
Excellence Quotes

There are 40431 quotes

"Excellence at a thing is the highest thing that we can reach for as human beings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are able to do much more than we think, and we make it common ground, that is excellence in yoga."
"Salmon is the very best at what it does and even outshines its competition in ways you wouldn't expect."
"Being outstanding is not just called the polygyny thing or anything like that, it's really about being outstanding."
"Finding your bliss means finding the core of passion and excellence within you."
"Follow your bliss does not mean get addicted to pleasure. It is to pursue excellence and ignore success."
"There's only one way to do it: you got to do what others can't or won't, and sometimes you gotta do both."
"Fulfillment has a very specific universal formula: work your ass off to get very good at something that you care deeply about, that allows you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"How much are you willing to invest in your life? What are you willing to settle for, or are you not going to settle for anything short of superhuman?"
"Michael Jordan almost always got the one-up on his opponents by responding with consistent excellence."
"The word 'greatest' gets thrown around quite a bit, but with this team, you can't possibly overuse it."
"Human Revolution is without question a fantastic and well-made product."
"The Godfather is what everyone wants cinema to be. It seems to be the one film that everyone agrees on not just that it's really good, but that it's in a tier of its own."
"In a society where mediocrity is too often the standard and too often rewarded, there is intense fascination with men who detest mediocrity, who refuse to define themselves in conventional terms, and who seek to transcend traditionally recognized human capabilities."
"Excellence is always respected across cultures and across times."
"This is extraordinary human achievement at its best."
"There's rapid development, excellence, and success."
"You have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else."
"You're going to see the best fighting the best."
"Knowing I'm close with these people who are the best in the world is a nice little confidence booster."
"This is what champions are made of; this is what champions do."
"It's easy to be trash; it's very hard to be exceptional."
"Michael Jordan is to basketball what Pat Williams did on your channel. He did it in style, clever, charisma, funny, gave you the drama, he gave you such a big overall package that the field can't keep up."
"If you are somebody that wants to achieve excellence in your chosen field, get off social media in relation to what people are saying about you."
"What an incredible play, we don't see those that often at all."
"Breath of the Wild is undoubtedly the best open-world game I have ever played when I am playing it as an open-world game."
"Almost everybody I knew that was really good at anything they did for a living, they probably took pretty good care of themselves."
"Morrowind's world is one of the greatest that video games have ever produced."
"Madrid 4-0, it's just the numbers are frightening."
"We're celebrating not just a victory, but a culture of excellence that spans from the academy to the first team."
"When the best fight the best, there is no defeat."
"Commit to the spirit of excellence; whatever you do, do it well."
"This Barcelona team, probably the best footballing team in the world, they really are."
"Their effortless teamwork soon leads to a thunderous strike that leaves the opposition goalie with no chance whatsoever."
"Let's go, bro, the teamwork is actually insane."
"If we chase perfection, we just might catch excellence."
"Artistic excellence in the service of the truth that you desire to serve and to amplify is the first accountable measure."
"You have to respect somebody that's at the top of their game like that."
"He's the best player in a team that's challenging for the title and playing in the Champions League."
"In the pursuit of excellence, we discover not just our potential but the limitless possibilities within us."
"America's top colleges are no longer seen as bastions of Excellence but partisan outfits."
"Every lap, every race, every victory tells a story of perseverance, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence."
"Good enough is like the arch nemesis of excellence."
"We demand excellence here in the United States."
"You need to become the best at what you do, become irreplaceable."
"A better antidote to the discomfort of life is something like adventure to excellence."
"The market is never saturated with greatness, it is saturated with average."
"It's about the longevity, man. It's about consistently being great."
"Big Brain Academy will be the best logo anyone has ever seen."
"Brighton's recruitment is amazing. What they do around recruitment is amazing."
"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!"
"The power of extraordinary performance and demanding of yourself excellent results."
"You're inspiring. If I see my best player going hard, why would I not want to be great too?"
"They deserve to be compensated for their athletic excellence."
"The best players have a level of competitive stamina. It's the ability to do something at a high level and then get up the next day and do it again."
"Competitive stamina, Love of the Game, and Basketball IQ are three qualities that make a great basketball player."
"All champions have discipline. It's the discipline to work hard. You know, not when everyone is watching but when no one is watching."
"A great face, a great value, and a great message behind it, I think it deserves S tier."
"Life is short, and if you aim for excellence every day in every job that you have, your life is bound to be full of excellence."
"Excellence is contextualized by a player's performance relative to their era."
"What separates guys like Kobe Bryant, the Kawhis, the KDs of the world, it's the work that they put in, how meticulous they are with that work, relentless with that work. There is a true gap."
"He's the best in the game, he's the best in the world, he's the best in the modern era."
"Excellence is not actually about radical change; it's about a commitment to accruing small improvements day in and day out."
"I have never settled for mediocrity as an acceptable standard, and neither should you."
"In this event, in 29 games, to not even lose one game, that is insane."
"I mean, game one today he played magnificently, played like a machine."
"Ruthless excellence is what United need, not finding jobs for nice people."
"I don't strive for good, or great; I strive to be the best."
"We only have awards for the best people, folks."
"Highlighting excellence works. Highlighting excellence in accessibility."
"Knocks out of the park; it's absolutely outstanding."
"To be your best on your worst day, you cannot think with a normal mindset."
"The unapologetic pursuit of excellence is what it means to be American."
"Create a national identity that fills the vacuum at the heart of a generation with a shared pursuit of excellence."
"We brought in, per request, a four-time Super Bowl champ, five-time Pro Bowler. He needs no introduction."
"Good enough isn't good enough if it can be better, and better isn't good enough if it can be best."
"You want to be extraordinary, burn bright, be a force everywhere you go."
"Being a reward from comp, whose alumni include some of the most sought-after weapons in Destiny 2 history, Rose handedly makes its way into that list by simply being a perfect hand cannon."
"Be excellent to each other, be the change you want to see, and question everything."
"This game is a ten out of ten. Yeah, already a ten out of ten."
"The best of you is he that is best to their families, and I am the best of you to his family."
"Do what you are actually interested in. If you can make a profession of your passion, I can tell you, you will be excellent at it."
"Whatever you do, you should be setting out to be the best."
"If somebody is giving you a paycheck and you're accepting it, you need to kill it for them. Do more than what's expected. Overdeliver."
"Regardless if you haven't played Blood and Wine yet, you absolutely should. It is a great time and gives us the option and the ability to play more of one of the best games ever created."
"There is no greater Police Department in the world than the NYPD."
"A phenomenal or, at least, the past two rounds have been phenomenal in their own right because Karma's going off."
"The music in Shrek is an absolute fantastic expression of what film scoring can accomplish."
"Francis Galton... started studying excellence... his conception wasn't so much cognitive capacity as more differentiated sorts of things like conscientiousness, creativity, intelligence."
"Practice... how you gonna be great if you don't practice?"
"You have to work off this mentality of I have to be undeniably the best person in my role to where it's impossible to ignore."
"If you are the hard worker, the diligent worker, the one that is trustworthy, you will stand out in this field of mediocrity."
"The distance between mediocrity and excellence can be ever so small."
"I want to invite you, my young friends, to walk a higher road of excellence."
"We are of the family of God, with such a tremendous potential for excellence."
"All of us cannot be geniuses, but we can strive for excellence."
"Excellence... You have to sleep, you have to breathe, you have to eat it, every single day of your life until you achieve that greatness."
"An excellent person doesn't just do what they have to; they always go the extra mile."
"We need to come up higher and be excellent people who represent the God that we say that we serve and love in a way that he deserves."
"We want to be able to really do things super well, one thing at a time."
"Be the best at what you do, not the cheapest at what you do."
"High performers have kind of allowed themselves to associate their identity with doing well in that specific thing."
"I am a genuine believer of competition breeds excellence."
"That was really an incredible match, an incredible shot, and an incredible finish."
"It doesn't get any better than that, really."
"Two impressive wins by both these guys in the last round, so expect nothing but some more stellar play."
"Every day he taught us the value of living life to its fullest and the importance of working to be excellent at everything you do, no matter how small of a resource you have."
"You don't know which gate is the gate. That's why you have to be excellent all the time because you don't know which time is gonna be the time that changes the trajectory of your life."
"Excellence is not extravagance, it's not perfection, it simply means doing the very best that you can."
"Get so good at something that the world values that there's always a place for you."
"It's a very easy way to explain how good someone is at something when you can just say they're the world champion."
"Great people do little things with excellence."
"We're not satisfied with just being good; we want to be great."
"Kimmy Jimenez was the greatest actor to ever grace the YouTube screen."
"Decide you're going to be extraordinary at something because it gives you more energy than it takes."
"It's the excellence it's the intentionality one of the things that I have written about."
"There's always room for improvement in the greatest theme parks in the world."
"Strive for excellence, even in the face of adversity."
"I live and breathe that in my house, we are excellent."
"I'm the greatest 1v1 player of all time, especially on this map."
"You've got to have that tunnel vision, that single-mindedness, that ruthless pursuit of excellence."
"In order to be number one at anything, the world has got to revolve around you."
"It's people, it's process, and it's purpose. I'm obsessed with finding the best people in the world to collaborate with."
"Everything you do should be about excellence. The best you can do. If I'm going to wash the dishes, I'm going to be the best person washing the dishes."
"Tesla's software team is excellent, even when compared to the best software companies."
"In order to be the best, you have to beat the best."
"It's really hard to overstate just how remarkable this achievement truly is."
"You got to do it every night. You got to be Jordan every night."
"The gap between really good and great is just discipline."
"If you don't work on the craft or the skill that it is that you see yourself doing in the future, you're not gonna do it well."
"There's nobody, to me, that is as complete, as explosive, as well-coached, and nobody has as good of a quarterback as the Kansas City Chiefs."
"I just feel like our player is on fire right now across all... defense, hitting, practice, working out, everything is just kind of falling into place."
"Just being good isn't quite good enough; we need to find the best."
"We have built ourselves to have really high standards."
"Don't focus on making money, instead focus on doing something you love and become so good at it that people can't take their eyes off of you."
"This car is so great... it can do everything, and not only can it do everything, but it does everything fantastically."
"Being a truly great player is being adaptable to all these situations."
"During big games, she has the Kobe and Jordan gene. She never fails."
"Don't think about this goal down the line that you're trying to get to. Do this thing brilliantly."
"We should be inspiring our children towards excellence and giving them measures of what we mean by excellence."
"Get on your own team and go from mediocrity to excellence. One simple shift makes all the difference."
"I think in life you get what you tolerate, you get what you demand, and I demand excellence of myself, so I demand excellence of all these guys here, and I pull them all forward."
"The people who really excel at these things are people who would do them without the money, the fame, the popularity."
"The hardest problems tend to attract the best people."
"Just bring your A-game to absolutely everything that you've got."
"Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, Magnus Carlsen is currently the best chess player on Earth."
"I graduated magna cum laude, which is the top 10% of the class."
"KD is the best scorer in NBA history; he has zero flaws in his game."
"They are competitors and they are here to prove they are the best."
"What's undeniable is that Jordan was the first perimeter player to dominate with mega scoring and playmaking, which puts him in the conversation for greatest offensive player ever."
"Black Ops 3 has one of the best-designed multiplayer experiences ever."
"It separates you from being average to something quite special."
"If you're going to stand out, then you might as well be outstanding."
"The pursuit of excellence is a journey, not a destination."
"Khyber category, these are definitely more the creme de la creme of Galaxy. The top-tier character that might take a while for you to get or a lot of money for someone trying to expedite the process."
"The drive towards excellence, goodness, or great deeds are stimulating, improve your character, and rarely boring."
"The drag scene in Puerto Rico is so so so good. We are so fierce."
"Simone Biles, just making your commonplace like it's nothing."
"America is the greatest country this world has ever seen. It is the greatest country on the face literally of the earth."
"I try to do everything extraordinarily, not ordinarily."
"Everybody knows what football is: throwing, catching, running touchdowns, tackling, breaking tackles. But the greats do it as an art."
"There's an amazing aesthetic; they're accustomed to striving for excellence at all costs."
"I've said this before, over and over again, I know I'm the best."
"Pretty good is not enough. I want to be great."
"Let's be great. Everything we do, let's be great."
"I watched all their videos... because I understand if I pay attention to what the best are doing, I could be the best."
"Great customer service is about habits and rituals, being the best in the world at what you do is all about habits and rituals."
"Find something that you really love because if you really love it then the chances that you'll be not just good but great increases."
"If you study hard and you work hard, you can be the best of the best of the best."
"Performance-wise, these guys deserve to be in the number one slot."
"Be so good at something that they can't ignore you."
"When you can have a perfect record in the UFC, you are absolutely one of the most special athletes on planet Earth."
"You're going to have to be phenomenal in everything you do because everyone in the world is chasing greatness."
"For if salvation were ready to hand and could be found without great effort, how could it come about that almost everyone neglects it? But excellence is as difficult as it is rare."
"Excellence is not a skill; it's an attitude."
"The Boston Celtics have been the best team in basketball right now."
"Five World Records broken... I think that's great."
"You become the best by putting everything into it."
"Chateau Cheval Blanc 1947: 'Considered to be the best Bordeaux ever made.'"
"The mark of any truly masterful piece of art, no matter what medium, is a natural and thorough unification of structure, style, and purpose."
"Obama had to be excellent to be the President of the United States...and even still his excellence was questioned at every single turn."
"That's attention to detail; that's brilliant."
"The French Champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence."
"I didn't become a musician to become a mediocre musician and just half-ass my job. I wanted to be the best musician I could be."
"It's like watching Messi in the form of a midfielder."
"We will raise noble men, men who are spiritual, men who are excellent, men who are intentional about living lives that count."
"You deserve to be chosen and to have excellence drawn out of you."
"You were always the best. Nobody ever came close. You define the art, and it defines you."
"You need to be chasing excellence, not chasing other things."
"The number one lesson I could offer you where your work is concerned is this: Become so skilled, so vigilant, so flat-out fantastic at what you do that your talent cannot be dismissed."
"There's nothing that I see in you that tells me that you cannot achieve excellence."
"It's up to us to offer the ones that come behind us something that they can use to let them know that they can't achieve, that they can excel."
"I never asked any of my teammates to do anything that I didn't do. You talk about the greatest ever to play the game; he didn't have to have anybody else hold him accountable."
"Ronaldo's intelligence to grow, his obsession to get better, and his desire to be the best was just relentless."
"His obsession to get better and his desire to be the best was just relentless."
"We strive to be the best; that's the royalty mentality."
"If you do what you do and do it so well that people actually want to tell their people about it, you have done something great."
"It's never gonna be easy; this is the Stanley Cup finals, this is the best of the best."
"College want anyone who is awesome. And awesome people have awesome qualities."
"If you're gonna stand out, you might as well be outstanding."