
Hard Work Quotes

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"You just got to do the work, and it's freaking hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anything is possible if you put your hard work, dedication, and dream into it."
"Success doesn't come without hard work first."
"If you're not afraid of hard work, the sky is the [__] limit."
"There's no magic pill, there's just magic processes."
"Any hard work is going to be rewarded, especially with Jupiter in Capricorn."
"The harder I work, the smarter I get. But I have to do the hard work to get there."
"You're going to have to work really hard to gain a set of skills that you care about for your own intrinsic reasons that allow you to serve yourself and others."
"I'm an optimist. I do believe that we will reap the benefits of all this hard work and strain."
"Success in the online world is not just about getting lucky with a crypto coin; it's about real work and providing value."
"It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we were able to take down the giga."
"People who were less creative became super good because they worked so hard."
"Having to work really hard and wait a long time to get what you want amplifies the reward once we eventually reach it."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Not being in the rush, knowing that your hard work will pay off with time if you do this for long enough, you'll get to that point."
"You will be rewarded; just wait it out. Right now is the time for hard work."
"Keep doing the hard work, even when you don't feel like it."
"The winner is going to be the one who works the hardest, who makes the most beautiful videos."
"You have been working hard, you have been doing a good job."
"Learn to do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it... Discipline is the single most important thing that men need."
"There's no easy way out; there's no secret answer. Literally, you just have to put in the work."
"Hard work leads to success, but success does not always lead to happiness. We prioritized wrong, and we got what we prioritized for."
"Happiness isn't the goal. Do hard work, especially when you don't feel like it."
"Hard work pays off, there will be dividends, there will be more money available to you."
"If you work hard and you stick to it and you understand that perception is going to be part of that game plan, I can guarantee you, the big names who are shooting right now...worked very hard in industries to gain that level of perception."
"All of your hard work, all of your efforts will pay off, and you will get recognized."
"You can escape wage slavery by becoming ultra creative and hardworking with a powerful vision."
"Magic was an inspiration, something both beautiful and cruel. Beyond his immediate reach, he believed that magic came after hard work."
"It doesn't matter how much money, success, or fame they have, they work insanely hard. That's a defining trait in every industry."
"There's something super fun and empowering about seeing your hard work turn into something really incredibly beautiful to look at or incredibly tasty to eat."
"The magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding."
"In order to discover what it means to work smart, you have to work your ass off. You have to really fail a lot, and failure feels like hard work."
"Submission isn't an issue when you respect and see the hard work your partner is putting in."
"Jupiter going into your 11th house...a lot of you are finally getting the recognition that you deserve, you're finally getting the money that you deserve after years of hard work."
"You get what you put in, and if you want to be great, everything is hard work."
"Nothing comes easy; everything is hard work."
"You don't have to fake these things...if you actually put in the work."
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
"Your actual hard work will pay off; leftism, at the end of the day, is about understanding why society is designed a certain way."
"I've always had to work ten times more than the average person because I had to do it for myself, because nobody else was expecting anything out of me."
"I want to thank me for all those late nights I put in, for all the hard work, for overcoming the rejection."
"It's going to be hard work, but it's always worth it."
"One of the themes of the show is to kind of celebrate the nobility of working really hard for your little tiny slice of America and doing as well as you can for that part of it in any way that tangibly helps people."
"I think that uneducated people that have to work really hard aren't respected, but educated people that do have to work really hard are respected."
"You have to work hard to get by in this world, and it's an important facet of being a human being."
"If you want to develop human beings that have potential and can reach their full potential in this life and be a fulfilled human being, you got to teach them how to work hard."
"Find an intersection of what you like to do, what you're good at, and the cause that you want to make and improve on. When you find it, go for it, and it takes tons of hard work, but it won't feel like hard work because you're going to enjoy it so much."
"He's been working 15 hours a day his whole life."
"My mother and father raised me such a beautiful way; they always taught me love, respect, God, God first, and work hard."
"Whatever you're going to accomplish, it is going to require hard work."
"You can't just quit things when they're hard or you're in that phase where it's very difficult or it's very frustrating, because that's the phase where everybody quits."
"It turns out all of that hard work at the market days have paid off."
"There are no fat burners, no pre-workouts, no detox teas, just hard work and consistency."
"Getting accepted into a college where you worked really hard and you did all your tests and everything is just a great feeling."
"To make a success of a social media marketing agency, you need to put in hard work and be willing to take action."
"Anybody can get there if you work hard, and they also need good teaching."
"Be confident. Just trust that's because you've earned it. You've worked really, really hard."
"You guys are not only hard workers but you have what it takes to achieve your dreams."
"The sole purpose of life is to be fulfilled, to work really hard to garner a set of skills that serve not only yourself but other people."
"You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt."
"Have patience sometimes dreams grow slowly. Don't worry, the hard work you've invested will bring about a bountiful harvest."
"Just trust that your hard work will pay off. I love this."
"You are a very valuable person, you are somebody who works very hard in life."
"I work hard for every dollar I get to provide for my children."
"Without hard work and dedication and determination and sacrifice from you, there's no way we're sitting here having this conversation."
"You can get out of this, just work hard please, for the sake of your life, for the sake of your future."
"Love is just kindness with its work boots on."
"Hard work gets you places. I think if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want."
"It's all about hard work; each level, you just got to work harder."
"It's not just manifesting and everything's gonna come true. I know that I'm very lucky, but I do think that all of this wouldn't have happened without hard work, and it's not just hard work but it's about your mindset, your motivation, and your drive."
"It is not the color of your skin, the god you believe in, or where you were born that will determine your success but just your own hard work and endeavor."
"It's an unforgettable feeling when you do your best, working incredibly hard, and this hard work does pay off and bear fruit in the end."
"Passive income is something you achieve after you ruthlessly work hard and dedicate your life to a business for like two years first."
"You can allow yourself to dream, you can allow yourself to...have an impact over the world...It's all about your capability, your creativity and your hard work."
"Nobody in the history of time has ever been successful without hard work. Nobody."
"If you lose sleep doing what you love, you'll eventually live the dream that you only would have dreamt."
"Hard work will pay off, and everything is possible."
"I personally think he's the greatest bodybuilder of all time, and no one in their right mind would argue that Ronnie didn't train hard enough."
"Watching her work so hard on this product really inspired me."
"You're such a hard worker and an inspiration to all of us."
"Success leaves clues. Look at the people who've changed the world, and you'll see they worked hard, very hard."
"You'll be recognized, appreciated, victorious; there will be a rise in status, prestige on earth, but you have to work for it."
"Everything that I'm going to teach you is things that I have learned...and everything worthwhile requires a long period of hard work with many failures along the way."
"Hard work... nothing is ever going to replace hard work."
"Your hard work, planning, and experience should be paying off now. There's a reason to keep going with what you're currently working on."
"Kids are so much fun; there's a horrible amount of work, but it's so rewarding."
"Call the wambulance, take six jobs, build up your down payment, or lower your price point that you're looking at, and quit looking at houses you can't afford."
"The only things that really matter are fulfillment and joy. Fulfillment is working hard to gain a set of skills that matter to you, that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Naruto is a story about overcoming the circumstances of your birth, a story about how a person with enough hard work and goodwill can achieve anything they want in this world."
"It doesn't matter who your parents are, what abilities you're born with, or where you're born; if you take the world head-on with hard work and a smile, there is nothing you cannot accomplish."
"If you approach something with dedication, hard work, and a good attitude, you will achieve it."
"I've never met anyone who was genuinely successful that wasn't hard-working."
"That's true, guys, yeah, hard work really does pay off."
"Admit that you can have anything you want, but it's going to be hard work."
"There's always light at the end of the tunnel, and you do pull through this... if you work hard and dedicate yourself to things, you can do amazing things in life."
"I am so proud of this team; this has been years of hard work."
"Be disciplined, put in the consistent daily hard work because that gains success."
"You might not be seeing these changes now...your hard work is paying off."
"You got to destroy the doubt. I think I work my tail off on my time off. I'm just super grateful to be here."
"The harder you work at it, the more money you make."
"There's no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You can be anyone if you put the time in. You will reach the top, and that's that. From nothing to something to everything."
"If you outwork everybody, if you try to be a little smarter than everybody, if you try to be a better salesperson than everybody, if you try to be better prepared than everybody, you got your best chance."
"Nothing big has ever been built without working very hard."
"Hard work pays. I put in the work and that's why I'm sitting at the top."
"Your hard work and dedication is paying off."
"You gotta put the work in or you're faking it."
"No one is born a success; you must work your way there."
"Hard work is everything. It's not the cool thing these days, but hard work is everything."
"You get better by a lot more work than you think."
"I've done it all and love to talk about the value of the hard, honest work that I think is devalued by a society fixated on sending everyone to college."
"Keep up the hard work, and the wheel of fortune will turn in your favor. Luck is on your side."
"All champions have discipline. It's the discipline to work hard. You know, not when everyone is watching but when no one is watching."
"Success assured with good plans and hard work."
"My message is one of the fact that I came from absolutely nothing I never had a privileged upbringing in any regard and I became exactly what I wanted to be."
"God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love for him by helping his people as you continue to do."
"When we work so hard behind the scenes that nobody else sees, we become a family."
"Often, self-confidence can just frankly come from outworking everybody."
"If you work hard, you can be whatever you want."
"Congratulations, because this is a lot of work. You are well and truly on your way, my friend."
"Her success was not handed to her on a silver platter; it was hard-earned."
"I've never met an honest hard-working person who will be there at 9 AM like you asked him to be who completely fails in life."
"Most people miss opportunities because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
"You get what your heart desires by being true to the work you put in. Work diligently on your dreams and watch the universe reward and deliver."
"When you work hard, you're going to be rewarded. You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something better."
"If you work really hard towards something or you invest more time into it, you should be able to get a return on that investment."
"Success isn't about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."
"I trust the process, I trust my team, the work that we are putting in."
"I always believe in myself... I believe in the work that I put in order to have what I want."
"There's a ton of money in the finance industry, and if you want to be able to work your way up to the top levels, you are going to have to work hard."
"Hard work works. So don't quit. Don't give up."
"Hard work always pays off. It doesn't always pay off immediately, but somewhere down the road, there's a reward for it."
"No matter who you are or where you came from or what your skin color is, you can achieve anything you want in this country with your own hard work and your own dedication."
"Success is no accident. It's hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love for what you're doing or learning to do."
"We know how hard they work. Obviously, the sacrifices you make to make it happen, you know, but when they cross the line and all, and they are just killing it; you have some crazy emotions!"
"These are ordinary everyday hard-working Americans who are just trying to make ends meet."
"Your hard work has and will continue to reward you."
"If your money can work harder for you than you do with your hands, your back, and your brains, you're going to be set up for success."
"You have everything you need to have everything you want, but you must get to work."
"If I work hard, something amazing is going to happen."
"Your hard work is going to pay off very soon."
"There's no way that you've worked this hard that something amazing isn't going to happen. You have to keep going. You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something amazing that hasn't happened yet."
"You have a gift or a skill that could really pay off. Your hard work can pay off, your persistence can pay off."
"When you believe that something is possible, you will do the work, and you will stay open to all of the amazing possibilities that come into your life to make it happen."
"Your life in 10 years, your improvement in one year, they are the results of the sacrifices you make, the work you put in today."
"You don't get to where you are without working hard."
"Your hard work is paying off, rewards coming in."
"Remember, wherever you stand right now, with hard work, discipline, dedication, you can improve a lot."
"They'd be so proud...of the person that I've become because I've worked so hard for it."
"The whole premise of America has been essentially no matter where you start, you work hard, have a little luck, take risk, build opportunity, you can get anywhere."
"You have to work hard. Even though it seems like it's not going nowhere, just keep going. It'll eventually go somewhere because you will be rewarded for not giving up."
"Life wasn't easy, and we went through hardships, but I had smart parents who understood what hard work was."
"There's a lot of luck involved, but it's also hard work, determination, and sacrifice."
"There's something to be said about hard work and perseverance."
"Success is hard work compounded over a long time."
"She's very talented at singing and dancing and is very hardworking."
"Rome wasn't built overnight. It's gonna take time for you to see the fruits of your labor."
"Ultimately, financial freedom in the world we live in today comes down to choices, hard work, and a little bit of financial savvy."
"I am a self, that means something. I work hard and create something in the world, and I am proud of that."
"The more work you put in, the luckier you get."
"Hard work gets you a ticket to the dance; it doesn't guarantee you the top spot."
"First is you love it, you're passionate about it, whatever you're doing. And then the second thing is you just outwork everybody. You do all the things that not many people want to do, the hard things."
"You have to practice rigorous authenticity, surrender the outcome, and do uncomfortable work."
"Painting, spraying the paint is a reward for all the hard work you did underneath it on the bodywork."
"He wants to be great. He puts the work in, his mindset's right."
"All credit goes to him, the stats he's putting up, the way he's shooting the ball, that's all a culmination of all the work he's put into the gym."
"If you will something into existence enough, and you're willing to work hard enough for it, then how can you not create it when everything is mental?"
"Fishermen work their asses off. They're diligent, they put in a hard day's work, and they do it again and again and again."
"When you start to build yourself up... real, authentic confidence from hard work, everything else goes away."
"When I realized that I can learn through hard work, and I can beat the valedictorian in school but I got to put in 10 hours more a day than he does, you know what kind of strength comes from that?"
"Hard work and dedication can really yield the results that we all want."
"This is straight hard work, dedication, and consistency."
"You've worked hard for this. Your hard work is paying off."
"The harder you work, the luckier you become because luck happens when hard work meets opportunity."
"What you don't see is all the sleepless nights, all the hard work that they went through, and all the kind of pain that they went through to get to where they are today."
"Embrace the suck. Embrace that it's going to be hard work, and then lean into it."
"If you don't work hard now, you'll work much harder all your life."
"We all know what we've got to do, we've all got a dream we've got to accomplish, and we know what type of work we've got to put in."
"It's not about the destination; it's about the journey, so keep working till it's hurting because that's when you start deserving everything you want."
"You guys are going to be getting rewarded for the hard work that you have been putting in."
"My parents raised me to believe that in America I could achieve anything with hard work and determination."
"You're going to put a lot of hard work in right now, but it's going to be easy as you get older and you're going to look better than most of your peers."
"Resolutions will not resolve the issue you're going through; only hard work will."
"The grueling astronaut training and examinations paid off."
"Your hard work is going to pay off, even though it might not always pay off the way we're expecting or imagining."
"The secret to success is hard work and time."
"Hard work will always beat talent when talent doesn't work hard."
"I've never seen someone regret the amount of hard work they put into their pursuit."
"I want to be able to make my own decisions. If I have to work harder for that, then I will work harder for that."
"Let's give applause to all the people who put in the hard work, who work from KFC in the morning to staying up at night."
"What you have done is some of the hardest work a human can do. You took a machete and you headed off into the woods and you said, 'There is no trail. I will make one.'"
"Here comes the money. If you have your own business, all of your hard work is about to pay off."
"It's really significant for us because we've been obviously working very hard for a number of years."
"It's really difficult learning curve, but anything that you want, so if you want to be successful, it really takes time."
"Hard work and smart work in America, you're going to win. If you could put those two ingredients together, you could do anything you want to do in America."
"HermitCraft Season 5 has been an explosion of creativity and hard work."
"All these people want is to be left alone to work very hard and raise a family in dignity."
"America is a land of opportunity...but we need to work hard to make sure it is true."
"You can accomplish anything. All you have to do is put in the work."
"I learned to own my own style. You got to understand, and that comes from hard work and discipline."
"Trading success does mean freedom, but it also means you're going to have to put a tremendous amount of work in."
"Wealth is not created from hard work alone; it is created from how you structure your deals."