
Unity Quotes

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"It's probably the same thing that will happen to humans when aliens invade as well. It's the common effort. Everybody puts everything else to the side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One with everything is actually a better, truer picture of what the world is like."
"Our diversity is the strength of this nation."
"We are all one. We're all in this world together, trying to win together."
"Breathing instinctively unites us all, regardless of our race, sexual orientation, religion, or political beliefs."
"Everything is unified in a single conscious experience as a unified view of you and the world around you."
"It's easier for every individual to be like 'I've got a YouTube channel that says every week listen, things are going to [__], we can fix it, we need to work together to reduce wealth inequality.'"
"I believe in the people of this country that they can work together as well, and they can see the importance of that."
"Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside."
"We don't see our differences as disqualifying or dangerous, we see them as foundational to our success."
"Leadership is recognizing that we are all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment."
"Whether in a chapel, synagogue, mosque, or tin-roof hut, Christ’s disciples and all like-minded believers can express devotion to God by worship of Him and willingness to serve His children."
"We need to go from a sense that we are separate to a shift that we are one, to the realization that we are one."
"Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."
"I think you have to see the obvious common humanity in us to bridge the divide."
"Nothing brings people closer together than undergoing shared trials."
"My hope is through story, I can tell ideas that make people value differences, that make them want to meet in the middle, that make them want to love and be loved."
"The mind and the body are actually mind-body, not two separate words."
"Division is what keeps us all... Love unifies us."
"We're all in this together. We all have the same flaws and the same strengths."
"I saw how welcoming people were towards Islam...I saw the unity and the brother and sisterhood."
"She asks if he is displeased that they survived the dragon, but before he can answer, another one of their classmates comes over and says they shouldn't be fighting with one another in a world where they have so few allies."
"So that the two-ness brings them into one and the Oneness dances as two, and that that's a kind of a vibrating relationship between the one and the two so that people are both separate and yet they are not separate."
"Marriage has a different kind of math; it's not 1/2 plus 1/2 equals 1, it's 1 times 1 equals 1."
"Life is a journey towards greater and greater awareness of God's oneness."
"We have to fight this together as one people, as the United States of America."
"Empathy is identifying how you feel. Sympathy is like, 'Wow, I feel bad for you.'"
"Everything is silently rejoicing in that oneness, in that unity, and it's inviting you into it."
"If you believe that we're all one, then you should understand that we're all equal."
"The power and the beauty of the universe relies on us working together."
"Bringing people together who would never be able to be together in an immersive experience."
"We're all in this game together. We're all trying to better our lives for our families."
"NATO can only be NATO when America is part of NATO."
"We wanted to break Russia up. That's over now. Russia is united."
"The European Union either survives as a whole or it collapses as a whole."
"We're all one of the same thing, and we're all stopping ourselves the same way by buying into the lies that self-doubt tells you."
"This is a collection of all of us right here, chat. I want us to be all a part of this."
"Space, I love it because it unites us, and it gives us a common goal."
"If we focus on this target, maybe we'll unite the whole team, as well. And in a way, also give hope to everybody, not only on the U.S., but also around the world."
"Love your family. Love you. We're all part of this cosmic family, and it's all about love. There's no power greater than love."
"In this world, we seem so divided, and everyone [is divided by] ethnicity, class, etc. The actual truth is our brains are essentially wired in the same way."
"Whether it's on the red planet or our own blue marble, science can bring us together and create solutions to challenges that seem impossible at first."
"The need for journalism to unite divergent audiences has never been bigger."
"There is some hidden Morse code in the rays of the sun people recognized spelled out 'Explore as one,' which is what we intend to do."
"We are all deeply connected and this is a manifestation of that deep interconnectedness."
"Love is the force which bonds the universe together."
"Art, science, and religion are but three ways to the same realization."
"The absolute reality of God and your absolute reality are one and the same."
"Wave belongs to the ocean, never the ocean to the wave."
"If you become infinite love, you will take everybody with you. There will not be anybody left."
"We all need to come together. We're not going to be able to just agree to disagree on our belief systems and find a way to come together and focus on just getting the truth, which is something we all are interested in."
"What we need to do is stop focusing on our belief systems... and come up with a common goal."
"There's not one person on this planet that's more important than the other; we all have the exact same contribution to make because we are one."
"We are all intrinsically made of the same stuff, which is not stuff, so of course there's going to be a common language and the commonality."
"Understanding the power of co-creative consciousness and we get a real understanding of what it is to be one."
"We are all Cleopatra, we were all Edgar Cayce, we were all you, we were all me. We are one."
"In the path of Self Inquiry, the distinction between the secular and the sacred is lost entirely."
"This isn't about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and Joe Biden; this is, we are being led in our own countries, each of us, to believe that it's us versus them. It's not. It is the people in each free country in the west against a really nasty blob up at the top."
"We are about the pursuit of a more perfect union."
"Recognize that I have brothers and sisters who love, who really love Jesus, on both sides of the debate here."
"We ended up kind of melding into we're all working on this last problem through power descent and we collapsed into a single red, white, and blue team."
"In the Grim darkness of the far future, there is only war, and if our galaxy was to stand even a fighting chance against the Swarm, all sentient species would have to unite together."
"I the consciousness, I'm infinite and there's no one object, one person, one entity in this universe different from me. I appear as everything, I am bliss itself, Anandam, and I am Shantam."
"We rise together, back to the Moon and beyond."
"Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried; we'll forever be tied together victorious."
"An entire and perfect union will be the solid foundation of lasting peace; it will secure your religion, liberty, and property; remove the animosities amongst yourselves, and the jealousies and differences betwixt our two kingdoms."
"He who sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself never suffers."
"We love ourselves because we are all things. We are love itself."
"This is a shared world with a common future."
"We need more people like that in this world. It's not about black and white; it's all about just love and unity."
"The community, we need to come together and stop being so judgmental, so critical in our own community, work together."
"We can't make enemies of fellow Americans; we have to convince them."
"I reach out my hand and my heart to connect and unite all of humanity."
"I fundamentally believe in the goodness of people. We are all one people."
"The big problems can be solved if we do it together."
"Hatred is false because it goes against our deepest oneness."
"If even a small portion of the world's humanity... really realize this truth and manifest it in life, this world would be turned into a heaven on earth."
"The surest foundation for ethics... is that we are one."
"We're doing this together, and that's what's so special."
"All of these things must be ultimately interconnected into a unity, and that's what non-duality tells us."
"Can't we unite? That's what makes me so frustrated."
"Whether you are all the way left, all the way right, we are all people."
"We cannot fight capitalism alone; we have to fight capitalism and systemic racism and other forms of bigotry together."
"At the deepest level, there already is equality; there is oneness."
"Honor the place where you are one eternal soul."
"When the water of illusion drains away, we see that we are all connected."
"Everything is interconnected; the Mystics were right, that in a sense, everything is one."
"No matter what happens, we agree to protect everyone together."
"There's this continuity between the stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the heavens, and us. We all come from the same fundamental ingredients and the same fundamental laws."
"Together we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and create a world in which humanity can stand proudly among the stars."
"In this brave new world, the boundaries that have long divided us — nationality, race, religion — will dissolve, revealing the underlying unity of all life."
"Through each other, you find the missing pieces."
"Our music brings everyone together, we all connect, and that's what people are looking for: connection."
"The United States of America and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"I see a country for all Americans, and I will always be president for all Americans."
"A country divided against itself cannot stand."
"We are all the intelligence that there is, we are all the beauty that there is, we are pure love without any judgment whatsoever."
"It's all about the togetherness, that original energy."
"It's the whole concept of bringing some sort of happiness to a desolate environment, bringing people together to unify."
"The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ."
"Let's remember who we are: we are the United States of America, and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"Until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
"We stand here as Jews, Christians, Muslims, those of any religion and no religion, and we stand united on the side of humanity against barbarism."
"We are all one, and when you begin to identify with everyone and you shed the definitions and constructs of who you are, it opens you to greater possibilities."
"We have to unite around our basic human compassion before we can move forward."
"The reason we build statues to MLK is not because we are enshrining his personal love life...but because MLK was instrumental in ending state-sponsored discrimination in the United States in a unique way that brought Americans together."
"I believe that by working with people and guiding them to this sense of oneness, we change the whole world completely."
"What would the next version of a human being look like who is vital, who is loving, who is kind, who is compassionate, who comes from a perspective of unity not separation?"
"The Borg were all one unit, one organism. They no more would lose a drone than lose a finger."
"We are the United States of America and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"If it was possible to unify the human race, it is the one topic that seems to be like, okay, maybe we're not as big as we thought we were, and we need to actually be together in order to do this."
"We've been celebrating our diversity and our differences for so long that we forgot all of the ways that we are the same as Americans."
"Those are unifying issues for the American public."
"Because at Unity, we believe the world is a better place with more creators in it."
"Together we will fight, and together we will win."
"Don't listen to those people who try to divide us. That's a small minority that does not represent the vast majority of the citizens."
"Together we shall fight, and with the help of God, together we shall prevail."
"This is a song for all the good people we're joined together by this common thread."
"We are larger in number than it may sometimes seem."
"We're more powerful as one than we are separated."
"One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand to flight."
"Guru Nanak Dev Ji's formula is this: 1 + 1 = 1. There's never room for 2."
"We are all God's children; we are fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters."
"Start in Unity, switch to Unreal if you're feeling curious."
"This is the universal mind, God, of which I am a part, and which responds to me as I ask of it."
"A family to me means loved ones who can come together, who can sit at the table and talk to each other."
"Enlightenment is living the truth of life, and the scientifically proven truth of life today is unity."
"Blue is the color, football is the game, and we are together, and winning is our aim."
"The greatest times in American history...we had a national mission we all believed in."
"We all got to be on the same page, but unity is like, I [expletive] with you, bro."
"The trust is completely broken because developers can't trust that Unity won't, years down the line, try to change the rules on them again."
"It's going to take all of us. I mean, we're going to have to do this together."
"The flag of St George is an inclusive flag; it represents all people that live on these isles."
"The old appeals to racial, sexual, religious chauvinism, to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is developing which sees the Earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed." - Carl Sagan
"We're a family, a team, no one's against each other."
"I remember after the race laying down all together, and we had no words. We were just full of happiness, full of everything."
"It's mind-boggling how that show has brought together so many people."
"We must come to see that there is only One Power and that we are touching it at all points."
"Perfect peace to the soul as we rest in the realization of our unity with all that there is, was, or ever will be."
"The gospel is the solution here, where we learn in the gospel that there's no Jew or Greek or slave or free."
"In Christ, there's no Jew or Greek, slave or free, there's no male or female; we're all one in Christ."
"A trust in self and life leads to the unexplainable peace of oneness."
"The unity we seek is already there, but it is only revealed when we trust the world."
"That unity and friendship and collective action are the things that truly empower us."
"We're stronger together, you know. Trust is key."
"Know ye that ye shall ever go onward, moved by the law of cause and effect until in the end both become one."
"The universe is governed by law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate, there is but one Law."
"We are all sharing this experience in more ways than we ever give credit for. We always look at the differences, but there are far more similarities."
"Remember Hands Across America in 1986? More than 6 million people from across the United States held hands for 15 minutes in an attempt to form an enormous human chain."
"In reality, we are only as mighty as we are united."
"Conversation is the cure-all of this division."
"With Philo playfully launching Motoyasu into the air, Naofumi decides to participate in the race."
"Their unity and determination serving as a beacon of hope for the kingdom."
"We have to figure out a way to do this together, and we have to figure a way to actually persuade our fellow Americans."
"I am not living in this world; I am this world."
"Love is the realization that there is no difference between anything."
"What's the point of dividing people? All it does is weaken them."
"Operate in love and compassion, slow down, look at the facts... we can't get anything accomplished unless we all do it together."
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team."
"Let's unite and show them how strong we are."
"Singing is an incredibly powerful tool of togetherness and transformation."
"This isn't something that is oppositional even in a way; it's about unity."
"In conclusion, we should all stick more together."
"Activism is important; it can help educate and bring attention to important issues and can help unite people in the name of a shared cause."
"Music is like a free flow, a little golden thread between people."
"When we get on code, we win. Hidden Colors is an example of us getting on code."
"We're all connected. We're all together in this. At the reduction of our identities of self lies real unity."
"We are all connected on the inner net; we are all one."
"All life breathes together; we are one living organism."
"A rope braided with three strands is not easily snapped."
"With love for this country and charity for each other, let us now take our oath and be worthy of the office on which we are about to enter. God bless everybody in this chamber, and God bless America."
"Mighty standing strong; again, the foes we sing our song, we will get it right."
"Diversity is a good thing. It brings people together; you're capitalizing on the things that make them different."
"We're going to do it together, we're going to prevail together."
"If we were the only ones in a nightclub, we would have fun 100% because we're all on the same page."
"A moniker must unify our community, draw people together, and serve as a source of pride."
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free; we are one. That would change this country, your family, your workplace, your stress level, you."
"If this message has touched you...all I'm trying to do is to preach the gospel so that we can finally answer Jesus' prayer that we might be one, even as He and the Father are also one."
"A twin flame is never afraid of losing you because they already know they are a part of you."
"America needs bonding. People need to put aside their differences and find common joy."
"Racism still exists in the United States, that instances of racism are evil, that we can all condemn them, and then we should all be on the same side when it comes to this sort of stuff."
"I want truth and I want evidence, and I think that once the evidence comes out we can all be on the same side because I think that at root we all have the same belief system here: the same belief system that racism is bad, policing incompetence is bad, murder is bad."
"Forgiveness is nothing other than self-love, self-acceptance, unity, truth, and consciousness."
"The solution to the problem is to stop looking at 'this guy's white, this guy's black, this guy is Chinese, this guy is Japanese,' but to say, 'this guy is a human being; what am I? A human being. Great, he can be my favorite character.'"
"The world needs a positive vision of the future that people can unite around, and it's got to be voluntary."
"We have to have a big tent coalition... we all agree on democracy."
"The only way these systems will end is through collectivism under an alliance among all of us, which will require that we overlook our superficial differences."
"Bringing people together, people understand and love that about you as far as welcoming everyone with unity and open arms."
"Whenever you feel happiness in expressing who you really are, you are feeling God's happiness too, for you and God are one at heart."
"Harmonious definitely has a hopeful undertone to it from beginning to end through music and through the message of all coming together as one."
"The idea of Harmonious, we all live in harmony, that name says it perfectly."
"We must be powerful. You're gonna get power from unity."
"That's what Destiny is all about, right, bringing people together."
"They are Romeo and Juliet; they are West Side Story because they came from two worlds and they came together."
"It's all about how do we bring people together in support of our democracy, in support of our constitution, in support of logic and truth, empathy, and love."
"Morality is based on the oneness of existence and the divinity within each of us."
"Serve all beings knowing them to be none other than God."
"God is infinite imagination, God is infinitely selfless, God is one and God contains the many."
"In these uncertain times, the most important thing is for us to pull together and help each other out."