
Metaphors Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"There's a path that you know is there, you don't quite see it, but it's there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Remember, boats are safe in the harbor, but that's not what boats are for."
"This limitless consciousness which I am, which we are, has been compared to an ocean, has been compared to space."
"Metaphors create realities for us. Metaphors can be self-fulfilling prophecies."
"He said, 'If somebody eats meat, they're not adorning their body with the bones.'"
"Once you ring that bell, you ain't never getting that bell back. That bell has rung."
"It's important to explain at an honest level, and an honest level allows you to use things like metaphors and analogies, but you must also explain why it's deficient because they almost always are."
"It's not about the size of the ship, it's about the motion of the ocean."
"And remember, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Every cook will tell you that."
"You know, a ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what it's really freaking meant for."
"Zebras can't dance with the pretty girls. That's a rule that can't be broken."
"You may feel caught between a rock and a hard place."
"These people are not warriors, they are vampires. They melt in the light when we show them we are not afraid."
"Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart. A beautiful metaphor for life."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can actually hurt me."
"Physics is the harmonies you write on a string."
"Chemistry is the melodies you can play on vibrating strings."
"Silence doesn't make the pit of death change to a playing field."
"A key that opens many locks is a master key; a lock that opens any key is a shitty lock."
"He's just throwing his toys out of the pram."
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
"Life is not a box of chocolates, you never know which one you're going to get."
"Sometimes the floor falls out from underneath you, sometimes literally and sometimes figuratively."
"This is not a cure... it's not like a parachute for somebody falling out of a plane."
"What's the alternative picture to this sort of genetic determinism? You've used a metaphor in the past of thinking of genes not as a code but as a kind of musical score."
"An off-ramp would look like a negotiated peace."
"AI is the next nuclear weapon. Who do you want navigating that power?"
"Now, I will start trotting your sincerity on your off book with sincerity on your omelet or drawing to Barry."
"We don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater."
"You can't build bridges to folks who are shooting arrows at you."
"When they turn, as we've said in the past, it may take a while to move a giant stone wheel of justice, but when it does turn, it grinds very finely."
"The missing puzzle shall return once the missing you is found."
"My gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star, and metaphors are important."
"I might have got a bit carried away with my metaphors here."
"Apollyon is another very rare class that you will almost never see going back to the whole box metaphor apollyon is often the description that there is no box or we have no understanding of how a box could exist to contain this."
"There's just some weird metaphors coming out of this, I'm just not sure how it's alright."
"You're gonna find fraud. It's like going to the beach, you're going to find sand and seashells, right?"
"The last days are a battleground, not a campground."
"The subconscious mind learns through metaphors and also learns by taking what already knows to make sense out of something new."
"Everything comes back to the high school cafeteria of life theorem."
"I would feel like somebody had unplugged me from the wall and I'm just like you know."
"You can make a commentary on D&D in your own campaign and get like a Russian nesting doll with your metaphors."
"Are you well? Yes, I am a chicken if you're so brave, you get it and scramble it."
"Complying, giving in won't result in your life being secure, it'll just be a slow, you know, you're sinking in quicksand."
"The more you feed it, the fatter it gets. Alright, and then you can't get it to come back down to Earth."
"Let yourself absorb it like dry skin absorbs lotion."
"Gold is a better spouse than the playboy polo player."
"The gloves are off, literally and figuratively in this one."
"The final straw that broke the camel's back."
"One nice thing about people who stir the shit is occasionally they have to lick the spoon."
"A cool one could just be like water stains on, like, silverware or something, and then some kind of contrived meaning."
"Sometimes life gives you lemons, lemons as in plural."
"Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what Megan you're gonna get."
"Sound is waves, and so you have the peaks and the troughs right. Physics is violence, physics is violence, that's where you're going."
"There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded caged animal."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant to that corruption."
"This solar eclipse will be highlighting the light behind the shadow."
"If you're a 10-pound bag of apple o's, don't get mad because you can't get apple jack selections."
"We're in this amazing position where we're still within the human metaphor."
"It's like if a tree falls and wood does it make a sound, you know damn well it does."
"Problems are like cobwebs that over time turn into chains."
"The final boss of this new outing echoes back to the first, in that we're fighting ourselves, but they're doubles of ourselves. It almost feels like there's an underlying metaphor at work, that we're fighting our own rage, perhaps our own hatred."
"The only iframe, the individual immunity that if I am in trouble I just press Q and I go into the void when I come out I at least have another chance."
"The problem with making a deal with the Devil is nobody ever negotiates."
"If you build a house on a faulty foundation, it doesn't matter how much refurbishing you do."
"Nature never uses metaphors, and so when the two contradict we know which one we must have misunderstood."
"When there's smoke, there's fire. Guess what? The house is burning down."
"Hope is like car keys, easy to lose if you dig around. It's usually close by."
"I feel like that's what like marriage is like sometimes because you think you have everything you need but there was like a small garnish that changed everything about that dish."
"The wall, you know what the wall is, it's this."
"Elevation means to raise up, depression means to lower, as in your jaw."
"That's why I say this is like having a relationship with somebody."
"It's gonna take a minute in a drought when your pockets got mumps, that means nothing's going on in your life."
"I think perhaps the best words to describe YG would be disruptive... they really like to break the rules."
"Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug."
"You can't fit a square peg into a round hole."
"It doesn't mean you have to earn love, it just means you have to be the human air purifier."
"Your advice is to try not to force and fit this perfect triangle into a conventional square."
"How long are people going to ignore the elephant in the room?"
"You'll pretty much feel like you're being blown into a tornado at full speed."
"Every Intel nugget you deliver them is like a tiny little animal cracker that they just cherish."
"You can't turn back the clock, you can't put the bullet back in the gun, it just doesn't work."
"It's like with the Disney thing, it's like your pets could die, you can lead a horse to a swamp but don't walk it in, I think."
"Spread that love around, love is code for fire."
"Don't try to be everyone's cup of tea because then you won't have none to sip on for yourself."
"Greed, the third weed in the garden of devotion."
"You're a love rock, it's the love that you give."
"Life was like a box of itself, you never know what you're going to get."
"A sinking ship occupies a certain volume, displacing water - it obeys the laws of physics."
"Ships are a lot safer when they don't leave harbor."
"You put a fucking bird in a golden cage still a caged bird isn't it."
"Great fighters are like great beers, it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of."
"So the October update again started coming up with a metaphor to describe building a game, this one was about cars."
"You fit like a glove, like Nutella and strawberries."
"You could be the juiciest peach in the world but not everyone likes peaches."
"The only thing worse than being pissed on is when everybody else thinks it's just raining."
"Life is everything in between it's like the sandwich you've got the two pieces of bread It's Not About The Bread it's about what's in between it."
"A rose without a thorn is it really a rose at all?"
"Seeing a partial eclipse is like being in the parking lot. Seeing a total eclipse is taking your ticket, walking into the stadium, and getting ready to actually watch the game."
"She was like the tree that was still standing and then we all are patching on her."
"You don't cage the butterfly, you gotta let him be out there."
"It's kind of like when something drops in a pond, what the ripple effect will really lump be, you know, what is the design that will come out of it?"
"When you cut, it's actually a tool that we can use to create impact."
"Ultimate surfer, able to surf your emotions."
"Don't write checks that your briefcase can't cash in."
"The path of least resistance is often an uphill battle for members of law enforcement."
"My people make the joke about the red pill and the blue pill, but I'm looking back, this type of indoctrination has been around forever."
"We're not wrestling against flesh and blood."
"Understanding the market is like understanding a living thing."
"As humanity, digging out roots is a lot harder than just treating the roots."
"Some people, when you talk to them, it's like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna."
"You're the axis around which I turn, sometimes I circle around very close and sometimes the circle is very wide."
"The bullet is the weapon, that gun is just the launcher."
"Saving reality itself I'm not sure anyone can flex that hard."
"They've been generally speaking, they've been rhinos. You know, and if you want, for lack of a, you know, what other term."
"It doesn't always take an apocalypse to cause some heavy damage."
"Eyes are the windows to the soul, am I right?"
"Sometimes life can be Stranger Than Fiction."
"Someone else might get the prime time slot for a bit, but it will not be a promotion. If you jump in Dan's grave, you'll just be making space alongside his corpse for your own."
"Russia is playing chess while the rest of the world is playing checkers, folks. He's got them by the way hoes."
"Unfortunately, Band Aids don’t fix broken bones."
"Racism is like corn syrup, it's in everything."
"An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, and it's cool, it's pretty interesting to see that happen."
"It's like almost like in an instant when that lightning bolt strikes there is clarity."
"Hippos are like they are the son of a [ __ ] of the animal kingdom."
"Metaphors are so satisfying, especially if they hit and they're just right."
"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with salt."
"Baby, you are the recipe when I'm stuck in the toughest situations."
"Ultima Thule, a more apt name couldn't have been given, a distant unknown region, the extreme limit of travel and discovery."
"Only the black rocks are going to go buy the entire marketplace."
"Do whatever you can do to get out of there, because once they attach to you they're like a leech, like they're just trying to follow you everywhere."
"They feel as though you are the key to their lock or your lock and key you fit together in that way."
"It definitely isn't like completely washing out or anything like that."
"It's going to be impossible to put that genie back in the bottle."
"Don't let the tunnel that you use to get out become a trap that keeps you in underground."
"Even as a nutcracker you're a thorn in my side, and a thorn to you I shall remain."
"Some fresh smelling low-hanging melons with some melanin roaches— the good hashtag truth from low-hanging fruits."
"You've got to have a bit of grit in the oyster to make the pearl."
"There isn't a Panacea, there isn't what everybody talks about, a silver bullet, but the longest journey begins with but a single step."
"Stop thinking left wing right wing both wings are on the same damn bird."
"One of the best metaphors I've heard for describing that... to get to zombies you have to go through some really peculiar mental transformations."
"An eagle has nothing in common with a pigeon. It doesn't mean a pigeon is shitty and doesn't deserve to live, but an eagle has bigger fish to fry."
"Your blue eyes, windows to the soul, beautiful deep blue ocean."
"She remembers things she remembers everything baby elephant never forgets."
"In modern language we could call it hacking the programming or breaking out of the Matrix or even modding a video game."
"What do we have in our deal with the devil? Yes, we always go for the pact."
"There's never just one cockroach in a hotel."
"This show is like a bouncy ball it just keeps going up and down."
"Come out of the dark and enter into the light."
"The lion who kills an antelope is no hero, but the antelope who outwits the lion is a winner."
"You can't put me in the cage if there's no stairs up."
"White privilege is just like having home court advantage."
"The worst place to be when you're indecisive is in the air."
"Your pen will yield more power than a sword."
"It's the decoupling of a false web like a spider's web of a false electric."
"The man may be the head of the family, but the woman is the neck."
"And if there’s one thing that won’t crack under even the most extreme of circumstances, it’s glass."
"Remember, divine supply is equal to your demand. Your riches is equal to your recognition of that divine supply in, and really it's covered in scripture with a parable or a story, The Widow's Oil."
"Age is something that does not matter unless you are a cheese."
"It's never the fall that hurts you, it's the stopping."
"The Matrix is breaking... The Matrix is glitching."
"You don't need to touch the sun to know it's hot and you don't need to see oxygen to know it's there to breathe."
"The back rooms are a space that eats. And I don't mean like the house and monster."
"Promises are like pie crust, thin and easily broken. I make commitments."
"Distractions are the zesty additives in one of life's most exotic spices."
"Even a plain can have a very beautiful soul."
"Well, you're one banana short of a fruit salad. You're also one sentence short of a paragraph. You're two sheets short of a sweater. You're a couple of knights short of a crusade."
"People are always wanting to kick down a door that's already open."
"Once the genie's out of the bottle, you can't get them back in."
"Time travel does exist financially like a time machine."
"When you shine the light on the cockroach, it tends to go away."
"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes, if you know, you know."
"Metaphor: one of the most powerful tools in the toolbox of a master teacher."
"Everything in art and media, everything in life, if you understand fundamentally what an egg is, that is everything."
"All of the layers of underlying metaphors, just all the hidden meanings... it was just beautiful."
"I don't know, would be straight out of the Hot Wheels car thing."
"Kids have a way of throwing rocks on the ice to test us."
"Where there's a shadow, there's light. Where there are paint cans, there's graffiti."
"You cannot judge an entire pie by its worst slice."
"Sleep is the free trial of death and a coma is a membership."
"We can't keep buying the icing and not baking the cake."
"This one might just be the straw that broke the camel's back."
"God using crooked sticks to make perfect lines."
"Death is like an elephant in the room nobody talks about it but its stomping on everybody."
"Nothing, not even durabac can withstand the fury of an angry woman."
"The weapons that we were given to destroy strongholds."
"Not every boiling pot is cooking what you want."
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer uses vampires, demons, and old magic as a tool to reflect contemporary horrors."
"Life is a pond. You tend to hop from woman to woman like lily pads instead of learning how to swim."
"Fighting internal battles: using metaphors from reality."
"All these themes in here, all these people are romantic subplots. Fighting is a metaphor for sex."
"Meet me at the bottom of the ocean, where the time is frozen, where all the universe is open. Love isn't random, we are chosen."
"Your vibe is that you see life in metaphors and symbols. You're always trying to find deeper meanings."
"Your local Spirits are like Leslie and the city council compared to other spirits who are further away."
"So I'm mixing my metaphors but I don't care, hey it works so whatever kills those dudes."
"That's why he had all like Houston metaphors in his raps."
"The number of double entendres and metaphors are incredible and they're all expertly placed."
"Jesus and the church are inseparable, like a bride, a groom; a head, a body; a foundation, a building; a shepherd, a flock."
"There's a lot of incredibly rich and dense metaphors for discrimination and racism in these books."
"Themes and metaphors shine through."