individual choice and personal responsibility."
"Atheism remains a lack of belief in a god, and nothing more."
"Humanists believe in reason, justice, equality, fairness, and compassion for all humans."
"Be transformed in your belief system by the power of His love."
"Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system."
"The law of attraction makes it so that whatever you focus on, must become a part of your reality, according to your own personal beliefs."
"It's not just your belief system; it's skepticism applied."
"Life doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you believe."
"Our belief system is so powerful that it is the foundation for our lives today."
"If our belief system played a big part in our being where we are, then we are not powerless when it comes to making changes for the better."
"I don't believe in any form of racism, discrimination, or segregation. I believe in Islam, which teaches us to believe in Allah as the God."
"You can't do Scientology partway; you're either in it or you're not."
"Everything you believe about Him, everything you believe about Jesus, your whole belief system is all based on the promises of God."
"When you change your beliefs, you can change your bank account."
"Comedy is my true ideology, my true religion."
"Faith is not the absence of evidence; it's the trust in the evidence of things unseen."
"There's a powerful and principled glue in believing in the same supernatural entity."
"Conviction is not just feeling sorry for something that you did wrong; conviction is a deeply held belief rooted within your spirit."
"Women shouldn't just be believed, investigate investigate investigate."
"Stupid [ __ ] is kind of what makes the world go round."
"They were nihilists man they kept saying they believed in nothing."
"Darwinian evolution is a belief system. It is the belief that all creatures evolved from non-living chemicals over billions of years."
"Stop searching for the evidence and just start to believe it."
"Certainty breeds intention. Intention creates belief. Belief creates undoubtedly."
"In the end, like Rory, you know, had some beliefs that he wasn't willing to sort of compromise and he stood by him."
"True, atheism is not about proving anything as it is not a positive claim that needs defending."
"It's the whole point of the struggle sessions, is to get you to say things that you don't believe in and then you start believing it."
"They just take advantage of kids... haven't made their own belief system or strength in their self."
"So this is about for me, this video is Tom's Hanks belief system. What does Tom Hanks believe in God or is Tom Hanks believe in something else?"
"Prove your faith, and you'll receive evidence that faith is the key."
"It's not enough for us to say to be, but you know what is believing in the one."
"Measure what you believe and how you think by the Word of God."
"Atheism isn't the assertion that there absolutely are no gods; it's the rejection of the claim that gods do exist."
"That's what Scientology is, it is a prison of belief."
"If you lack a belief in a god, you ARE an atheist."
"Drop the awareness and move on with your day, building good beliefs, to see success."
"You do believe there's one great Creator, one God, and you believe that prophets like Moses and Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them, were prophets. You're a Muslim."
"Believe you've planted your seeds; now give them a chance or time to grow."
"You can believe in a border without being a racist... you can believe in the country without being a racist."
"Reincarnation to me is not a belief, it's a knowingness."
"Faith is believing that and behaving like God is telling the truth."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to believe it."
"The way you pray affects the way you believe."
"I don't believe in common sense. I believe in science."
"If you change your beliefs, you change your life. That simple and it is so, so powerful."
"Releasing your desire for an outcome and owning that it already exists."
"Change your belief, change your experience of life."
"I believe in free market capitalism, I believe in the American Dream."
"I like to have the faith and good proof. Then I have more faith, right?"
"There is no such thing as Blind Faith. Faith has knowledge, it's not empty."
"We're teaching people how to self-regulate because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart, it better be open and activated."
"Do you believe that? Do you know what it means to be a Christian, is to believe what God says is real and is true."
"Our beliefs create our thoughts, and our thoughts create our feelings."
"If you have a strong belief system, stand on it."
"Trusting is knowing something but believing in what that thing is, relying on it, resting in it."
"My goal is to have people believe as many true things as possible and as few false things as possible."
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God. So whatever you hear the most, that's what you're gonna have faith in."
"Our worldview is a web of beliefs about epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics."
"Act as if and believe it; you will create that reality."
"Delusion consists of certainty held with absolute conviction."
"When you start to believe, you start to see; when you start to see, you start to do."
"I want to believe as many true things as few false things as possible."
"That's what I'm really fighting against. I don't mind somebody who shows up and says what they really believe, right?"
"It's almost like I'll see it when I believe it."
"The symptom of psychological disease is behavior, but the root of the disease is the belief system."
"The real genesis of your problems is the belief system."
"One negative rock can outscale and outweigh 100 positive rocks."
"Your experiences form your belief systems, but never be attached to a belief system."
"Our relationship should supersede our belief systems."
"You have the power to manifest what you want truly in your life if you believe it."
"You are purifying and cleansing your beliefs and your opinions."
"America is a nation that believes in Redemption and that's what it's about redemption."
"Spirituality has no conviction or belief structure. It is wide open. It is freedom."
"That's the kind of mentality... this is their freaking religion, you know?"
"A little delusion goes far, you have to be brave enough to tell yourself things that you don't believe because you want them to be true."
"Manifestation is three parts: ask, believe, receive."
"I am one with the force. Don't just say it, know it. I am one with the force."
"Faith was being used to believe what Jesus has done."
"It's not about deserve. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
"I believe in innocence until proven guilty, because after all, that's what we're supposed to believe in."
"I'm a big believer in what you put in the universe, you get back."
"We all become exactly what you believe, the things you are most passionate about and the things that define you as a person, triple down on those things and that is when you're going to see success."
"Fake it to make it, it works, I really believe it works."
"We need to make sure that what we believe regarding Jesus and the Holy Spirit are indeed based on God's Word."
"Once you accept something to be true it becomes true for you."
"Let's crack on, what I want to see is playing with belief, intent, and real energy, simple as that."
"Identify your values, stand up for what you believe in."
"If you have faith first, then you go get these things you can have them if you believe first."
"Feminism isn't about our individual choices but our actions and beliefs."
"Your belief plays a big role into it."
"Within witchcraft the Triple Goddess is seen as the consort of the horned god."
"Change the belief system, you can have heaven on Earth every day of your life."
"What thoughts in my belief system are still holding me back?"
"White supremacy is an ideology, it is a belief system that white people can hold"
"If your religion or your belief system is so easily destroyed that someone can have a disparaging opinion about it and that that threatens you to the point where you want to attack that person, you're doing something wrong."
"If you don't have that foundation you're not going to have a biblical worldview."
"It was an ongoing process of God unraveling the lies that I believed."
"The last step is that self-inquiry, what is in my way? That's where the 'buts' come from, they all come from the belief system that we can't do it or we've been taught it can only happen this way or we're not worthy or whatever the excuse is."
"I think now is the time to have a renewed intellectual confidence in the belief system that we find in the Bible in the judeo-christian faith tradition."
"...all it really does is reveal how little their belief system is actually based on the Bible and how much their belief system is influenced by outside culture."
"Fundamentally misunderstanding the doctrine that you're criticizing. If you're going to criticize another belief system, make sure you fully understand it."
"Discovering a new belief system that excites you."
"You can create the change if it's important enough to you. Just make sure you're taking an approach that feels good, you're actually working on your beliefs, and you're aware of what you're feeling."
"You're not secure about your belief system, homie. And guess what? It's okay that we have different belief systems."
"...the pyramid age was finished and the literary age was already finished by then...the Africans there, they were already, already believed in Resurrection, already believed in one God and they already believed in Resurrection."
"This deck for me is kind of wraps up like my spiritual practice or my spiritual belief system in a deck, which I really, really love."
"The Bible says, 'Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.' If you're dating someone who doesn't believe, you're already outside of God's will for your life."
"The world-building we have with the spirit world allows for a rejection of the idea of moral judgment in good and evil, which is a great way of using your story's world to reveal a character's belief."
"Your beliefs create your reality, and if you believe you're the victim and you believe things happen to you, you're going to attract in your life more people that reflect that back to you."
"If anyone is out there thinking I'm not going to get married because I'm going to become poor, this person has got a bad, bad belief system."
"I believe your beliefs are believable."
"He was attacking not just the people, He was wiping out their belief system, and showing that they're just, they're false gods."
"I am an ordinary man who didn't believe in ghosts and paranormal stuff. I never thought that one day I would be on a date with something that made me reconsider my whole belief system."
"When people engage in new behaviors, that data, that evidence feeds back and starts to challenge and change some of their core beliefs."
"Lori and Chad were teaching that if you had been exalted in another world... then this time that you came to the Earth it didn't count for you."
"If a new piece of information threatens our entire structure of beliefs, it's like threatening our life."
"The believers of the Source believe that existence is a forge which shapes all people, life is a test, and every person has the potential to become God."
"The belief system is not really settled in stone and clearly not dogmatic."
"If your belief system leads you to unhealthy places, disempowers you, leads you further away from yourself, then it's not something that you should be exploring."
"We need people who mirror those beliefs."
"I think it's so important to emphasize that everybody comes into this issue with a core belief that people should be happy."
"If you didn't have any of these limiting beliefs, what would you allow yourself to have?"
"We are now saying is dominantly an antichrist default setting."
"A potent Remnant emerges with a culture of believing that is non-Antichrist in orientation."
"The bottom line is, you want to have a coherent belief system that works for you, that makes you fulfilled, makes you feel like you matter, helps you with your relationships, and your... you know, that you are a good person."
"Let's create a series of beliefs that really work for us."
"Polytheism in contrast tends to allow greater freedom and variation in the behavior of followers usually allowing individuals to choose which deity and therefore which values they align with most."
"Three steps for installing empowering beliefs: choose beliefs, claim them, act as if they're yours."
"The core belief is generally the same, but the applied principle ends up changing."
"For many, Scientology becomes not only a faith but a way of life."
"Hold your belief loosely and your meta beliefs even more loosely."
"If you can realign your expectations to be more in line with reality that's why I keep saying hey if your beliefs about trading are balanced realistic and they're empowering it will massively increase the probability of your success."
"In an evolutionary sense, it's very beneficial to come up with a belief system and stick with it and not change your mind several times a day."
"Our world view, our belief system, is at the core of who and what we are."
"The conflict in the world is not between good and evil. It's always one man's belief versus another man's belief."
"It's very difficult to defend the belief system which is not only unbiblical but also cruel and apocalyptic."
"When you change your belief system the gates are open you want to open those gates to let the new goods come in."
"I didn't believe it until I had a roommate call himself one and he was serious about it."
"Islam is not a minority religion, it's the religion of Allah."
"Our ideas lead us to concepts, our concepts lead us to beliefs, our beliefs lead us into states, and our states lead us into identities."
"Our world, our physical reality, and the dominant belief system within this physical reality are so strong that they can push you back."
"Who am I without any belief in badness, with no belief that something's wrong?"
"People stay because that is a belief system that they have been indoctrinated to."
"Having your own beliefs takes up that space, so if you don't have your own core beliefs that you are aware of and redefining for yourself, then it's just an empty vacuum of space and then you will absorb other people's limiting beliefs and amplify them because it's."
"Crowley's system is considered black magic by fundamentalists and people of that ilk because it's entirely devoid of Christian emphasis."
"We believe in the Great Spirit, which is like we just basically believe everything's connected."
"Instead of pitching them and selling them, it's build a community let them integrate into your belief system let them buy into a philosophy or way of life."
"The lack of evidence for evolution in general led me to question my beliefs."
"Your reality is an instant manifestation of the beliefs that you hold in your subconscious mind."
"Everything is showing up in your reality as an instant manifestation of the beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind."
"Each pinch point brings them further away from their initial set of beliefs and closer to a new belief system."
"One thing I find fascinating about Hinduism, I don't know if you know this, is the life cycle of Brahma."
"Scientologists don't even really believe in good or evil in in a spiritual sense scientologists do you know believe you can there's evil behavior and there's good behavior they would actually call it survival behavior or non-survival behavior."
"Your belief system comes from your heart, your subconscious mind."
"Your belief system interprets everything for you."
"Your belief system is a mechanism you use to interpret everything you see or hear."
"Your philosophy is your mentality."
"Your philosophy becomes your life."
"You are stuck when you shut the door on your belief system."
"You cannot become beyond your belief system."
"You will only change when your belief system changes."
"Your belief system produces your philosophy."
"Get good at assessing people and sizing them up. Intuition is a key."
"It all starts here, man, like everything that you get out of life starts with your belief system."
"It's your belief system that creates this. You fell in love because you stopped playing your program and you created heaven. Heaven was always there except the damn program got in the way. So you want heaven on Earth? Don't play the program."
"You need to cast down every imagination that exalts itself above the knowledge of God."
"The belief system that there's this big conspiracy that you know the truth about but nobody else does, very much ties into the belief system of psychosis."
"What we believe about God and what He says about life affects everything that we do."
"You begin as a person, an innocent baby, and the moment you were born, your culture and your family and your environment and your educational system begins to form your belief system."
"What's the underlying belief system? Giving."
"Your belief system ultimately dictates your results."
"The bigger thing is that if I don't know who I am, I'm going to stick to what an ideology, a thought pattern, a belief system that was simply handed to me."
"The will of God trumps whatever your beliefs are, whatever your version is of an unequally yoked, all that other stuff. God's will, like in this case, will prevail."
"I believe in what goes around comes around."
"...what matters is not your lifestyle as a primary focus, but your belief system as a primary focus."
"If you can perceive, you can receive. If you doubt, you do without."
"How do I do it? With my saying and with my believing. I put them two together, I call them twins, brother."
"It's incredibly normal for me, it's really, really normal, so that built over time with me changing my belief system about how much money flows to me."
"Atheism is a belief system as much as any."
"In the Christian life there are three F's and they go in a certain order. Facts, faith, feelings."
"The more we let go of that disbelief the more we begin to acquire the presence of what it feels like to be in that manifestation."
"Worrying doesn't prove you care, it just proves you have no faith."
"Visualization is an important part of the manifestation process because at the core of manifestation is belief."
"He had a distinct sense of good and evil rooted in his Catholic beliefs."
"He was so willing to try and uphold to his beliefs."
"Internalizing these key beliefs, understanding the environment context you have to operate in, is what will tie everything together in your system."
"I have lived my life in kind of this like bubble of my world belief, my belief system about how things are."
"I operated under the belief system my whole life that you can't be happy without the gospel."
"The subconscious believes it and so it appears in your reality as your own manifestation."
"The six-step process is a rewiring mechanism tool for you to shed your limiting beliefs and create new core beliefs."
"You have to embrace a cause and a destiny and a belief system where you are a part of a greater whole."
"I saw simply that when I believe my thoughts, I suffered."
"Stay true to yourself and what you believe is successful."
"Don't let others try to alter your beliefs."