
Human Achievement Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Excellence at a thing is the highest thing that we can reach for as human beings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In every realm of human activity, without this ability to single-mindedly focus and suppress everything else that is not relevant, we wouldn't have art, we wouldn't have sports, we wouldn't have science."
"The only enemy we have tonight is Earth's gravity. We are fighting against Earth's gravity to break Earth's gravitational bonds and reach out into the stars."
"Each new discovery within the Great Pyramid is a piece of the puzzle in understanding one of humanity's most remarkable achievements."
"Humans are gonna do cool shit and society's gonna find some way to reward it."
"What an amazing moment, what an incredible human being."
"The city is the heart of civilization, it is the great human achievement."
"And I can't wait for that day when a human being will stand on the surface of Mars and say, 'I am watching the Earth set and then I am watching the Sun set.'"
"Man's achievement on a shrinking globe in an expanding universe."
"Our world is truly special. Not only do we have more natural beauty than one man can see in a lifetime, but as a species, we've spent the past few thousand years crafting a tapestry of culture."
"Mankind is going to build its first manned spaceship in quite some time, and we are going to go and explore our solar system."
"We've made tremendous progress on all sorts of dimensions in the last three or four hundred years."
"Optimistic as I am about the possibility of what we could all accomplish over the next hundred years, I don't think we're nearly at the end of this."
"Every time I get on an airplane, it's incredible to me that human beings have actually been able to achieve this... It's incredible that humans are able to get into a box and fly in the air safely."
"The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional; they are Testaments to the creative genius of humankind."
"Megastructures can embody human ambition, representing humanity's desire to conquer and reshape the universe to suit its needs."
"Every human achievement presupposes some inherent value in the endeavor, aligning with the idea that the universe has a meaningful order."
"It will be a great win for mankind to find another home or meet up with aliens in the galaxy. That day would of course be a great time to be alive."
"Galileo producing arguments for why the earth is not at the center of the universe...All of these things are the sort of things that human beings will be celebrating for as long as they exist on the earth as enormous, landmarks crowning achievements in the history of humankind."
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind still makes my hair stand up."
"We as human beings did not get where we are today; we don't have TVs, lightbulbs, and cars from doing nothing. Somebody failed a lot to figure that out."
"It's an eternal Monument to the human minds that dreamed these machines up, the human hands that turned the plans into cold hard reality, and the human lives spent and lost running them."
"This is the moment in time where our whole existence has survived for; we crafted that fate ourselves with our own hands."
"Science works. Science is probably the best thing humans have ever invented."
"We are the most novel thing on this planet; we are everything biology is, plus technology, language, politics, philosophy, art."
"Human will and ingenuity has broken impossibles before, whether it be flying through the sky, eradicating smallpox, breaking the sound barrier, or running the four-minute mile."
"The wonder is not that the field of stars is so vast, but that we have measured it."
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
"The Mars terraforming project will be the greatest achievement in the history of human exploration."
"Across less than one human lifetime, more than a billion people have been lifted out of extreme grinding poverty."
"The extension of average human life expectancy probably is humankind's greatest accomplishment."
"Apollo was an adventure that wasn't just on the scale of a nation trying to do something great, but really all of humanity trying to take a giant leap forward."
"The interconvertibility of energy was one of the greatest triumphs of the human race."
"Whether or not Mallory and Irvin made it to the summit, the fact remains that they both gave their lives trying to push the needle of human achievement."
"But the fact remains that this is one of the greatest human feats of construction ever."
"Still today, at Tanis can be found the remnants of what might have been the largest and greatest single piece stone statue ever executed by human hands."
"The construction of a Dyson Sphere would not only be a great technological achievement but possibly the greatest and last human collaborative achievement before our race splintered out and spread across the galaxy."
"Creating large things, building big structures, or moving big items is one of the most enduring, widespread, and prevalent activities in human civilization throughout all of history."
"Centuries from now, our legacy will be the cities we built, the champions we forged, the good that we did, and the monuments we created to inspire us all."
"We have liftoff: Voyager 1, the furthest man-made object out there in the solar system, one of the most amazing inventions humans have made."
"This project of civilization has been an enormous success in terms of spreading across the planet."
"We shouldn't be so arrogant and imagine that we are the apex of the pinnacle of human achievement."
"I think that it's a beautiful example of the incredible feats humans can accomplish when working together."
"We have the potential as humanity to have the most spectacular healthcare system."
"This is the first time in the history of Earth... that it's been possible to extend life and consciousness to another planet."
"A manned mission to Mars would be mankind's greatest adventure since landing on the moon."
"One giant leap for mankind, seventy-nine years after the first moon landing, man has set foot on another planet."
"I think it is really a great privilege to be part of a human race that has taken the time and energy to actually look into all of this and piece together our own cosmic history and our part in it."
"There's a man stepping out on the moon right now."
"No one in the history of this planet ever traveled like we were able to travel."
"We can be so proud of what our species, with its different cultures, has produced, and we can have a tremendous loyalty to it."
"From all that nature gave us, we have made a new world out of wilderness, and built great civilizations."
"Mother Nature has its own strange way of surpassing every human marvel ever made."
"It's the peak of technology, the pinnacle of perfection. Mankind has been building to this moment for 10,000 years."
"The Apollo 11 Mission would forever be one of man's biggest achievements."
"Tracking the passage of time is one of mankind's greatest achievements."
"Just the human beings can accomplish something like this is amazing."
"Apollo 11 was a great achievement for NASA... it opened a whole new chapter of exploring other worlds and of human beings being able to go from the earth..."
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
"It's incredible that humans are going back to the moon and the efforts of SpaceX and Axiom get to play a vital role."
"We've made so much progress as a society, yet we don't celebrate that."
"This is an accomplishment of, of more or less, human, science, mankind."
"Human spaceflight is frankly a miracle of modern science."
"One of the biggest achievements of humanity is the International Space Station, the ISS."
"The greatest accomplishments of humanity have been made in the face of great adversity."
"We can now say that human beings have flown a rotorcraft on another planet."
"A triumphant moment: human beings stepping foot on another planet."
"That's one small step for men, one giant leap for mankind."
"America landed 12 men on the lunar surface and changed the very nature of what humans are capable of."
"Why the Seven Wonders of the ancient world still fascinate us today is the fact that they're all created by human beings."
"This program is going to be huge for history, for humanity, and for what we can do in deep space."
"Cities are the essential statement of human civilization."
"Space jumping is both a product and an example of our endless thirst for progress."
"Here is another proof of mankind's greatness."
"Humanity stands on the cusp of interplanetary travel."
"Our great human achievements shouldn't disintegrate the importance of protecting sustaining and maintaining our Green Planet."
"Human beings are constantly discovering amazing new things."
"That's one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind."
"This is a new beginning of the human era. Literally, the first time a vehicle that's trying to get humans to Mars will actually fly."
"This mountain now crater encompasses the sum total of knowledge of humankind."
"It's a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very real work of nature."
"The news that we've been to space would be mind-blowing."
"Think on one of the best things that humanity has ever made and like you owe it to yourself as like a member of the human species."
"This is an inflection point in human history... imagine what greatness can come from a generation seeing Earth from space." - Virgin Galactic Representative
"Deepwater Horizon was a monument to human engineering."
"The internet is the greatest invention of our species."
"We're going places where man has never been before."
"I think it's destined in our lifetime that we're going to find out everything we're going to get everything that the humans have wanted to achieve all along."
"The Great Wall of China is the most extensive structure ever created by man."
"The ISS program is a big achievement in terms of the path to future exploration."
"A human being can pole vault 20 feet 3 inches."
"Watching humans walk on another planet in my lifetime? That's crazy!"
"Making life multi-planetary: a massive achievement."
"A hundred years ago, no one would have believed that humans would fly into space."
"World record dive: A jaw-dropping feat that demonstrates boundless human potential."
"The wonder is not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it."
"Welcome to the highlight of human civilization."
"If we are able to build or if humanity is able to build a city on Mars, people will probably remember which planetary conjunction they came on."
"Greatness survives everything, and I think there'll always be an appreciation of those kind of things."
"This is going to be a tremendous breakthrough, the biggest in human history arguably when it comes to getting mankind to other worlds."
"The effect of the Kairos Alliance is that ancient aliens were actually human beings who achieved quantum mechanics, advanced space travel, and time travel."
"It's just cool though when somebody just reaches the pinnacle of human capabilities."
"Humanity going to the moon is cool and inspiring. We want to continue that spirit of exploration."
"The Explorer within us made it possible to conquer the most inhospitable corners of our planet."
"Human beings committed ourselves to a gravitational field with another planet, and that was the first time."
"This is the greatest thing the human race has ever done."
"I want Mars to become the home of a new branch of possibly several new branches of human civilization."
"No one will be able to look at a terraformed Mars and not be prouder to be human."
"The International Space Station: man's Outpost to space."
"In the long run, it's better to discover an alien civilization than it is to make a billion dollars."
"Lo and behold, the two Voyager spacecraft are now the furthest thing mankind has ever built."
"Whatever their purpose, they're an unbelievable example of human ingenuity."
"Humanity has begun conquering diseases around us or at least has the idea of how to ease the suffering associated with them."
"America is the greatest invention of human species to date."
"The story of the human conquest of the sea can never be complete because these people wrote its first chapter."
"Pushing the limits of what's humanly possible in cinema."
"I think there's nothing humanity does that's nobler than our quest to understand and explore space."
"Any day that humans blast into space is a good day." - Michael
"Apollo 13 may have been a technical failure but was a complete success in testing Mankind's Ingenuity and resolve."
"It's probably the greatest engineering achievement of human civilization so far."
"Humans will fly around the Moon for the first time in 50 years."
"Armstrong took a giant leap for mankind... during the Apollo program."
"The internet is the most technically complex system that Humanity has ever built."
"Could this be evidence then that perhaps the pyramids and the Sphinx... could actually more accurately come from the efforts of human beings from before this catastrophic event?"
"It's one of the greatest stories in human history."
"I think humanity is this amazing thing. I think it is incredible how far we've come, and what we've done."
"One small step for man, one giant step for mankind."
"The idea that we'll make a species that can improve itself, that's gonna be humanity's biggest accomplishment."
"This is one of the most amazing images ever shown to humanity."
"The commodore is like us, a product of our cosmos made on earth, a triumph of human spirit."
"One day, human beings will explore space really far from Earth."
"The international space station: one of the most amazing things ever made by humans."
"We may be pitifully tiny in cosmic terms... but nonetheless, we are still the species that did produce Hamlet and the Sistine Chapel."
"We're witnessing a group of people tackle one of the biggest goals in the history of humanity if not the biggest."
"Humans did a thing again, the idea that we humans have built technology that sends an 18 year old and an 80 year old up into space in this tiny capsule."
"A triumph of human ingenuity over a hostile environment."
"Humanity's triumphs shine brighter than the darkest of cosmic voids."
"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible."
"Movies are magic and there is always something magical about seeing extraordinary feats done by ordinary people for real."
"He's the most talented person ever to have walked the earth."
"The grid is a giant, complicated machine. It's one of the most uniquely human achievements we've accomplished."
"The International Space Station: largest structure humanity has put into space."
"It's just a matter of time stephen hawking said that the theory of everything would be the ultimate triumph of human reason."
"The race for Moon exploration it's truly mindboggling to ponder why why we haven't set foot on the moon since 1972."
"I was moved so much by this stupendous effort of human ingenuity human cooperation multinational and I expressed my attempted to express my poetic um fascination and and interest."
"The Dark Star is more than just a cool plane; it symbolizes what humans can achieve when we push ourselves to the limit."
"Of course, men have done some pretty great things too: penicillin, the Buddhist Eightfold Path, and the Beatles are just a few that come to mind."
"The seven ancient wonders are a great example of how people build to impress, build to a scale which seems almost incredible."
"Maybe every bit of human achievement is a rung on a ladder that enables us to see farther and farther into this universe."
"We've managed to change the course of humanity in ways our ancestors never dreamed."
"Absolutely no matter what it... is an absolutely amazing feat."
"Absolutely amazing feat that we as mostly hairless apes on the surface of... were able to do this."
"This is not just a NASA thing; this is a collaboration, this is a humankind thing."
"They're just incredible humans. I mean, the things they do, the shape they're in."
"Humans built it, and we're literally looking at a monument from Atlantis."
"Look at what humans have accomplished and tell me how you're not impressed."
"It's hard to believe that a human being can achieve such levels of perfection."
"He must really be the strongest man ever in the cream of the human crop."
"There's something about the Parthenon that is both an offering to Athena, the protector of Athens, but also something that's a monument to human beings, to their brilliance, and by extension I suppose in the modern era human spirit generally."
"It's sort of about human endeavor, and that locomotive is the epitome of steam technology."
"These giant leaps in human history. And the joy and wonder I felt then, has never dimmed."
"This looks like the Wright brothers and now people are flying around."
"We humans have managed to figure out so far during the first 13.8 billion years of cosmic history about our place in space."
"If you're just a fan of human space flight and exploring and going beyond the levels of what we understand to discover, you can't help but be excited about what's happened the last 24 hours."
"After 45 years of exploration, the Voyages remain a testament to the incredible achievements of human Ingenuity and determination."
"Satellites are proof that humans are the most interesting thing the Galaxy's got going."
"The landing made history and goes down as one of the greatest achievements by the human race."
"Flying high above the sky was one of the greatest ambitions and challenges."
"What a privilege it is to be the first humans ever to see this amazing thing."
"Spaceflight is one of the most inspirational things we do as a species. It brings out some of our absolute best qualities."
"You are living in an incredible time for human space flight and I hope that you are as excited about it as I am. The scientific discoveries we'll make on these missions will enable humanity to learn more about our universe."
"Path of Exile is the peak of RPGs that we've been able to produce as the human race."
"We explored a planet. Not many people get a chance to do that."
"It's been 30 years since a human last set foot on another world. If space exploration is to become a reality not of the past but our future, perhaps it's time to set our sights on Mars."
"The most valuable lesson from these brave explorers is that the power of curiosity can take you to places we've never reached before."
"It's the most complicated machine possibly in the universe if there's no other life in the universe but it's definitely the most complicated machine humans have ever created."
"I mean, it's such a special thing to leave the planet, and this is the way we've gotten to do it for a really long time."
"Why is there such an emotional attachment to this airplane that it just reminds us as human beings that we can do amazing things."
"We should celebrate human accomplishment one way or the other."
"It's amazing that we ever come close to getting it right."
"We can figure stuff out right we figured out quantum mechanics right we can create these wonderful works from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to Mac Beth right to the Mona Lisa right we can figure out the workings of life."
"Mankind makes one giant leap and lands the first man on the moon, a historic achievement for the human race."
"The first humans on Mars, milestone achieved."
"It remained a remarkable achievement and a testament to what can be accomplished with ingenuity, determination, and just a little madness."
"In the history of space exploration, Apollo 11 stands out as a crowning achievement of human capability."
"These massive constructions, some of which have lasted for Millennia, are truly Testaments to human ingenuity."
"It was the greatest single effort of human deliberation that the world has ever seen."
"Probably the greatest human that's ever lived."
"The single greatest innovation in humankind."
"It's pretty freaking impressive that we've built as humans like look at this freaking bridge."
"That will be a magnificent moment in the history of our species."
"I have no doubt that humans are gonna set foot on the red planet on Mars in the not too distant future."
"Mars has been terraformed... Humanity has created a second Earth."
"Venus has been terraformed... Humanity has created a third Earth."
"Literally extending the light of human consciousness to the stars."
"This was a remarkable piece of engineering and human ingenuity."
"It's a huge achievement of human energy."
"Monuments all over the world are a testament to our creative skill as a species."
"It's the most extreme thing we've probably ever done as humans."
"As humans, we've conquered the most towering mountains and explored the deepest oceans."