
Disability Quotes

There are 984 quotes

"Depression is the most disabling condition worldwide."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Moderate depression's about as disabling as having a heart attack, acutely having a heart attack. Severe depression is disabling, is having cancer without treatment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mental disorders are now the leading cause of disability on our planet."
"Disability impacts everyone... at some point, almost everybody is going to experience disability in one way or another."
"Disability is not fundamentally a tragedy that people have to fight to overcome, it just is."
"If there were literally tens of millions of people all across the world who felt like deep burning in pain and anxiety and depression because they could see, and we had bunches of studies that showed they lived happier lives if they blinded themselves, that's very different than gender...because blinding yourself means imposing a disability, and you don't impose a disability by transitioning."
"Mr. Beast's video where he paid for cataract surgery for a thousand people... implies that people that can't see are handicapped."
"Depression was the leading cause of disability worldwide, with one person taking their life every 40 seconds."
"It turns out the idea of the super disabled is also an effective way to deny disabled people in society dignity."
"My dad was polio-disabled, so he was in a wheelchair all the time I knew him... He was the one who got me into football."
"When you assume that disabled people aren't sexually active, that's a really damaging stereotype for all disabled people."
"A lot of the questions show that there is a lot of misinformation, a lot of stigma about disability and intimacy."
"Having this woman that I loved immensely tell me that my disability and everything that came with it was not a burden to her, that she was having fun even in the midst of like disability-related difficulties, it opened something inside of me."
"Intimacy as an interabled married couple... it's a gift from God."
"There's great rewards and satisfaction in seeing a child that's disabled grow and become mature and striving towards independence."
"People with disabilities just want to be seen as normal people; their dogs do the things that they need to help them navigate the world as normally as possible."
"Our media tells pretty much only negative stories about disability."
"If he was going to truly overcome his learning disability, he was going to have to dramatically improve his efficiency at learning itself."
"Low back pain was the leading cause of years lived with disability in the United States."
"The biggest disability is a bad mindset. It's not this body."
"I'm not disabled; you're handicapped by the limiting beliefs you tell yourself."
"You don't see disabled women represented in the modeling industry."
"You can actually be quite disabled and still live a pretty happy, pretty good life."
"Human beings are incredible at acclimating to unbelievable disabilities."
"I think in a way, we're quite fortunate in the sense that our impairments are so visible, that almost, I can't go on a first date without saying anything."
"Seeing the colleagues that we have with their impaired bodies, going out and doing amazing things, flippin' hell, I felt really confident, really liberated, really empowered."
"I am a strong, empowered, confident, capable, disabled woman."
"I'm blind, I'm disabled, I own it, I love it, it's a big part of me, I fully embrace it, I'm confident, it's okay."
"The disability community is one of the most restorative and kind and generous group of people that you'll ever come across."
"The word 'disability' actually means something. No, we shouldn't assume or stereotype disabled people, but the logic that disabled people can do exactly what able-bodied people can do can lead to a lot of problems."
"If you are a disabled person watching this and you've been led to believe that you might not be a valuable partner, that's not true."
"Society can be more disabling to the disabled individual than their disability."
"It's a win-win because the social model doesn't inhibit the non-disabled but transforms mobility for people with disabilities."
"Disabled characters in our films and TV shows should be more than just a magical prop that inspires the main character."
"A social assumption might follow, or be subtly reinforced, that it's better to be dead than to live with a disability."
"The disability community is the only minority that anybody can join at any point in life."
"I grew up with a brother in a wheelchair who never learned how to walk or talk, so I told him that, and I said that what my brother had was a severe disability, so in my perspective, my boyfriend's blindness had no effect on my feelings."
"Nearly every disabled person has been told, at one time or another, 'You're faking it.'"
"We have people assume that the disability is the hardest part of our relationship. And we’ve mentioned this before, it’s really not."
"Ptsd is an extremely disabling diagnosis. When a person has true ptsd, it is difficult for them to work."
"It's not a disability, it's a differing ability."
"We live in a culture that seeks to hide and solve disability out of existence, and it's [ __ ] up."
"Bipolar disorder, even if it doesn't cause the more extreme problems of suicide, is also a leading cause of disability."
"It's ridiculous to get to the soulless rank with the aura sword. I'm disabled dude. I beat one mob here and I was able to level up my sword three times in the process of beating that mob, what!"
"You're not hiding it anymore and the firmly can catch up the social network can catch up earth can catch up because Taurus has entered the building."
"We're talking about healing the blind, people who were born blind are now going to be able to see."
"People who are in a wheelchair are now going to be able to potentially walk again."
"There's so many things I can't do just because, realistically, this is how my hand kind of constantly always is."
"We're all going to be disabled someday, just some of us beat you to it."
"Being disabled doesn't mean he has no independence anymore. Exactly!"
"Gallop isn't a choice. Gallop is my mobility. He is my freedom. He is my independence."
"Losing his sight was part of what made him stronger."
"If you can change those people's lives, people with cerebral palsy, people with major issues, people with all sorts of autoimmune issues, everything, if you can change that, you're changing people's lives."
"A breakthrough as luchin realized he could stand up without the support of his wheelchair."
"A person can be too ill to work but not actually disabled."
"When I was born I had missing tibias in both legs, so the doctors gave my mom the opportunity of either amputating my legs or it putting me in the wheelchair."
"Blind people, like Matt Murdock, can learn to process other information from hearing, touch, and smell in ways that seeing people can't."
"I can't think about the rest of my life as a quadriplegic, but I can get through today."
"Everybody with disabilities is not slowing off and some of those people that may not be able to speak and do things as well they're highly intelligent."
"One of the questions, though, that I get asked the most is how do I learn new words when I can't hear them?"
"The truth about dating as a woman with a disability."
"Kahlo was physically disabled her entire adult life, and yet she loved herself enough to be her own muse."
"Like FDR who was partly paralyzed and still was able to... successfully be president... that was before the amendment."
"Here's a man who lost both of his arms and yet competes as a drift car racer."
"The only real disability in life is the inability to see a person is more."
"Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide."
"Born without arms: A story of resilience and adaptation."
"The Kennedys were also devout Christians whose church deemed disability the result of sin, a punishment from God."
"The consequences for women agents when caught would be the same as those of male agents."
"You wouldn't deprive me of the ability to walk, would you?"
"I don't like the theme handicap makes good. I want the thing okay. I just made good because I did it."
"Barbie Thomas can be an inspiration to anyone who ever thinks a disability makes you less capable of achieving your goals."
"This disease has completely consumed my life; I can’t brush my hair or my teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face without feeling like I’m being electrocuted across my face."
"When a blind man cries... something's wrong."
"If you are labeled as disabled, take that label off, peel that stigma off. You are a person who was born with these certain things in life and that makes you who you are."
"Nothing hurts more than when people assume I need help."
"It just gets tiring when people only see me for my disability."
"I guess I never should assume anyone with a disability needs any help."
"Conversations about difference and disability are always age-appropriate."
"My disability has done nothing to stop me from becoming a successful businessman."
"The Peter Jackson Trilogy is the best adaptation we'll ever get of Lord of the Rings."
"To be a good parent, you've got to be totally selfless. So, when you are making the decision to get rid of your disabled baby, is that being selfless?"
"But I do know that we have a man here in the town that I live, he is a DJ at the radio station here in town and he has Asperger's."
"You must be afraid of some things, and yet, you're terribly free in your mind to imagine ways in which you can do things that others might not try to do with no physical disability."
"We had Caroline Smith come up here and get a standing ovation from a wheelchair which is just very powerful shit. It was beautiful."
"Some of you, yes, he says you don't have to be handicapped to be different."
"My hands are my eyes, so my hands really are how I see the world as a blind person."
"For blind people, we're doing it all with our fingers."
"He wasn't able to use his dominant right arm; he had to use a trackball with his left hand."
"I'm not successful and happy despite my disability, I'm actually happy and successful because of it."
"Abled people have a tendency to think disability defines us."
"If you're going through the disabled chair, going through some drama, it's just temporary."
"Some years later, Tokyo is finally rebuilt, and Shu, now visually impaired with a mechanical prosthetic right arm, celebrates Hare's birthday with his friends."
"Being disabled and being fat at the same time it's really hard to find doctors who take you seriously."
"Ella and Anna: Born with Treacher Collins syndrome, but still outgoing."
"The U.S labor market is facing a mass disability event and nobody is prepared for it."
"The disabled are always inherently at a disadvantage."
"Do you think everybody on disability doesn't want to work? Of course not."
"This wheelchair is gonna give me so much independence."
"Respect their intelligence. Don't call me an inspiration."
"I want to inspire people that have disabilities or you already did, you blew them all out of the world."
"The spoon theory is a shorthand term for limited energy or increased difficulty that comes with certain tasks that come with a disability or chronic illness."
"Learning to love myself meant learning to accept and embrace my disability and not to see it as my enemy."
"Nadia, born with no arms and malformed legs, became a social media influencer."
"Living with a disability is not automatically a negative, it just is."
"He was severely depressed, disabled, and showing a lot of remorse."
"A person with a disability is more likely to be killed."
"I'm confusing disability with motherhood. I keep referring to myself as a disabled mom, but really I'm a mom who happens to be disabled."
"It's like a paradox, like disability and love."
"Mom is a double amputee, has a dysfunctional sight from stroke, is wheelchair-bound, and is still about 95% independent."
"Don't mess with disabled people's accommodations."
"The water is great because it is an activity where he can get out of his chair and not put pressure on his joints."
"Just because someone can stand up does not mean they don't need a wheelchair."
"Big Joe had a condition called Down syndrome."
"A lot of people with disabilities don't have pain; it's a lot of time the pain is from muscle shutdown and dysfunction."
"Normalizing disabilities should never be the act of giving someone special treatment when it comes to accountability, but instead treating people fairly."
"Each developmentally disabled resident will have different needs but most are able to learn new skills but at a slower rate than normal."
"It's ironic that people with club feet tend not to be very good dancers."
"People use wheelchairs for many different reasons, but there's this perception that if you use a wheelchair, you're completely paralyzed and like you can't feel, you're helpless, like all these different things, which is not the case at all."
"I firmly believe that AI has enormous potential to empower people with disabilities and level the playing field in terms of opportunities."
"There’s an extreme intelligence with people with disabilities, and I think if we can get quiet enough, and learn from them, I think that we can be better people."
"You can't hold a mentally disabled person accountable for stuff they do."
"She wishes people who can still walk would get outside more, and that she would give up anything just so that she could walk again."
"Life is hard enough for my client who is disabled, but what makes it even harder is dealing with negligent business owners like the defendant here."
"Being disabled is a condition; it's not an excuse."
"Attacking a disabled girl will make you everybody's enemy at a public place."
"The vision of the media lab is that one day through advances and technologies we will eliminate all disability."
"Just because I can't walk doesn't mean I can't still have a cool ride."
"My disability did not define my worth."
"The big thing about having a blind dog is that things need to stay in the same place when you're in your rig."
"This isn't your regular team so team brit is made up of all disabled drivers so that's a mix of physical and mental disabilities as well."
"I view it as an accommodation for me; it's absolutely a medicine too, yes, that it fits that role, but it's an accommodation for my disability that allows me to live a very high quality of life and function very well professionally."
"Some days are like harder than others and like some things happen and like when you have a disability, like you don't get breaks on the weekends, you're always living in this body."
"Being fat isn't a disability, you need to move your stupid car now."
"Some disabilities are completely invisible, like you just don't know if someone has something or not."
"Toff's disability is the reason why she is so strong."
"Toff embraces her disability and turns it into a strength."
"I see something traumatic, right? Um, I see a kid get killed, I see something, and then that, as a part of my body, doesn't work."
"Dinesh is a great doctor not in spite of the wheelchair, but because of the wheelchair."
"The number of Americans with varying degrees of disability is increasing."
"That's how all the para kids come... Look at this."
"Why on Earth do we call them disabled? I love them. On the important things, they can be so much more able than us."
"The NDIS has transformed the lives of thousands of people living with disabilities."
"The woman was blind since her birth, everyone in the audience was shocked and mesmerized."
"The real disability in deafness was not the lack of hearing, it was the lack of language."
"Mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the world."
"The vision of the media lab is that one day through advances in technologies, we will eliminate all disability."
"I just wanted everybody to know that even with the disability, nothing can stop you."
"Australia's indefinite Detention of people with a disability has been condemned on the international stage."
"We cannot remain silent on the indefinite Detention of people with disabilities."
"What makes her such a good model is her confidence. She doesn't let her disability hold her back."
"...he used a speech enhancer in order to talk."
"I feel sorry, I shouldn't do... You had to be careful because if you refused an operation they would say 'Oh, then we're gonna take this disability away from you.'"
"Disability is often left out of these discussions and it is often the last thing that people think about when thinking about things like inclusion and intersectionality."
"For the rest of his life, he would campaign for people with disabilities and share his own story to prove that a disability did not mean the end."
"I felt like an invalid. I was convinced I would have to live the rest of my life this way or until I became a vegetable."
"I have nothing to offer you. I have a war wound and doesn't work."
"Although he's still unable to speak, thanks to new scientific developments, Steve can communicate with the outside world using a computer."
"Mom, I have a physical disability and I use that stool to avoid getting hurt if I stand for too long."
"Johnny boy, I've grown up my entire life surrounded by disability, my own and family members. So this is a truly incredible cause to be donating towards."
"My daughter is blind, she is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile. She cannot help you."
"If you are struggling with chronic illness disability, I don't think the world knows how tough these folks are."
"If I can do something to share my story so that somebody else with a disability can go on with their lives because they are more than a disability."
"I'm no good in Jo, I'm in a [ __ ] wheelchair, Kito. I know they didn't come in after he got caught. Who sent your [ __ ] da-da? No walk. You got a heart on for you, man."
"If you attack a disabled person in public, you really only deserve the worst that is coming to you."
"Jean Wu has a disability that made him can't hear or speak well, but despite this, Jean Wu can understand what people are saying by watching their lip movements."
"I'm taking Daniel to somewhere he is never been before he's going to show us how just by making a clicking sound from his mouth and without using his Cane he can perceive the physical world around him in amazing detail."
"If you go to a store and see an employee with a disability, don't treat them differently. If they were hired, they can do their job and you should just let them."
"Mom, why are you saying things like that? I love Gloria and I know she loves me too. That is enough for me. I don't care that she's disabled."
"This week is about celebrating people with disabilities. They overcome obstacles in a world that is not necessarily built to help them."
"Daniel was born without his right hand and he fully embraced himself for who he was."
"Sometimes the way I dress doesn't make me seem disabled."
"It's not a disability, this lecture is a superpower."
"Canadians living with disabilities are disproportionately living in poverty."
"Getting older does not have to mean being more disabled."
"Life is not easy for the blind. You're not worthless, you're only around those who don't know your value."
"Some things I think are helpful first is to find a way to have a life worth living even while grappling with a disability even while not having a life partner even while being forced through circumstances to have really tough economic conditions."
"He's a bad [ __ ] in his right leg, you know, he moves, oh my God, Frankenstein monster, monster."
"Helen Keller is deaf, can't speak, and blind, and yet you're out on a stage dancing. It's a beautiful piece."
"...being disabled is awful... I personally see being disabled as just a part of me."
"I don't follow the Method. I don't even have a normal way of working. I tend to be suspicious of all systems of acting, so I was just trying to come to terms with the more extreme physical problems of playing someone who is disabled.'' - Daniel Day-Lewis"
"By firing the worker voyant violated the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabilities."
"I think that the way that disability is addressed is also very problematic because it puts so much focus on the issues that having a disability causes other people and not the issues that being disabled has on the disabled person."
"Geordi is generally regarded as an example of positive representation of people with disabilities."
"His blindness is not a major obstacle, and he’s able to live and thrive in his society."
"It shows us that it can take more than being fitted for a prosthetic limb to recover from an amputation, that disabilities aren’t always easy to live with, but they can be managed."
"If you have got a disability, perhaps you've picked up something that you may not have tried before."
"But it was that I was I don't know I I this was my like happy place and I just didn't want to be a part of it but then I realized me being open about it like helps people understand me more and can show other people that you know if they're disabled they they can also do this."
"You are so much more than a disabled Creator. You're an amazing Creator who happens to be disabled."
"Acting was certainly helpful I've leared as well a lot of people use perform forming as a way to free their voices and maybe there's something ethereal about it maybe there's something emotional about freeing up your voice from this disability"
"Can this guy without legs become the fastest man in the world? It challenges society."
"She had the mental capacity of a seven-year-old due to brain damage she had suffered as a result of her premature birth."
"You cannot make a film about inclusion but refuse to include disabled people within the real life parts of that film."
"Just treat it like any other relationship. I think people put too much thought into dating someone with a disability."
"Ina School incident involved a long history of disabled students being abused by teachers and administrators."
"Having a disability definitely makes gardening harder, but it makes you more inventive as well."
"An ex-student of yours with a disability just sold a piece of art for more than you ever will. Isn't life ironic?"
"Remember the words 'can't' and 'won't' have different meanings. Mentally, Adrian cannot stand up for himself because physically he is unable to due to him being a centipede."
"Being blind could also mean being gifted."
"Disability is... absolutely valid."