
Stigma Quotes

There are 1022 quotes

"It's very anti-stigmatizing that you're bringing this up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're trying to eliminate the stigma here in Pennsylvania by speaking openly about mental health issues."
Josh Shapiro
"Stigma is a virus that plagues the hero's journey. It's the villain, and it's bent on infecting something very dear: your belief system."
"The worst label you can get is 'creep' because it means people don't want to spend time with you without a clear reason."
"I really applaud you for doing that, because I think it's something that people don't talk about because there's so much shame around it."
"I'm sure I will. Because one of the things is like you know, it's moments in time but like no question, one of the best things going on in culture right now is the stigma is melting very quickly."
"Convicted felon is not a label that Donald Trump or his party wants."
"The most important part of it is like taking away the stigma and also the harm that prevents young people from attaining their dreams."
"I've always felt weighed down by this secret of mine, but is it worth coming out of the stigma if the stigma would feel even heavier?"
"Not everyone that works fast food is garbage, and they don't deserve to be treated that way."
"A positive test is not a bad thing. There's no shame, there's no stigma."
"There's no reason to feel ashamed when you need help."
"Speaking from someone who's grown up with severe mental illness... being called crazy is probably one of the most hurtful things."
"Getting professional help isn't weird or weak, it's smart."
"Just because someone might have antisocial personality disorder, that does not mean that they're going to be violent, doesn't mean that they're going to be bad or even dangerous, or can't even help out society."
"We break the stigma around mental health. Let's talk about it, y'all get it out in the open."
"We're trying to inform people... Not everybody's a piece of shit who does time."
"A lot of the questions show that there is a lot of misinformation, a lot of stigma about disability and intimacy."
"Going to a therapist or a psychiatrist is absolutely splendid. It's not anything to be embarrassed about."
"We want to dismantle the stigma around having open, responsible adult conversations around the topic of sex, sexuality, and the good, bad, and ugly of it."
"Stigma lies is people accepting that there's something wrong."
"Don't accept shame from anyone else and don't inflict it on yourself."
"It takes a lot for a parent to get over a lot of the stigma and fear in deciding to try to use a medication for behavior."
"I urge us to put aside stigma and address the security and safety issue this topic represents."
"There's nothing beautiful or artistic about depression, self-harm, or suicide."
"It's not just about reducing the stigma of common mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, but we really need to work on the stigma of the less common ones too."
"Mental illnesses in men are often stigmatized, with societal expectations contributing to a higher suicide rate among men."
"The stigma is real. I think conversations like this help to fight and reduce that stigma."
"This is absolutely a crucial point because if people start saying well you're imagining these symptoms...then what they do is what we call internalize the stigma."
"May is a month to raise awareness for mental health, fight stigma, and provide support for anyone struggling with mental health."
"I think especially being like a female in the industry, there is such a stigma with aging. It's a very kind of scary thing."
"Basically, we need to stop being dicks and assuming that the unhoused are a collection of drug addicts, criminals who've chosen this life for themselves."
"There's no shame in having anxiety or depression."
"Borderline personality disorder is one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized disorders out there."
"The best and quickest way to improve the image and stigma is by going public with it and showing people that you aren't a monster."
"I always tell people the worst thing about sex work is the stigma."
"Let's end the stigma of failure in an industry that's systemically designed for you to fail."
"But the point is made that maybe there can be a better option than straightforward shame, dismissal, and ostracization; maybe allowing certain issues to step into the light, to be explored meaningfully and treated with care, might offer something that a deviant label never could."
"Nearly every disabled person has been told, at one time or another, 'You're faking it.'"
"I do not think anyone should feel embarrassed or ashamed about taking medicine for something that makes them sick."
"Kids have questions because they're learning about the world, and if we shush a kid when they have questions, we're teaching them to feel shame in the presence of disability."
"Now, the label 'triple-A' has become nothing but a stigma that's synonymous with feelings of paranoia on gamers' part."
"But today I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconception about mental health."
"The stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis."
"The worst part about having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't."
"Rightfully, I think a lot of people identified that there's kind of a lot of stigma relating to mental health stuff."
"We have to end the stigma surrounding mental health treatment."
"Mental health is something that we all need to talk about and we need to take the stigma away from it."
"We need to destigmatize mental health and body image issues for men and boys."
"The more prevalent it is, then the less stigma there will be because it's like, if it's affecting everybody, then it's like, okay, who can really criticize?"
"Cringe. That peculiar feeling of second-hand embarrassment. Often weaponized against people who aren't conventionally attractive, and just, like, neurodivergent people in general."
"So many people are ashamed, they're embarrassed, they don't want to be judged. Let's get rid of the stigma, let's normalize it."
"Psychedelics are shaking off that image because this research... is being rediscovered."
"We got to stop thinking that it's weak to take care of your mental health."
"There has always been a stigma surrounding mental therapy."
"It is not your fault if you are mentally ill, but it is absolutely your responsibility."
"It's important to remember here that Shelby was much more than just a sex worker."
"He's never going to get rid of this stigma, but it doesn't mean he can't live with it."
"Getting help when you need it and not being ashamed of it...not to be such a taboo topic."
"Going to therapy doesn't mean that something is wrong."
"If you're struggling with any sort of mental illness, don't let there be a stigma."
"Until it's expunged so even if you don't go to prison if you get that felony it's going to be a rap for a lot of people."
"The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."
"Reframing mental illness as a problem with an organ that you have and treating it like you would treat heart disease, I think is the way to get rid of the stigma."
"Wave stigma and weight cycling is a much bigger problem than weight itself."
"It's important to ask these questions to destigmatize mental health issues."
"I really will not rest until anyone who has schizophrenia anywhere, worldwide is not afraid to say the words 'I have schizophrenia.'"
"My life does not end with this diagnosis. No, and I will not be stigmatized."
"There is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal and stigmatized."
"I’m better off being a drug addict, and that’s more acceptable than it is to be a kleptomaniac."
"The more you talk about it, the more the stigma decreases."
"It's not a moral failing if you get infected. It doesn't mean you did anything wrong."
"The stigma is the main thing that keeps people out there, it keeps people sick, it keeps people too ashamed to ask for help."
"Just because you can't always see the effects and symptoms, it's not a real illness."
"This addiction is not a moral failing. It is a medical issue."
"I cannot put General dysphoria in the category of mental of ill I'm sorry I cannot put that in the category of mental illness because I think mental illness in itself is already stigmatized."
"Stop using disorders, mental illness as a way to justify being a bad person."
"Any attempt to use Hunter Biden against Joe Biden is an attempt to stigmatize addiction."
"But that word feminist is so heavy with baggage, negative baggage."
"You should not let stigmas limit what you can do financially."
"There are certain labels that hurt. It's career-ending labels."
"We should be encouraging responsible gun ownership, not demonizing it."
"Being a fat person with an eating disorder sucks, being anyone with any disorder sucks, being fat with any disorder like double sucks because you don't look like you have an eating disorder."
"Stigma is how you peacefully discourage behavior that you don't like."
"That's what's awesome too is I think there's so much stigma around smokers versus there's all types of ways to consume it."
"Schizophrenia is not a death sentence. It really isn't. You could have a beautiful, wonderful, fulfilling life and still happen to have the diagnosis of schizophrenia."
"It is extremely important to dispel the stigma against those with bipolar disorder that they should be feared."
"Addicts are all too often forced to hide their addiction... comfortably seek treatment."
"Addiction itself is not a shameful affliction... but a disease that some are more predisposed to be consumed by."
"Members of the BDSM community are not any more mentally ill than the general population."
"Mental health is so stigmatized we won't even talk about it."
"There is no shame in the game, you can do whatever you want to your face."
"You can be self-employed and that can be a very like great career, yeah, which is why I'm like, unemployed has such a negative connotation."
"Nothing to be ashamed of, and if it ever happens to you, you should feel comfortable reaching out and getting help."
"The stigma associated with this topic is unacceptable."
"Once you quit high school in the seventies, you might as well put a BTL loser tattoo on your forehead."
"The stigma attached to UAP is real and powerful."
"Mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of."
"A woman who's had sex is not like a dirty shoe."
"Communication is essential to combating the dangerous epidemic of fear chaos and stigmatization that can overtake communities faster than the virus."
"We should never stigmatize a human being but we should stigmatize destructive behaviors."
"People gotta understand that checking in doesn't affect your manhood, it makes you safe."
"For too long, atheism has been considered a dirty word in a largely religious world."
"I was just ADHD, it wasn't a case of being a naughty kid."
"Big thanks to my therapist... mental health is stigmatized."
"Just because you have autism, it doesn't make you any less intelligent."
"Labeling someone a drug seeker for whatever reason, that isn't good patient care."
"I want people to stop feeling ashamed to say that something acts as a placebo."
"Media care is nothing to be embarrassed by or shamed of."
"Labeling me and casting me aside to the undesirable is not going to further the conversation."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"Extensions have this, I don't want to say negative connotation, but..."
"We need to be as ashamed of mental health as we do of a sprained ankle, a broken leg, or appendicitis. It is an illness the same as any other."
"Together we can break down the stigma of addiction."
"Stigmatizing sex workers doesn't help anybody."
"Why are we so uptight about sex right why do we feel this way why do we shame the stigma stigmatizing sex workers doesn't help anybody."
"I just want y'all to stop the naming and the shaming because when black people do something, and you call it ratchet and ghetto and hood and undesirable and tear, it just needs to stop."
"If you do it legally and you do it right, it doesn't have the same kind of stigma that it has today."
"Wash your hands. I mean, I think, you know, when the WHO had this whole thing about like we don't want to stigmatize..."
"It's how certain people are going to label us no matter what we do."
"The identity that we view ourselves as is the one that is stigmatized first and foremost."
"Stigma and blame undermine trust and capacity to respond effectively."
"Mental illnesses are health conditions, not a result of personal weakness."
"Mental health is just something that really now more than ever needs to be destigmatized and addressed."
"Essentializing depression and mental illness... has been incredibly harmful."
"The notion that you would give up on somebody after they sought mental health care treatment is what the stigma is all about."
"Breaking the stigma associated with talking about one's mental health."
"Therapy is for mad people until I went to therapy and I was like, 'I'm the man.' So many things."
"Stigma is what kills, the silence, the shaming."
"We deal with depression and mental health. Thank you for killing the stigma."
"Everyone's a mental health advocate until it gets ugly."
"The stigma of UFOs is like a collective illusion. It's dangerous, as the collective illusions of our generation become the reality of the next."
"One of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize therapy."
"I don't think there's any shame in not wanting children."
"I'm really sick of people looking at me as though our business is some sort of sinful business. I am hugely proud of our business."
"I want to say this real quick, and I'm gonna say it loud so all the people in the back hear it too: just because a person has schizophrenia does not mean that they are going to kill you."
"I feel like therapy for black men is so important. It's real taboo for some reason, but you [__] if you do it or whatever."
"Therapy gets a big stigmatism because people think that if you go to therapy you're weak, especially amongst men."
"Invincible is hopefully step one in changing a lot of the stigma of animation."
"I have no shame in seeking out that level of help because it's necessary."
"Substance abuse is a disease and their recovery journey should never be used to shame someone."
"Labels have always been used to otherize or falsely attribute beliefs."
"Suicide and depression has such a stigma associated with them and we all need to be willing to talk about these subjects openly."
"Even then, the damaging stigma of the workhouse remained dramatically affecting the lives of people who stayed there."
"If you are labeled as disabled, take that label off, peel that stigma off. You are a person who was born with these certain things in life and that makes you who you are."
"I don't like the way people say if you believe there's a conspiracy you must be talking to the coffee pot and wearing a tinfoil hat."
"Josh Gordon is an addict; people in the sports world don't seem to know what that means."
"The stigma attached to reporting UAP is still too strong."
"It changes the complexion entirely of what the word 'monster' means. For Chopper, it's only ever had negative connotations, it's only ever meant pain for him—the idea of 'monster' as others have ostracized him."
"I don't like this narrative that connects individuals with mental disorders to violence."
"Most people know somebody in their lives that are self-essential to mental illness."
"Mental illness is not a personal failure, and it doesn't define you."
"He never reported it, he didn't want to be labeled as a snitch."
"Everybody needs help, everybody. You shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"Aquaman was actually a pretty cool character, there's that Super Friends stigma that follows him around."
"Please do not hesitate in trying to get some medical help. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no stigma about it."
"What is wrong with HRT? It is medication, doctor-prescribed medication that somebody needs."
"Obviously, it's not a gay disease. And if it was, who cares?"
"It's like a mark of Cain, a permanent badge of shame that you're bad and you can't ever come back."
"Mental health is a bad thing, and anyone can suffer from it."
"Just because you're going to therapy doesn't mean there's something broken or wrong."
"Everybody needs help, everybody. You just shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"You never wear a uniform for depression, there isn't a job title for depression."
"People were calling him names that I was like that's words that you use exclusively for people who do what that word means."
"But if the parallels to CFS/ME and fibro hold, it could be that long COVID might finally help bring an end to the stigma around these diagnoses."
"Investing doesn't have to be taboo. Let's break it down."
"Mental illness is real...we must normalize acknowledging it and stop associating it with shame and humiliation."
"There shouldn't really be shame attached to having grown up in poverty."
"Therapy is not something crazy people do or mentally unstable people, actually a lot of strong people who see therapy as a personal growth tool."
"I want the stigma lifted I don't want people that have a biological injury told that they're mentally ill."
"I think we just have it backwards for for mental health for for physical health we Embrace these these hacks these things that kind of Band-Aid over the prom and and stigmatize the root cause and and financial incentives are at play there."
"We're reinforcing stigmas when we have a lack of empathy."
"Misrepresentations can contribute to stigmatization and shaming of people with the disorder."
"We must have no stigma, none, about wearing masks when we leave our homes." - Mitch McConnell
"When you have mental things going on with you, and people say, 'You're triggered.' That is a deadly word."
"Our goal is to make the discussion of mental dis-ease cool and trendy. Let's tear down the stigma surrounding mental illness."
"There's this very negative attitude toward knives. How do I convince my friends that liking knives doesn't mean I'm a psychopath or a criminal?"
"Admitting that I'm currently depressed for some reason is hard for me. There's just so much stigma around it."
"Hair loss is something you shouldn't be ashamed of, but it should be addressed."
"If anybody here is currently on job seekers allowance... don't feel embarrassed."
"Even if all the stigma was taken away, that inherent feeling you feel would still exist."
"I think he'll be more stressed about what people think of him outside... stop putting the stigma on me."
"Sometimes you don't want to go to a therapist and tan, you don't want to be seen walking into a therapist's office, but we need help sometimes."
"There's no shame in reaching out for help, so please visit betterhelp.com."
"In our community, we don't talk about it. We don't talk about any type of disorder. We don't talk about therapy."
"Failure has this incredibly negative connotation."
"Mental health is real, and it should not be undermined. If you are suffering from mental health issues, then you definitely should get that help that you need without being shamed."
"The stigma around mental health is bullcrap and it's time we get past it."
"For them to have a negative connotation about black single moms clearly is indicative of a mental health disorder."
"Therapy is a really great thing and we should really focus on de-stigmatizing mental health."
"The term 'anti-vaxxer' doesn't mean a goddamn thing. It's a threat. It's a stigma that will be appended to you irrespective of your beliefs and behavior."
"Nobody should be rejected because of herpes given the fact that you're more likely to get it from someone who doesn't even know their status."
"Divorce is a word that I have avoided using with all of the power in me because it feels dirty and wrong and super shameful."
"Why does HIV elicit this reaction from us when it's so easily managed?"
"I'm telling you, when people start seeing you as a monster, that never goes away."
"Being homeless isn't something to be ashamed of."
"Therapy will not cause you to grow lady bits. You can't fix your mental health with duct tape." - Unknown
"Depression and other mental illnesses... it's such an absolute gosh darn shame that it is not talked about more often."
"The problem with mental illness is like everyone expects you to behave as if you don't have mental illness."
"It is so natural and it is nothing to be ashamed of... it should be talked about it's not something to be ashamed of we're all dealing with it it's literally just a natural cycle that your body goes through and it's nothing to be ashamed of."