
Health Comparison Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Moderate depression's about as disabling as having a heart attack, acutely having a heart attack. Severe depression is disabling, is having cancer without treatment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who survived a previous infection had lower case rates than those who were vaccinated alone."
"Pomegranate juice has been found to have a better antioxidant activity than red wine and white tea."
"Can you believe that people would rather eat bean burritos and oatmeal and pasta then shoot themselves every day with insulin and die early?"
"Myocarditis risk from COVID-19 vaccines are still less than the risk of COVID-19."
"Most supplements or herbal remedies do not have heavy side effects or withdrawal symptoms. This is a massive advantage compared to modern medications."
"Covid-19 is far, far worse than the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccination. Covid-19 is far more severe, far deadlier by an overwhelming amount, far more likely for there to be negative symptoms than the Covid-19 vaccination."
"Vaping is at least 95% safer than the alternative combustible tobaccos."
"The bacon grease from the worst-fed hog on the planet is still a hundred times healthier than a bottle of Western canola oil."
"The overall impact of this Ultra processed food looks like on a global scale is as bad as smoking."
"Research has shown that berberine is equally as effective as metformin for improving insulin sensitivity."
"The evidence seems to show that myocarditis post-vaccine is less severe than myocarditis post-covid."
"Loneliness isn't only a mental health concern; social isolation can be as dangerous as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day."
"Honestly, salmon is much healthier than the chicken tendies."
"A beer a day would do more for your spirit than one coke a day."
"There is a general consensus in the medical community that if you had to pick between the two, smoking is worse than vaping."
"Social media is cigarettes, okay? It's just gonna end up being the most harmful thing that people are just letting exist."
"We're more dangerous than dengue, apparently."
"The symptoms of myocarditis are not great, but the symptoms of COVID could be much worse."
"Our poor diet is responsible for more disease and death than smoking, alcohol, and physical inactivity combined."
"No one has actually done that type of experiment where we compare perfect eating but not proper sleep to perfect sleep but horrible eating, but sleep still carries a significant vote in determining your mortality."
"Sugar is actually more addictive than heroin or cocaine."
"A happy single person is just as healthy as a happily married person."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"I'd rather someone have a cold than have full-blown AIDS."
"Scientific studies suggest that sugar can be more addictive than cocaine."
"If you own a Rolls Royce, put cheap oil in the engine. Don't put bad food in your mouth. This is fantastic."
"Isolation is more deadly than smoking, cancer, heart disease, or obesity."
"If you make it to 70, then the outcomes for rich Americans seem to be based the same as the outcomes for rich Europeans."
"If you did a test of microbes and bacteria and all that I bet you you're you're Latin Mass context would be much more sanitary."
"It's a deep addiction. I think that phone and social media, it's going to be like cigarettes were for the generation before us."
"The fallout of the economic downturn is more deadly than this virus."
"The other thing I think I should say is you know rapamycin is not so different from fasting."
"Olive oil as far as an anti-inflammatory and something to help relieve pain is equivalent if not comparable to the effects of ibuprofen."
"Ultra processed foods are the new cigarette."
"Oats keep your blood sugar more stable compared with Cheerios."
"It's far more akin to cigarettes."
"It was also interesting to compare Joe and Chase's insulin levels."
"The antioxidant potential of one cup of kale is equal to 800 milligrams of vitamin C and 1100 units of vitamin E."
"Vaping is far less dangerous than cigarettes and actively encourages smokers to switch."
"A microbiome with a hundred different bacterial species is richer than a microbiome with five."
"For a healthy child, Co 19 is no greater threat than flu and, in fact, actually much safer than getting the flu."
"The Mediterranean diet turned out to be a healthier diet because it was compared to the low-fat diet, which is a failed diet."
"If you're walking five miles or you're running the five miles, you'll burn about the same amount of calories."