
Brain Stimulation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It's really that idea that you're laying in that information to the exact right spot. And the signal is a simple signal, but it's a profound one, which is turn on, stay on, remember to stay on."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can actually turn on emotions by stimulating specific areas of the brain."
"Altruism stimulates the same area in the brain as cocaine or sugar or heroin."
"Having a cool environment helps promote sleep and darkness plays a major role in not stimulating your brain."
"Incorporate novelty because it's a small easy way to change your routine and kind of excite your brain again."
"If you are miserable, you have to know that novelty lights up our brain."
"It's brain food at the same time it's like steak vegetables and candy all at the same time."
"Compared to sitting in silence, your brain does find noise and music more stimulating."
"Learning a language is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain."
"Transcranial magnetic stimulation... you can change the moral decision someone will make about a runaway trolley problem."
"Reading activates a different part of your brain. Read every day."
"A drink that is so much about aromatic spice smells is primed to light up all those parts of the brain."
"Meditation and prayer stimulate the most advanced part of the brain."
"Neuroscientists have discovered that playing a musical instrument stimulates more parts of your brain than virtually any other activity."
"They're actually brain games... they can stimulate and make you have those creative juices start oozing out of your ears."
"They got therapy out there called transcranial stimulation. It works wonders for depression."
"Pizza cannot be the last on the list, and we can switch things around now. Pizza has fat, sugar, and salt, which all please the amygdala, leaving the brain both happy and wanting more."
"There's an experiment being conducted with transcranial magnetic induction to suppress the amygdala and stimulate the frontal lobes."
"Sugar activates our brains like cocaine."
"We all need a hobby to rest and relax, to challenge yourself and challenge our brain."
"Make sure you have a diversity of new foods so that your brain doesn't get bored."
"Reading a book before bed will help you des stimulate your brain."
"Learning is a great and fun way to stimulate your brain. When you are learning, it actually Fosters neural connections that enhance certain cognitive functions like memory problem solving critical thinking."
"I love learning Spanish with Babbel because of how it challenges my brain in such a complete way."
"Stimulating your brain just like exercise acts as a trigger for something called bdnf."
"The brains of the animals that lived in this communal way with lots of stimulation to the brain via toys and interaction with humans and other rats had significantly more synapses in their brain."
"If we can put electricity into the brain and communicate directly with the brain through electricity, we should be able to do really remarkable and powerful therapeutic things."
"Now that we have the sense that tdcs really does something in the brain."
"Yoga has shown really great promise in allowing people to stimulate the parts of their brain that allow that self-awareness and reconnect with their body."
"Reading stimulates our brain and expands our vocabulary, plus it's a great way to unwind and relax after a long day."
"This is really gonna set the dopamine off inside your brain."
"Deep brain stimulation has become very unique where we're not now just sending the signal; we can actually listen to the signals, find out where those abnormal signals are."
"This album is some of the saddest music I've ever heard but it just scratches my brain in the perfect way."
"If you have an old guy in your life, give them a task, Sudoku or something like that, you know, Jenga, you gotta keep the brain young."
"Music lights up all of our brain and it's really, really good for us."
"Using a copper cup helps to kill bacteria, it stimulates your brain function, it regulates the functioning of your thyroid gland."
"Connect two or more random juxtaposing things to stimulate your problem-solving and solution creating side of your brain."
"Depending on the frequency of stimulation, we can either cause neural firing and neural excitation or we can actually inhibit the activation of neurons."
"It's really, really good for the brain, it kind of fires up different parts of your brain, keeps the brain nice and healthy."
"It's so good for your brain, I think, listening to Bach because if you listen, you can hear all these different lines."
"Neuro rehabilitation and therapy can really help to stimulate areas and growth for functional recovery."
"Nothing lights up our brain in positive ways as much as play does."
"That music can reach parts of the brain that words can't."
"Playing an instrument lights up my brain like nothing else."
"Our brains make stronger connections when they are stimulated three times with a rest period of 10 minutes between each stimulation."
"When you visualize yourself performing an action, you stimulate the same brain region that you use when you actually perform that action."
"Playing an instrument, playing piano, you're actually stimulating very much frontal activity."
"Exercise would be a great way to stimulate the brain."
"Movement acts as a positive spur to the brain."
"We're on the verge of a mini revolution by which non-invasive methods such as brain stimulation can make a big difference."
"When we learn how to treat diseases with brain stimulation, we will quite possibly also learn how to enhance normal function."
"Brain stimulation can arouse emotional actions."
"Transcranial direct current stimulation makes you learn faster."
"There's a way in which a new route sort of occupies a new part of your brain and feels like something novel is happening."
"The color yellow stimulates your brain, and the purple stimulates the right brain, creativity."