
Relief Quotes

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"I actually feel some relief just hearing this."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a tremendous relief and I'm filled with gratitude for the transformation."
"That's going to be the first time they're getting a breath of fresh air in over six months."
"I don't know if you've ever carried a dream for a long, long time, and it finally comes true, and it's just like, oh, like this weight comes off you."
"If you confront your fear, then it grows you, and it also brings instant relief."
"Everyone is relieved to see that B is still alive but some question how he could have survived such a terrible situation."
"Anytime we rub a... sore muscle, we're literally pumping it out of the cell."
"Then you can take a sigh of relief, it's over, we're done, we can start living again."
"I feel so relieved. I feel light. I feel like I can breathe again."
"Confession feels good because you're accepting it, you're not hiding it, you're just being with it, and then it gets easier."
"Sex and masturbation... does release chemicals in your brain and make you feel good. It's not gonna make your problems go away but it may give you temporary relief."
"Your angels are going to lift that burden from you so your heart is not so heavy."
"You will be able to root out any of your pains, any of your problems."
"The relief of any neuropsychiatric condition ultimately is from neuroplasticity in some form or another."
"It was like a big weight off my shoulders, and then I felt like I was free again."
"This game does not make me want to punch a baby."
"After months of waiting, people here are relieved to finally be getting a vaccine."
"I know that the pain she had been through and the pain my family had been through would finally be resolved."
"It gives my partner Lisa more time to do the things that she needs to do instead of being a caregiver 24-7."
"That was all I needed to finally complete this blasted DLC."
"I felt like suddenly a huge weight and a huge pressure had been lifted."
"It's a huge relief to know that I can take back control of my privacy and reduce the risk of falling victim to fraud."
"It was a false pregnancy test, so I'm not pregnant and everything's going to be all right."
"Something is coming to an end, the chapter of your life that has taken a lot out of you is coming to an end completely."
"It's time to act. We can reduce suffering in this country. We can put people back to work. We can gain control of this virus. That's what the American Rescue Plan does, and that's what I'm determined to do."
"The vast majority of the American people support this bipartisan package that would bring relief to American families."
"I felt a lot of my stress leave my body at this announcement."
"We finally have a way out of this long national nightmare."
"I'm alive, I'm alive, oh my gosh, Daddy, you scared us."
"He got it open a few more millimeters and I was able to eat this week and chew with like no clicking and popping and no major pain."
"I'm free. Oh, my thank God. Oh, my goodness. I'm so happy."
"Oftentimes, I pray with my patients, and I can see when I do that for my patients that it's almost like a weight has been lifted off."
"Shanghai fans, ever breathing a sigh of relief here."
"I felt like I was dangling over a pit that I couldn't see the bottom of, but once I decided to let go of the branch and drop into it, I realized my feet were kind of on the ground already."
"A good friend is one with whom you sit and share your problems and when you walk away from them, you feel very light."
"I felt this immense feeling of liberation because I didn't feel I no longer had the burden of pretending anymore."
"Justice on Friday: I believe sexual assault victims and survivors across the country breathed in a collective sigh of relief."
"I feel like a fog has been lifted. I feel so happy here."
"Sometimes when we accomplish things, all we feel is relief, like when you're panicking about the final exam and then you take the final exam and it's not like, 'Yay, I did it!' It's like, 'Oh my God, thank God that's over.'"
"Thank you, everybody, for all the love and all the support you've all given me. It's just a huge weight off my shoulders."
"It was like a breath of fresh air. It was like a sigh of relief."
"Freedom from pain or constraint, the easing or alleviation of grief or distress."
"Hell Divers, I've got some absolutely fantastic news: We are finished with Hell M. We do not need to go back down on this planet ever again."
"I feel like there's been some weight lifted off of my heart."
"This whole past two years have been like building up to this one big moment, and it was like, 'Oh, a weight off your shoulder.'"
"When worship is done best, it's not just a reward in the hereafter; it's relief in this world as well."
"As the world looks like it's beginning to reopen, most of the population that live in areas where the restrictions are easing are taking a big sigh of relief."
"Decisive people experience the joy and relief that comes with making a decision versus the pain and suffering that comes with indecision."
"It was by far the worst Christmas of my life, but the best Christmas gift was knowing that he'd be put away in a mental institution for at least the next six years."
"We're after the solution that causes both of us to feel relief."
"What you receive is a huge weight lifts off of you... you feel relieved, you feel justified."
"I hope that everyone feels like they got it all released off their chest."
"I never thought I'd be happy over poop, but when you struggle for half of your life, finally becoming regular literally makes me want to cry happy tears."
"You feel lighter because something just broke off of you, something just came off of you."
"I felt like an entire two tons of coal were lifted off me... I'm free."
"The moment I release certain people and things and situations, the shadow hanging over me vanished."
"This isn't work, this is actually us celebrating the end of a very painful journey."
"I felt like a backpack on my back of sin just fell off, and I felt weightless."
"You lighten your load when you let go of anything that is not meant for you."
"We made it. Oh, vacation. You hear that? We made it."
"Everyone cried that they were finally able to eat something; with this single bite, their lives were extended."
"There's a tremendous amount of relief that comes from discovering the space in consciousness prior to that stream of thinking."
"The family of Dante Wright is relieved that the justice system has provided some measure of accountability."
"I guess a way to describe it would be that of relief, maybe hope for the future, but in reality, not real joy."
"I hang up the phone, I look at my wife, I start crying, and I tell her, I think I'm cancer-free."
"I had survived, and the relief that I had survived was overwhelming."
"I had almost forgotten he existed, and boy, did I enjoy the bliss that ignorance afforded me."
"Yes, bring me back to land, please! I was so scared."
"No joke, holy crap, I can breathe. This is crazy."
"Kazooie, am I glad to see you! I thought Grunty would have made you into a monster by now."
"Thankfully, both drivers were fine and able to walk away unscathed."
"Once it was stabilized, a lot of the times those problems went away."
"Whatever your decision is today, just thank you for bringing this nightmare to an end."
"Justice was served; it gives this family somewhere to start over."
"When I get rid of stuff, I just feel like I and my house can take this sigh of relief, as if a weight has been lifted."
"Letting go of those items really does feel very much like a release and it's very freeing too."
"It's over, it's done, yes, finally! Thank you, everyone, thank you for sticking with me."
"Good riddance. I don't know about you, but I have had enough of being scared."
"That night was probably one of the most free I think I've ever felt because it meant I was finally done with that."
"It was a major relief...it also connected me with the autistic community."
"The hard part's done and oh, I feel so good."
"It's not necessarily like this big celebration, but it is a sigh of relief."
"What a great thing to do. Holy shit, oh my God. I can't believe like how much of joy you'd feel and relief probably getting that thing back."
"Gohan, after defeating Super Perfect Cell, collapses to the ground, breathing heavily and smiling."
"If you lift somebody's scrotum up and you improve the pain in their testicle, one might say that you have the Midas touch."
"Immediately, the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague."
"I felt a weight was lifted off my heart just being in the presence of people who embody the spirit of Minnesota."
"Tang San feels relieved and happy because he has friends willing to fight by his side."
"We're safe, we're safe. We did it. We're out. Yeah, that was probably the most intense escape I've ever had."
"The insight was...a great relief because I didn't have to think about it anymore. I kind of understood something."
"I felt free for the first time in a long time."
"Getting a bad tooth extracted isn't a sweet process, but when the bad tooth is gone, the relief is almost heavenly."
"Then being alone and all of a sudden just having kind of the weight of the world off my shoulders, I was able to just breathe."
"Winning a Super Bowl is really the one time in your career where you can exhale and be like, 'I did it.'"
"It feels great to not be under pressure anymore, to not try and achieve the impossible."
"I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all of my fears."
"But then there was also the sense of like, 'Oh my gosh, I don't have to keep looking over my shoulders anymore. I don't have to live in this fear.'"
"I just took my biochemistry exam, so I am free. Oh, thank God."
"It's a good thing. The popcorn machine has been secured."
"I don't think anyone lost anything, so that's the good news."
"Oil prices are at $23, that's good finally somebody knows something."
"For these kids, recess is more than a brief break of sunshine. It's a break from war."
"I find enormous relief in the absence of meaning."
"Guilty as charged, my heart is pounding with gladness."
"It's good to laugh. Like if something happens to your friend they're going along and then afterward you can laugh about it."
"It feels like an elephant has been lifted off my shoulders."
"Thank you Jesus the gap-fill was actually okay."
"It felt as if everything was about to come crashing down around us, but it didn't."
"Fumbles practically collapsed in relief when we turned the first corner."
"The fact that they were found guilty was just such relief for the family, all of us."
"I'm just really happy that I got through that part right there."
"It's a relief laws still matter in this country."
"This one prostration that you find too difficult frees you from a thousand frustrations."
"I'm so happy that you're here. Hey, yo, hey, yo, Dog Day. I can't—I didn't think—we actually saved him. Here we are."
"A huge stress reliever and a huge weight off my shoulders."
"He knew, OK this is kind of pressure and anxiety seem to have lifted."
"For one day however we simply feel relief. God bless the Bills."
"We thank God for being the Father of Forgiveness and for the gifts of mercy and relief that he offers us."
"If you give someone the opportunity to escape from their daily experience just for a second where they can laugh and forget all about their worries that can be like this huge burden being lifted from their shoulders."
"Saiki can finally resolve all the problems and misfortunes well."
"Patients are thrilled, finally they've got an explanation."
"They're gone, man, now I don't wish I had this problem."
"Ending of all the burden, results will manifest now."
"No more suffering, something good is coming."
"Your needs are getting met in a way that wasn't before, and that was what exhausted you guys so much."
"Just talking about it and getting it out there and having someone be like oh and helping me figure out my things i feel so much better as well."
"We actually did it, I can't believe I survived."
"People are smarter than we thought, thank God for that."
"According to eyewitnesses, the manta ray didn't move while Wilton dived several times trying to get the hook out of its eye. As a result, the hook was successfully removed."
"We want to be overwhelmed because it takes us away from our day-to-day problems."
"Leaving its carcass on the island to rot, saving us all from inevitable disaster."
"By the time you finish it, you'll feel right as rain."
"They felt like over time it would have gotten worse, so they feel like they avoided a disaster."
"I actually can't believe it. This is such an incredible outcome."
"CBD is the non-psychotic part of cannabis... it's good for pain relief, anxiety, stress, and sleeping."
"It's amazing when people admit that they're wrong... it feels amazing when you do it, it really is like a weight being lifted off your shoulders."
"Healing is like tearing off a band-aid. We dread it, but once you've done it, it feels so good."
"For people who were struggling, these rallies were a breath of fresh air."
"Luckily that didn't happen, but it could have. I'm actually pretty happy I came down here. There's a lot of material down here."
"It's good to see you all again. I've been going through it, but it's good."
"It's nice that doesn't connect to anything else in the story. It's kind of this little escape after all the other unpleasantness."
"They immediately realize the pressure is off."
"Finally, Nikki, you are no longer a missing person. You have been found. We can let you rest now."
"Finally finding some level of peace, you can rest."
"Ah, look at that. Yeah, that's salvation alright."
"It's going to be so refreshing to hear from her."
"Fixing this has been our top priority... thank God they fixed that."
"There were times we doubted the case, there were times we were confident, and to say 'relieved' would be a gross understatement."
"This trial is now over, and there's a sense of relief."
"That sense of relief that that anxiety, that pressure is over."
"Thankfully, the bear eventually went away and everything was okay."
"Stanley yelled, 'I'm dreaming!' This is all a dream! Oh, what a relief Stanley felt to have finally found an answer."
"Some type of justice occurred is paramount. At least they were caught."
"I drove home on the Long Island Expressway that day, the freest man I'd ever felt."
"I broke down completely, crying my eyes out and uncontrollably saying thank you again and again."
"Food is no longer a problem. Let's get a couple claps in there."
"Thank God we escaped 2022, no matter what people say."
"I just feel amazing, it's like taking makeup off."
"When you come up for air and there's just something that you can laugh at, it's nice."
"Melbourne just ended their 107-day lockdown."
"People with the disorder more commonly than not find it great relief to be diagnosed."
"It's a good night in Thailand. Four of the boys have been rescued from that cave complex."
"What we now know confirmed by the governor of Chiang Rai, four of the boys who went into the cave two weeks ago... are now out."
"It was just an overwhelming relief, witnessing this incredible launch that I've been waiting to see for so long."
"Um, it's a good feeling. It's quite liberating."
"Finding peace, free of all this tension and conflict, finally."
"Luckily, I was able to escape. They almost turned me into a vegetable."
"It's almost 3 p.m and finally I'm almost done with the bulk of work. That feels good."
"We all need a laugh... we can laugh at them instead because I think it's safe to say, we all need a laugh."
"I feel like I can finally turn it off and just be who I am. Which is such a relief because it's exhausting having to pretend to like be this like Barbie doll who has no brain all day long when in the back of my mind I know exactly what's happening."
"For me, the most exciting thing about going to the show so this piece was sold before the show so there was no pressure selling anything."
"I thought you were full of crap, but then I tried it out and my breast pain was completely gone."
"I'm happy to be done, I'm so happy to be able to move on to do new things, new projects."
"Your life literally leaves your body when you lose your kid, even for just 10 seconds."
"Okay, I made it. I'm alive. My body and my soul are intact for this moment."
"After that, it was a big relief that decision was over with."
"If I get out of here, I'm going to be so frickin' happy."
"I felt incredibly free. I felt a huge weight off my shoulders."
"Happy that I'm not running, my partner's sprinting."
"I feel amazing. I'm happy. I got out of that one, man."
"Freedom almost always brings a sense of calm relief and elation."
"There's nobody on the planet just like you. Thank God because who needs two of you."
"Thank you for everything, I'm just glad that you're both safe."
"It's a relief that I survived it I can live in of a day I mean this is a game man don't worry you're not actually."
"We're finally unstuck after almost 10 hours of playing the session."
"Is this the exit? Let's get the hell out of this place!"
"He went in, he got the worm out of my head, and he did it in a great manner."
"Whether it was out of relief or simply submitting to the absurdity of the situation, it felt as though a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders."
"It just lets people take a deep breath when we acknowledge that."
"I'm infinitely thankful for the fact that that money was able to come in."
"Oh my god, he's stuck! Oh my god thank god! Whoa, I wasn't expecting that!"
"She did not burn down the house making bread."
"Relief, huge relief, was my overwhelming response."
"A burden is lifted, a burden you didn't even know was there."
"Oh my god, he's dead! No, you idiot, he's over there! Oh thank god."
"Vaccines being shipped to healthcare workers came as a welcome relief."
"Finally, goddamn, sorry, just 25 years of straight poverty, holy [ __ ]."
"Welcome to the end of the video. That's right, we're done. Not looking back, not even a little bit."
"Not only does Jensen not have a medical condition, he doesn't have a phobia either."
"I'm so happy that it's over with because it took me a very long time to get all those stuff up."