
Guidance Quotes

There are 62534 quotes

"There's a path that you know is there, you don't quite see it, but it's there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Always try to...take our advice from the best example that we have, that is the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam."
"The pleasure of mentorship is a form of fatherhood."
"Bible to me is basic instructions before leaving Earth."
"You're a lighthouse of hope awash in a sea of confused people."
"Never take directions from someone who hasn't been where you're going."
"Lean into your intuition as well when making a decision."
"Eagle spirit usually comes in when we are needing to look at our life from a new perspective and from a very high perspective."
"You guys need to listen to your intuition. I feel like your intuitions been telling you something for a little while now."
"We have to be grateful for that guidance that Allah has given us."
"A genius without a roadmap will get lost in any country, but an average person with a roadmap will find their way to every single destination."
"Sacred guidance and teachings from our Heavenly Father help us navigate life in these perilous times."
"I deeply, deeply care about young men getting onto this path."
"If you're having questions about 'Should I?', you shouldn't."
"Inner peace is a signal you're on the right path, and a disturbance of the heart is a signal that you're not on the right path."
"I need like guidance, and my kid is serving as some kind of ultimate like north star."
"Let go of the past and soar. You are guided by the winds of spirit."
"He doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but anyone who has tried walking with him...will know that he seems to be asking the right questions."
"You have to step up, and you have to be the parent."
"What could I possibly do with my life after being like a chronic fuck-up for 20 years that could mean more than trying to help someone not go down that same path?"
"Spirit is beside you, supporting you through every phase."
"The subtle energy that's coming through is almost like spirit knows exactly what you desire to attract, and it's trying to guide you there."
"Intuition is the soul's guidance appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm."
"This is a blessing, guys. This is a blessing for you. And this is all divinely led, guided from your spirit guides, your higher self, and God."
"I made you to be the head and not the tail, thou art to be above only and not beneath."
"The best thing about these readings is that we create space for spirit to deliver the messages that you didn't even know you needed."
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
"The first time that you play Path of Exile, it is such a complicated game that I would beg you to use a guide."
"It's very important that you know this, that you have angels and guides... it's like a spiritual army behind backing you."
"Let yourself feel all of the emotions... your entire rainbow spectrum of feelings is sending you important messages and guidance."
"Just take a moment to take a deep breath, feel peaceful, drop down into your body, and listen to that quiet inner voice that we all have to guide us through life."
"I was sitting with my higher self, connecting with spirit, divinity, source, and I was like, 'What pick-a-card reading can I bring to my soul tribe that everybody can kind of connect with?'"
"Follow your interests. This card simply says what lights you up."
"It is time to stop seeking answers from anywhere outside of yourself."
"The power of intuition will light your path, providing a connect to the divine."
"You're finally going to start taking your own power back and taking your own energy back."
"It's our authenticity, it's our truth, it's a message that we feel really guided to share."
"Trust your inner compass and find your bearings."
"I am divinely guided. I trust in the universe."
"Spirit is asking you to remember to look after yourself."
"Keep your head held high and follow the sun."
"I'm your teacher, right? Your professor, your guide, your talking, faceless dictionary, an encyclopedia in eldritch art house, child between Wikipedia and audible.com, raised in the weird parts of the web."
"You are the truth. My only job was to show the falsity of the world, direct you, and point towards the truth, which you always were."
"Follow your intuition and your guidance, spirit has never left you."
"The Scripture says, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'"
"We will guide you through it all tonight; we have made it through another week together."
"If you think God has given you a sign, then trust the signs."
"We should have like an owner's manual but like someone should tell us how to operate our nervous systems in a way to be able to optimize them."
"You also have the Eternal Bliss outlined, the paradise... and also the details of the Hellfire, how to avoid it. All the answers to life's question, it's there in the Quran."
"This is your homework: say, 'The one who created me, the all loving, the most merciful, I am seeking to know the truth. If Islam is the truth, this is the way of life you want me upon, guide me to it.'"
"If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts."
"God was like, 'Well, I'm trying to give you freedom, right, if you just trust me and lean not on your own understanding.'"
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."
"But when your feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, a good man's steps are ordered by the Lord."
"He directs his path because he put the word in his heart that he may not sin against Him."
"It's gonna pay off. It's all guiding you towards something new and something really positive."
"She's like the moon; everyone admires her, but she's all alone. Hopefully, baby Bruno knows that even during the day, when the sun is out, the Moon is still there. Sometimes you don't see it, sometimes you do, and perhaps Alisa is his moon, always watching over him and guiding him."
"Embrace the chaos; sometimes it leads us to where we need to be."
"When the seas are rough, search for the light. But sometimes, if you cannot find the light, it means you are the light."
"Self-love is your touchstone in life. It's your compass; it's the thing you return to when you're lost."
"Listen to your intuition and if you're confused about what your intuition is telling you, meditate. Sit in a calm environment and just allow your mind to rest and relax your body, and the answer will literally flow to you."
"The way of holiness is God's Way and the Lord did a perfect job in setting up his church."
"Tarot is just a beautiful tool to look at what we're currently attracting, where we're currently headed, but you have free will, my love, and you can change anything at any time."
"If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed."
"Restore your faith in a higher power and let that guide you."
"In following the inner guidance, you will feel more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outward from the very centre of your being."
"You just need to be present and pay attention to the Supreme Guru, who's bringing you the lessons you need for your highest good."
"Where there is no prophetic vision, the people perish."
"The world wants stability and guidance in a central set of thoughts from the United States of America."
"True freedom comes by walking in the Spirit and walking in the truth that He ministers."
"Where there is no vision, the people perish... but when you attend to what He reveals, those people are most blessed."
"Sometimes God speaks to you through other people."
"Your guidance is divinely guided; you are being divinely guided."
"The essence of all these sacred books I will tell you: Always remember them and try to live up to them."
"The universe and spirit working in your life."
"Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your path."
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
"The Holy Spirit is a teacher. The job of ministers is not for your walk to end with us, but to point you to Jesus."
"Life is not about a walk with a minister. It's about a walk with God, a walk with the Holy Spirit."
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
"The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips."
"I hope that these messages help to bring clarity, guidance, and support to you on your journey."
"Intuition is your wingman into the world of success."
"Fear... it's a compass. Anytime you feel lost... listen to your fear."
"The most significant shifts in my life have been made where in some way or another God gave me a green light."
"The green light isn't just for what God wants to do for you; it's for what God wants to do through you."
"If you really care for them, God'll say to you what to say."
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go. I will guide you with My eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8)
"Your intuition is leading you very strongly."
"Listen to your heart; your heart has been speaking to you loud and clear."
"As long as you trust that the universe is giving you the guidance you need, you'll be just fine."
"Aboard the train everyone's telling you to board, but there are no train tracks anymore."
"For over 20 years, Muji has been guiding countless seekers worldwide in search of true happiness, peace, and freedom."
"What I like about Muji is his sort of lucid and easy way of helping you to recognize that you are already in a state of awareness."
"A father's role includes pushing and correcting, guiding you away from danger."
"There's definitely advice in this video that will transcend every roadmap that has ever existed."
"Ask the one who created you to guide you, and take it from there."
"Trust your spiritual guidance. Your commitment has been recognized. You are loved unconditionally."
"My goal in being here is to try to provide you with a sense of certainty about the future."
"Stay on the present path as it will take you very far."
"May Allah give us Tawfiq to do whatever is right and steer us on the right path, and may He keep us on Islam as long as we live."
"Stalker himself sits in the middle of this, hoping to deliver people happiness."
"Hopefully this video was helpful for you, and now you have a clear idea of how to move forward and what to do."
"If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
"You're going to have to follow your heart here, Virgo."
"You also have the selkie card. It says 'Freedom' on it."
"If you pray to Allah, you pray to the Creator, you pray to God, and you ask God for guidance, He's able to do it."
"Make sure you watch your astrology prediction; those are very informative and very good for guiding you through the course of the month."
"Getting guidance from Allah is not difficult. Allah has opened the door of guidance wide open for those who seek it."
"People make it sound like guidance from Allah is hard, it's expensive, it doesn't come easy, and Allah is opening the doors of it wide open."
"Remain true to yourself, and that will take you very far."
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord."
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
"Spiritual discernment is a gift provided by the Lord to lead and guide you."
"Rejection is God's protection; it means guiding you towards something greater, something better."
"I go with the flow; I trust my guidance with faith and gratitude."
"The moment you realign with love, clear direction is presented to you."
"Your next card here is interesting: Spirit is wanting you to trust your heart."
"Trust your feelings, your feelings are guiding you through this."
"This can transform your life. This is basically a road map for the rest of your life for how your mind is going to develop. It's extremely significant, so don't overlook this."
"I use my gifts to help encourage those who feel lost."
"This is a timeless reading, so whenever you discover this reading, then please know that there may be a message here for you."
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters." - Psalm 23:1-2
"Mediums are like a light in the dark. So if you're on, you're like a light, and they come to you."
"We are called to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
"If you're feeling down, I want to lift you up. If you're feeling trapped, I want to set you free. If you feel like you're going in the wrong direction, I want you to back that thing up."
"He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
"You are supported every step of the way. If you feel confused, if you feel alone, don't hesitate to reach out to your angels."
"Tarot should not dictate your life... My readings do not serve as your answers because only you have them."
"Spirit is very firm with you. Spirit is coming through and saying, 'Didn't I tell you that this was coming? How many more signs do you need? How much more clarity do you want? How much more proof do you require to know that I've already set things into motion for you?'"
"Guidance is as much something God does as something God gives."
"The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity."
"Focus on a vision beyond yourself and your unicorn will help you."
"We are not to be governed by the outer confusion but by the inner realization."
"Thank you for your word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths."
"We have to beg for guidance, no matter what state we're in."
"No group of Muslims owns guidance; guidance is with Allah."
"The note said, 'If you want to live, follow the drone, and you will be saved.'"
"This is definitely energy for you with all this fourth house energy being activated where you're acting on your intuition more than anything."
"Stay, this is a timeless reading, so whenever you find this reading, please know that there may be a message here for you."
"Your angels and guides are really here to support you, this is part of your spiritual growth."
"You are being taken care of; you are divinely supported and guided through every step of this journey."
"This is a timeless reading; doesn't matter when you watch this, even if you come back and watch it, you might find some valuable information for clarity and insight on your journey."
"Now thread the slider through the webbing, matching right and wrong sides."
"Trust your intuition; it's your soul's way of guiding you."
"You are being shown what direction you need to take in life."
"These opportunities are being put in your way to show you what direction you need to go."
"Spirit wants you to know that if you use love and compassion, that is going to open that door for you."
"Spirit is giving you a message of you stepping up to that leadership position not waiting for other people to guide you or tell you how to do it."
"Thanks for watching this has been kind of a you know an episode with a lot of tutorialization and stuff like that but hopefully you can see why I'm having such a good time with Darkest Dungeon so far."
"Your emotions are like a compass. Just like an actual compass tells you where you are in space, your emotions tell you what your personal vibration is."
"So not being in touch with your emotions is the same as not having a compass and being stranded out in the middle of the sea."
"Connect to your heart, what is your heart trying to tell you?"
"Imagine if you will that there's a deep bright light inside of you that is constantly burning and it's guiding you to crave a specific form of love."
"Realizing your own inner potential is what they really really want you to know right now."
"Never co-sign. Never tell them what's in the Bible. Listen, never co-sign."
"We need to revere these principles that would have prevented us from going down this route in the first place."
"Don't live a life outside the will of God because to do so is live outside the blessing of God."
"The only thing that's going to get us through all times is finding out what information do God have for us."
"You need to hear it from heaven before you can hear it from somebody else."
"If you love your children and they ask you for something that you know is going to hurt them, do you want to give it to them? Well, what do you expect God to do?"
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and patience. So, you have the one living within you willing to direct you in every circumstance of life."
"God has never misled me. I haven't always made the right decision, but every single time, if I made a wrong decision, I had to face it, God tried to get my attention, and I wasn't listening."
"Don't live a life outside the will of God because to do so is to live outside the blessing of God."
"When God says no, it's a word of protection."
"Beautiful patience is all that's left for me, only Allah's help can be sought against the creative lies you come up with."
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."
"It's your job as a parent to use your maturity and wisdom to guide your child and lead them through their own confusion."
"The scriptures... it's a manual that repairs everyone because all of us is broken."
"There is a path of light already paved before you."
"The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
"The best life you'll ever live is living for Jesus Christ."
"Be patient, you're absolutely on the right path."
"We don't know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."
"The definition of a leader is someone who sets a great example for others to follow."
"Ask God to show me the steps I need to take."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding."
"Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves."
"Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."
"God said that it's the spirit of man that's the candle of the Lord, which means that he will guide us through our spirits."
"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly."
"One of the most fundamental relationships we have with Allah is that of asking Him things we need. His help in our matters of religion, our guidance, staying away from evil, getting forgiveness, but we need His help for everything else in life too."
"If you identify as a star seed, this is such a strong reading for star seeds with this card coming out. It's written in the stars, like your destiny."
"Seven of cups is about illusion, fantasy, dreaming. It could be the guides or spirits warning you to take off those rose-tinted glasses, start focusing more on the reality."
"So many people have lost their GPS, that's what it is, the inner guidance system."
"Dive into your intuition, really get still and feel into everything, and begin using that intuition today."
"If you want to change everything in your life, if you want to be in more communion with spirit 24/7... This one tool can help you to communicate with the other side."
"Father, thank you so much for this moment that you blessed all of us to be in. I thank you, God, for your word. It's a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path."
"Never, ever use the stars as a final guide to your decision. Literally everything else is more important."
"Our intuition often leads us away from toxicity and towards our true path."
"Fear not, however, because with our help, you will become the Drangleic hero you are destined to become."
"It is our job, and we use education to do this, to point them in the right direction."
"Your faith is going to be your GPS, your guidance, and your tour guide to where you need to be."
"Only the God who made you knows how to call you by your right name."
"Your spirit guides are literally conspiring to create the right pathway so that you two cross paths."
"Remember, always trust your own intuition first before anyone. You've got to trust yourself."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths."
"Choose no more than two words and/or a number."
"We're also going to give you a strategy that is going to help you constantly improve."