
Life Paths Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"There's a path that you know is there, you don't quite see it, but it's there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are many pathways toward insight in the world, there are many ways to live a life."
"We just ended up on two different roads, and sometimes friendships just have expiration dates."
"Not everybody's path is the same. Please stop asking people when they're going to get married or when they're going to have kids."
"We who have glimpsed into the flow of time see that it is exactly such a vast confluence: paths crossed and re-crossed, all are swept along."
"Being open can give you more peace than potentially being on one path would."
"However amazingly, even though the goal is the same...the roads and the paths that they use to try to arrive at this goal are very, very diverse."
"The roads and the paths that they use to try to arrive at this goal are very, very diverse."
"Nothing is yet set in stone; it's about realizing that whatever path you're on right now doesn't need to be your forever path."
"Narrow is the gate that leads to life; wide is the road that leads to destruction."
"I feel like a lot of you, the universe wants you to go in a different path."
"Our responsibility is to stay in our lane, just as God creates a lane for us."
"You don't have to fight, you don't have to follow the ways already laid out for you."
"Regardless of the path you take in life... there is still the potential for you to become something truly incredible."
"Everything boils down to choices. Every day the choices you make determine the road you'll take."
"Life takes different turns based on the skills and abilities you're given."
"Sometimes you need to deviate from the path to find growth."
"You can't see what else could be great out there because you're so focused on going down this path."
"You could be aligned with this person for a little while and then the path just goes like this."
"There is a middle way, and the middle way may be just to go your own way."
"Every single path led to the same inevitable location... both paths converge to the same thing, and that same thing is you."
"Guess what I'm saying is just follow your passion cuz you have no idea where it might lead you."
"Everyone's just on a totally different path... so if we could all accept that and just communicate about it..."
"You've got to believe in yourself. The door that is meant for you is going to open with ease."
"In life there are often multiple ways to get to the same goal, different paths that lead to the same destination."
"You realize you don't belong on this particular path, that's why it's epic."
"Jesus said there's a narrow gate that leads to a narrow road that leads to eternal life. He said there's a broad road that leads to destruction and hell. Which road are you on tonight?"
"2021 was actually the year when we started to separate these two worlds, the karmic story you were born to from the story you're born to live."
"If you're meant to meet the person, you will cross that person's path no matter where it is."
"Two roads did diverge in a wood and I did take The Road Less Traveled by."
"There is no wrong path, just personal preference."
"Very often, not getting your dream gives you your destiny."
"Radical self-acceptance can lead you in many fruitful directions."
"Sometimes God, the universe, the simulation, whatever you want to call it, puts people in your path in your life, connects you with people."
"The road least traveled is the road that many people do not travel."
"Everything is always a choice. You can keep following the new path or get caught up in old paradigms and toxicity."
"There's a good and evil path in this life and we want people to choose the good."
"You never know what may be waiting for you down each path you take."
"Very few people in life have the guts and courage to take The Road Less Traveled."
"Everybody's journey is gonna look different."
"I don't know, games where I don't feel like I'm the good guy are just soul-crushing to me."
"With one decision made correctly, you can be put right back on the correct path."
"Every choice you make leads to the next, and I know it's hard to know which path to take."
"We are brothers we will always be brothers we are certainly on different paths at the moment but I will always be there for him as I know he will always be there for me."
"The reality is doing the right research and going the right path."
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I took the one less traveled by."
"My Hero Academia focuses on children pressured to find their path."
"Your life would be much different... if they would have followed through with the pre-birth agreement between the two of you."
"Go on life believing that college is the only route because it's just not."
"There's no such thing as missed opportunities, only opportunities that were never meant for you."
"Your twin is always on a new path, always evolving."
"The kid that mowed his lawn all those years ago didn't kill his son, but the guy that he saw yesterday was down a dark path."
"The consequences of demonic influence can be severe, leading individuals down paths they never imagined."
"No matter which path you choose, just make sure it's right for you."
"When are you going to choose to embrace the happiness or the path or the calling?"
"Every choice that you make in the present moment right now is shifting you to different parallel realities."
"Sometimes it's one decision that we make in our life that changes everything, puts us on the right or the wrong path."
"You're following your heart, taking a different path."
"Some of you are going to be experiencing a greater awakening and going down even maybe a spiritual path."
"Everyone has their own path and cannot be forced."
"You know, all roads don't lead home, they do lead to rats however."
"Life is long and has many paths, he and his parents and his schools will probably find the right one."
"So your paths are going to cross, you've already met, or your paths cross somewhere along the way."
"Jesus chooses people who thought their life had turned out a different way."
"No two journeys would ever be alike."
"This is the life we chose. This is the life he chose. Two paths."
"There is no one good path that's good for you. I think there's a multitude of paths and they're all great and a few of them are terrible."
"Two boys who both had the exact same start in life going down radically different paths."
"There's only one way you get to your ideal life and there's thousands of ways you get to your not ideal life."
"I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"There are no wrong turns in life, only turns not taken."
"You can choose which path or paths you would like to incorporate, and that it is totally okay to follow your intuition."
"The really important message of that you might be going one down one path and think that this is the only part for you."
"the path not taken isn't always the path not lived"
"Every card in the deck is different. Everybody sits in a different position in life and everybody walks a different path."
"Every path is valid for that particular individual."
"God's always been pretty good about directing those paths and opening others."
"Everyone's path is different, but growth can be achieved in a variety of places as players on the ice, and as people off it."
"Everybody's gonna have a different path."
"The wider gate, the wider way, and plenty of people walk through it. But the narrow gate is a very narrow path, very few people find it."
"Don't become so fixated on the idea that this is how it's done. Everyone's path is going to be different."
"You thought you only had one path in life that you could take, and your soulmate is teaching you that you have the capacity to go in any direction that you want."
"The way that leads to destruction is broad, and the way that leads to life is narrow."
"You never know who you're going to meet who's also on this trajectory and the one that you're on."
"We all have our opinions and we all have our own path, and I think it's great."
"There's a million different reasons why someone may stay; there's a million different reasons why someone might leave, and they're not anywhere near the same."
"Persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together."
"Life doesn't always lead you where you want to go, but that's okay because there are other potentially better paths if you're open to them."
"You can pretty much do what you want to do, you can pretty much pick a path."
"At the present moment in world history, nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life."
"Two roads diverged in the woods, not taking the road less taken, and it's made all the difference."
"In your 20s, everyone's on such a different career path, like a life path, everyone's trying to figure it out."
"Everybody's path is different, you know."
"Love your own lane, and everybody got their different paths, and that's the only way to maintain it, genuinely."
"Everybody is on a different path. We're not all meant to be doctors, lawyers, engineers."
"Everybody has their own path and no two paths are exactly the same."
"I mean, everybody has different paths."
"Everybody has different timelines, everybody has different needs, they have different expectations."
"There is more than one way to live your life, and not everyone is gonna be happy in the same way doing the same things, and that's okay."
"Those who find happiness, those who miss it, our reunion clearly divided our future lives."
"People grow in different ways and sometimes they grow into different people, different paths."
"There's many paths to be able to get to where you want to get to in life."
"I feel like we're all on different paths, and there's so many. Everyone's path is so unique and different, and I think we should celebrate that."
"I didn't understand why God put you in my path. But then it hit me, maybe He put me in yours."
"You're either on the self-improvement path or you're on the path of self-destruction."
"We're all in this together, many paths but only one journey."
"You guys are on like a similar journey, just different paths."
"Life can be hard, and if you find yourself walking down this one particular path, then you think that there's this one destination, we're trying to say look, there are other little paths that veer off that you can always take."
"The paths of two objects can be so closely aligned, and then at some point they diverge."
"Life is full of two roads that diverged in the woods; taking one makes all the difference."
"So pick something you would have done differently, and I will find you the book, that is to say, the life."
"You've explored so many new avenues and so many different directions."
"Everyone has their own path, you know."
"It was such a sweet story... I feel like everyone can relate to that on some level, that idea of what if I would have chosen this and taken this other path."
"The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid."
"Different people have different callings in life."
"It's funny how things lead you down a different path than you originally intended."
"God grants us desires when we embark on certain paths which can lead to blessings beyond our imagination."
"I think everything could have turned out if we didn't kind of all split off on our own ways."
"Everyone is on a different path and they're always going to be doing different things."
"They both have very different stories that led them to this moment when they meet each other."
"We always have a choice of the path to take."
"God in the universe let us cross paths."
"There are no wrong decisions or right decisions; every decision just is a different path."
"Not everybody has it together, and not everybody has that perfect path and perfect plan."
"The relationships that you have with friends really good friends at one time, we were on the same path just in a different lifestyle."
"I just really love exploring how making even a small choice can take you down a wildly different path."
"Every path is valid, every path is different."
"Everyone takes different paths to find fulfillment."
"There's no correct pathway for anyone; everyone's pathways are all different, we're all different lives, aren't we? So random."
"Everything travels on a different path than us. But nothing should be judged to be worse or better."
"Every path leads you to different outcomes."
"Happiness comes to people in so many different ways and yes, for some people, that is having children and having a family, but for other people, it's the exact opposite."
"Different people have different journeys."
"Stella Chernykh and Rodney Harrington were both born and raised in Peyton Place; now their lives have come together, and each is the destiny of the other."
"It's about how their lives converge."
"Who am I to judge? We all choose our paths, we all choose how our paths gonna play out."
"Try not to be fixated on one potential route for your life."
"Be cognizant and aware of the doors that are opening, of the opportunities that the universe is presenting you."
"Remember, there's no judgment here; we all live our own truth and go different paths at different times."
"We're all living in our own orbits, different timelines."
"Sometimes people go down separate paths in life, and that's totally fine."