
Aspiration Quotes

There are 47938 quotes

"Excellence at a thing is the highest thing that we can reach for as human beings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want a world where we're more transparent."
"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light...I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
"Whenever you have a sense of where you are now and where you want to be, that is what creates what we call goals."
"The only difference between you and your dream self is discipline."
"May your roots grow strong and your leaves reach high."
"Ingredients don't aspire to have the best ingredients, aspire to be the best chef."
"If I am what I eat, I want to be noble. I want to be of the highest degree."
"I'm glad I found fame later on, but still, you know, they say be careful what you wish for."
"The dreams that your heart has, your heart knows how to take you there."
"It's not a competition, but we should aspire to inspire each other."
"God has created us for the future. Build into our hearts great dreams of great things accomplished in the future."
"I want my life to be my best work of art, and I want my music to be my best work of art. I wanna be my best work of art."
"I want every child to know... you can be anything you want to be without anyone getting in your way."
"We are about the pursuit of a more perfect union."
"I'm in this race because I want us to run to something."
"You don't know, right? You have CJ Stroud, oh my gosh, that's amazing, of course, everyone knows that, that's the dream."
"I'm just trying to do the cool thing. I'm trying to do the Jesus thing."
"There must be something better out there for me."
"Everything you love about Jesus will be said of you."
"I have waited my entire life for a chance to be free."
"If you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?"
"Beauty tells you to be more than you are, to aspire to that which is beyond you, to indicate there is something beyond you."
"So close he had, so far away of immortality."
"I want to see love flourish and the world become a better place."
"Your desires are your soul's wings, and it's time to take flight."
"Ruck is certain that if he can train under Alicia, he is bound to become stronger."
"You are attaining your desire. A year from now, you are having whatever it is that you've been trying to reach, trying to attain."
"Maintain hope and faith that your wish will come true."
"Think like royalty. Act like royalty. Walk like royalty. Eat like royalty. Dress like royalty. And eventually, you'll begin to be treated like royalty."
"You are above the competition, strong enough to do whatever it is you want to do."
"It's human nature to want to fight and be the best. That's what being alive is all about."
"There are thousands of young people outside that window that never get the chance."
"Protect your dreams, you are the guardian of your precious dreams."
"You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
"We want to see the crowds erupt for a black man; it's to be reminded of your value and humanity and what's possible."
"It's so important to define success. There is wanting to be successful and knowing you will be successful."
"If we chase perfection, we just might catch excellence."
"Strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the light."
"Focus on Amrobat, he's always wanted to be here and he's going to be a very good signing."
"The American dream has turned into a nightmare. Our families are hurting. Our country can do better."
"Think about the magic of being able to say the kind of job you want to have and the kind of life you want to live and the kind of relationship you want to have."
"Feeling strongly about self-love is something that ideally most of us should be striving towards."
"Man chases freedom. You need freedom in as many areas as possible."
"You will acquire name, fame, and full of desires; in examination, you'll meet success, enjoy."
"I am Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will be king of the Pirates!"
"Imagine living here, man, that'd be great with like this beautiful view."
"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God."
"A presidency that is grounded in transparency and accountability is what we aspire to."
"You couldn't ask for a more dream scenario as an athlete than to have Dustin Poirier in training camp for the same card as you."
"Huge transformation...stepping into who you desire to be."
"An excellent woman is teachable... She is constantly learning because she constantly wants to evolve and become better."
"Good luck to Steve, good luck to me, hopefully the FBI aren't on us."
"What a good life that would be, a great life, to take a Ouija board to the Lizzie Borden house."
"Mighty standing strong; again, the foes we sing our song, we will get it right."
"Every great man is an actor of his own ideal."
"Aim for the stars and then reach for the clouds."
"It's called the feeling of freedom everyone in the world should experience."
"You are becoming the dream version of yourself."
"Being in a different environment, it's like, 'Oh, this is possible.' It made me want more."
"O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours."
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
"If we have made wings that can carry us, it'll feel like freedom."
"Be the best version of yourself, you may not be the best version every day but trends upwards."
"You get what you work for, not what you wish for."
"What if we reimagined aging not as something to fear but as something aspirational?"
"I speak into existence that you will live out every dream."
"Hope is what it could be, hope it is what it should be."
"You've got to see yourself like the person you want to become."
"What happens when you have God, you have enough. So why do we keep trying to go get some more when we already got all we need?"
"She needs to make sure that this looks like absolute fairy tale perfection."
"I wanted to be uncommon amongst uncommon people."
"I want to be a hero not a martyr. I don't want to actually end up dead."
"Every time you dream it, it becomes as new and fresh as the day it was born. So keep dreaming your dreams out there; we'll keep them safe here until they come true. And they will."
"I want to be able to fix something in the world before I go."
"The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to excel, who have dreams and want to do things."
"Most people agree that a more fair society is better and something worth trying to generate."
"Publicity is for those who are rich that are aspiring to be wealthy; the purpose of being wealthy is to be hidden."
"Aspiration isn't something reserved for the elite or the engaged; it's for everyone."
"We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again."
"We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again."
"Together, we believe in America that's my prayer: to remember who we are. We're the United States of America, there's nothing, and I mean this sincerely, nothing beyond our capacity if we act together."
"I want to believe so badly that science and data is gonna be able to make me into a fashionista."
"You deserve the spotlight. You deserve everything."
"Spirit is saying it's time to take those beautiful dreams that you have in your head and in your mind and make them a reality."
"All of us yearn to be like Batman. We want to have integrity to be morally virtuous...because we are actually morally virtuous, not because we're merely cowards afraid of consequence."
"I believe fundamentally in aspiration and that there's no limit on what you can achieve."
"Be the best doctor, be the best artist, be the best sailor, the best engineer that you can be."
"At our heart, we're fireflies...no matter how high you go...you'll just be a firefly that went a little bit higher than the rest."
"Contend for greatness and you will see the historic happen."
"I'm going to invent a product and sell it to millions of people that will make them feel good."
"Let's make sure it's as close to reality as possible."
"Now you can say, 'That's who I was, or that's who I've been up until now, and this is who I want to become.'"
"I want to create a better world than we found."
"Dream it. If enough of us dream a bare thousand, we can dream a world where no cat suffers, where no kittens die cold and alone, where all cats are queens and kings of creation."
"The dream I had for myself couldn't compare to the dream that life had for me."
"Just because you feel like something is not possible, have faith in your dreams. Make something happen."
"I want a world where people like you and I are no longer victimized. I want you to bring that world into being."
"I would love you to help us, kind of, cast our minds, I don't know, 10, 20, 30 years into the future, and help us try to picture what it would take to build a future that's worth getting excited about."
"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."
"Even Americans who weren't millionaires desperately wanted to participate in the consumerism and flexing frenzy."
"I just want something that my kids are going to like, be like, 'My mom's that b*tch.'"
"I want to try to be somebody who's different, I want to occupy a different perspective."
"This robot then decides he wants to become a hero, helping and protecting all of humanity, and robot kind."
"I want to see what I can be if I'm really free."
"For many, perfection has been a final state of being to aspire to, when one has improved either a thing or the self to the point where it could no longer be improved."
"Some of us strive for a completeness the Greek and dramaturges in philosophy spoke of."
"Others dissent, the subjects of this Chronicle chased such a state, striving to embody the flawlessness of humanity in all aspects of being."
"Our people deserve the very best government we can give them."
"Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference."
"Arthur wants the gang to thrive and definitely wants to feel a sense of freedom out in the Wild West."
"Maybe one day, Ash, maybe you too will be blessed with knowledge."
"Nobility is aspirational to the Riojans. They believe anyone, through luck, chance, treachery, or patience, can become noble."
"My aspiration is to do whatever it takes to extend consciousness into the future. That's my goal."
"Don't focus on where you are, focus on where you want to be."
"The sky is the limit, the world is your oyster; just never give up, keep on trying, and you can be anything you want to be."
"Dare to dream a little bigger, dare to ask for a little more."
"Dreams can come true, of me and you. Two hearts, one love, that's what we dream of."
"Man's reach should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for?"
"Say to yourself, 'I give myself permission to do something extraordinary on planet earth.'"
"There will be peace for a time, during which we must rebuild Skyrim into the land it once was."
"For all that it is an abstract concept, we certainly push our entire lives to meet it."
"The most gripping thing, the only thing that's more gripping than [tragedy and vulnerability] in truth, is to live a good life, to live the best life you possibly can."
"I want men to be their best selves and live their best lives."
"We really are a precious species. We want so badly to be good."
"Humans have dreams. People simply live with the bodies they were born with and use them to accomplish their dreams."
"I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be, and I finally became that person."
"I've got these kids; they're below grade level; I'm in charge my first year; I've been waiting for this moment my whole life; I have to do something."
"It is only when we truly aspire to live according to our higher promptings that that's what wakes up the dragon in any of us."
"Mine will be an order not of gold, but of the stars and moon of the chill night."
"Try to have a discussion on ethics would be one of the highlights of my life."
"The creme de la creme of reaching financial independence is to become the elusive millionaire."
"If you don't know what you want, you will never get it."
"Remember, you're a world champion; don't let your memes be dreams."
"Money, success, and happiness—we all want them, but how do we get them?"
"In order to have the best possible thing happen... it's necessary to start by establishing a relationship with something that's transcendent."
"I dream about you all the time. I can't wait to make my dreams a reality."
"When you want to rise, you sow upwards, and then you are called higher."
"I love the opportunity. Plus, maybe just maybe it might be at Daytona, it might be Indy."
"People look to you as an inspiration on what to aspire to. You're highly respected."
"Your public reputation... people see you as like an aspiration of what they look up to, what they want to be like when they're older."
"I wanted to be a soccer player, I wanted to be an actor... I always wanted to be something more."
"Deep down, buried, he wanted to save his people. He wanted to protect the weak and defenseless like he had always done."
"We all deserve our wildest dreams, we all deserve the best."
"We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine."
"It's never too late to be who you want to be."
"I just feel like it's not all put together, and I want justice, one way or another."
"Imagine for a second you being selected for this; what a dream it would be."
"You're not all powerful. Well, I should be. I will be the most powerful Jedi ever."
"Aspire to be the person you pretend to be when you're trying to get laid. Become that person you would admire."
"You're supposed to dream; that's why we do it."
"I love this book so much, and it actually made me want to read more snobby, prestigious books."
"We talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion."
"Black girl luxury has catapulted to one of the top movements, desires, and emulations everywhere."
"Aim for the stars, so if you fall, you land on a cloud."
"Cool vibe. I think if I wanted to be a rock star one day, I would want to grow up to be like her."
"To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself."
"Black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special. I don't want it to be special; I want it to be normal."
"Financial literacy seems special, and like black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special."
"All of us really, really want to see our own mobs in the game, like we're going to kind of dream."
"Future Gohan got what he wanted; he's actually able to become a scholar now."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if we get a glider that can do this?"
"All the influencers I know, they just really want to do their best... They want to give their audience their best."
"I hope that all of you will find some inner peace and happiness in this world."
"He vows that he will become someone that his child could respect."
"The American people are the ones who made our nation great, and together we will make it greater than ever before."
"The heartbeat of the American dream of getting that house, building a family, white picket fence, and tire swing."
"If you could snap your fingers and do one thing... what would you do?"
"I didn't have money to throw her a party. Now I get to be the dad she thinks I am."
"This person is on a path of trying to improve themselves and better themselves."
"How much better to create a life that you love, that you enjoy."
"It's possible to become successful, it's possible to revolutionize my family in the generations to come."
"You may not achieve perfection, but it's important to seek perspective."
"I want to see the truck drivers who are willing and able to become doctors, become doctors. I want to make sure that everybody reaches their full potential."
"Make humanity something we can all be proud of."
"This seminal work provides an accessible and essential roadmap for aspiring and established leaders in every field."
"Building a starter home is all about creating a space where dreams begin and aspirations grow."
"On through one preoccupation after another, we shall always pray for leisure, but never attain it."
"Be the absolute best that you can be, whatever that ends up being."
"That's the American Dream. It's about believing in the same dream that says anything is possible, anybody can attain it."
"The human desire is baked in for a quest, to go out and chase something and do something good and great. And I think we repress that at our own risk."
"I think we can do better, I think we can do a lot better."
"Unity isn't about settling; it's about striving for something more. It's not the end; it's the means."
"I believe there's so much more God wants to do than what we can ask or imagine."
"I want to be like that... that's the kind of person I want to be."
"When I hit that 100 million, I'm gonna put it on the ground, because nobody never showed me what that looked like when I was poorest."
"For me, it's about being iconic. I want it to be special, something that makes me go wow."
"Upon hearing that, Sung Chon said that he did it for his mother and aspired to be rich so he could be happy and provide an apartment for his mother."
"The skyscraper must be every inch a proud and soaring thing."
"We want inner strength, we want the intangible stuff."
"We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line."
"It feels like we've started something. Now it begins."
"We like people who are like us, or who we'd like to be more like. That's how you build rapport."
"This life sounds so wonderful, there must be some reason it’s out of reach."
"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."
"I will strive for greatness, and if I fall short, I will have goodness at least."
"What does the best version of yourself look like?... Become her."
"The story is all about freedom and doing everything to get to that point of freedom."
"I admire you in a lot of ways. You epitomize a lot of things that I wish I had."
"Thank you for showing me that, you can be a little black gay boy, and you can grow up to be whatever you want to be."