
Stimulation Quotes

There are 583 quotes

"But what is clear, is that it's dose-limited in how high and strongly we can stimulate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And so you can go up just so far with the intensity, and then you have to stop."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated."
"Above anything else, the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated."
"April will be a busy month for you; you'll feel more alive, more communicative, and mentally stimulated."
"The process of finding yourself involves reducing external stimulation and as you start to reduce external stimulation, stuff starts to come up."
"Ninety percent of the stimulation that the brain receives comes from movement."
"And what these photos show on the one side, on the left side, is a three-month-old who has been stunted: not adequate nutrition, not adequate stimulation."
"The healthiest people who survive in these types of environments will do something to self-stimulate; they'll count, they'll sing, they'll do physical exercise."
"Humans need desperately need chaos. We need the intrusion of stuff from the outside that jangles our thoughts."
"If you can get people to retreat from their lives and to remove the constant stimulation in their outer environment that reminds them of who they think they are as a personality...let's see what happens."
"Maybe the solution to our lack of attention span isn't more stimulation and distraction. Maybe the answer is being present and appreciating the little authentic moments."
"The dopamine detox is basically a process where you cut out this high stimulation, low value activity. It re-sensitizes your brain."
"That'll wake you up more than the coffee ice cream will."
"My mind was stimulated; my senses were taking in something new, something different, something not my studio or laptop or social media analytics pages."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that this world would not be very intellectually stimulating if we all thought and felt the same."
"What's the purpose of living? To sit in your house and numb yourself?"
"The only way to truly stimulate an economy is with Innovation and growth."
"We should not stimulate idle resources back into activity."
"Doing equals stimulation. As long as you keep this [expletive] stimulated by your doing, you're good enough to stay around."
"Nagatoro's the most stimulating person for him."
"It stimulates public opinion and gives impetus to public debate."
"As much as possible because you want this is it has a stimulative effect on the economics."
"2001’s ending is intended to evoke -- images, sounds, memories, suggestions, associations -- all of which seek to produce a response in us, mental and emotional."
"It's all worth the price whatever stimulates you to think whatever stimulates you to wonder whatever stimulates you to react or even to debate."
"It's not about anything else, it's like, if I would go every day and I'm stimulated."
"Technology can artificially ramp up a hypoactive mind."
"Humans don't do well when they lack stimulation."
"Your body is always getting different stimulation...you do it through symmetrical movement."
"It helps stimulate the grandeur of the gym battles."
"Mental stimulation is one of the most underrated things."
"By adjusting the type and location of the stimulation."
"It's obvious: you twitch more, you fidget more, you stay awake more. It's a legal high, I love it!"
"It provoked, it radicalized, it stimulated the mass of people."
"It's funny how it feels to chew 5 gum, stimulate your senses."
"Stimulated people are happier people for sure."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"More stimulus, less fatigue... that's a good thing."
"I'm addicted to being overstimulated. That's what I'm addicted to."
"This person feels like you're physically attractive and mentally stimulating."
"The time is now you're young or something stimulate me."
"The internet stimulates the pleasure center of our brains."
"It's not just about being on another level, it's about being stimulated, using your skills, properly."
"All your senses will be bombarded, what you read, what you hear, what you see."
"There's just a little bit too much stimulation in the environment."
"Physical activity is a stimulus that acts upon the body which will make an adaptive mechanism regardless of your age."
"It stimulates creativity and it makes us kind of open our minds up."
"Stimulate your eyes; it's very important. Play with your eyes, have fun with this."
"I find it quite intellectually stimulating."
"They find you very intellectually stimulating."
"That kind of trying on of an idea... that's really stimulated my mind, that's really stimulated conversation."
"Art is very stimulating emotionally, which can help to balance those dopamine receptors that might be lacking in other domains."
"Cold showers... your mind suddenly gets shocked and you become alert."
"It keeps you on your toes, it makes your life exciting."
"Using very strict technique is usually going to be just as or even more stimulative for the purposes of muscle growth."
"It's going to be a cozy chill day mixed in with a lot of stimulation."
"Swimming is so good for them, it just stimulates them like crazy."
"I feel like in our society there's no longer space for stillness; it's like stimulus, stimulus, stimulus."
"I love a city that is an assault on the senses."
"Literally gives people a little dose of energy."
"They are all dopamine stimulators, they are all things that get us excited even in a sideways market."
"We all thrive when we aren't too over or under stimulated."
"Uranus transits are like drinking a quadruple espresso first thing in the morning."
"Art is not necessarily maybe so much what it looks like but whether or not it stimulates thought and conversation."
"It's a way to keep your mind fresh and open."
"Hydraulic fracturing produces fractures in the rock formation that stimulate the flow of natural gas or oil, increasing the volumes that can be recovered."
"The film is bold, it's loud, and it's intensely visually stimulating."
"Argument while always stimulating."
"Do foods stimulate stem cells? And the answer is yes."
"Changing it up is so important and getting new stimuli from the environment will stimulate new connections in the brain."
"The music gets your pulse pounding with excitement."
"It's not just about solving crosswords or brain games; it's about adding novelty to keep your brain neurologically activated."
"It makes the ultra-modern, turbocharged Ferraris seem utterly sterile and completely boring."
"Hedonic adaptation teaches us to embrace boredom, but today's society seems to overindulge in overstimulation."
"I've been drinking cold brew all day, I am fired up for this."
"If that sound doesn't get your blood pumping, nothing will."
"You don't have to get as close to failure on compound lifts to still get the same stimulation."
"Your job is to turn your mind on to excite it."
"There's just something about it that just Sparks so much serotonin in me."
"To stir something up, that's what I would say. To galvanize a response is to stimulate or initiate a response, to provoke a response."
"Coffee is also a stimulant, which is why we feel more focused and alert when we're drinking coffee."
"She's extremely thirsty for knowledge. So what does she do? She will just go, and she will, you know, she needs stimulating talks, and so you need to have the talks which really stimulate her interest."
"It was so unpredictable and kept you on your toes."
"It's so stimulating, there's something happening all around you."
"As an Aries woman, I need that mental stimulation from air signs."
"Coffee represents, like, the fix of an addiction."
"It's a buzz. It does get your blood pumping."
"The alcohol came and that was just a different ball game that just made me feel alive."
"Sex toys are becoming so much more available and I think we're accepting so much more the use of sex toys as an aid, a stimulus."
"I do love spending time with people who are much smarter than me I I'm invigorated by it."
"It's exciting and intellectually stimulating."
"I'm a bit overstimulated, I'm not going to lie."
"You have a very fun personality. Men enjoy your company because you are stimulating to be around."
"It's a matter of valuing storytelling over just little blips of stimulation."
"Sometimes having a prompt can pull us out of that same old conversation."
"Watching pictures corrodes the imagination, reading words stimulates it."
"The Vietnamese coffee will light you up."
"So you're going to stimulate these inter parasites... and what they'll do is they'll secrete things like sodium, potassium, chloride, and water."
"Not gonna lie, that got my heart racing there for a second to see a fin come out of the water. I mean, I'm in a kayak. Well, of course, it is pretty easy to get my heart racing right now with all the coffee surging through my veins."
"You'll never be bored again as long as you live."
"It's really important to have lots of things that can stimulate them when they're inside."
"Oh, I love that. Oh, makes it feel alive, makes me feel alive."
"That deep sort of knocking sound, there's something about it that just drives them absolutely wild and causes them to react."
"...it's like a massage for my brain."
"That's why I feel having these conversations liven you up it kind of like puts a little electricity in your mind and your creativity starts to Blossom again."
"I love the stimulation that I see in the economy now."
"This is a great way to stimulate the skin, collagen."
"Let this be my caffeine hit that I'm looking for without the headache hit."
"If you're taking children on holiday, you need to take them somewhere that stimulates them."
"I'm starting to feel the caffeine mmm but it's not making me hyper it's just making me happy."
"I'm writing books not to give the last word on something but to stimulate thought."
"It's supposed to stimulate the hair follicles and stimulate the hair growth."
"Happiness is peace, it's not excitement, and you don't need to be stimulated 24/7 to enjoy life. Sometimes it's about just appreciating the beauty and the stillness."
"It was so stimulating just that noise."
"Mental rest means taking a break from the constant mental stimulation that we face every day."
"A little fear stimulates courage."
"...I really recommend it as a way to stimulate the prefrontal cortex as a way to create these autobiographical narratives words are really tools and these narratives are road maps for living."
"The circuits in the brain need the right stimulation to develop."
"It's nice to have something to challenge my brain sometimes."
"Stimulus at an early age is vital to the development of the growing brain."
"Sensory overload is when one or multiple of your senses are being overstimulated and it triggers your sympathetic nervous system."
"As we age, M tor actually goes higher. You do need to stimulate it for muscle protein synthesis, and what Kevin is saying is that in aging, there's an anabolic resistance nature."
"I think I have an addiction now... I chug it... it activates my brain in ways that have not been activated in a very long time."
"Keep you thinking, keep you moving."
"What you really enjoy is this intellectual foreplay."
"Hyperpop: the most stimulating brain scratching, stem-friendly music."
"Smelling salts. Smelling salts kick it up a notch for sure."
"We're just trying to find something that's more stimulating, more interesting, more engaging than consumption."
"Dunking your face in cold water is activating to our nervous system."
"High-frequency stimulation was efficacious; low-frequency stimulation... actually pathological or harmful."
"We hope to stimulate thought, discussion, and action with a variety of speakers, perspectives, and disciplines."
"So for me as an introvert who is very easily over stimulated I was like constantly chasing rest and quiet and it was a little hard for me."
"We need constant stimulation to feel alive. And the downside of this is it's made it harder for us to concentrate."
"Attention brings two kinds of provocation."
"Caffeine does not give you energy, it stimulates your nervous system and adrenals."
"That's exciting, it awakens the senses."
"You get stimulated with all your senses—the smelling, the ears, the eyes. It's really incredible."
"Tea is a delicate leaf renowned for its ability to stimulate and soothe."
"By reducing excess stimulation, we allow ourselves to learn to notice our feelings and develop the skills we need to tolerate distress."
"Stimulation for you is about getting the ball rolling."
"If you cannot stimulate them on a mental level, on an experiential level, experiences, bro, someone else will."
"This poor apex predator has been trapped in its shrinking woodland for far too long, deprived of adequate stimulation and toys to play with."
"You stimulate them with interesting conversation, giving them a new perspective."
"You will not stimulate your tissue."
"I'm doing the classic flutters. I like flutters, but I feel like if there's too many it just overstimulates me. Is it just me? I don't know."
"This is the most opposite thing of boring ever. This just... brain is just killing people left and right and it's fantastic."
"Food puzzles stimulate normal behaviors in animals."
"Persistent genital arousal disorder: having multiple climaxes a day at any time without any stimulation becomes quite bothersome and uncomfortable."
"It's emotionally stimulating and you'll be fine, and make it engaging and encapsulating and something unique in that sense."
"...a serious movie made by adults for adults, one with jaw-dropping spectacle, but also a movie that will stimulate your imagination, it'll challenge your intellect."
"Cabin fever comes from lack of mental exercise, the brain never works out."
"Before the color police come for me we are putting some color in her room but we don't want her room to be too over stimulating."
"Neurons like to be tickled not bludgeoned."
"With the liquid ketones, you get that immediate Ketone boost with the idea that it stimulates the body to create its own."
"This wakes you up too, better than coffee."
"Challenging the brain is the name of the game."
"Can a hotel reawaken your senses with color? You'll find this one can, it's the Time Hotel, just steps away from the bright lights of Times Square."
"Dopamine is like a kickstarter, giving the motor cortex a real hit of stimulation to get the body moving."
"If we're constantly stimulated and distracted, how's your mind all of a sudden going to go, 'No, you're right.'"
"I think this is going to stimulate bites."
"This is the level that they want you, this bomb is being detonated up in your brain and it's giving you extra dopamine."
"I'm someone who I get unstimulated and unfulfilled very fast if I'm not like fully utilizing my skill and my energy and my efforts. It became too easy."
"I would always stimulate my mind, never take motivation for granted."
"Cold water immersion has been shown to activate the vagus nerve."
"It's honestly better than a cup of coffee. It wakes you up like no other."
"I feel like I'm already getting Wired from this."
"My brain hurts a little bit, but in a good way."
"You want the exact right amount of stress and when you do you love it and you pay for it and we call it stimulation."
"It was not to bestow or to convey, but to stimulate the consciousness of the person passing through the ritual that something in himself might stir again out of the night of his own darkness and time."
"TMS is electrode-less electrical stimulation."
"If people pay to be entertained, they should get what they've paid for. Real entertainment shouldn't glaze your eyes. It should stimulate your mind."
"These are books that are designed to stimulate the mind."
"The body adapts quickly. You have to give it different stimuli."
"It's not even excitement, it's stimulation."
"When does comfort tip into boredom, when does stimulation tip into otherness?"
"Drinking a cup of coffee is just like a very easy way to feel alive."
"It tickles a part of my brain that is just so much fun."
"This extra innings rule forces the action."
"The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants."
"It truly is like it's really large they have so much to look at so much to choose from that your brain is just like all over the place."
"Fantasy for adults tries to be more complicated, our minds have absorbed more information so it's harder to stimulate us and we need something different to do."
"You're not craving ice cream or sex with a porn star. No, you're actually craving more stimulation of your reward circuitry or you want more dopamine."
"All work and no play makes for dull senses."
"50 reps isn't doing it. It's probably most stimulating the highest level of muscle protein synthesis in like the 8 to 12 rep range probably."
"Novelty is stimulating. This same effect is a hundred percent present in humans."
"Most of the stuff that's good for your brain isn't as simple as playing games on your phone."
"So the way ozone works is pretty interesting because it's unstable, it actually has what we call hermetic effect, it actually stimulates the body to do something better by irritating it."
"The way ozone works is pretty interesting because it's unstable, it actually has what we call hermetic effect, it actually stimulates the body to do something better by irritating it."
"To organize your day in a way that sort of ramps up the stimulation as the day goes on."
"Our nervous systems need stimulation to grow, they're anti-fragile."
"Time feels different depending on what you're doing, depending on how stimulated you are, but it doesn't matter how time feels because it's never... It's going to keep going and going and going. We just think about existing differently."
"A piping hot cup of coffee for more brain power, of course."
"Our grains are constantly super stimulated, everything is designed to be too delicious, too engaging, and too shocking to wait."
"I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells."
"It is also something that adds a lot of enrichment for fish because you'll have live food that's swimming around in the water they'll have to chase it and find it and all that kind of stuff so it's good for the fish that way as well."
"Well, at first it feels like a tickle, you're like, 'Oh, that's not too bad.' Then it turns into a burning."
"I think I'm pretty chronic ADHD. I have to have novelty constantly. I have to have new things."
"I'm getting excited by say they they over stimulated me but I don't want to anyone cuz no one's done anything wrong."
"If something is stimulating it encourages ideas and enthusiasm."
"I love drops drops is what gets the blood flowing."