
Herbal Medicine Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Ashwagandha has a powerful anxiolytic anti-anxiety effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The leaf of life, look at it guys. You remember it. So this is another of those plants that we get from our forefathers of Africa."
"Soursop is very good for the nervous system. Awesome, that's what soursop is."
"The ginger, as you have said before, it's highly rated as the best ginger you can find anywhere. Yes, this is Jamaican ginger."
"We saved the best for last...this trumpet leaf...it's a kidney treatment plant."
"It's funny how we can instantly recognize hundreds of foods that are not very good for us, but we walk by so many potentially life-saving plants every day, not knowing a thing about them."
"Madecassoside is the powerful repairing and healing component of Centella Asiatica."
"Spices and herbs are really valuable for our health."
"Herbs do work, the chemicals constituents are there, they do what they say they're going to do, you just need to know which herb is going to work best for you."
"Tulsi: reducing stress, boosting immunity, and increasing lifespan."
"The cure of all cures: chamomile. It not only has a calming effect but it'll shrink swelling, shrink tissue."
"Herbal medicine is becoming popular again as people become more interested in their health."
"It's one of those early adopters that can really morph and change its way of showing up into many different types of environment."
"The Tudor garden is really the ultimate in organic natural medicine."
"Reishi truly is one of the most potent and profound tonic herbs that I've had the privilege to include into my life."
"Cinnamon is soothing to the stomach and activating to the blood, offering a complementary balance of both demulcent and warming qualities."
"Cinnamon works very well as an adjunct to other herbal tonics and is commonly added to tea blends which may include other roots, barks, and herbs."
"Garlic has been used for thousands of years because of its very broad medicinal properties."
"Adaptogens are herbs that help us deal with the ups and downs of life."
"Oh my God, you're knocking it out of the park. This is with herbal medicine!"
"Among the tested plant extracts, the extract of Astragalus radix showed the most potent hair growth stimulation potential."
"Knowing the best way to harvest and preserve your herbs is going to be the difference between having the maximum medicinal and flavor benefits or sacrificing some of them."
"The more you harvest from them the more they will put up more blossoms so you're going to get more flowers and for beauty as well as to put into your herbal medicine cabinet."
"Our own herbal medicine... that might be very useful indeed."
"And the herbs probably heal your body and just give you some trouble, rejuvenate you."
"I love me some damiana. It is an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory. It boosts your sexual organs and definitely will have you feeling a little saucy."
"Triphala powder is one of India's most valued household herbs, believed to eliminate the root cause of many diseases."
"D'Arco bark: a potent medicinal herb for its natural antibiotic properties."
"Broccoli is not just a food, it's a straight astringent herb."
"Nettle stimulates the t cells in the body to help fight off infection."
"Plants that have medical ways of working with your body can work magically too."
"Applied on the body to cure pretty much everything."
"Plants and nature and herbal medicine always just felt like a deeper part of my spiritual path."
"Round one in reducing the stress on the HPA axis so that you can effectively knock out the bug with either medications or herbal products. I always prefer the herbs if you can do that."
"It's also good for liver problems, skin ailments, and rheumatism."
"I think the world is going that way. I think it's important that we stay away from crazy pharmaceutical medicine and try to go more herbal because it always is the answer."
"So if there's bacteria overgrowth we'll want to treat that, we can do that with antimicrobials which are basically an herbal antibiotic."
"Adaptogens are like the foundation of herbal medicine in a lot of ways they are the closest to food in in a kind of a spectrum so adaptogens can be used a lot frequently um they can be used like food"
"Adaptogens like ginseng can be very helpful... to helping the body cope with stress."
"You can't wait till you get sick then take herbs. Herbs are preventative."
"Plant the plants and drink the teas... for these herbs to work we have to either relate to them or bring them into our body."
"Ceylon cinnamon is called true because it is believed to have medicinal properties that are somewhat superior to the other type."
"I've had like a woman, she had cancer, she implemented some of my herbs into her diet and also with a vegan alkaline diet, and she ended up healing herself."
"Sarah taught me to be a midwife, and she taught me to heal with herbs."
"Now, barberry root and Oregon grape root have been studied extensively to be very beneficial to the skin because they're high in antibacterial properties that can penetrate the skin when made into an oil or a salve."
"Our hero heard the terms of the herbalist with a smirk, and then asked to follow him."
"Eating plants is an incredible way to get the benefits of it and to get its medicine."
"Taking a tincture is really pretty helpful and allows you to sort of just roll over, take your medicine, and roll back to sleep."
"They breathe isolated mountain air and live in pristine natural terrain that may contain herbaceous medicinal properties."
"What we used to do for thousands of years, and it's still the case today in many parts of the world, is we use herbs, medicinal herbs, as a therapeutic agent."
"Milk thistle is probably the most well-studied liver regenerative herb that's out there."
"The comfrey plant has so many benefits, but it's also one of the most controversial herbs out there."
"Acknowledged by the Chinese monk Shen Nong in his book The Shen Nong Ben Chao Jing written in 100 BC, it was described as the king of herbs and a precious gift of nature."
"The herbal formula is right there, and flexibility. There's a lot of flexible modification."
"It's the number one herb for the immunity in Chinese medicine."
"Nervines are calming, mellowing you out; adaptogens help you to be resilient and adapt in response."
"This potion would work really well against the Bubonic plague thanks to the mixture containing the herb mugwort, which is a natural bug repellent."
"I hope that people will do more research on herbal medicines and I hope that people that are using herbs will look at the research."
"Our herbal medicine course is exciting, it's up-to-date, and it's a really practical course."
"From day one when they're studying herbal medicine with us, we give them tools that they can take away and immediately use in their own lives."
"If you want to learn how to use herb or medicine as a rational system of medicine, that's why you study herbs."
"Panax ginseng extract has many known health benefits, most common uses are to help improve thinking, concentration, memory, and physical stamina."
"Take support of Ayurvedic herbs... these herbs will help you to reduce the inflammation in the body, promote your hormone balance in general."
"We talked about food security and herbal medicines, and food and indigenous ways of knowing and being, and the evolution of connection."
"It really becomes very tangible, our association with growing, with seed keeping, with remembering, and with using this medicine."
"Ginseng has been associated with improved oxygen utilization and increased nitric oxide production."
"I really do love talking about herbal medicine; it's my most favorite thing to do."
"Medicine's been used for over 2,000 years; it's one of the most extensively studied of the different herbs."
"All of that is natural medicine, root work, and that is what our ancestors used."
"Phytotherapy is very commonly used in Europe."
"St. John's Wort prevents the reuptake of serotonin so you have more serotonin... and so you feel better. So that's one of the arguments for it being an antidepressant."
"Overall, St. John's wort was significantly superior to placebo and was as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants."
"The Masai have been known traditionally for very many years to use herbs for any treatment they get."
"They are known as the herb of Kings... they are good for the immune system, they help with kidney and liver function."
"Herb pairs... are a good stepping stone between individual herbs and herbal formulas."
"Campo is made by combining several herbs components because the effect they have together is better than the effect they have separately."
"Herbs are not like over-the-counter medicine."