
Energy Levels Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If you're somebody who struggles with stress and energy levels, and balancing stress and energy levels, today's episode is going to be vital for you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Energy levels... determine how much of a victim we are, with one being almost like depression and seven being like you're vibrating at a frequency like Gandhi or Mother Teresa."
"I encourage people with PCOS to strategically experiment with protein, especially first thing in the morning and before bed, to see how that helps their energy levels and cravings."
"My immune system is strong, energy level totally off the charts, and this was by God's grace."
"Life has an ebb and flow, so some months you're gonna be high energy and some months you're gonna be lower energy."
"Strength is better in the afternoon, and it's tremendously consistent."
"Since being vegan, I don't feel lethargic after I eat."
"Remember, as your body starts to hold higher states of consciousness, you will feel more, you will be more energetic. It's part of the process."
"You cannot find the solution in the same vibration where the problem is."
"Optimizing your hormonal makeup can lead to increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, and much more energy."
"It's lifting you to a higher vibrational level."
"Breaking through programming elevates your vibration, allowing access to higher energy."
"Surround yourself with frequencies higher than you."
"I'm big energy, like you know, like I'm big and I need you to like come with it."
"Look at food as either energy giving or energy taking."
"Energy influences it. That's why it's super important to pick people who are at the same level as you or even higher than you so you can go up to their level."
"You want people that raise your frequency, your vibration, your energy versus people that suck you back down."
"Know that you are as connected as ever on a soul level, on an energy level, through the subconscious mind."
"We can be strong if we choose to be strong. We can be energetic if we choose to be energetic. We can be independent if we choose to be independent. And if we choose all of the above, then we must choose to move. We must choose to exercise."
"Every single time when you have like this two or three at times, your you will have these bursts of energy."
"Eating healthy is important, even if it's not affecting your weight necessarily, it will affect your energy output."
"I feel like I'm exhausted but I also have got so much energy because I love this stuff workout."
"You can be full of energy and you can get full on a plant-based diet."
"Movement is such a vital part of our energy levels."
"Everything is vibration, even movies calibrate at certain vibrations."
"I feel like when you exercise daily and you eat healthy you have more energy."
"Energy in here, haven't we? Make it brighter for you, Helen."
"He is so tuckered out from all the playing. I guess it's kind of realistic that they have it set so that a lot of activity drains the toddler."
"If you're not energized... then somebody not in alignment."
"This is going to be brilliant week when it comes to the energy levels, Virgos."
"Listen to your body, if you feel energetic and full of life, you're good to go back to the gym."
"Not every kid in first grade has ADHD. Sometimes they just have energy."
"So if he's low vibrating then chances are he's really broke."
"I'm great, I feel great, my energy is at the right level and I want to introduce..."
"I definitely feel more energetic than I thought. Sometimes after I'm filming I feel incredibly depleted, but I actually feel okay."
"You are literally shining at this energetic level because of these upgrades you've gone through recently."
"I'm feeling fantastic. I really have a lot of energy right now, probably the most energetic I have ever felt in my life."
"It's obvious: you twitch more, you fidget more, you stay awake more. It's a legal high, I love it!"
"Keep that in mind, because I'm feeling that already, like an uptick in vitality, an uptick in energy, and like almost a difficulty in being able to utilize it."
"When I'm looking good I'm feeling good, my confidence is up, my energy is up."
"The NBA has more social media followers than the NFL and MLB combined."
"It's been an amazing process... My energy levels are much better, my skin, it's gone."
"The more voltage you can carry in your system, the healthier you're going to be."
"Homie's energy would have been much different."
"And I still try and bring that energy every single day."
"Proper hydration... it just helps with energy levels and just it's good for overall physiological Health."
"Your divine masculine up into this point has lived in a state where being in a lower vibration was the cool thing to do."
"Time won't be like it used to be, especially the higher we vibrate."
"100% you're gonna feel the difference whether you believe that you've got the 98 ass power or infinity 9 ass power."
"Losing is one thing but the way we are being outplayed by Brighton and the lack of energy is so worrying."
"When I'm dieting, I get more energy to do stuff."
"Started this video really tired... Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."
"They lost a connection with you because they're low vibrational as hell."
"You definitely look pregnant now and your belly has probably popped if you aren't already feeling more energetic expect a change in gears."
"Our natural state is at a high energy level."
"I'm feeling great I am doing great my energy levels are awesome."
"Once your body becomes adapted... you're going to have the same amount of energy or more."
"You don't need to be fat adapted to have energy."
"It's proven through modern science over and over that all sickness and diseases are due to low cellular energy or a low cellular voltage level."
"Your vibration is low, that could be another situation."
"I feel good I ain't got no headaches my stomach don't hurt and I got pretty energy."
"Magical energy levels are increasing, increasing... oh no, they're off the scale!"
"I'm trying hard to find a [ __ ] to give which is why I'm just so like someone asked me today big up to the guys like you filming today and I was like unfortunately cuz like I've just the energy is just so low right now."
"Food has a huge impact on your energy levels."
"...that jealousy, that hate you have when you see a rich person coming in with a Lamborghini, and their expensive watch, and their iced-out chain, that is bringing your vibration low."
"So anyway, after December, now we go into January. The medication is slowly helping me, but at the same time, my energy levels are still zero, you guys. My energy levels are still zero. I'm still struggling to get out of bed."
"...I try to work out four or five times a week and I feel like that's also helped a lot with my energy levels..."
"I'm just having one of those days you guys, I've been on my period this week and I just have had such low energy today and I'm just feeling totally off."
"We've internalized and accepted the idea that oh we should be tired, but it's not normal."
"Would you rather have good energy than like, um, look amazing and be... Would you rather look haggard and have good energy on the inside or look amazing and just kind of still have not just be [ __ ] up?"
"I alternate personally between low energy and very high energy."
"Energy eigenstates live in a ladder. They're called Landau levels."
"For every value of q, there's an allowed energy."
"You'll be surprised how all these little changes lead to higher energy levels across the board."
"The energy levels... are the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian."
"The energy levels of electrons are quantized because they can only have discrete values."
"The earlier start to the day has genuinely changed my energy levels, my overall vibe, it's incredible."
"The electrons fill in the lowest energy orbitals first and then work their way up in energy."
"The transitions of an electron from one energy level of the atom to another can only have certain values."
"The principal quantum number describes the energy level of an electron inside an atom."
"You sleep too much, you wake up still tired."
"I'm in potentially better shape in terms of energy, outlook, and how I feel about myself than I've ever been."
"People operate on the level in which they're at energetically, emotionally, spiritually."
"The allowed energy levels are separated by an energy \( \hbar \omega \), which is called a quantum of energy."
"These particles can only have specific energies in the quantum world, this is known as the quantization of these energies."
"The spectra are telling us about the energy level differences."
"If an electron jumps up an energy level, this means that a photon must have been absorbed."
"It's all about the energy and the atmosphere in the gym."
"Electrons occupy orbitals which are arranged in energy levels."
"Focus entirely on performance, how many reps you did, how strong do you feel, how's your energy."
"Electrons in a particular energy level are actually not all the same."
"The energy levels for an electron are also quantized; they can only be this value or only that value or only that value. They cannot be anything else in between."
"We are energy, vibrating on different kinds of levels."
"If the energy levels of an atom or molecule are really close together, we see significant population of the excited states."
"Based on the basic assumptions of quantum mechanics, which is basically wave-particle duality, you arrive at situations that for bounded electrons around the particles you will have discrete energy levels."
"Not enough water equals not enough energy."
"Poor metabolic health is associated with worse brain function, no energy, awful memory."
"What I'd like to talk about in this lecture is how we can include the atoms and the results, in particular, the band structure of energy levels in solids."
"Transitions that are allowed within the atom correspond to quantum jumps between those levels."
"The energy can only take a set of discrete or quantized values."
"It's pretty cool that we can use the idea of energy levels in something so applicable like surgery."
"It's okay to have low energy sometimes."
"Nature insists that she will only be satisfied when she's at the stable level."
"If the liver is dysfunctional, the first broad symptom you'd feel is a lack of energy because it's not able to do its job."
"The theory can make sense to much, much higher energies than it would have otherwise."
"Atoms can only absorb and emit energy in discrete amounts."
"Quantum mechanics... everything is in quantized jumps."
"Our total energy is going to be L into L plus 1 times h squared divided by 2I."
"A lot of times when people say, 'Well, I just don't have the motivation, I just don't have the energy, I'm so tired,' a lot of it is because of how you are beating yourself up to death inside of your head with your negative self-talk."
"The energy of the k-th energy level is equal to the energy of an isolated hydrogen atom plus a term which depends on how strongly the adjacent hydrogen atoms are interacting with each other."
"If you're armed with the infinite number of energy levels and eigen solutions for our problem, you can calculate any property."
"The wave functions are arranged on this plot equidistantly, reinforcing that the distance between the energy levels in a harmonic oscillator is always the same."
"The ground state has the smallest radius and then they grow quadratically as we go higher and higher closer to zero energy."
"The set of energy levels of a quantum harmonic oscillator is just this discrete set of states all equally spaced."
"Electrons existed in distinct energy shells which are principal energy levels."
"At any temperature, the lowest level is the most probable. But the lowest energy doesn't always have the highest probability because of degeneracies."
"Lately I've just been listening to my body more and just kind of going on the days where I know that my energy levels are there."
"Try it for like a week, see how you feel, see your energy levels."
"Absorption and emission spectra are evidence that electron energy levels are quantized."
"The energy eigenvalues of the quantum harmonic oscillator are quantized."
"A quantum particle moving in a harmonic potential cannot just have any energy; it has to be in one of the allowed quantized energy levels."
"Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are very effective at increasing and maintaining high energy levels due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids."
"I'm very much an introvert, and also my energy is definitely decreasing fast."
"Being healthy and just making sure like you have the energy to come in here and just have a great day."
"Instead of having just a handful of possible configurations, we had essentially an infinite sequence of levels, all of evenly spaced energy."
"This meant that there wasn't a continuous level of energy; electrons must have some rules associated with them."
"The plant-based group's fatigue levels dropped in half down to 28 percent."