
Hopelessness Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"Patients with depression often are stuck. They can't look into the future world of possibilities as effectively. Everything seems hopeless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is a man that was basically his last moments on video, where to let everybody know that, 'I'm checking out. I've given up. I don't see any hope at this point.'"
"In the end, what does the end of the world mean when you have no hope, no desires, where dreams will go unfulfilled?"
"Halo Reach is a prequel to the initial Halo Trilogy and is expertly crafted to fill you with a sense of hopelessness and dread as the human Planet Of Reach falls to the might of the Covenant."
"It just feels like there are all these factors that are out of your control and it doesn't seem like there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"I want to show you how to never be bound by hopelessness. There's nothing in this world that you will confront that there's not a way out of it, over it, or through it."
"I wanted to die because I thought there was no way out."
"In some sense, things are hopeless, but you move ahead regardless, and that's the nature of life."
"The only way to truly become strong was to be happy even when he was entirely hopeless."
"The biggest problem facing Native Americans today is not a culture of dependency, as Republicans and Libertarians would have you believe – it’s a culture of hopelessness."
"What makes us human is our capacity for hopelessness, our ability to confront our own smallness and, even there in the face of our grief, to still want to help to make things better for people."
"You can see the weight of that debt crushing them...it seems like they're not even making a dent, and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel."
"The way to feel hope is through hopelessness."
"You die before you die if no light can come in."
"The difference between this prison and others is that in other places, prisoners see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here? It's all darkness."
"So farewell hope and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse."
"That dream is dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt."
"I have nothing else to live for. I have no plan B."
"As long as you think you're white, there's no hope for you."
"Most prophecy books are 'this is what's going to happen, deal with it.' And there's no hope in that."
"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people!"
"Tragically a reversal for the better would never come."
"There's some kind of autonomy that you have some control some say in your own destiny you create hopelessness."
"There's no hope in the black race. He died with no hope for the black people."
"Liquid crystal cannot rise on its own. Titanium alloy cannot prevail in the face of extinction. Armor cannot hope. It all means nothing until you step inside."
"There's nothing worse than making an individual feel he has nothing to lose."
"It's as though the souls of these adults have been crushed so much that their desire to live has been destroyed in the deepest parts of themselves."
"It's easy to feel like things are beyond repair...never look back."
"God is saving and using the who come from the most hopeless Godless darkest situations."
"Living in a Godless world...has no Destiny, no future, no hope."
"He's almost reached the point that he's beyond hope."
"Expressing how hopeless their situation feels."
"He's that rare earth element, something you find deep down in the dirt."
"To whom shall we go? Meaning that I can't go there. It's nothing, it can't be recovered."
"I thought about it, Trav, but I'd rather be dead."
"If I'm not inspiring you at this point, you're a lost hope."
"Most wraiths are inherently evil. They live to hunt for unfortunate souls, taking away hope and their desire to live as they go, sounding specifically like my mind, babe."
"It doesn't get any better and it only gets worse."
"The only reason for living at that stage had been to facilitate the growth of their children and the task had left them with nothing."
"Six's tale is about empowerment... while the runaway child is about hopelessness and oppression."
"Maybe Magneto's right, maybe there really is no way to save the hearts and minds of man."
"You and the Savior combined can keep this covenant. Take Jesus out of the mix, and I'm hopeless."
"We are in a time of skepticism and hopelessness about the future of this country."
"I wish I was dead, I'd rather be dead, I don't have a son like you."
"Truth is, those children are better off dead than in this nation without hope. They are on their mother's milk taught to be proud sinners and rebels."
"When hope is lost and a way forward cannot be sensed, love will find."
"It's been a very hopeless time especially if you're a young voter in this country."
"They'll almost feel like I need to just give up on love altogether because of this."
"To enter, you will have to sacrifice your last vestige of hope. Only the hopeless may enter."
"Thankfully it can't get worse... they've already pretty much hit rock bottom with how they're attacking civilians."
"No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon only ruin and corpses will remain."
"Horrible life without Christ is a global nightmare."
"If you rob a man of hope, you give him every reason to lash out."
"There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."
"There is no Next Step, there is no First Step, there is no walking for you."
"The hope behind it has been replaced by inevitability."
"There's no greater desperation than to be told that you or your child has a disease for which there is no hope."
"It's incredible their hopes were dashed, everything was destroyed."
"None of that stuff has ever helped... absolutely zero."
"One of the realistic chances that you will ever fly back to Australia and resume your life back there? Probably zero."
"The worst part about being poor was the idea that there's no escape."
"I also want them to have the moral high ground. Right now, they are not safe and secure because they're saying, you know what you millions of Palestinians, you have no hope."
"When I look at this situation, my only response is that I die and go to heaven... I don't see any human way out of this."
"The real horror of Blair Witch is watching people unravel during a truly hopeless situation."
"Despair demoralizes people, makes them believe they don't have any power, and they can't change anything."
"I believe they are lost causes now if you have a family member who's like this."
"It's a psychological operation to make you feel hopeless and put your hope into false idols."
"The tide has always been lifted and our boat ain't never lifted with the tide."
"Maybe the night is always darkest before the dawn, maybe things eventually get better, but you know what? Sorry if I can't say I'm convinced."
"One of the dangers of continuously saying nothing is happening, nothing is changing, they're not listening is that people become depressed and cynical and they lose hope."
"Let's say you spend 20 years of your life working towards a goal that's going to solve everything and nothing changes; that's when you get hopeless."
"I don't see what's hopeful optimistic... about you, man."
"People begin to realize that they may never return home."
"If there's no hope, there's no hope. So we do what we can, you know."
"The vaults were never meant to save anyone. There is no escape, there is no hope."
"So folks, if you were for some reason still holding out hope, sorry."
"Each time it happened, I got more and more hopeless, and eventually just lost my ability to be able to deal with it."
"Reduced hope into nothing more than a one syllable four-letter word."
"All you're going to do by failing to channel that unbelievable ambition and ability to move forward into the world into a self-restrained hopelessness is to produce someone bitter and resentful and then cruel and then dangerous."
"No amount of context would have made this better."
"The Master has always been beaten by the Doctor so this is finally his chance to win and he wants to make sure he beats all hope out of our hero in the process."
"You can't really save what's left of this game's reputation."
"It's a sense of fear, it's a sense of hopelessness."
"You're in a space of feeling quite hopeless, feeling like this person just continuously doesn't want to cooperate."
"There is no hope for Humanity... There's only ever bad things. All you can do is stem the tide."
"There is no win, there is no hey maybe we have hope, so all that you can do is survive."
"You just have to sit there and stare into the abyss knowing that your doom lies before you and there is no way for you to interact."
"For some people, there is nothing we can do. For some people, you're just messed up and you want to be that way."
"If there's no more hope, then might as well be over, right?"
"The poverty isn't material. It's spiritual—the poverty of hope breeding apathy and violence."
"I didn't think anybody was gonna make it out."
"I see a lot of people that are hopeless because of the election... it's not over."
"The anger and rage escalate, and then the Hope dies."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn, but I don't think it's completely hopeless. I think what will happen is there will be a collapse."
"We are too late, there's no chance to help now."
"Gonna do it, they're gonna deny Astralis the chance, blame doesn't have any time, does he have any hope? No."
"Everything's beyond help, that's not a great discovery."
"They've given up on that, they've given up on making things better."
"Depression demon is very good at convincing us that we're gonna be stuck like this forever."
"He sank to his knees with the sudden, horrifying realization that it was all over. There was no escape. No hope. None whatsoever."
"You will never ever go home. These women don't care."
"As time went by and there was nothing to give directions as to where the money should be placed or how she was gonna be returned, the hope left."
"There's nothing positive here in this connection, nothing."
"Can there be hope in a lawless world where men are only worth the price of their death?"
"Life would be for each of them the desert in which no rose blooms."
"I'm losing hope, everyone who I think is my soulmate ends up not being my soulmate."
"Depression takes away our hope for a future, our excitement about anything, and can just make everything seem unimportant."
"It's about the beauty of survival but also about the hopelessness of it all."
"His gaze seemed lifeless and empty, as if he had lost any hope."
"You ever feel like nothing good was ever gonna happen to you?"
"This is a working-class movie, this is about the lack of hope if you're at the bottom end of the working class."
"I felt total and complete hopelessness"
"Her dream of officially becoming his wife and bearing their child is now hopeless."
"that sadness like in that bathroom and that was the first time in my whole life I said I wish I could just go to sleep and not not wake up"
"If doctors can't tell you what's wrong, you may start to feel hopeless and helpless."
"In Jahannam, there's no relief, no good memories to relive, and no hope for escape."
"The more depressed a person is, the easier it is for them to sink into hopelessness."
"Atheism is no hope whatsoever. It offers no ultimate hope."
"These are mediocre times, Mrs. Stone. People are starting to lose hope."
"God understands that when we're in isolation, the enemy breeds hopelessness in our heads."
"There's no out, but all of it just makes people feel like shit all the time."
"The man has lost all hope of surviving."
"This is Berk. It's 12 days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death."
"Why don't we just stay here and die?"
"Hopelessness can be thought of as a feeling that things cannot get any better. There's no hope, nothing I do is going to matter."
"His cold gaze seemed to pierce through the trees, watching us as we grasped for any semblance of hope."
"Some other Nightmare movies have ended with the hint that Freddy could come back but those ones didn't eliminate all hope like this one seemed to."
"Hopelessness is probably the most powerful thing there is."
"'It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. We're trapped here forever. It's all for nothing,' she said."
"'We're trapped here forever. It's all for nothing,' she said."
"You may feel like there's things in your life that, well, are just completely unfixable."
"The desire is fantastic, the method is hopeless."
"I literally thought my life was over."
"We really live in dark times with so much pain, suffering, and pollution in the world. There seems to be so little hope."
"The true nature of despair... there was no emotion because there was no hope."
"There is one gate for admission but no exit in whole and hell, my friends, there is no hope."
"It felt like a new sort of hopelessness, one that I hadn't experienced previously."
"Wow, wow, wow. There's just nothing for black to do. That was it."
"This is useless," she thought, feeling hopeless.
"There's no hope of escaping from Endovier. To attempt to flee is suicide."
"He's literally coping... Oh, they are too far gone."
"Realize the total hopelessness of your predicament."
"Despair is complete and total emptiness. It's not a meaninglessness but instead a removal of something so treasured that its departure has left you. Not physically, not even mentally, no, instead it's an absence of hope you once held on to."
"Despair is pretending everything is OK when in fact it's not. God knows whatever be okay again."
"I felt my body grow weaker, terror setting in my soul alongside a sense of absolute hopelessness."
"He's realizing that he was in some sort of hopeless state with this woman."
"So when Rhaenyra says no, Criston loses his one hope for a tolerable life."
"They start stealing, they start crime, because they don't have hope, just despair."
"Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
"The most dangerous person in the world is a person with no hope."
"In small towns, you can't understand the hopelessness."
"Faith? All the doctors have said it's hopeless. I have no more faith."
"...it felt like there was no hope."
"Her love life would be extremely hopeless."
"But if you're broken or you're living in hopelessness, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicidal depression, homelessness, if you're down, then I got a message for you because I've been there."
"He makes you feel hopeless. When you have no hope, you have a big problem."
"The whole world is beyond saving."
"Everyone realizes that they have lost and begin giving up all hope."
"Even in the darkest of our moments, it was never as dark as the feeling of hopelessness that you had when you're in the church and you knew you had no choices."
"I felt the only thing left for me to do on Earth was to put that revolver to my head."
"The fact that you could know someone that did something and you could go to jail for it, if they're willing to lock up a 2-year-old baby for the rest of their life, there's no hope for you, man."
"Maybe I'm waiting for something that will never happen. It'd be easier if I had."
"Lack of hope is the ultimate agony in suffering."
"To him, there isn't any future worth considering because so much was already taken from him."
"Zuko had just lost everything, everything was going wrong, he was feeling completely hopeless."
"How do you control people? You take away their hope."
"I feel like no matter what I do, I'm stuck in the cycle and nothing gets better."
"...everything does turn around eventually, but sometimes it can just feel like you've got absolutely no hope."
"There's nothing worse than to live without hope."
"Living without hope in a post-apocalyptic world is the worst."
"But there's no dawn for us down here of course, there'll never be a dawn for poor lost souls down here in the eternal dark far far below."
"Wanda's sacrifice is motivated by her hopelessness on Earth and her love for her children."
"They hope you get a [__] they hope you get towed."
"You literally feel like you actually want to die."
"Every spirit of hopelessness must leave."
"When there's no hope, life is meaningless."
"That's the solve. That's how we resolve loneliness and hopelessness."
"There's nothing to live for anymore."
"When you get to that moment and you feel like there's no way out, and then you start thinking about taking your own life..."
"In fact, it's so bad it doesn't even remember to give mankind hope."
"What is despair Pastor? It's the emotion or feeling of hopelessness."
"Loneliness is an ongoing state that can make you lose hope."
"You have nothing to look forward to but a life of relentless pain."
"When someone starts to talk about losing hope, being depressed, always criticizing himself, I'll never make it, I'll never be a good man, I'll never succeed in what I do."
"Things seemed very hopeless when I made my post. I was very scared and I did not want my son to not have access to the best opportunities because we could not afford to push him to the top."
"The system failed Amelia when she believed that death was the only solution to her problems, because the world that she was currently living in was one that she was miserable and felt hopeless in."
"How is any of this gonna get fixed? It feels like everything is getting worse and worse."
"Any kind of hopeless life is actually a godless life. And any time that I have ever found myself under the influence of hopelessness, what's real is I was under the influence of a lie."
"They think you're over them. Whenever they think about that though, I think it gives them a feeling of hopelessness."
"It's like a cup hoping somebody will pour some coffee."
"At this point, everything is awful."
"Hopefully, this guy never sees the light of day ever ever ever again."
"Her mental state has got to such a point where she has locked herself in a box mentally, she has convinced herself that there are no other options, that there is no way out, that there is nothing else that she can do."
"I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I don't see that light anymore. I just don't see that light."
"That diagnosis is not a diagnosis that lends hope toward people healing."
"We live in a society today, friends, that is filled with hopelessness. We are in an epidemic of hopelessness."
"If you feel hopeless, I can't tell you not to."
"Stress is designed to cultivate weariness because weariness produces the loss of hope." - Proverbs 13:12
"We have been dead for a long time."
"I remember curled up and in the fetal position in my bedroom and losing hope is probably the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life."