
Community Quotes

There are 163163 quotes

"It's important to talk about it because I think that when we start all talking about it, then we realize that we're all kind of in this together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think the relationships on our show do more than just make people laugh. I think they make people think and feel connected in a certain way."
"I still want to be here when Cities Skylines 2 is the game that we all dreamed it would be, and I want to be along for the ride."
"I love y'all so much. Big love and respect to you."
"People want to connect with something; they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves."
"The importance of a supportive community shouldn't be underestimated."
"This week belongs to everyone here; it's all of us. So go out there, do some good, be nice to people, love on some people, and accomplish your goals."
"If you're building integrity, you're going to have people around you that's going to make sure that you get back in pocket because they know how much you mean to them and they know how much you mean to the culture."
"The research is consistent with the idea that... to be able to see the good that exists in yourself, in your community, and in others... gives you the ability to do what matters in your own life with less despair and less hopelessness."
"Deeply rooted in our DNA is this idea that we have to be a part of a community in order to survive."
"We're trying to make everything work for everyone."
"All of the different groups have to make sacrifices in order for us all to get on."
"We're all sacrificing... to make sure that we are all friends with each other."
"Cooking for your community should be about maximizing joy."
"Food brings people together in the most difficult times."
"I've learned and grown more from the people around me than the academics or the traveling experience."
"If we understand that the actual science of the unity of everything... then it also follows that illness and health are not individual attributes, they're actually manifestations of our relationships and our situation in the world."
"If you build beautiful buildings... people of that city love that city and will defend that city."
"We lean on the people around us to hold us up, who help support us, help us heal."
"There's so much creativity in not having to be creative alone."
"There's a time where it felt like we were all offering contributions of our creativity or self-expression to this platform and to this moment in time, that was the democratization of voice."
"Culture is like the background music of any community, of any organization, of every team, and of every family."
"For many respondents, reading aloud brought joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging."
"It's a great community, it's like people really helping support one another."
"Team and community... is a powerful tool for buffering stress."
"Communities tend to be more generous politically when they view those in the community as importantly similar to them."
"It's absolutely crazy to me that so many of you have decided to watch our show... We now have five million subscribers on YouTube."
"We use yoga to come together and create the space to focus on gratitude."
"We're gonna rediscover...it's the depth and quality of your local relationships that define your actual sense of meaning and purpose in life."
"Collective trauma demands collective resilience."
"I assure you, nothing would fill my heart with joy more than to be friends with the fine people of this town."
"Imagine if we found this concept of working hard, being productive, being on self-improvement, becoming masculine, and joining a community like this when we were young. Where would we be in life right now?"
"We all meet up every single day at 5 pm to have dinner together next to a big fire. It's like this community feeling which humans don't get these days."
"Generosity, bro, if you give back to your people, it's all going to come back to you."
"Be the support group for others if you're in a really good place in your life right now."
"Since we opened our borders, travelers from all around are joining our city. Doesn't it just warm your heart?"
"These guys actually care. That's what Islam is about."
"Remember, none of this is possible without you."
"Let's be real, it's not just for you, it's also for us because we get to play."
"I'm currently writing book four, but I don't want to be rich or famous or any of that. I just want to keep it a small thing that I'm sharing with you guys."
"Some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yeah, of course, let them in, let them in."
"People are willing to make decisions that are preferential towards themselves, their family, their community, and their country, usually in that order."
"Our city's population is growing steadily. Our records indicate that 250 people now live in our city."
"From the turn of the century onwards, community ties and religious institutions were buckling as the pressures of modernity led to vast migration into cities, leaving many people alienated and alone."
"We're present with each other. We know each other's story. We know what's going on in each other's lives. We're here for you if something sucks and you need a shoulder to cry on or somebody to help you with your work. Like, we care about each other. It's important. We take care of each other like family."
"We bring the joy. We create a positive atmosphere, a positive community. We want that enthusiasm, and that joy, and that positivity because everybody has had the opposite, and we know it sucks."
"Nothing brings people closer together than undergoing shared trials."
"The only true way for you, me, and everyone around us to actually lift ourselves out of this average-ness infested mud we call normalcy is by changing not only our own situation but everyone's."
"It is a holy artifact, the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. The disks promise it will make our lands green and our village prosperous. It will save us. More, I do not know."
"You don't find a job you love; you find a place where you share the values, you fit, they care about you as a human being, you fall in love with your job and you work tirelessly every day to take care of the people around you to remain fulfilled."
"A community of love, solidarity, and mutual aid produces stronger people than a community of backstabbing, sabotaging competition."
"We're all different pieces of the puzzle. We only fit in because we're different."
"Honestly, when people are nice and there's no beef, I love it."
"I just want to say again how grateful I am that I have this platform where I get to hang out with y'all."
"Everybody in the room is interested in everybody else getting better."
"This isn't as much of a YouTube channel as this is a community. It's just as much yours as it is mine, and I'm glad to have each and every one of you as part of this family. Big love and respect."
"I don't have fans, homie. We could be friends, we could be homies, we could be family. I love you."
"We're creatures of community. That's how we've survived as a species."
"People who are lonely and depressed are three to ten times more likely to get sick and die prematurely from virtually all causes when compared to those who have a sense of love and connection with community."
"I love each and every one of you guys. You beautiful gorgeous animals out there in these comments."
"I'd rather have a thousand people that give a crap than a million people who don't."
"Life is about people, it's about families, it's not about acquiring stuff and individualism."
"Life is about giving to others, doing for others, being of use to others. True value and influence come from when we are around other people."
"We cannot do this thing called career or life alone. We're just not that smart. We're not that strong. We're just not that good."
"If we invest in the women in those communities, you've actually invested in the families and in the communities."
"You can't ask people for culture; you have to offer them a cause to join."
"Treat your community and your customers with respect because they matter more than anything."
"Payday was once a game that felt like it had passion, and though at times stumbling, at times a bit misguided, it felt like it was a game about having fun and creating new experiences and making friends."
"No man is an island, and we hope you'll make lots of connections and extend your hand to those in need."
"People want to feel part of something bigger and meaningful."
"Play the games you want, with the people you want, anywhere you want, when everybody plays, we all win."
"Thank you to the mods for keeping it safe. Thank you to everybody who is a part of our extended family, man. You guys are all loved, and you're all welcome here."
"Bringing people together who would never be able to be together in an immersive experience."
"We can't have a good community unless it's safe and civil."
"I see all the comments asking for you, and then I was just like, I just feel, and a lot of people probably feel this way too, they just feel connected, they feel like seen and represented."
"We're all helping each other through this on this wild ride called life."
"Going to Gen Con in the 90s and seeing all of these amazing RPGs with different fantasies and tons of people playing them was awesome. It is something to look forward to."
"Anytime you have a hobby like this, where it's not just the activity but also the community and the history of it that you love, you get to a point where you don't just want to play, you want to give back to the community."
"It's therapeutic for a lot of us convicts that have gotten jammed up to just be able to have community and talk about this stuff."
"It was a lot of fun watching these small channels grow from tens of subscribers to tens of thousands."
"Everyone's just reaching out showing love and I love it."
"The problems in your life are not driven by money... Relationships with your family, relationships with God, relationships with your community... Maintaining all of these things can be done in a healthy, awesome manner."
"Most people just want to be able to work a job, provide food for their family, hang out with their family and their community."
"Empowerment is getting on code as a group, understanding what we need to do to protect each other from white supremacist terrorism."
"You understand, you find like-minded people who are about empowerment, and you get with those folks."
"Peace, peace, and black power, family. This is Jade Arrendelle, aka Lioness Crowned, your revolutionary and apologetically black host."
"Salute to the chat and everybody that's black and proud to be black every day."
"I do want to talk about this story in a way that is very forwarding to see what we can take away from it, what we can learn from it as a community."
"I'm not going to be up here celebrating like, 'Oh, there's a black cop committed suicide.' That's not the purpose or the point of this particular broadcast."
"I want to send condolences to his family. We're not here to celebrate the loss of life of the brother."
"Let me be the light, then. Let me be the example. Let me be the agent of change in this community I'm in."
"I love seeing when you all answer each other's questions, or you can make friends in the comments. That is what we are here for."
"In doing our work, we shine the light to illuminate the way for others."
"I was sitting with my higher self, connecting with spirit, divinity, source, and I was like, 'What pick-a-card reading can I bring to my soul tribe that everybody can kind of connect with?'"
"Let's all inspire each other to pick up the pace."
"It's not a competition, but we should aspire to inspire each other."
"Bringing us up, bringing everyone together, and lifting everyone up."
"I'm so grateful that you're a part of this community. I'm so grateful that you keep committing to your growth, your development, and your learning."
"Black empowerment is also making sure and guaranteeing that no groups can come in and harm you."
"You can afford to have a little more passion about your communities, to see the good in them while being committed to making them even better."
"It's okay to reach out and ask for help when that sort of thing happens."
"Cry out, cry out, cry, cry out, and I bet that you'll find an audience of people willing to listen, able to relate, and eager to help."
"A community I want to be a part of, in a world I want to create."
"This is a collection of all of us right here, chat. I want us to be all a part of this."
"The purpose is your loved ones, your family, your community, the people you hang out with, the stuff you like to do... That gives people like happiness and structure."
"We got to start giving honor to our real icons because see, I'm all about us being empowered."
"It's all about empowerment with us over here, and we're going to have to start taking control of our narratives."
"Wonder and optimism... how it only needs one in ten of us to show up in order to help fuel that energy in the world."
"I think it's beautifully put, so thanks for saying that. You are a sovereign individual of divine value, you're the cornerstone of the community and that's the fundamental presupposition of our society that happens to be true."
"We have a culture code of relationship here at Transformation Church. We believe that we belong together."
"Your success is really a driving force, but it's people all around you."
"We need more people... lifting each other up."
"The community and creators are united when it comes to the most important things: the truth, what's right and wrong, speaking for those who can't, uplifting the voices of those that might otherwise go unheard."
"All that I'm seeing here really is a push forward for more customization, more options for people to play the characters they want to play, bring to life the stories that they want to tell, and have fun with their friends at the table playing this amazing game."
"The fans are always the heart of a football club; without them, no football club."
"An individual alone is like a finger. It's the group that's human."
"Let's make a [__] avalanche and try to make the world a slightly better place."
"You are such an inspiration to so many different people, girls, guys, adults, kids, not just in this community but in the entire world."
"I invited 100 players to my Minecraft server and gave them one week to grind gear and form alliances in their goal to be the last Kingdom alive when The Purge begins, removing all rules."
"Let's Empower everybody together. I think that we can all ascend together and create beautiful things, improve our homes."
"Committing to communities of character seems to help people find a sense of purpose and direction."
"I'm here for the betterment of everybody that can vibrate on my wavelength or my energy."
"Don't let a single child ride past our state house and see that flag and feel pain. Get the flag and get the pole down."
"We live in an indivisible biosphere community; there's no escape."
"I've seen what this community can overcome when we come together. I've seen what we can do."
"We live in a state of emergency. We cannot allow the degradation of our communities, environment, and Constitution to become socially acceptable."
"Tabletop games are really popular with neurodivergent people. They allow us to express ourselves, build community, and be impulsive or experimental without real life consequences."
"I think we also need some maturity in this community."
"I took the kid to everybody's room to meet all the artists and I let the kid come on stage with us."
"What we do is, you become a member, you join the Discord server, you start talking to people... bang, you've invented something new."
"CrossFit is all about community, right? And it really is for everybody."
"Thank you everyone for making me smile again."
"My cool Throne is friend of the program, Dan Hurley, after winning the Big East title regular season, he went out to the bar and celebrated with fans and students."
"I actually do think that it's important to remind yourself sometimes that the vast majority of people that watch the sport and pay attention to the coverage just like football, and they're us. We're idiots."
"This football is generated by you; you have built this team."
"Plagiarism shows a lack of respect for those in your community."
"It's not about calling people out, it's about demonstrating the good movement motion and helping each other get better."
"We are all hurting. Our officers, our fire department, our families, all of our staff, our community. We're heartbroken."
"If we take care of each other, that's when we can best care for our community."
"Life is not a zero-sum game. We're in this together, and the nicer we are to each other, the better off we all are."
"The only way this works is if we start taking responsibility for each other."
"Her neon vest was a happy splash of color, and her smile was a warm hello for the sleepy children ambling to school."
"I think the home, the family unit, is the foundation for everything in a great society, a great country."
"Thank you for watching this episode of Minecraft Monday. We all appreciate Speedy and we all learned a good lesson about what it's like to appreciate Speedy back."
"Take care of yourself, each other, and your loved ones. Respect your family, love your family, respect your teachers, and if you see a crime, don't intervene, call the Popo."
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom."
"There's a bigger sense of community in South America... people do communicate way better in South American countries."
"Communities really band together in times of tragedy... It just shows you how valuable life is and how everybody just gets together; they love all being together."
"Like most fandoms, the furry community uses the internet as a way to interact with each other without limits."
"We all want to be part of a community. Make sure that you're holding others accountable for their actions, because it may just protect the people we care about most."
"A loyal community of people who have been playing their game for 9 plus years, showing undying loyalty to their game."
"Deep down, I really want to offer something more comprehensive to help people on a very personal level to change our lives together, being actually in a community of like-minded people."
"Communities, small tribes of people coming together resisting all of this modern [___] and rethinking our position on all of this is actually what's essential to overcoming these very obstacles."
"Initially, users on the website were talking about the show and enjoying it ironically, kind of like 'haha look at us, we're watching a silly little kids' TV show about ponies.' However, after a while, people ended up kind of falling in love with it."
"Thank you so much for giving me time out of your day, trusting me, trusting us, and our incredible community here to help you in your search for greatness, for growth, for purpose, for passion."
"This is an election year within the United States...this is the high time for the Pakistani Community to...create platforms that bring them together and make the American system realize that we matter."
"Whenever there's a conflict in the street, it's always the market woman or the fish market woman who intervenes to break it up. She's reacting to her pity."
"Choose to surround yourself with genuine, caring, and loving people."
"At the end of the day, when you have leadership that taints the word of the Lord and turns an actual community effort into something where people literally sit down and give money to these individuals so they can live lives luxuriously, that's when you lose me and most people around."
"There's almost never a dull moment at this house. My house is like the unofficial hangout spot for my entire family, so I wanted to feel as welcoming and as comfortable as possible."
"Instead of getting angry with each other, that we would look around and say, 'How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus in this time?'"
"The obligations we take on in our lives are the things that make us the most human."
"I care about America not being such an embarrassment to the rest of the world. I care about my fellow Americans, and I feel like we're one big community and we have to help each other."
"It's a fantastic community. I'm very, very proud of what we've built."
"This isn't fake. We've done loads of live shows. I've met loads of you. Like, this is a real community."
"Thanks everyone for watching, you're absolute legends. Take care."
"People naturally root for people like themselves; people root for people that they see themselves in."
"The community, we need to come together and stop being so judgmental, so critical in our own community, work together."
"We're not just a team; we're a community, pushing each other towards greatness."
"It was a crime that most people only experience through movies, but the members of this quiet, hardworking town would soon find themselves thrust into the national spotlight, unwillingly living through a real-life murder mystery and mourning a family who had been a fixture in their community."
"Super Smash Bros Melee... has been able to stay alive as a game for 23 years now, in spite of seemingly everything trying to stop them."
"We're hungry to be part of something bigger than ourselves."
"Thank you very much for watching and helping us achieve 400,000 subscribers."
"I hope you have a great rest of your week, and as always, keep it fizzy."
"I know I do this at the end of like every video, but I just want you guys to know how extremely grateful and appreciative I am of all of the views, comments, and likes on all of my videos."
"Pray the Rosary every day. You're not on the team if you don't."
"Thank you to everyone who is here and watching, who's ever watched Fun House and enjoyed it, who's been supportive of the people here and the stuff that we've tried to do over 9.2 years."
"We evolved in for millions of years...our needs are for community, for contact, for collaboration, for connection."
"We became the best market on the continent, made new friends, completed the community center, and finally got to Ginger Island."
"Singing with other people is good for your health."
"You know what he told me? He read your messages on the last video when you guys were like, 'We love you, Bert,' and it's helping him."
"Every single one of you, who have sent pictures, paintings, photos, and everything along the way, thank you so much, guys. You know I love you."
"Philosophy itself cannot truly be communicated through books at all, but only through a kind of communal striving towards the good."
"Nearly 6,000 of you have joined our insiders club; it's an amazing network fellowship of patriots all over the world."
"If everybody plays their little parts and can fit it like a nice puzzle, it turns out to be a nice mosaic."
"We all just conversate, and it's a beautiful thing."
"Thank God for heavy metal and also thank God for being in a group, in a gang, in a band."
"This is church, this is where tens of thousands of people come to worship at the altar of heavy metal and the best to ever do it, Metallica."
"What Jesus offers in salvation... is a pathway to community, partnership with God, but to a broader fellowship at the table."
"Community is very important. You need people to succeed in this journey."
"I would have had zero motivation to do any of this if it weren't for all you lovely patrons and all you viewers out there. So thanks for watching. I hope to see you again soon."
"A tier list is a community effort, not just my personal view."
"I truly appreciate each and every single one of you and I truly would not be able to do videos like this if it was not for you watching right now."
"He delivered a lot of babies around here, many, many, with a lot of good feelings toward the care he gave those patients for many many years."
"Leslie was so well known. They were both very active in the philanthropic community. He's delivered thousands of babies, so if you just multiply that out, there's literally tens of thousands of people that have some connection to Dr. Newlander."
"Let's push for change without slandering others."
"We as believers cannot rightfully ignore our manifold responsibility to fellow believers."
"The Christian life is a life of relationship: relationship to God, relationship to His Son, relationship to the Holy Spirit, all of that in order that you and I might be relational to each other."
"It's all about the togetherness, that original energy."
"It's the whole concept of bringing some sort of happiness to a desolate environment, bringing people together to unify."