
Reproduction Quotes

There are 771 quotes

"I'm always astonished at how incredibly well orchestrated this whole process is. It's just such an incredible feat of biology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fish are fantastic sources of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very crucial in the reproductive process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The dopamine system is there to motivate you to do the things that would help you survive. And of course, reproduction is the other very strong imperative."
"If there were two identical groups of people and one of them were more empathetic...that group...has a greater chance of reproducing."
"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth."
"The body is communicating to the brain whether or not conditions are sufficient in the body to reproduce and to presumably, and hopefully support the health and wellbeing of those offspring."
"The male Argonaut octopus uses a specialized arm known as a hectocotylus, which is filled with sperm, to mate in an incredible example of the sacrifices some species make for reproduction."
"Seahorses defy traditional gender roles, with males taking on pregnancy, showcasing unique adaptations in the animal kingdom."
"If your body is in a fasting state, it probably does not want to expend resources, metabolic resources, calories, nutrients, and other things, to creating a baby because your very life is being threatened by, quote unquote, 'fasting' or starvation."
"The sea turtles are going to be able to lay more eggs than they've been able to lay for a very long time."
"It's not every day that you make a discovery that changes the way we think about the reproductive behaviors of an entire species."
"Using the biology of the body to have children is a wondrous thing."
"The better a system was at making copies of itself, the more copies there were in the next generation."
"Living things are extraordinary. They are entities that can maintain themselves, grow, organize themselves, construct themselves, reproduce into two identical copies or close to identical copies, and pass on their characteristics to their progeny."
"Sexual strategies: It takes a lot to bring a baby into the world."
"Every time I think of the scenarios of human extinction, I really can only come up with two that might do it: one is the asteroid, of course... The other is if we just went through some catastrophic drop in population and got it in our head that it's better to go extinct and we simply stopped reproducing."
"Sometimes we think of this as survival of the fittest; this is about individuals that vary in ways that make them more attractive to the opposite sex and allow them to mate more frequently, and we might think of this as survival of the sexiest."
"It takes all of this to recreate that which Earth is doing every day for us."
"Some consider it playing God to use these methods, but there's absolutely no denying how many would-be parents have come to rely on it."
"Dogs produce dogs, I'm gonna say dogs produce dogs from now on, 'cause that's what dogs produce, dogs."
"Now we have a lineage they won't take long before these rare replications lead to a population explosion of sorts."
"Pretty powerful stuff to watch... it's that basic evolutionary force to mate, it's very strong in these bears."
"Male and female coming together having babies... that is the basic building block of the entire universe."
"They can reproduce through parthenogenesis. That's what makes the females so valuable."
"The most basic human drive is to pass on your genes is to have grandchildren and great grandchildren."
"One of their most significant biological abilities is their power to control at conception whether their child would be a boy or a girl."
"These funky fish able to mate with any other member of their species they can even make both sperm and eggs to produce Offspring all by themselves"
"It will only be equal if men can give birth too."
"Give me a break. My reproductive success has been assured at this point folks."
"Big Mom is like a one in a million force of nature. Giving birth to normal-sized human beings? I feel like that takes like nothing out of her."
"This virus can only reproduce inside human cells."
"Every one of your ancestors reproduced, in an unbroken chain, all the way back to the first life on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago."
"Although most sharks and rays give birth to live younger pups, some lay eggs which are surrounded by a tough protective casing referred to as mermaid's purses."
"The day before ovulation and the day of ovulation would be the prime time to have intercourse."
"Lab-grown babies could be a reality as soon as 2028, scientist claims."
"You cannot reproduce another human being without the opposite sex."
"Gender literally means your biological role in coming together and creating new flesh, creating life."
"The Snake Island 13 set a precedent of resistance...those absolute badasses get to now procreate and create more."
"This bug beat us no no it's having kids to try to beat us"
"Larger fish produce more eggs and end up having more offspring as a result."
"Yay, the two beautiful pink light bulbs got together and they're going to make beautiful pink light bulb babies."
"If women don't have children, we don't have a civilization."
"But the reality is, that's maybe that'll happen occasionally but what's really going to happen is when you talk about the baby assembly process."
"The proportions and scale are exactly, and I really mean exactly, to the original."
"Even they know, don't women have the babies? It's the women of the species."
"Your fruits should have seeds in them... eating something that cannot reproduce itself... that's poison."
"Women who were sensitive and apprehensive would have had the most children."
"It helps us survive. Individuals could end up with a hundred women and have ten thousand kids."
"Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity."
"I wonder if the reason people don't have babies is for the same reason we know internally we're not doing anything to better our society. It would be a drain on society to reproduce in a world where there's no purpose anymore."
"Now that we have an actual common threat and a goal, our survivability is under threat. People all of a sudden now start reigniting a desire to have kids."
"Every time something reproduces, it does mutate, literally every single time."
"Now would be an excellent time for procreation."
"The appearance of the amniotic egg marks a major innovation for vertebrates, allowing reproduction on land."
"The giraffes were feeling chilled out enough to actually get pregnant and have a baby giraffe."
"The coolest thing to me is... we can make another life."
"Remember, if you're a couple, if you're a guy who's trying to get pregnant, your wife or partner wants to get pregnant, that's a right, that's a basic human right."
"We walking around here with y'all future Generations inside our ball sack."
"As a woman I just feel like I just need to keep reproducing."
"Cats remain cats, dogs each of these bring forth after their kind."
"Every single other organism on the planet lives to reproduce. That is literally our most base biological imperative."
"The meaning of life is probably to reproduce and have more fun."
"Not only are these eggs big in size, the clutch size is huge too."
"One of the most amazing things about this species is that they produce more eggs than any other vertebrate that we know of and can release as many as 300 million at once."
"Sea turtle breeding: eggs laid on beaches, gender determined by temperature."
"How is Big Mom such a prolific birther? Are her kids in vitro? Seems like Vegapunk might be related there."
"Plants want to live, grow, and have babies—seeds that germinate and grow."
"Let's do it, she laid, okay, so she laid 14 eggs."
"You're far more willing to say I'll go reproduce and make another sentient being before I will get a legally binding covenant marriage."
"The more awakened beings reproduce together, the higher the capacity for enlightenment in successive generations."
"If non-feral ghouls can reproduce and if their genetic structure hasn't changed so much, then I would still consider them part of the human species."
"Life is an emergent property that starts at the ability to reproduce some level of complexity then extended over time."
"There's no way to get around this problem of reproduction."
"God's original intent for mankind was for them to be fruitful and multiply."
"Females have to be a lot bigger in order to reproduce."
"This natural drive for sex... is crucial for reproduction and the survival of the human race."
"The Titanic Empress is the single most important member of The Colony as she is the one tasked to lay all the eggs."
"The queen is after all the most important member of the colony; without her, there'd be no new generations of workers emerging."
"Ever stop to think why there are two sexes?"
"Evolution cares about is that we live long enough to reproduce and take care of our offspring until they're grown up."
"We reproduce Einstein's equations."
"Recall that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant; they will also be the basis for all fruits that the plant will form."
"For human reproduction to be successful, the couple should be in love."
"Why not? The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce. It's true, damn it's true man. Wow."
"Clownfish are also protandrous hermaphrodites so I guess finding Nemo is uh a little more complicated than just finding a fish."
"If we were a creature without sex, everything would be different."
"From a biological Darwinian perspective, having two sexes is bizarre because each time you have an offspring you toss away half your genes."
"It's a queen! Not the queen of the colony, but a daughter of the main queen. A virgin queen alate."
"...the most important tool that they have as a survival strategy as a species is simply the capacity to produce a lot of babies."
"Despite George's enthusiastic sexual enterprise, he had only produced one legitimate child."
"Recently, Reebok did some unauthorized reproduction."
"You know praying mantises do after they mate? No, they don't kill each other. Then there'll be no mantises, but you're close."
"You could potentially father a child until the day you die."
"Bacteria divide once every 30 minutes."
"Evolution only works if the mutant gets laid."
"The female is the member of a sexually reproducing species who invests more."
"Mother’s android body is like a 3D printer – when she got pregnant, she was receiving digital instructions on how to make a baby serpent."
"We're officially, very soon, going to be trying to figure out the process of freezing our eggs."
"It is your responsibility as a 10 out of 10 man to just reproduce."
"An elephant is a gene's way of making more genes."
"Species have an overwhelming desire to stay alive and reproduce. This is why we exist."
"See how good evolution is boy if she remembers this there's no way she's ever going to get pregnant again we need to delete these memories it's genius."
"A good reproduction is going to be heavier."
"Empires fall, IDs explode, great symphonies are written, and behind all of it is a single instinct that demands satisfaction: the evolutionary impulse to pass on genetic material."
"Two women cannot produce new life. Two men cannot produce new life."
"Everything reproduces after its own kind."
"Intimacy includes the possibility of having a child."
"Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence, it began to Simply reward those who reproduced the most."
"Do we make more of them out here? Is that what he's saying? Do you allow it?"
"Nature always reproduces, it always duplicates."
"They kind of see themselves as gods in a way, like they have taken natural means of reproduction and started playing god with it."
"You guys are going to make babies very, very quickly. So make sure contraception is available if you don't want to have surprises."
"What's interesting is that the hybrids refused to breed with their parent species."
"Our bodies are not made to attract women. Our bodies are made to see attractive women, chase them down with our superior speed, subdue them with our superior strength, try to make a baby. There we go!"
"Sex education, because if there's one thing we want the people in this audience to be doing, it's breeding."
"German scientists have turned to in vitro fertilization to help save the White Rhino species. They finally successfully impregnated a rhino."
"He's got some super genetics. He can just make babies with anybody."
"These things never have children. They cannot."
"Our fertility is controlled by our brain, you know. Everything that happens below our belly button is controlled by our brain."
"Once you take egg and sperm out of the body, then our children become like a project that we are making and manufacturing."
"I reckon it's 40 before spawning."
"It has fundamentally changed the way we reproduce and create life."
"And the bottlenecking then means that you're going to generate if you have a majority of wild-type mitochondrial DNAs then most of your oocytes are going to have the normal mitochondrial DNA when you reach into say if you think of a bottle."
"I am a master of spreading seeds."
"Meiosis makes every gamete unique, so every offspring is different."
"You're the a-hole. I'm not sure any man, even the father, should try to criticize a mother for teaching her daughter about things related to reproduction."
"Horses and donkeys are two full chromosomes apart and can make offspring. Humans and chimps are only one chromosome apart."
"Nature made us male and female, we are designed for sexual reproduction."
"I mean the whole point of sex is to create, that's the whole point."
"Deer behavioral decisions are driven by physiological processes related to survival, hunger, and reproduction."
"...men have a natural desire to fertility because men are programmed to find the most ideal mate to create life and keep the species going."
"...for the sake of your kids and if you're like well I don't know if I want kids okay how about for the sake of our species continuing on right because there's not going to be a species if we don't keep keeping up with the 2.1 burst but the fundamentals you have to care yeah..."
"Hundreds of unfertilized eggs were found inside the female Muto's ovaries."
"Every female starts off with thousands of primordial our science primordial follicles."
"Total fertility rate refers to the average number of children that a woman in a given population will give birth to in her lifetime."
"When you're under stress, when you are fleeing from the tiger, it is not the time to reproduce."
"The most natural human urge is to want to reproduce and to want to sow your wild oats and send little versions of you out into the world and hope that they keep doing better than you have. And I think that's the drive of humanity."
"Let's just say we're taking them to Mexico to make baby Harvard."
"I don't see how people can argue about um this idea that you're becoming a minority when you just don't have enough kids so then what what is yeah what is supposed to happen right."
"The amniotic egg makes its appearance and this changes many things."
"Dinosaurs were not only able to protect eggs but also to play a protective role after they hatched."
"Bats are not a particularly monogamous species. The males try to attract as many females as possible during mating season."
"For the Pips, migration is much more than a long journey. It's a key moment in their reproduction."
"In order for the population to stay the same... each couple needs to have 2.1 kids."
"We're taking copies, clones, so whatever characteristics this plant has, when we reproduce it by a cutting method, we're giving it to the new plant."
"True or false: if a female ferret goes into heat and does not have sex, she will die."
"The reward of male competition is that you get to reproduce and your Offspring survive."
"Evolution is not survival of the fittest, it is reproduction by the adapted."
"Ain't the sperm you get from birth no no, you he producing that's why [ __ ] be out here."
"There is a front and the back to this person which is again if this is some kind of reproduction it's just mindblowing."
"It's in the middle of your cycle, you're seeing cervical mucus, hopefully you get a positive ovulation predictor kit."
"The reproductive act has an effect on the highest regions of the nervous systems which is of the nature of a stress and tends to produce disorder."
"Children are a product of the DNA of a man and a woman. And when those two DNAs get together and do their thing, it produces fruit, a harvest called a child."
"You want to be as healthy as you can, because the healthier you are, the more reproductively healthy you're going to be."
"You know how procreation works right? I am amazed that yours won."
"It's poetic that something growing in the dark requires light in order to reproduce."
"God's plan for humans was to reproduce, to multiply, to have family relationships."
"It's all fake, it's all Pastiche of those things, it's a plastic version, a plastic replica, reproduction of the original object."
"What is life? It's a system capable of converting its environment into a copy of itself."
"Morning geckos are very fast and they are also very interesting in the fact that they are parthenogenic which means that they just go and lay lay lay eggs like crazy."
"It's important to throw back too big ones too. I mean, those are the females. They're laying lots of eggs."
"Every day the urge grows stronger to get hold of an object at very close range by way of its likeness, its reproduction."
"This whole area of assisted reproduction, in general, as well as in particular third-party conception, is one of the largest human social experiments of our time."
"It's gonna be perhaps the children as they grow up you know just think about finding out that you know somebody was paid 125 dollars to masturbate and that's your conception story."
"I'm gonna pump some kids in you. I'm gonna pop, pump."
"Basically bees help plants to have sex. They transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts so it can produce seeds and fruit."
"Feminine energy is the egg, it is not the sperm."
"Sex makes babies, Society needs babies, babies need a mom and a dad."
"One species never Springs from the seed of another."
"We can take an egg and a sperm and merge those together using in vitro fertilization and we can grow that out, but we're starting with the perfect genetic material at the outset."
"Seed formation involves fertilization and the formation of a seed coat."
"To have breeding you need females, so during these periods, cow elk are on the best possible food the landscape can provide."
"You don't just think about it and then have sex and get pregnant. It just typically does not work that way."
"Somewhere between completely accurate reproduction and completely original is where all musicians actually live."
"God said, 'Be fruitful and multiply.' What did he mean? Plain words: have sex and have children."
"All of life basically boils down to reproduction and meat life on Earth and maybe everywhere."
"Converting hydrogen, CO2 in the environment into more of me."
"We teach what we know, but we reproduce what we are."
"Most bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission."
"Ovulation usually happens 14 days before your period starts."
"The number of children one man has is shocking and makes you wonder what the end goal was."
"This becomes a game changer for people suffering from infertility, means you don't have to go out and look for a donor egg or sperm."
"A single person could create a baby with their own cells and nobody else's."
"Eggs that hatch into chickens ultimately arise not from undifferentiated protoplasm but from fully developed chickens who lay eggs."
"Sexual reproduction occurs through the fusion of two nuclei."
"I was artificially inseminated. It was the father's last wish."
"Dating is not a manic attempt to spread your seed... it is socializing."
"A species is when two organisms are able to produce fertile offspring."
"Female pandas can only get pregnant for a day and a half a year."
"There's gonna be a lot of babies being made right now."
"It's not only birds, other animals like snakes, crocodiles, and even turtles have babies that they hatch from eggs."
"We have to start thinking about all reproductive technology through the lens of the rights and the well-being and the needs of the child, not the wants of the parent."
"Let's consider two simpler examples. Firstly, if pairs of cows bred to make two offspring each generation, the population would just double."
"Our ultimate goal biologically as a human being is to live on, and we do that through hooking up with a female and making photocopies of ourselves."
"Pata Seiko was fed well and received careful health checks. His family says he fathered a mind-blowing 249 children with different women."
"Everything builds upon itself, having strong offspring, men's sexual biological urges, women's mating strategy. It all works together in unison."
"Nature says you need to produce the next generation."
"You're fearing your survival and your replication, right? That's what you fear."
"Seahorses are the only fathers that give birth and they do so after six weeks of incubating his brood of up to and over a thousand babies in his bed."
"You don't need a boyfriend to have a baby, Phil. Do we need to have a talk biology? You're here, just ask your questions."