
Admiration Quotes

There are 104482 quotes

"I'm always astonished at how incredibly well orchestrated this whole process is. It's just such an incredible feat of biology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love these little guys; they're kind of cute."
"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving, how express and admirable, in action, how like an angel, in apprehension, how like a God!"
"In a relationship, everyone prefers to admire their partner. So, find some avenue to do that."
"If you knew my mom, she's probably the most compassionate, selfless person I've ever met in my life."
"She is the most dynamic spark of life and most magical."
"To me, X was like a big energy, bro. That's why I messed with him so much."
"Jupiter is really gonna bless you in terms of career and your profession."
"I want to be like you. I admire everything about you. You inspire me to be better."
"Whether you agree or not, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life."
"Someone I have loved for so long, fellow mukbang queen and the funniest person on the internet, Miss Chelsea Lee."
"Dolly is my ultimate. I'm trying to think if there's anyone bigger that I would love, but it's just Dolly."
"He's a damn human Van Gogh of some type of sorts."
"People are admiring you from afar, Pisces. You have that star quality."
"He is very confident with himself and I love that."
"I think if you've got it, flaunt it. It looks really good. Who doesn't want to be Queen Bey?"
"You are my inspiration for like everyday life."
"The greatest men I will ever know were my grandfathers."
"The helicopter is just amazing technology, amazing ingenuity."
"She just looked like she had lived a life worth dying for."
"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"I adore this concept. A freaking flamingo griffin, are you joking me?"
"AI may very well destroy us, but I love it. I absolutely adore it."
"LeBron... there is no denying his greatness."
"You're so beautiful. I'm always thinking about you."
"She's like the moon; everyone admires her, but she's all alone. Hopefully, baby Bruno knows that even during the day, when the sun is out, the Moon is still there. Sometimes you don't see it, sometimes you do, and perhaps Alisa is his moon, always watching over him and guiding him."
"I could never muster up the courage to tell you how I felt; I've loved you from afar every day."
"I was a big MJ fan, just watching every aspect of his game and not just on the court but off the court."
"Ultimate Gohan is...he looks cool and he acts cool."
"The person you're transforming into is somebody who people look at and think, 'Wow, you have your life together.'"
"They will always see you as the perfect person. They will always preserve you in their mind, and no one else will ever measure up to you."
"When she walked into a room, everybody was excited to see her because she was just such a cool person."
"Never meet your heroes, except I've had moments where my hero absolutely exceeded my expectations and became more of my hero."
"This one, at the end of the day, is just a really, really cool play."
"What I’m saying with this dangerously lengthy off-topic tangent, is that Genshin Impact is an Isekai game, and that I think it might be one of the greatest Isekai games ever made."
"I'm okay with who I am, so I can admire without turning it back on myself."
"What an amazing moment, what an incredible human being."
"You are so beautiful. Just stay there, pretty."
"What a brave man, I never thought he would say such great things."
"We're running out of superlatives for Pep Guardiola."
"Roger Goodell is like the greatest speaker of all time... but I have great admiration for the work that he's done."
"How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!"
"You're a brave soul. You're very brave. I respect that."
"You're one of the few teammates I ever had that was younger than me and I actually looked up to. It's the guy you are, man, the way you lead with your heart."
"It's been a blessing just to watch you do your thing. Congrats on such an amazing career."
"Oh, look at it. Yes. Look at that. Beautiful."
"It's so powerful to see how my mom handled this situation; she's amazing, you know, and she's really, really strong."
"True courage, both in boxers and non-boxers, is commendable and something to be admired."
"It's kind of a must-win... He might be the greatest commentator to have graced the microphone."
"You reminded me of Galadriel from Lord of the Rings."
"You may not be the ruler of Equestria anymore, but in our hearts, you'll always be our princess."
"The strength that you have is gonna be admirable to many people."
"My mother was a wonderful woman, a beautiful lady. She had tremendous dignity and class."
"Donnie's literally the best person ever, man, holy what a nice guy."
"He's so good, he's so intelligent, he's my kind of player."
"Entrepreneurs are the hero of the marketplace."
"You're such a hard worker and an inspiration to all of us."
"I would have followed you, my brother... my captain... my king."
"This shoe is such a cool concept, I absolutely love it."
"We love Kelly, don't we? We just love all of her songs. She's great. Oh, she can sing, can't she?"
"Admiration is...a manifestation of the religious instinct."
"I think admiration is what orients us morally...what provokes admiration appropriately and naturally is courage."
"They see you as someone very powerful, very humble about it, and that's what they love."
"This person admires you a lot; they look up to you."
"All right, that was actually insane, that was really cool."
"I admire people who stand up and don't relent."
"Humility is probably my favorite quality in the world. I find it the most endearing thing in the world when I meet someone who has it, especially someone who's very accomplished."
"That's the most adorable thing I've ever seen."
"It was a pleasure sharing the stage with him. I've rarely heard anyone ever deliver their convictions with such a remarkable sense of passion and wit and forbearance and erudition."
"The wonderful story of Henry Sugar, holy... you got it."
"I can't even imagine how much time this took."
"It's very cool, high performance, it's impressive."
"Being around someone who makes you feel like a princess or a superhero, without even trying, is what true love is about."
"Everyone is flattered by her beauty. She seems to be an angel."
"This has got to be the best pirate I've ever seen."
"You admire people who keep their word who are honest and reliable."
"In Lebanon, we look up to Canada... people value democracy."
"You're very independent. People admire that about you."
"People really like that about you: you have your mind made up on something and you go after it."
"You do things on your own, and people love that about you."
"You're very loyal and people admire that about you as well."
"You make things happen, and people really admire that about you."
"You have a gift of intuition and are spiritually sound. People admire that or love that about you."
"The precision of this thing... it is perfect."
"Swami Vivekananda said, 'The Buddha was the sanest man who ever lived; no cobwebs in that brain.'"
"I read a little of it every night before I go to sleep, marveling at the lucidity of its language, the atlas of its imagery, the incisiveness of its insights."
"Creating something at this level and this quality is exceptionally difficult, and my respect and admiration for both Polyphony Digital and Turn 10 has only increased."
"Some of the greatest men that I've ever met in my life have worn overalls every day of their lives and worked the fields."
"Princess Catherine, so beloved in this country... People really have looked at her over the years and grown up with her."
"I'm amazed by people's abilities to build companies or incredible art. But for me to admire someone, that means they've done something that really touched my soul."
"The truth is all of this is important and the people who are out there donating through this incredibly difficult time are my favorite people."
"I can't imagine being surrounded by this majesty every day. It's putting the whole thing in perspective and it's given me an absolute new respect for Dick Proenneke and what he chose to do with his life."
"That instinct to admire and experience awe facilitates that mimicry."
"Admiration is sort of an evolution of respect."
"This is the first time there's a GOAT that you're like, 'Yo, I want my kid to be like this,' on and off the platform."
"I just love Mr. Beast like his dedication to it."
"This is an incredible, incredible piece of technology."
"I love the evolution of the game, and I think Michael Carrick and Busquets were the players that I admired in that role."
"When LeBron is gone, we're going to miss him. As much criticism as he gets, there's nobody even playing like him now."
"That was so freaking good. How did you do that?"
"Ansel Adams is one of the most recognizable names in photography, and most photographers consider him to be a god."
"Dragon Tamers have always been the most revered trainer class."
"This must be a museum because you are a work of art."
"In a strange way, because he was so unsure of himself, it elevates his stature for me."
"The story of the Grey Knights...centers around two of the strongest and my own personally favored figures in the Imperium."
"Watching him go from like Stephen Colbert to this excited teenager was it will be one of the greatest moments of my life."
"I would take this guy; this guy really is George Washington."
"I respect you bro, as a fighter bro, some real stuff."
"Wilde is an impossibly talented writer and fascinating person."
"I just adore this tree. I love the structure, I love the color, I love the cones."
"You are someone who is very valuable, you are someone who is the ultimate prize in their eyes."
"They think you are very precious, they can't talk highly enough of you."
"She's a princess in my eyes, but she takes pride in that."
"When your children tell you they admire you, that to me is special."
"What I love about her: she's intelligent, she is intuitive, and she's fearless."
"It brings a tear to my eye how beautiful he is."
"That is just beautiful; I can't believe it. Look how good that looks."
"He unlocks levels of Shakespeare he never knew he had in him just to describe how beautiful he thinks Lorraine is and calm her down."
"It's the best thing in the world when your idols live up to how you feel, you know?"
"What a wonderful man, we are so inspired and happy to meet this radiant of sunshine."
"I have the much greater admiration, frankly, for the person who drops five dollars or one dollar in a collection plate on Sunday...they are actually giving up something that has utility to them."
"Alexia Grace's chin needs to be put in a museum. This is unbelievable."
"You have arrested my heart because you are so stunningly beautiful."
"Girls are such beasts for going through that, and then they're like, let's do it again. You're an animal."
"He is the question, he is the answer, he is the reason so many of us wore number three."
"I'm currently reading 'A Farewell to Arms'. I don't know, I'm just kind of falling in love with him in a way that I've never fallen in love with an author."
"This fighting style is so cool; it truly is worthy to be called God human."
"The love I feel for you is patient and grand."
"None of us, if we were given the awesome responsibility, could do what the women do psychologically. You cannot do it. Your mind is not prepared to do what they do day in and day out."
"You guys are a match made in heaven. Everyone can see it. Have you looked in the mirror? You two look perfect together."
"For me, you always have been and always will be a real lady. My lady."
"Dr. Fauci has handled this about as well as any expert can handle the minefield that he's in."
"The passion and commitment, it's all commendable."
"We've never seen this before. This is so clever."
"I think this is an incredible nation; it's changed my life."
"It makes me laugh when people think I don't like Frank Lampard or Paul Scholes. It's not even close."
"I'd take her in a heartbeat. She's brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman."
"The artist I admired was actually really close to me. I'm so happy."
"It looks badass, you know, when you see it for the first time."
"Shrek is one of the most amazing film scores I've ever come across."
"Your transformation is really something else."
"The diversity and the enterprise in this part of the country is remarkable and is envied by the world."
"Ann, you beautiful tropical fish. Ann, you rainbow-infused space unicorn."
"You've always been a worthy opponent with the most brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen."
"He’s expressive, he’s funny, he’s admirable as hell and he’s the type of friend that anyone would be honored to have."
"Amazing as always, Akechi-kun. I could listen to you for days. You have the most radiant charisma."
"He laughed a beautiful angelic laugh and everyone around to sort of turn was like 'yeah.'"
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever met."
"Everything he does and his ideas are always amazing and it just works out."
"There is something about the twinkle in your eye when you get going on this stuff that I find just absolutely amazing."
"That's really slick; I've actually never seen that before."
"You were really genuinely thrilled for him. We got you on the monitor. It's absolutely great sportsmanship."
"The concept in the writing for Screamers is fantastic."
"That woman is truth, she is intelligence, she is beauty, she is soul, and she is honest."
"Sorry buddy, you're so strong and cool. I'm real proud to call you my best friend, you know."
"I'm fascinated by your mind. What a beautiful way to start a proposal."
"The masculine adores the feminine and will do anything to win her and keep her."
"To the people of our state, to our first responders, I'm in awe of you. In awe of your courage and in awe of your strength and I'm in awe of everything you do for each every one of us."
"She never stands out in a crowd, but everyone secretly admires her because she's beautiful."
"Dad was a great guy, one of the best pilots I ever saw."
"I've been a huge fan of your work. I can't tell you how much this stuff that you have online has been a real inspiration for me."
"He disappears when you apply makeup and accents. Sam Rockwell, I'm like in awe of him in every performance."
"The fact that this book literally opens up with the quote, 'Do not embrace me till each circumstance of place, time, fortune do cohere and jump that I am Viola,' from Twelfth Night, genius. I, oh my God, I love it."
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
"To millions of people, you're like a mentor and kind of like a superhero."
"Joe Burrow is the greatest. Ice in his veins. His teammates [expletive] love him."
"You are literally a wish fulfillment; you are incredible."
"I'm so glad to see him compete against the brothers with two hands. That man is better than almost everybody on the field."
"The monsters look so cool. I just can't get over it."
"Oh my dad is so cool, my superhero. Oh my dad is so strong, he will protect me. Oh, I love my daddy, my superhero."
"Oh, I know my mommy, she does everything. Oh my mom is so cool, my superhero. Oh my mom, she loves me, she will take care of me. Oh, I love my mommy, my superhero."
"Never has the boxing world been so unanimous in its affection, and never was it so richly deserved."
"That woman's a saint in my eyes, she always will be."
"This is easily the coolest board in the entire game."
"I admire what you're saying, and I agree with what you're saying."
"It was that good that I want to see him pilot it one more time."
"Arya going on in detail about what she loves and admires and how, in lecturing her as if she's his own daughter, is beautiful."
"It seemed like at the start this guy has no place in politics, towards the end, I thought, 'I kind of love this guy.'"
"Our founding fathers were incredibly brilliant men and they gave us the best form of government that the world has ever seen."
"Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio took over a thousand days to shoot, and it is the most stunning piece of stop-motion animation we've ever seen."
"People really admire that about you but at the same time people kind of find it a little difficult to figure you out fully."
"What you do and the way that you hold yourself is also very encouraging for others, and they really admire that about you."
"Regardless of that, though, I think that it's pretty hard to argue that any of these abilities aren't insanely powerful and amazing in their own rights."
"I was so impressed by him. He is such a well-adjusted, just... I was so impressed."
"I never imagined so much perfection all in one person."
"This is an outstanding doubling performance; it is quite frankly remarkable."
"I love this car love, love, love, love, love, and I think in 50 years it's going to be remembered as one of the very best 911s, if not one of the very best Porsches total from this era."
"It's so cute. Oh, I wish Romeo was with me. This is so cute."
"You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you."
"Why people say, 'Oh, you paint very much like Fechin,' and I'm like, that's not an insult, that's one of the best painters that's probably ever lived in my opinion."
"It's Tiger Woods in his pomp, it's Man City doing their thing now. Celebrate it for what it is, it is sporting excellence."
"It's all good, bro. Greg Olson is a great dude."
"I have great love and admiration for Kelly Rowland. I adore her."
"He can't wait to celebrate, look at this crew, they love this guy, this is awesome."
"Your dad is such a big figure in your life and always such a special person."
"Pac was everything that you would imagine he was... a powerful brother."
"It really was, she was such an incredible woman with such an incredible legacy."
"That is absolutely magnificent, Liquid pull it right back."
"That is a stunning, what a huge win for Team Liquid."
"The growth of this team has just been something to admire and to stare at in awe."