
Suicide Prevention Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"I'll never think about killing myself again because I know that if I go get stimulated again, it improves, it gets better. I will be able to reachieve it and I can't. And I don't fear that I'm chronically broken."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Transgender people are at elevated risk for suicide, but those who receive high levels of support from peers and especially strong support from parents are at significantly lower risk."
"Do not do not take your life because of what these devils do to our people."
"Validating someone's suicidal feelings and understanding the depth of their despair is the first step in helping them change their life."
"If you are someone who's struggling with suicide, I strongly, strongly, strongly urge you to seek mental health help from a professional."
"The presence of talk therapy alone reduces someone's risk of attempting suicide by roughly 25 percent."
"We're raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you want to learn more, you can go to afsp.org."
"Scholars have found that suicide barriers on bridges prevent jumpers and don't lead to a significant increase in suicides elsewhere."
"Restricting access to lethal means has been identified as an effective approach to suicide prevention."
"No matter how bad things are looking for you right now, there's never any circumstance in which you should attempt to take your own life."
"Suicide never has to be your solution... recognize your true value."
"Vitamin D3 supplementation was associated with a 48% lower risk of suicide attempt and self-harm."
"Everybody who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived said the first thing that happened was they regretted doing it."
"Trans people are much less likely to kill themselves if they're supported by their immediate surrounding groups."
"We know of 111 people who have stopped themselves from attempting suicide by counting backwards 5-4-3-2-1."
"Every suicide attempt needs to be taken seriously and to call 911 if you know someone is contemplating suicide."
"He now serves on the board of the Blue Angel Foundation, where they're trying to prevent veteran suicide."
"We met these policemen that were on suicide patrol... they started breaking down weeping."
"Chasing Hope's a name right now, and it's for mental health awareness, suicide prevention."
"Strong parental support for Trans youth found that parents who support trans youth had a 93 reduction in reported suicides."
"I contemplated suicide if it wasn't for obviously my family, my wife, my people that loved me, people that care."
"I had planned to take my own life... I decided to postpone it for the dumbest reasons... My dogs are going to be sitting there with my dead body for 3 days and I'm like, you know what, I need to wait."
"If we can get the suicide rates down, if my book can get to one person that they can feel like they're not alone."
"I've pledged to donate a million dollars to suicide prevention organizations."
"Suicide prevention, it's not [ __ ]. No, stop, stuff is serious."
"If you are feeling suicidal, then please reach out. Find someone to talk to, whether that's a professional, whether that's a friend, whether that's a family member. It can help."
"Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems, so don't even think about it."
"Men in general, three-quarters of the suicides are normally male."
"Always to know: do you have a plan, are you suicidal, and do you have the means to carry out that plan?"
"It's never never never never never cool to end your life."
"People that have plans for their life generally don't consider suicide as an option."
"Your life is precious. Don't ever contemplate suicide."
"If you're feeling suicidal, find someone you can talk to."
"Suicide prevention is something that anybody can be pushed to the brink and make that choice."
"The suicide hotline is there for anyone struggling... Please don't suffer alone."
"Depression is something that is at all-time high... suicide is the second leading cause of death between the ages of 10 and 24."
"If you're feeling depressed, call the suicide hotline. Reach out to someone."
"Trans youth are about three times more likely to attempt suicide than non-trans youth."
"It removes the ability to make snap suicide judgments. There's not just a gun in your closet, you'd have to drive 10 minutes."
"When Hostile gets big enough, I want to start a foundation for mental health suicide prevention."
"There's no reason why young men or women in this country should be committing suicide."
"Special precautions have been made today to prevent me from killing myself."
"Supportive environments significantly reduce unaliving rates."
"I made a promise to myself that I would never consider suicide as an option."
"Culturally, that's a problem. But when we see cases like this where this is someone who attempted suicide and was not treated for that and put in a mental health facility... it's very clear."
"The single biggest predictor of suicide in either boys or girls was lack of presence of dads."
"Don't kill yourself, there's so much inspiration out there."
"If four percent fewer people died from suicide attempts every year [...] that would mean nearly 1,800 lives saved."
"Making less people kill themselves is probably the right thing to do."
"Comforting a person or convincing them not to kill themselves is always going to be like that uphill battle rhetorically."
"You are not allowed to kill yourself. There are people who will miss you, who need you, whose lives won't be the same without you."
"Don't do it there's people out there that love you I love you mo loves you Joey loves you a lot of people that you leave behind that are gonna hurt."
"If you're trying to prevent them from killing themselves... you're still going to end up dying if they're using drugs."
"Depression is serious, people commit suicide because of depression."
"If you are thinking about it, if you don't think you're going to do it, then it doesn't matter, you don't have to hit a certain criteria for being suicidal before you are allowed to bring it up."
"Exec action to prove veteran suicide and launch the twenty-four-hour veterans hotline for suicide."
"Ketamine has the potential to revolutionize the management of suicide."
"Most gun deaths are from suicide which is obviously mental health."
"Opening up about suicidal thoughts is important and necessary."
"I break every spirit of depression, every spirit of suicide, come out now in the name of Jesus!"
"Two-thirds of all gun fatalities in the United States are suicides."
"Please, if you or someone that you know is struggling, reach out to those around you or call the suicide hotline. You are not alone."
"Because of the severity of this final story here, we are going to be donating all the proceeds that this video makes to a suicide prevention charity here."
"Gender affirming transition is suicide prevention."
"Lithium: One of the few drugs proven to help prevent suicide."
"If you're suicidal, don't have a gun. You should not have a gun, okay? Because I don't want you to [__] kill yourself."
"Suicide is not glamour, nor is it ever over for those around you. If you need help, please get help. Don't let your loved ones find you that way."
"God is breaking the spirit of suicide. I bind every spirit of suicide in Jesus' name and I command you to leave in Jesus' name."
"Every life lost to suicide is a life that could have been saved."
"That's the message that we have to get out there, is that message of Hope."
"Let the suicide be connected to mental health or whatever, but people don't realize those people that god forbid is doing this they don't realize that there's help out there."
"Telling men to suppress emotion contributes to higher rates of suicide."
"In the Christian worldview, it is absolutely wrong to kill yourself... because you fundamentally do [have value, meaning, and purpose]."
"Suicide is never the option. Alright, love you gents, I hope you have a good afternoon. And ladies as well, of course, be a good [__]. Peace in the Middle East."
"A contact, a smile, a compliment, a sign of hope... can be what stops someone from taking their own life."
"Psychedelics can prevent suicide by showing something beyond the material domain."
"Nobody examines the issue, why is this happening? Why are suddenly children like committing suicide in droves?"
"The South Korean authorities hope to reduce the suicide rate by half before 2040."
"You're not alone and the suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255 so make sure that you reach out to somebody and talk to somebody."
"As somebody who survived a suicide attempt it's not the only answer and it does get better."
"Those of you that are suicidal through this quarantine, you've been thoughts of taking your life. God is saying, 'Do not give up, now is your moment, now is your time.'"
"Man therapy kind of takes a similar approach in that a lot of their focus seems to be preventing suicide in this particular demographic."
"They tell them that the stat know what the stat is: 46% of these kids that don't get this treatment commit suicide."
"You should never feel like you should get to the level where you gonna kill yourself. Ever."
"How does someone on suicide watch hang himself with no intervention? Impossible."
"Do not take your own life, no matter how hopeless it seems."
"A portion of the proceeds goes to the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention."
"Lawmakers pushed to create a three digit suicide hotline number so you dial six one one."
"I wanted to kill myself, but when I heard your music it made me not."
"Suicide is not the answer. You are loved, and people do care about you."
"Sometimes I think it's a good reminder that there's... ending your own life is never ever ever the answer."
"People who have a connection with God are less likely to take their life."
"Suicide is not about ending your life but ending your pain."
"Kai Welch... wanted to live... He was researching ways to deal with suicidal thoughts."
"Supportive communities decrease suicide rates."
"Please don't end your own life. Pain is temporary."
"My ultimate goal is to help people who are feeling suicidal to get back in touch with a feeling that their life is worth living for."
"The standard approach does not work. Experts take a holistic approach to suicidal prevention and treatment."
"In my experience, there is almost always a way out for those struggling with suicidal thoughts."
"Suicide is the leading cause of death for men in that alarmingly right demographic."
"Please do not commit suicide. You are the difference."
"If you're thinking about ending your life, don't do it."
"If someone's going to kill themselves, I feel obligated by Christian ethics to tell him, 'Don't do that, your life is worth more than that.'"
"If you are having suicidal thoughts, please get help."
"Suicide and depression are real. You don't know what others are going through."
"Nothing is worth taking your life for, if you need help, reach out."
"There is also a woman that is trying right now to commit suicide. God is ceasing that right now."
"I'm very concerned about our 22 suicides a day going up out of this."
"If you find yourself thinking suicidal thoughts, you need to get help immediately."
"There's so much life beyond college, and suicide is not the answer."
"Suicide is a very, very selfish act. You're not thinking about your family, your loved ones, or God's plan for you."
"Mental health is not a joke, it leads to suicide."
"Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems."
"Mental illness is real, our suicide rates are higher than they've ever been."
"Globally, suicide rates have come down by a lot, like 40% over the last 30 years. Not in the United States. The United States suicide rates have gone up since their low point in the late 1990s. Again, we don't completely understand why."
"Guys, this is a serious thing, especially suicide. If you feel like you want to commit suicide, don't do it."
"If I can change one person's life I'm going to [ __ ] do that right if I can change 22 people's lives I've saved a day's worth of suicides from the us alone."
"He lost a friend recently through suicide and I think he's got a platform and won a fight at the weekend and a really great message from my speech was incredible basically just reach out talk to you and talk to people if ever having these feelings."
"The anti-suicidal effect of ketamine is more than its antidepressant effect... it reduces the chances of acting on these thoughts."
"Everything is going to be alright, bro. Suicide is never the answer because you'll never experience the love you're about to get or the things you're about to accomplish. It's never the answer, bro. It's never the answer."
"Do not do it. There are people who care."
"Not a single one had suicidal ideation afterwards."
"If you're trying to kill yourself, I can't be with you to watch."
"...it's common to think of suicide as a solution because when you have an overwhelming set of problems and stresses, your brain goes to the only solution it has left, which is ending everything. There is always a better solution in my opinion."
"...if someone is in a crisis, the most important thing is just to get to an emergency department or get safe. Suicide sucks."
"Asking about suicide does not increase the risk of suicide."
"We need to create a space for people to say I have thoughts of killing myself sometimes. I had, you know, a daydream that I jumped off a bridge, and it actually made me feel good."
"I've had people message me to say that they didn't commit suicide because they found my content."
"Please reach out if you're worried about suicide or anything like that."
"Ketamine may play a role in preventing suicide."
"There's real hope around the corner for significant improvement in the tragic suicide rate."
"Suicide is not the objective. You are not to be slain merely as sacrifices for the nation."
"Suicide has claimed far too many veterans. One would have been too many. So if I could prevent there being one more, that's what I was gonna do."
"Let's donate one thousand dollars to the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention to Aid in their mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by Suicide."
"What is it that makes people shut down their empathy to not recognize obvious signs of suicidality?"
"Male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50. It is preventable."
"If you or a loved one is experiencing thoughts of self-harm, please reach out to your local hospitals for help. No matter how down you may be, taking one's own life is never the way to go. There is help out there, I promise you that."
"The fact that he had the idea in his head all day and then planned this in a way that Anjum would get there to see them before he had the chance to take his own life is just disgusting and despicable."
"She was the last person to jump to her death from the Aurora Bridge, a number that had totaled more than 230 people in the 79 years since it had been built."
"Armed with research that showed that suicide prevention barriers on bridges actually worked, Ryan and the members of Friends spoke with elected officials and urged them to join their cause."
"Since its completion, there have been no suicides."
"When you hear somebody committing suicide or something, it's kind of like, you just get away and let it happen."
"Mission 22 was created after 2013. The VA did a study and it was sadly revealed that 22 veterans a day were killing themselves. So Mission 22 was created to prevent veteran suicide."
"One of the highest reasons that people take their lives is admin betrayal."
"If anybody needs help, I'm gonna have the number at the bottom of our video the whole time for a suicide hotline. Call them, reach out, text somebody."
"...if you're contemplating suicide, if you're having suicidal thoughts, we're going to put some information in the show notes where you can give them a call right now and get some help."
"The money collected from the 24-hour charity sparring session would go to a suicide charity."
"Please don't kill yourself we need you."
"Suicide prevention wasn't a very attractive sexy subject."
"No one should be in that position. We've had enough deaths and people killing themselves in this last year to really rethink."
"DBT for the most part pretty much cut suicide attempts in half."
"No longer thought about suicide every day."
"...potentially reduce the risk of suicide in people actively thinking about suicide and who have BPD."
"...significant reductions in suicidal ideation... sustained after four months of follow-up... could significantly reduce the risk... of suicide."
"Study after study has shown that if you ask somebody who's suicidal if they're feeling suicidal, they feel better because it shows that somebody cared enough to ask them."
"We can save lives. Suicide is the most preventable issue."
"She was probably only a couple of clicks away from actually committing suicide."
"Don't commit suicide. It isn't worth killing your life over something that will change."
"A prior attempt is one of the greatest risk factors associated with completion of suicide."
"You might as well do whatever it is you're here to do. You're not here to off yourself, that is a complete waste of birth."
"You're hurting other people. You don't know who you could be affecting. Somebody loves you. Somebody needs you."
"The biggest antidote to suicide is hope."
"I managed to stay around for 40 or 50 more years. Which is remarkable. And that's why I always say to people who are suicidal. Wait until morning. Don't do it now, when you feel like you just have to."
"Look after your mental health, don't kill yourself."
"One adult, one safe, loving, caring, listening adult, cut suicide rates in almost half."
"Tonight I get a call from a suicide hotline advising of a male with a sharp object walking through town with the intent to end it all that night with M came rushing back and I started to get almost nervous but also was determined that this one would be different"
"It starts by asking someone if they're thinking about suicide and not to be afraid to ask the question because if we asked a question that people, it's a myth people think you're putting something in their head, it's quite the opposite."
"Life is too precious to end your life like the way I look at life is like who want to book your story you want to read where it ends in suicide nobody you want to hear about something good that they have done not the end because they killed this."
"Suicide is a real thing and I take suicide seriously."
"Suicide is never, ever, ever the solution to a problem."
"Renounce and rebuke the thought of suicide."
"Literally last year, I was in a verge of committing suicide."
"Committing suicide is not the way."
"Janet would not die by suicide, she wouldn't do anything while Caden was in the house."
"...Ben spoke of his own Suicidal Thoughts he explained in disturbing logic how he had wanted to end his own life but that his loving wife had told him that if he did so she would do the same..."
"'At PsychHub, we do a lot about educating about suicide and suicide prevention... and giving them some hope and that help works, and they're not alone...'"
"Parents shouldn't outlive their children but sometimes that happens, so please if you're considering something dark or desperate, I'm gonna post the suicide hotline for you guys right now."
"Remember that most potential suicides can be helped. Assistance can take the simple form of friendliness, which might in some instances relieve unbearable depression and loneliness, and which we are all equipped to offer."
"How do you talk about suicide? The most important thing is talk about it."
"When you saw that video, it made you think about how if you took your life, it would affect others."
"I look at myself as a dad of three, a husband, somebody who is trying to do whatever I can to prevent as many suicides as I can and talk about mental health."
"I got too many friends that love me, and I love life too much. There's no way to go for a man like me."
"The problem of suicide must be addressed and a solution found."
"If you don't know what to say or do for somebody, or you yourself are in that place where you're questioning suicide, please dial 988."
"Life is very precious. You remember that, my dear. Nobody and nothing worth killing yourself for."
"Dedicated to open conversations on the importance of mental health and suicide prevention."
"It's not just to go to charity, but this is to go to Suicide Prevention charity."
"There is a National Suicide Hotline."
"Stopping someone from committing suicide, a lot of them actually never try again."
"We are losing our babies. They are dying by suicide, and it can be prevented if we just talk about it."
"We're losing 22 guys a day... 22 honorably discharged, well-meaning human beings... committing suicide."
"We were there to try to slow down or stop suicide bombers making their way into Kabul."
"The most important thing is to remember that those suicidal thoughts and feelings will pass."
"Suicide is preventable; this means we can do something about it."
"If you've thought about suicide, think about sharing this thought with a friend, a medical professional, or family member."
"You get one life, you are too valuable too precious for you to end yourself just because we didn't respond."
"Make the choice to prevent suicide."
"I'm pledging to donate 1 million dollars to various suicide prevention organizations."
"Your life is a story and you don't want your life to end with you ending it by killing yourself."
"Live for somebody else. Think about what suicide would do to your loved ones because once you kill yourself, your pain may be over, but you are just passing that pain on to all the people who care about you."