
Global Health Quotes

There are 480 quotes

"And you have to take a sort of world view of this, right? If you, like what's the most prevalent cause of death globally? Cardiovascular disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Depression is the most disabling condition worldwide."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Seventy percent of world global deaths are attributable to diseases caused by modifiable behavioral risk factors like smoking, physical inactivity, and diet."
"Mental disorders are now the leading cause of disability on our planet."
"Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are major contributors to the global burden of disease."
"AstraZeneca made their COVID vaccine available to developing countries at cost, as a result, saving over 6 million lives."
"Dietary quality is key to the health of our microbiome and also to our global health."
"For far too long we've indulged in the magical thinking that viruses that exist somewhere else don't matter and will stay there."
"Polio, we're close; malaria is a 20 to 30-year quest that we're just at the beginning of."
"This is the defining global health crisis of our time. The days, weeks, and months ahead will be a test of our resolve, a test of our trust in science, and a test of solidarity."
"As I said, one of the most important things we need to do is build a robust long-term foundation of global health."
"Infectious diseases can emerge anywhere and spread everywhere."
"We are committed to providing timely access to Molnupiravir globally if it is approved or authorized."
"These are definitely some odd times that we're living in right now, and I just want to wish everybody well during this global health pandemic."
"This is such a deeply interdependent planet; we just can't have a situation where a billion or a billion and a half people don't have access to primary health care."
"The idea of a global pandemic feels like something reserved only for the distant past and dystopian television, but the truth is, it was always a case of when a virus was going to consume the world again, not if."
"90% of MSF staff is national, meaning they live locally and are from the country that they work in, and it's truly incredible."
"We're losing 200 species a day, that are eliminated forever. The Earth is just as sick as everybody else is."
"We need surveillance everywhere in the world, and that's why we don't want to have another outbreak like in West Africa with Ebola. You want to have a resilient health system in every country that reaches out to the periphery."
"Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency are increasing at a global level."
"It's unprecedented in the history of the world where partners have come together to make this happen and to bring a vaccine which is going to be lifesaving to countries all over the world."
"The coronavirus pandemic has exposed how many countries are ill-equipped and unprepared to deal with a virus of this magnitude."
"I think the world needs to see is a general agreement on how we track data surrounding zoonotic pandemics."
"The Amazon rainforest is the lungs of our planet."
"Ideally, the response to COVID should be the establishment of a global healthcare system."
"Global vaccine inequity has been one of the most profound and disappointing aspects of this pandemic."
"There is absolutely no wall that we can build high enough to keep infectious disease threats away... unless we think about how to manage not just COVID but all other infectious threats globally."
"Vaccines offer great hope to turn the tide of the pandemic, but to protect the world, we must ensure that all people at risk everywhere, not just in countries who can afford vaccines, are immunized."
"The World Health Organization...is really pushing the envelope here in letting us know that chronic diseases are what threatened the health of the planet most."
"35 billion dollars is basically couch money for the world. We could probably afford 35 billion dollars a year. The benefit would be that we would avoid 4.2 million deaths each and every year."
"We vaccinated eight billion people around the globe, which is extraordinary."
"On any given day, 300 million people around the world are on their menstrual period."
"We need to defeat this virus, not just within our borders, but wherever it will be found. That's how we'll beat COVID-19 for good."
"We know here in Canada that as long as COVID is raging out of control in another country, Canadians will not be safe." - Health Minister Patty Hajdu emphasizing the importance of global health cooperation.
"This is a worldwide epidemic really where we have heart disease as a number one killer or number two killer in just about every country on the globe."
"But the consequences of pulling out of the WHO for the world, I think, would be quite deadly."
"We need a plan to get the vaccine out to the entire world."
"Labeling this a global health emergency means more international resources for prevention and more help in finding a vaccine."
"For about a billion dollars, we could save about 200,000 people each and every year from malaria. Why aren't we doing that?"
"A virus doesn't stay in one place, and we will not have succeeded in this fight if it is still raging in some parts of the world."
"Diseases do not stop at borders; they cannot be awarded by building a wall. We cannot keep others safe without helping to keep others safe as well, and without enlisting the help of other nations in return."
"Global health security is something that we look very closely at... American leadership has to be central to how we approach this."
"The best memorial we could offer to those who have lost their lives to COVID is to end this pandemic and reduce the numbers of others who would otherwise perish."
"The health outcomes in Rwanda are the best in terms of what we have been and where we are, the most significant change in the health sector that you can talk about in the whole world."
"It's going to be an arms race between the ability of our scientific capacity to respond and the ability of the bug, whether it's a virus, bacterium, or fungus, to mutate."
"We can do something. We can do the social distancing and all of the pieces that we know are starting to work around the globe."
"We need an early warning system around the world when these virus outbreaks take place."
"India's pharmaceutical industry has a huge role to play in helping to address the world's health issues in the future."
"Any country that looks at the experience of other countries with large epidemics and thinks 'that won't happen to us' is making a deadly mistake. It can happen to any country."
"Our health...it's in our interest to protect the healthcare of every human being on earth."
"We developed the vaccines no one else will make because they're for the world's poorest people."
"Did you know that dementia, right now today in the world, is the seventh leading cause of death and more than 55 million people are suffering from this disease?"
"We need to do more than vaccinate Americans to beat the pandemic, we have to vaccinate the world as well."
"Disparities in global health must also be addressed; poorer countries need stronger health systems and better preparation."
"None of us are free from the pandemic until all of us are free from the pandemic."
"They are responsible for the continuation of this coronavirus."
"We have to move in a direction where the world itself is vaccinated."
"Ultimately, we are working to build a happier and healthier world."
"The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is the big hope for poorer countries."
"This virus has shown how connected we are. We're fighting an invisible enemy, and no one is safe frankly until we're all safe."
"I think this infection can be eradicated from the world providing we get vaccines out to everyone that needs it."
"If we did that globally and financed it for five weeks, we could actually eliminate the virus entirely from the planet."
"We're going to have loads of spare doses, well over 200 million, which are going to be donated to poor countries."
"I just want the same for everyone in the world now as well."
"As more and more countries experience community spread, successful containment at our borders becomes harder and harder."
"So worldwide, we're talking about hundreds of millions of people who would be much better suited for a low-carb diet."
"If early containment and mitigation efforts are not successful, the pandemic in this type of situation and trend would be a risk for global health."
"We've cut childhood mortality almost in half since 1990... best time to be alive."
"Our quad partnership is on track to help produce at least one billion doses of COVID vaccines in India for the Asia region by the end of 2022."
"I think that they want to get to the bottom of things also we're working our drug companies our pharmaceutical companies are working very closely with China and with India as you know and with all over the world."
"We cannot and we should not accept countries that have already used most of the global supply vaccines using even more of it while the world's vulnerable people remain unprotected." - Dr. Ted Ross
"Fair and equitable access to those tools is really critical because a pandemic by its nature is something that is worldwide."
"No matter how successful we are in fighting the threat of Covid-19 pandemic at home, it will never stop unless we're also fighting it around the world."
"We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged."
"History will eventually show that the countries with the fewest WHO-related restrictions may have done the best."
"It feels like another global outbreak is beginning."
"In the case of a global pandemic, we need to take it most seriously."
"It is a highly effective vaccine that has the capacity to eliminate polio from this world."
"Look at these numbers. After suffering the pandemic for almost a whole year... worldwide cases are dropping."
"This is the first vaccine that's going to be globally available."
"The compound Ivermectin was developed into effective treatments against parasitic diseases that affect humans, particularly among the world's poorest populations."
"If we have any hope to bring an end to this pandemic..."
"We want to continue to be the provider of not just vaccines but vaccine know-how and assistance to the global Community."
"My message to those people is when your time comes around and I hope in the coming months everybody in this world will be afforded the same opportunity like I had today, don't hesitate."
"China started this and refused to participate in kovacs and won't give, won't contribute money, won't contribute vaccines." - U.S. Senator Jim Risch
"Canadians understand well that we don't get through this pandemic anywhere without getting through it everywhere."
"It is a stark reminder that any policy that obstructs or inhibits vaccine production risks being self-defeating for the rich countries."
"Shouldn't be they should be worried that if they screw this up Millions more people will die."
"How we treat animals can have global public health implications."
"The world's greatest cover-up: they want to vaccinate 7.5 billion people on this planet."
"The resolution backed by more than a hundred and thirty countries calls for an impartial, independent, and comprehensive evaluation into the global response to the coronavirus pandemic."
"Containing this disease in Iran not only helps Iran, it helps the world."
"This is the greatest health care crisis in the world."
"It's critical that we ensure these countries are well equipped detect test isolate and treat cases and identify contacts."
"People don't realize viruses don't realize borders. This is why it's so important to try to improve global health services and global levels of education."
"Imagine waking up in a world where the constant threat of viral pandemics no longer looms over humanity."
"Vaccines will be key, the United States needs to step up for the world."
"International travel: someone can get sick in Africa and be back in the United States or in Europe in less than a day."
"Their only way to conquer this disease is to conquer it everywhere."
"The epidemic started in China sometime in November or December."
"Fall is a season of change, and I find it to be a great time to be learning a new language."
"More than 50 countries have applied for the purchase of Sputnik V."
"South Korea and Japan massively increasing cases despite South Korea giving more doses of vaccine than anywhere else in the world."
"It's an exciting day, an exciting moment... for humanity and it's important for the health broadly of people."
"Hydroxychloroquine was shown by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus."
"I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China virus upon the world."
"It is now labeled as a global pandemic, and it is really real and really scary."
"Our whole goal is to institutionalize round glass so that it can keep helping and democratizing well-being to the world."
"Why do third world countries have lower COVID-19 rates? Perhaps it's their natural vitamin intake."
"The decision to allow pharmaceutical giants to deny life-saving vaccines to the poor world is by far the greatest Covid crime that has been committed."
"Who needs the W.H.O the most? It's countries in the global south."
"Our planet's health and that of all species living on it depend on it."
"Pandemic accelerating globally; health services overwhelmed in poorer countries."
"Protecting the American people means vaccinating the rest of the world."
"It's better to have a clean, sustainable planet."
"This disease could potentially be eradicated from the surface of the earth."
"The world really needs to have a major move to make oxygen, antibiotics, and intravenous fluids available to everyone."
"A single shot vaccine is much more attractive to the developing nations."
"I think our world's gonna get back to normal."
"What happened over the last two years does not need to happen again. We have it within our capabilities to essentially make our world pandemic-proof."
"Had we just done what China did right from the beginning, we could have stopped this pandemic."
"A quite different gathering took place in Bath, organized by the World Council for Health."
"There is some hopeful news... the number of weekly worldwide COVID deaths dropped."
"This is the story of how Bill Gates monopolized global health."
"Gates is hailed as a visionary who is leveraging that wealth and power for the greater good of humanity."
"The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's fingerprints can be seen on every major Global Health Initiative of the past two decades."
"Bombs and bullets cannot defend against Covid-19. We need a collective act of science and political will."
"The risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us."
"Every dose matters and as you know, until the world is vaccinated, no one's vaccinated."
"The World Health Organization plans to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday."
"Many fewer children are dying, many fewer families are living in extreme poverty."
"The death rate was falling all over the world, even in countries like Sweden that didn't impose lockdowns."
"I just hope that before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger..."
"El Salvador's approach to COVID-19 is impressive."
"We're much more interested in having a healthy impact on the world."
"Let me say that again: the United States will purchase a half a billion doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to donate to nearly 100 nations that are in dire need."
"Every man, woman, and child on the planet, regardless of financial condition, race, religion, or geography, deserve access to life-saving COVID-19 vaccines."
"The virus is very real, follow all World Health Organization and CDC recommendations."
"Decentralize our manufacturing so that people around the world have the medicines that they need, the masks, and other protective equipment."
"The COVID-19 pandemic across the globe has paved the way for nutraceuticals to build a strong presence in the global market."
"Global epidemics... These epidemics will be spreading rapidly."
"A virus that knows no borders is taking a worldwide effort to confront it."
"The world has passed a staggering coronavirus landmark: 200 million documented cases."
"Childbirth still kills more than 800 women every day."
"One-tenth of humanity is under some form of quarantine in China."
"If they managed to create a vaccine, then the world might have a chance to bounce back."
"Vaccines are the only way we could be healthy on the planet."
"Equitable access to clean and abundant water is the foundation of a healthier world."
"Hackers targeted the World Health Organization."
"Like all pandemics, this one will end either with millions, maybe billions being infected or being vaccinated. This time, world leaders have a choice."
"What I'd really like to see is that jump beyond national borders and into an international response."
"Rolling out a vaccine at a global scale like this is a massive undertaking."
"What the rich countries are doing is stupid even if you look at it from a purely self-interest way because even if everyone in the rich world gets vaccinated while the virus rages on importer nations that is a major problem for the rich world."
"Industrialized nations need to stop hoarding the vaccine so that poorer nations can at least get their first shot."
"Boosting vaccine manufacturing crucial for equitable distribution."
"Sharing vaccines now is essential for ending the acute phase of the pandemic."
"One major fear of global warming is that it could release unknown pathogens into the air, some of which may have the capacity to seriously hinder and endanger humanity."
"Ivermectin is a miracle drug for Hellman think and parasitic infections worldwide."
"The eradication of the deadly smallpox virus declared by the World Health Organization in 1980 is hailed as one of humanity's greatest achievements."
"Australia is a great example... every single human on the planet has a date with Coronavirus."
"Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population."
"My vision is that people worldwide have access to eating disorder treatment."
"No doubt that the World Health Organization is doing all that they can to control the flow of information."
"I just loved seeing all of you play together on the realm."
"The real way for the long haul to make outbreaks less serious is to build the global health system."
"Can we save the world? Take control and stop a deadly global pandemic by any means necessary."
"The World Health Organization could have governing powers over pandemics, even punishing countries if they don't comply."
"I'm delighted to join my honourable friend... tackling Ebola and they are some of the most brave and remarkable people I've met."
"We're going to have more than enough vaccine supply to vaccinate the entire world a couple of times over."
"We need a comprehensive strategy that should include vaccine equity, adequate financing, and clear investment strategies."
"With COVID virus, there is a perception... we are in for some very interesting times."
"I want people around the world to have proper vaccines. I think everyone does. And then we can nip this freaking pandemic in the bud, right?"
"350 million people worldwide have gotten at least one dose."
"Let's find a cure to every disease known to mankind or womankind. That would be my ultimate."
"October 28th Eclipse may signify the end of the pandemic."
"After a half decade, what are the games I've enjoyed the most?"
"Are we starting all over again? Three years ago we didn't pay attention when it first broke out in China. Now we cannot afford to make the same mistake."
"The Omicron strain prevalent in China is the B.1.1.529 or the B.1.1.529.1 variants. Some call it the 'hand of hell.'"
"Maybe it's time for us to lift the patent on vaccines so that they can be distributed to other countries faster."
"Thank you so much Doctors Without Borders for all the hard work you do around the world."
"Per capita, they were leading the one of the main leading countries of getting people vaccinated."
"People are dying from simple things that we could easily treat."
"We're giving three shots to the rest of the world."
"Bill Gates took his fortune and decided he was going to try and wipe out malaria with it. If that's not given back to humanity, I don't know what is."
"The planetary diet was going to change in relation to the Sun disease."
"The establishment of medicine is incredibly important; it's increased health both mental and physical across the entire world."
"Project Hope delivers essential medicine and supplies, volunteers, and medical training to prevent disease and promote wellness."
"Until we can get this vaccine to every corner of the world, we can't really go back to normalcy."
"The quarantine of tens of millions of people in China is consistent with the WHO’s regulations."
"This is an urgent problem that these countries need vaccines right now."
"He might have a cure for all these diseases in the world right"
"15 million people died, we haven't done a thing about it, nobody seems to care."
"When we combine the hesitancy of people being motivated by a hot dog to people that are desperate to get the vaccine in poorer countries, it is rather a point for reflection really."
"44% of the world's population has received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine."
"This pandemic is the worst we have ever seen till now."
"99% of deaths in children under five occur in developing countries."
"Over five million people have died now according to the Johns Hopkins, which is basically a collection of all the officially government release data from around the world."
"Many countries still lack functional civil registrations and Vital Statistics systems."
"We might as well call it what it is, a pandemic."