
Remission Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Within one to five days, you know, in more cases than not, and depending upon if you're looking at this open label or in trials, somewhere between 60 and 90% of the time, they will go into full on remission."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dietary intervention, using a Whole Foods diet Mediterranean style, was found to result in a three-fold increase in remission from major depression compared to controls treated with the standard of care."
"There's no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but recent discoveries indicate that remission of symptoms is more likely when treatment begins early."
"I got off my medication after eight months of being on it and I've been in remission for the last six years."
"I'm so humbled and I'm so honored to announce this. I'm in remission, y'all."
"Jared is in remission. His most recent scans and MRI are all clear."
"There's nothing new about it. You can put this disease into remission."
"Cure means it goes away and it never comes back."
"We have therapeutic options and strategies that can put this disease into remission."
"Most importantly, it offers treatments that can heal people and put illnesses into remission."
"One of the most effective ways to put your diabetes in remission is just to stop what's causing it in the first place."
"Autoimmune disease is incurable, but you can put it into remission."
"Remission from incurable cancer," he said quietly, "for my wife."
"Opie's mom got better now as she's in remission for a few years already so guys that's all the content for today."
"Once you start to get out close to five years after treatment the chances of that cancer coming back become very, very small."
"I know that this is yellow and it's chronic, so I'm not confused about the fact that I might get a two or three year remission out of this. I don't confuse that with a cure."
"...the fact that we can have a conversation about remission in and of itself was just absolutely amazing to me."
"I want your symptoms gone. And that means, according to the Brain Energy theory, that means we need to start slowly but surely safely reducing these meds to help you at least have a chance at a full lasting remission."
"Listen, I just beat cancer and then they told me to come back for my skin that's supposed to be in 6 months cuz I'm in remission but they told me to come back 2 weeks later. I think they messed up."
"Even if you get a remission of autoimmune disease, it's great. I want all of you to have a remission that lasts forever."
"She had leukemia, she's in remission which, hooray."
"Remission means that your disease is under control, doesn't mean it's cured."
"You can achieve remission which means that your disease is now controlled and you can stop the medication in about twenty to thirty percent of the time."
"It taught us that remission was possible. That we could take a person with normally a lethal disease, and put them into remission that could last decades."
"When you're getting enough sleep, your chances of remitting and recovering are far higher than when you're not getting sufficient sleep."
"But now that I'm in remission and feel that I'll have lasting stability along with my quality of life, it allows me to think that it's interesting to question reality."
"I was able to put my diabetes into remission on this diet."
"Within six months I was able to go into complete remission."
"Spontaneous remissions are not nearly as infrequent as the medical world might have us believe."
"...I think I am the longest remission doctor of rain, and bless him, he's right."
"If you intervene early with psychosis you can have a better chance of a full remission it also means you can use lower doses of medications."
"The best response was to keep their disease stable and they barely stay alive after that, and now we're seeing that these patients are going to remission. That's really impressive with minimum toxicity comparing to the old chemotherapy."
"So can we really put type two diabetes into remission yes we can and even for those who don't make the cut off the majority will improve their glycemic control and presumably reduce their risk of complications."
"The take-home point is if you act soon enough, the vast majority of people can actually enter remission."
"...we all want you to have a remission we want you to get that cure it's very important to us and we want to be here to help you..."
"Someone tells you you're in remission, you know, it felt good."
"A third of participants with severe depression went into complete remission as a result of changing their diet."
"Anxiety disorders make it much more difficult to kind of hit that spot, that area, that remission period."
"Removing the spleen can put the disease into remission sometimes for decades."
"You know, remission is weird. It's a weird word for me because I kind of say the word dormant. It's like the cancer is asleep for a little bit, right?"
"...a large percentage of them can go into to remission."
"CT Cell Therapy proved to be efficacious, providing me with a long remission with a high quality of life."
"CTI offers our patients a great opportunity to have a deeper remission and a better long-term outcome."
"As a myeloma patient, to have this option and opportunity of CAR-T cell therapy available to me means hope for a long remission while waiting for a cure."
"Silta cell offers our patients a great opportunity to have a deeper remission and a better long-term outcome."
"An ancestral diet, which includes animal proteins and fats, is not only a safe option in managing type 2 diabetes but being used successfully to put it into remission."
"The first remission these days is most likely going to be four years."
"We're seeing lots of patients that we're able to put in remission and off of all medications."
"Drink of this, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins."
"We are very encouraged by the fact that we have long-term remissions in this disease."
"I am a cancer survivor and have been in remission for five years."
"This represents my shed blood, which will be poured out for the remission of sin."
"Cancer does hit home because Mama Harding actually had cancer; she's been in remission, so she hasn't had it for 12 years, but she had colon cancer."
"I quit dairy and by the end of the tenth month, I visited my doctor and showed her, and it was gone, it had gone into remission."
"Vaccination in long-COVID patients seems to double the rate of complete remission in long-haul symptoms."
"Those cats that go into complete remission tend to be our cats that have longer survival times."
"The good thing about this treatment is that it works most of the time and places patients in a good deep remission."
"I'm not cured, but I'm in remission, and I'm confident that I will be cured."
"She emerged from it cancer free and about seven months later is still in complete remission."
"My doctors got it wrong; the cancer actually went into remission. I'm not going to die after all."
"Remission of diabetes means A1C maintained for less than 6.5 percentage for at least three months without the use of OHA and Insulin."
"The therapeutic intervention of carbohydrate reduction... it puts a lot of different disease states into remission."
"My autoimmune disease is in remission, and I'm on no medications."
"Drink ye all of this; for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins."
"Praise God your mom's in remission."
"Papa Robit Tech is officially in cancer remission."
"This disease which was once thought to be incurable can now be put into remission through a change in diet and reduction in weight."
"Medications containing five Amino salicylic acid remains a Mainstay in achieving and maintaining remission."
"We have proven really that we have a tool that can combat type two diabetes and in most cases, put it into remission."
"We're showing definitively that we can in fact put diabetes type two into remission."
"Membranous nephropathy has gone into spontaneous remission."
"In medical terms, we call that as complete remission."
"It's not a perfect treatment, but CAR Ts seem to cure 35 to 40 of patients or at least to provide a complete remission at 12 months."
"The quality of life that I've seen clinically has been very good in patients who've achieved remission after CAR T cells."
"It's not about how we're going to get a patient to CAR Ts; it's how do we get a patient into a durable remission and cure with a good quality of life."
"Functional cure is trying to get someone to antiretroviral free remission."
"Suzanne was in remission for 26 years; that's a very long stretch to be cancer-free."
"A third of the patients went into full clinical remission, and that is incredible."
"The Cancer's in remission and for this God we give it the praise."