
Conversation Quotes

There are 12176 quotes

"It's very anti-stigmatizing that you're bringing this up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's okay not to be okay, and to just start talking. Having these conversations can save a life."
"You can literally have a conversation with that sum total of data that you've experienced, and I would say that it would be indistinguishable from having a conversation with that person because it would have all that memory."
"I've had some of the greatest conversations in my life with the people that I most respected."
"It's a conversation that I consider to be the most interesting possible way that you can spend your life is to be in constant creative response and conversation with a mystery that I do not understand and don't know the source of."
"The best deeper conversations follow the three P's: personal, private, presence."
"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
"Ultimately, I think that these conversations are going to be scary and uncomfortable and not easy."
"Now it's not often I sit down with somebody, and they say something that makes me think. You give me something to think my own damn way."
"Body positivity has always been about including everyone in the conversation and letting everyone feel like there is nothing wrong with them."
"I'm not trying to call people out; I'm trying to call people in to the conversation."
"You have to approach every conversation...without an agenda going into it."
"This is what change is all about, and Mike Benz is one of those voices that's at the very forefront of this conversation."
"It's fun to talk to people who disagree with you but are polite about it and capable of engaging in long-form conversation."
"We need a way to attract people into conversations... to bring people into circles and let them heal, let them ask questions."
"What I am enjoying very much about this conversation is the evident marriage between spirituality and science."
"Nobody wants to talk, nobody wants to have real conversations, nobody wants to listen and have true communication to reach solutions."
"The public demand for... good faith conversation."
"We all just conversate, and it's a beautiful thing."
"Sales is not pressure sales and it certainly isn't hard sales; it's a conversational problem-solving exercise."
"But first, we'll go grab an ice cream cone and talk about it. What do you say?"
"A family to me means loved ones who can come together, who can sit at the table and talk to each other."
"Kindness doesn't mean you have to be agreeable; it just means you have to be kind and respectful within the conversation or whatever action is taking place."
"Conversations are two-way streets. We have to be able to understand each other's points and then respond to those points."
"What's valuable is the authenticity of just hanging out and chatting."
"The conversations you have with other people...are going to be very inspiring for you."
"You don't need anything to say to have a conversation, all you have to do is be willing to listen."
"We need to talk about abuse and we need to talk about these things with care, patience, and less Reddit."
"People enjoy feeling like they are just on this couch with us talking so much more than an interview or someone trying super hard."
"Most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"We still really struggle with diversity... it needs to be a part of the conversation."
"We probably should have had many more inclusive conversations where we engage with them with their feelings, their thoughts, their concerns."
"One of the big things I aim for is charity, to have conversation with people who see the world differently. It's possible today in our canceled culture, but second, also clarity is very important."
"Thank you for the chance to practice that sort of charitable conversation with people that, like you said, do not agree will not move towards agreement likely, especially not in the next 60 minutes, and yet still see value in this."
"I hope that we can keep a conversation going about inclusivity within the skincare industry."
"There are a lot of interesting things to talk about."
"It is our hope that this debate will spark conversations and wrestlings for all present... and that it will inspire each of you to think more deeply about your own worldview."
"I'm not going to pass your purity test... It doesn't bother me at all that I'm not passing your purity test because what I'm trying to do is make the world a better place, have better conversations."
"Welcome to what I sincerely believe will be a life-transforming conversation for you."
"I appreciate the conversation; you're thankfully more intelligent than most people I talk to."
"My favorite conversations sometimes are with people I disagree with."
"I'm just chilling. Can't we just be respectful of one another and have good conversations?"
"These conversations are happening because these experts are scared."
"Every conversation feels like a scene, it has a beginning and an end, and you feel like you're making meaningful choices."
"This has been the best conversation and debate I've heard in years."
"It's really refreshing to be able to have a conversation like this with someone where we can come in like I still like you, I'm having a good time."
"I viewed that as a really good conversation and you made me think tonight."
"The most amazing thing is that people will surprise you with how much they open up once you engage them with genuine conversational skills."
"Courage, how are you tonight, handsome? I am doing great, pops. Glad you are back home. Happy for you."
"Please stop putting down men in this way. There are plenty of men out there who do have great personalities, who you can have interesting conversations with."
"To opt out of the conversation because it's uncomfortable is what privilege is."
"This is something very important to us as a human race... it's a conversation that needs to happen, but like nobody's talking about it."
"A book in a library isn't just a story; it's a mirror, a window, and sometimes a door to difficult conversations we must have."
"These conversations make it possible for you to be human. These are the entryways to emotional intelligence."
"Morally grey themes surrounding goodness and evilness... it's just such an interesting conversation."
"You don't have to agree with anyone here; just the fact that we're having conversation is like the spirit of freedom."
"You're right, I think that's a really good point."
"Language exchanges provide opportunities to engage in authentic conversations with native speakers."
"The original home of language learning is in face-to-face conversation."
"Find a language partner. This is the best way to improve your conversation skills."
"If our intent is to help out other people, this conversation could prove to be very fruitful."
"Two taboos in polite conversation have traditionally been talking about religion and talking about politics. People get immediately heated, and it often isn't conducive to a pleasant, conflict-free encounter."
"Sometimes there is doubt, but after that doubt, there will be more light, more awakening yet to come. This we can undertake together if we're willing to be forgiving and engage with one another in polite open conversations."
"If I'm going to have a conversation with God, it should be within the parameters of whatever the hell I want."
"The only thing that makes conversation possible is an openness to evidence and arguments, a willingness to update one's view of the world when better reasons are given."
"I think so, I mean, I've been struck by how deep the hunger is for genuine conversation."
"This is the show for you if you want honest conversations with fascinating people."
"I think there are a lot of reasons why this conversation is a necessary conversation."
"Men have to get more involved and we have to be talking to each other and educating each other."
"Can we talk for a moment, can we just have a little conversation here?"
"Upon re-listening to this, the conversation was even better than I had realized. I'm very happy to get a chance to present it to a wider audience here."
"Every conversation just becomes a meta conversation about a conversation."
"Successful conversation is all we have to solve our problems together."
"I will have an in-depth conversation with him about how his life is going, and I think it is good to remember that you can be successful and still be humble and not judge people about where they're at now."
"It's been a day, hasn't it? Oh, James. Oh dude, right next to me."
"This person is so attracted to ambition and they could care less for small talk; they care about business, they care about what you learned."
"When one learns how to make the spiritual and psychological distinction between 'you are wrong on an issue' and 'you are wrong as a person', then true conversation can happen."
"Whoever asks the questions, controls the conversation."
"Tonight, I want to have a conversation about this incredible global issue that's at the intersection of land use, food, and environment, something we can all relate to."
"I'm talking about it honestly. I want to have everybody on the same page and want to have a genuine conversation about this, and not one where it's just super reactive, super reactionary, and there's no thought that goes into it."
"I think we get to disprove that by shifting the way we approach conversations."
"The important thing...is that you're enjoying it...it's all about learning something from the person you're talking to."
"Healthy conversations are good. Different ideas are good."
"It's nice to...have a little conversation, get a different perspective."
"We have had forbidden conversation; we have had oral intercourse; we are bound in telling story upon story."
"We still think free thought and open conversation is needed more so now than it really ever has been before."
"The wise man once said the true history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms."
"What you might think is just a passing conversation could save someone's life."
"A pause in the wrong place, an intonation misunderstood, and the whole conversation went awry."
"It is time to start a conversation about using the windfall profits of Frozen Russian assets to jointly purchase military equipment for Ukraine."
"Sometimes uncomfortable conversations are very healthy. Get out of your bubble, whether you're black or white."
"Reducing stigma allows this whole conversation to open up."
"What I am experiencing that's positive is that we're able to widen this conversation in a way that is bringing more people into it."
"Continued conversation, reduction of stigma, is going to allow that to flourish and allow answers to help generate themselves."
"The stigma is real. I think conversations like this help to fight and reduce that stigma."
"Interesting conversations are contagious. I am interested in people that are engaged in interesting conversations."
"If you could actually have an honest conversation instead of trying to avoid this, you might come out the other side understanding something and being a better person."
"A place to hang out and shop and have a good conversation while you're doing it," many Eastside residents said.
"What does being emo have to do with her getting black? You wouldn't understand, Marina."
"If you're going to engage in conversations about communities, talk to someone from that community."
"People most often like the conversation when they are talking the most...because people love to hear their voice and people love to be heard."
"They don't need us today. Anytime Daniel's at the table, I feel like we're just not needed at all. He really does drive the conversation."
"Belief can change the nature of a conversation, a conversation can change how you know yourself."
"Keep up the important conversation. Thank you for being part of them."
"We ought to have a real conversation about the eternal values that are important and not lose them because if we do, things are likely to get much worse."
"I actually love french fries, yeah me too, man, they're yum, I could eat a billion french fries."
"My heart is filled, literally filled, with gratitude, with joy, with a deep sense of appreciation because I'm getting to have a conversation with someone who I have admired and respected from afar for so much of my life."
"We're never going to solve this problem if we do not have an open and honest conversation."
"Dissent shouldn't be Kryptonite. We should have a civil conversation, we should have a spirited exchange of ideas."
"The details matter. Details can come down to how you have a conversation, how you take a walk."
"Sometimes a simple conversation is enough to help somebody get through another week."
"Racism is not over... but there really has been an awakening among people when the conversation is approached in the right way."
"It's mostly for fun, gets the conversation started."
"This is one of the most emotional, raw, honest, vulnerable, brilliant, gripping conversations I've ever had."
"I just remember feeling so frustrated that I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to walk up to her, start a conversation. I wanted to, more than anything, but I was afraid that I would look like a fool."
"At a cigar lounge, you never start with politics. You start with church and faith, and that builds a bridge."
"Happiness and fulfillment have to become a much bigger part of the conversation than financial upside."
"I want to have good conversations with smart people."
"Melon, this is actually awesome, isn't it, Sonny? It's beautiful."
"I hate small talk, which is why when I interact with people, I try to advance the conversation to something that I can find interesting as quickly as possible."
"If you don't relate to the conversation that is happening around you, one of the best things that you can do is be curious."
"It's always a real privilege to get to sit down and spend a couple of hours talking with him."
"If you don't change anything, what is going to happen? We're going to keep finding ourselves in the same conversations where we really hide the underlying truth."
"We want to have real conversations and do it in a respectful way."
"It's important for the conversation we're having to differentiate between gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity."
"I like talking to people that have opinions that force me to actually rethink how I think."
"The whole thing comes off natural and effortless, but behind the scenes, Joe was particular about guiding the conversations because he knew how crucial they were to the success of the show."
"If you really engage them in conversation, you'll come away with something that you didn't know, and that's a treasure."
"I think it's important now more than ever to be able to listen to each other and actually have real conversations."
"It's not just about the food, it's about the discussion."
"Seeing each other every day, getting along, having some of the best conversations... it's been... I don't know, it's just cool."
"I think that having pleasant conversations with people who disagree can be very eye-opening."
"It was good because you ask questions that people don't usually ask."
"We've reduced our conversation to the dumbest possible point."
"This is just the start of a much longer conversation."
"We absolutely loathe insincere conversation."
"At the end of the day, bro, I have to disagree with you."
"The fact that we're having this conversation is evidence that they've had a positive effect. They want the conversation to take place in United States politics."
"Hi, I'm Bobby Bear. You want to know how much I love you? Yes, how much is it? A lot. I love you to the moon and back. Well, watch out; Hoppy Hopscotch is over at the moon, so tell him I said hi while you're up there."
"I definitely am not here to grill you by any means. I'm here to air fry you, you little chicken tender."
"I would love to see you sit down and have a conversation with someone like Richard Wolff or Noam Chomsky."
"If you're just sitting in the room with your wife and you're not doing anything, yeah it's kind of nice... but you know what I like more than just sitting in the room watching Netflix with my wife? Having deep meaningful conversation with my wife."
"Everything starts with a conversation, right? And I think we also have to frame this in terms of understanding very clearly I am acutely aware that we are talking about two marginalized communities, right? You love hip-hop, and to me, hip-hop is the greatest global cultural force of perhaps centuries."
"We got to make progress and this is how we do it, one conversation at a time, breaking down the illogical because it's just about logic."
"If you're going to enter a conversation, it's probably best to listen to what's already been said."
"He's willing to say he's wrong and be persuaded. That's what we need, that attitude to say, 'Look, I can be convinced. Let's have this conversation.'"
"He talks with a sort of blunt, plain-spoken honesty that I think makes him a very effective explainer."
"This is where the real conversations happen and this is what gets your brain actually engaged and some depth as well."
"It's only possible and sensible to continue this conversation if we agree that life has value and that its value is inherent."
"I think it is important to have a nuanced, deep, interesting, intelligent conversation. A lot of people waiting for this are kind."
"Now we have time on our hands, and I wanted to spend this time just kind of revisiting the father-daughter talk."
"Tonight's been pretty intense, I can imagine. How are you feeling?"
"If we commit to doing better and being careful and engaging in sensitive conversations that we're new to, and also just being willing to learn, we've got a lot going for us in that regard."
"We need to start having real, honest, genuine conversations about this stuff."
"Barbie has a conversation with her creator and her creator essentially says if you want to be a human, this is what it means: it means a lifetime of feeling and then you die."
"This project is to act as constructive feedback and start some sort of conversation with the community."
"We all disagree, and it's so long as we can have a conversation, we're in good company."
"It's hard though, as much as we can talk about it, but this is why these conversations are so powerful."
"Conversation is the key to bringing us together."
"Nothing says fun quite like having 'Shout Your Abortion' on your coffee table."
"We need more...long-form conversations and growing your attention span so that you're not this 'Brave New World' type of brain."
"Keep on talking to me, Jesus... till you fix me, till you regulate it, keep on talking to me."
"There's something almost relieving about just listening to a conversation, connecting with a young lady, and hearing her just talk about how she cares about her son."
"I think it will help in listening to this conversation if you have some familiarity with the antinatalist argument."
"Women in general would rather waste time talking about a tangential point that has nothing to do with the bulk of what we're talking about."
"This has been a treat. I really enjoy talking to you."
"Thank you for sitting down with me, this was a lot of fun."
"This has been amazing, man, I could go all day."
"Turn these conversations into social impact."
"I actually enjoy sometimes talking with people with whom I disagree."
"There is a competition over your conversation in the unknown."
"Remember you might be the person to invite them to a conversation that helps them open up again or you might be the remedy they need."
"Lily, we're gonna talk in the corner. Hi Lily, we are two high-pitched people."
"Most people want to stay on the surface because it's hard to talk about things that are hard to talk about."
"I want to have a one-hour conversation with a person, two-hour conversation with the person to see where you at, what are you thinking about, who are you anyways?"
"Jesus is not silent; he actually has an intelligent conversation."
"Not belittling another person and promoting intellectual conversation was far more enticing."
"Why can't we just talk to people, have a conversation? We're not fighting, we're not gonna pick up arms or swords or whatever and try to kill each other."
"Manscaping: opening up the conversation about male grooming."
"I think it's important to be honest about both sides of the conversation."
"The most important thing is just to force yourself to start the conversation. That's it. Just A, ask more questions, and B, just have the conversation. Force yourself to do it."
"How the heck does that happen? Who knows, Jed?"
"We need to have a real conversation about the racism and sexism behind electability."
"Every negative thing that comes out is a platform for a conversation period."
"All opinions are welcome, all conversation is welcome, as long as it's respectful and mindful of our friends and neighbors around us."
"We have a lot to talk about... let's have a good hang out."
"People like, it's not done and we're like yeah."
"That's a good point, yeah. Damn it, that's a good point."
"It's really important to kind of demystify therapy...therapy is about the conversation."
"I'm interested in speaking to different people with different views."
"I know what little [ __ ] we're knocked out on the beach."
"I'm here, super excited about this conversation."
"Middle ground exists in small private underground conversations that people can't find out about."
"With the semi-colon tattoo, I am committing to starting the conversation and continuing the conversation."
"Feet are alright, alright alright, we're done."
"You changed my life in five minutes on the phone."
"Should a child speak to their mother that way?"
"Talking pints over a drink, we have a civilized conversation."
"Jokers are wild and as such we've got all a TSA's bringing you this conversation here today."
"Every time I talk to you, I just feel really happy."