
Anxiety Relief Quotes

There are 434 quotes

"Ashwagandha has a powerful anxiolytic anti-anxiety effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Lion's mane mushroom has been shown in several research studies to have a mild anxiolytic, meaning anti-anxiety effect, and mood-elevating effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Single dose psilocybin produces rapid anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects that were a very large magnitude."
"For me, part of the spiritual search...is I need tools to help me cope with my anxiety and help me find peace and serenity."
"Yoga has been something that has really helped clear my mind and help with anxiety."
"Because let's face it, you deserve a sanity break and you deserve a break from the stress and the anxiety that you're feeling and we're gonna teach you how to reset your mind and build a more positive mindset."
"Practicing mindfulness can calm you down and make you less anxious."
"If you discover how to lose your anxiety now, then you can be happy now. You don't have to wait until you get the outcome you want."
"Dealing with anxiety and stress, we learn from this era that one of the most powerful ways to deal with anxiety and stress is through the medium of worshiping."
"He takes away all those old ornaments called anxiety and worry and he adds a brand new measure of faith."
"Embodying childlike energy for a little bit could be really helpful for that anxious state."
"Everything is going to be okay. The arrow won't hit anybody, it won't hurt you, if you miss you miss."
"This is freaking genius. I've taught it to millions of people. It's curing people's anxiety. There is nobody like Mel Robbins. There is nobody."
"I declare that I will not be crushed by fear and anxiety. Let that spirit fall away from me."
"This shape, not only is it good for the whole body but it's very therapeutic for anyone who experiences anxiety or nerves, kind of misplaced energy."
"Sertraline made me so happy. A day or two after taking it, I legit felt my anxiety just... Ahh."
"Make a decision. Your anxiety level will drop immediately."
"They're leaving behind those worries, the things that have kept them kind of bound, the things that have kept them in anxiety."
"Break free from your anxiety and depression with Mind Bloom."
"Listening to Red Bone's 'Come and Get Your Love' can reduce anxiety."
"Fill your heart with the Holy Spirit, and your worries and anxieties will all be gone."
"Learning to love yourself... learning to be comfortable in your own skin... it starts to quell that anxiety in a way."
"Believing in His sovereign control removes fear and anxiety for our safety."
"Any compulsion, All compulsions do is they relieve anxiety temporarily. But they, it never, it never lasts like the relief does not last and that it perpetuates the cycle."
"It always makes my heart flutter whenever people tell me that my videos help with their anxiety."
"Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body and what you will put on it."
"Optimistic nihilism is the solution to this anxiety that we inherit when we're forced into the position of making meaning out of our lives."
"Thank you for calming my anxieties and reassuring me that my salvation is in your hands."
"Cut loose those worries and take bold action."
"The thing about Soul Cycle that I found that like eased my anxiety a little bit about coming when I first started was that it's totally dark."
"God's words come with peace and not anxiety."
"So good for my mental health, so good for anxiety."
"Action cures all. All that anxiety, all that worry, it will go away if you start taking action now."
"Hand over your worries and burdens to me. You're not meant to face your fears and anxieties alone."
"I have been anxiety free all day and I have not felt like this since I was like 10 years old. It is the most freeing thing in the world and I never knew I could feel like this."
"It can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, reduce rumination, lower physical stress, and lower emotional stress."
"Just having this to focus on has kind of relieved my mind of a lot of the anxiety."
"You don't have to suffer from daily anxiety and panic attacks."
"Life's anxieties will be replaced with tranquility as miracles are on their way."
"The more we study, the more we relieve ourselves of anxiety actually because our mind can actually understand."
"Meditation can help calm anxiety and uncertainty."
"They just feel like calmed by you, like maybe if they're struggling with anxiety or something else."
"If you're worried about something, the remedy is the word of God. If you are fearful about something, the antidote is the word of God."
"I smoke weed like every day. Smoking helps me with my anxiety."
"A way to keep your mind busy, stimulated, bring out your creative side, is getting a coloring book and a little bonus, this actually can help soothe anxiety."
"Breath has definitely been such an anchor for me and in anxiety more so than anywhere else."
"Uplift your thoughts, let go of anxiety, you don't need to worry."
"Recent findings indicate that yoga boosts the cardiovascular system and relieves anxiety."
"Angel of balance will bring peace and remove anxiety."
"Playing games increases motivation and lowers anxiety - it's all about having fun!"
"You're planning an escape, freedom at last from this situation that has been causing so much anxiety."
"Focus your thoughts on desired outcomes. Release worries and regrets."
"Cast all your anxieties, your fears on him because he cares for you."
"The Sabbath is the antidote for worry, fear, and anxiety."
"Being busy is like the best cure for anxiety."
"Replace a racing mind's anxiety and fear, release emotional blockages, or simply retouch the cornerstone of life's beautiful experiences."
"Imagine if it was just less, it just happens less so it helps majorly with massive anxiety massively."
"The antidote to anxiety, to fear, to these false personas is facts, it's data."
"When you are flushed with worry and you think, am I going to be all right, and then you suddenly know. Yes, yes you are."
"Knowing what's coming can kind of get rid of some of the fear or anxiety."
"Gratitude equals happiness. I feel like if you're ever feeling anxious or fearful, just practice gratitude."
"I just want to cuddle with it. It's so soothing for anxiety."
"But I believe that talking to Vic has helped me with my anxiety and to experience and talk to others."
"CBD has been proven to be a good thing to take if you want to reduce anxiety."
"Your content means to me... it helps me with my anxiety."
"I tend to run anxious, and I feel as though now there's a calm that's come over me because I feel as though I'm not going to die from something I could have prevented which gives me a lot of peace."
"I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety."
"Prayer is a powerful tool in combating anxiety and finding Peace In God's Presence."
"Finding activities to quiet your mind and focus can help overcome anxiety."
"Reading fiction reduces your anxiety by like 60%."
"Do not let the worries of this world consume you trust in God's Providence in his perfect timing he is with you every step of the way let go of the worries that steal your sleep."
"Nostalgia: delicate but potent. Nothing comforts anxiety like a little nostalgia."
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares about you."
"Your content has quickly become my favorite on YouTube and your videos help calm me down when I'm anxious. Truly, sincerely, thank you so much for the effort you put into making your videos and streams."
"It's the organization, it's feeling like I'm on top of my stuff and I know where I'm going that has made me feel less anxious."
"When worry shows up, it's a cue to start talking to God."
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything."
"Your intuition is on point, know that you can release that anxiety and liberate yourself from any negative thoughts."
"So for me, wearing costume in public is actually like putting on armor, so it's like the one situation where I usually have zero anxiety because I'm not even me, I'm 18th century Kate."
"They want you to open up to them, to let the love flow between the two of you. They want to ease your mind and they want to take away any anxiety that you feel."
"Casting all your anxieties on him... because he cares for you."
"God's word doesn't lead you to confusion or panic; instead, like a gentle wind, it blows away anxiety and gives you clarity and comfort."
"Shooting a surprise release with a hinge... will help you get over target panic."
"Following your heart will lead you to peace and leave all that anxiety behind."
"It pulled me out of such an anxious reading slump."
"Have compassion for yourself and try not to worry about it so much."
"Stop worrying and fearing; embrace the fiery energy of passion and creativity."
"Things are looking good, Libra. You know, this is something that may be starting off a little bit slow but I feel like you're going to have a lot of subsiding anxiety."
"Release the anxiety and pray... He shall direct your path."
"The antidote to fear is to be prepared; then the anxiety is gone, the fear's gone."
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy."
"Surrender worry, make a commitment to not lead an anxiety-driven life."
"A breathing exercise that I really like where you breathe in for a count of four, hold for three, and exhale for six or eight."
"All your worries and anxieties just melt away and you are now doing the thing."
"CBD may have anti-anxiety effects due to its action on the bliss molecule."
"CBD may alleviate anxiety, and there are some studies that reflect this."
"This Brook linen weighted blanket, it is so good, especially if you're anxious."
"One thing I love about doing projects like this is I love painting. I feel like it's so therapeutic as somebody who has struggled with anxiety painting usually helps me feel more relaxed."
"I stared out at the lake and finally felt the last of my anxiety dissipate."
"It totally relieves all my anxiety of like, having to remember all My passwords, looking for My passwords, where did I- where do I write them"
"When I first saw these fidget cubes and fidget toys come out, I was like, come on that's so dumb, but then like I tried one and I was like, Daddy like!"
"It allows you to do something with your hands to relieve anxiety, ADHD, um, I know a lot of autistic children really relieve a lot of their tension with these types of things. So, I think they're pretty awesome."
"It gives me comfort, it quells my anxiety."
"It helps me with my anxiety a little bit."
"I felt Rowan's card in my pocket, it felt like a talisman. Whenever I held it, the knots in my stomach went away."
"ASMR is just like helping people relax and release anxiety and stuff"
"Dancing alone in the dark for 5 minutes clears my head and releases anxiety."
"That ultrasound in particular was what really calmed my anxiety and brought me a lot of peace."
"It definitely takes um my anxiety away and definitely helps just kind of relax me a little bit I have horrible anxiety and she her anxiety is so [ __ ] bad."
"Grounding basically will help send the extra energy that we do have back down into the earth. It can help to alleviate any anxiety or tension that we may feel as well."
"Dark chocolate, especially the extra dark kind, contains cacao, which is a rich flavonol that helps calm anxiety and is also a probiotic-rich food."
"Action alleviates anxiety. So the first six hours of my day every day is dedicated to the activities that I need to do to move the business forward."
"Prayer gets rid of anxiety, worry, fear, and panic."
"I think the ultimate relief to our anxiety is to cultivate a quiet inner life through a deep life of Prayer."
"This weighted blanket...it's a game changer...it's amazing...if you suffer with anxiety or you get really cold...highly suggest one of these."
"Knowing exactly where you are with the amount of fuel that you have left is a great anxiety lifter."
"Reading kind of calms my mind eases my anxiety and makes me actually fall asleep much faster."
"It's just so peaceful. If you're someone who deals with anxiety and these parks just stress you out, that ride is like a calming, soothing break from the craziness of your Disney World day."
"I just love these super calming and grounding and they just help kind of relax me if I'm feeling a little anxious or jittery."
"Possibly one of the main uses for marijuana is for relief from anxiety. So if you're about to free solo in HC, like, yeah, I don't know if I would be doing anything mind-altering before doing that."
"This peace will be like a fortress around your heart, keeping out anxiety and stress."
"After this to my own disbelief all of my anxiety depression and OCD was completely gone and never came back."
"Get away from your screen and go out in nature. It's hard to have anxiety when you consider your place in the grand scheme of life."
"I like it for what it does for my mind afterwards. I feel like it's one of my only times where I really can let everything go and you know I'm super anxious so I can let all my anxiety go."
"Lavender is well known for its relaxing and calming effects. Smoking lavender flower can provide a sense of tranquility and help reduce anxiety."
"He said don't be careful or full of care, anxious about for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
"draw whenever you feel anxious and stuff just draw and watch how you put those thoughts into drawing"
"We want to teach you how to just relax and chill, remove the anxiety, the stress."
"That removes anxiety and fear and then you can control the situation ensure that they're happy safe and under control no matter where you find yourself."
"Educate yourself about storms, it alleviates a lot of anxieties."
"So, for me, this is the things that help with anxiety, number one I would say has been plant care and it's something that I really really wish I had found earlier in my life."
"I've talked about Mendy a lot in my previous videos where doing Mendy training actually helped me get off anti-anxiety medication."
"My dog she's the biggest biggest support for me... I think that for people who have anxiety having an animal is key."
"His eyes twinkling with anticipation, unuka offered her a smile, a simple gesture that eased the knot of anxiety within her."
"It calms, it releases anxieties, it brings greater clarity."
"It's a product that is back in stock to help you relax, deal with anxiety, and feel more soothed and at ease."
"What better way to cure my worries and anxiety than to go yarn shopping?"
"Fill a trash bag and get it out into the trash can or wherever trash bags go. One by one if it's seeing you, if it's giving you anxiety to see a huge amount of them then go ahead and let's try to get those out."
"It's turned my life around so much and I'm far happier and less anxious."
"When we're in forward motion, it actually quiets the fear and anxiety circuits."
"It's been so relaxing, like today I felt like all of my anxiety that I've been having just went away."
"Classical music is good for anxiety."
"I've got something that will cure your anxiety."
"Doing a couple of really big things on my to-do list makes me feel like I can relax and breathe and feel less anxious."
"Restore emotional balance and live an anxiety-free life."
"Meditative breathing... is a very powerful way to quell that anxiety storm."
"My anxiety dropped down to almost zero, the ADHD symptoms more or less went away."
"It promotes relaxation and calm, strong ability to ease anxiety, cools down frayed tempers, and helps with communication."
"Imagine sending a message and not worrying about it."
"Cast all of your anxieties on Him so that you can have peace."
"Managing stress as well as detailed information on you're taking away those anxieties fears with high quality information."
"Child's pose is one of the best postures for addressing anxiety and depression."
"Getting more into macro like this has really helped calm my anxieties."
"It's going to reduce your test anxiety so when you sit for the real test, you'll know what to expect."
"Sleeping under a weighted blanket can help reduce insomnia and anxiety."
"Getting started is just important; it takes the nerves away."
"I've been feeling quite anxious today and I find that Lo-fi is one of those things that I can listen to and it can calm me down."
"As one of the most perfect stones for calming anxiety and fear, plum blossom tourmaline truly carries with it the energies of peaceful vibrations and relaxation."
"It really relaxes my anxiety when I'm out there at a once in a lifetime moment."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."
"Breathe more deep breaths. The five breath rule, multiple times throughout the day, can lower your anxiety."
"You feel calm, happy, and relaxed, and you know distracting yourself with something peaceful can be effective while your anxiety passes."
"Things always look better in the morning; anxieties go away."
"Making videos brings me so much joy and lessens my anxiety to the nth degree."
"After years of living on the street, I realized like wow, I haven't felt any type of anxiety in a long time."
"One of the greatest antidotes to anxiety is the adoration of Christ."
"I am obsessed with your videos and your voice calms my chronic anxiety."
"When you exercise, your anxiety's relieved."
"It helps relax me and it eases my anxiety to see things orderly."
"This is an amazing way to release anxiety that accumulates in your chest throughout the day."
"I was searching for mindfulness techniques to combat anxiety and honestly, I had tried everything."
"It's hard for me to feel any anxiety when I'm in the country like this."
"Lack of clarity causes anxiety; the only way to get rid of anxiety is to have clarity."
"That would be being able to do all of those things, right? Alleviate the existential anxiety, create a systemic kind of insight."
"For me, that's enough optimism to kind of combat that anxiety."
"Fasting has shown to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve social functioning."
"4,000 weeks time management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman, this book just took away a lot of my anxiety."
"Be careful or anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
"Humble yourselves... casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
"A brighter future isn't built when we're anxious; it's built when we have hope."
"It feels a whole lot better to not be anxious all the time."
"Once you've had some delicious food, you won't be nervous anymore."
"Sunrise therapy has a significant impact on mood, specifically anxiety."
"It's an amazing tool for all sorts of things: controlling anxiety, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, improving digestion, and so forth."
"For anxiety, it is far and away the best method I've ever found."
"Waking up and not having my phone right there, I feel so much less anxiety right off the bat."
"If you got anxiety, girl, ashwagandha worked, okay."
"Among the positive effects are anxiety reduction, mood lifts, euphoria, muscle relaxation, sedation, and increased talkativeness."
"By keeping our minds on the present, we can shake off a lot of that anxiety and feel more at peace."
"The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety."
"The calmness and the energy and the just the wisdom that these women had... I felt zero anxiety."
"Say goodbye to distress; the design of this face is inspired by traditional worry stones, tools used to reduce anxiety when rubbed."
"No more hangovers and I think the biggest thing for me is no more brain fog and extreme anxiety."
"God desires to guard you from the damaging sinful impact of anxiety with His peace."
"Passionflower is a fantastic herb for reducing anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation."
"That'll keep her occupied for a fair while; it's good for reducing anxiety and stress."
"If you're nervous, take three deep breaths, slow exhales, sends oxygen to the bloodstream, calms the nervous system down."
"If you suffer with anxiety, this would be very helpful to pop on to the wrists."
"Petting a cat relieves your anxiety."
"The truth is always the best way to relieve anxiety."