
Life Lessons Quotes

There are 13565 quotes

"There are certain things you can only learn the hard way, and so you should learn that the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything we go through is a lesson. As long as you learn and start making different choices, you're progressing."
"The life we live are the lessons we teach others."
"In life, you don't gain unless you gamble a little; in life, you don't gain unless you put yourself in uncomfortable situations."
"My life is a testament to resilience and gratitude."
"The gift... it's actually one of my most powerful life lessons is, we have to eat. So, let's make it a good one."
"The life you live are the lessons you teach."
"Money fixes a whole lot, but it doesn't fix everything."
"The life we live are the lessons we teach other people."
"Sometimes certain characters are brought into our lives to teach us a valuable lesson, but they're not meant to stay."
"The greatest lesson of life is learning how to love and be loved in return."
"You can't purchase happiness; it's not something you can buy."
"Having money is not everything. Not having it is."
"Most importantly of all, it taught me the joys of being a teacher."
"One of the greatest lessons I learned was to accept reality exactly as it is."
"No one paid me to get into bodybuilding for six years, but the lessons I learned from that have shifted my life massively."
"What do you feel like for you, has been your single-handedly biggest lesson in this life?...You're not who you think you are."
"Pain has taught me to understand my true values in life."
"We cannot do this thing called career or life alone. We're just not that smart. We're not that strong. We're just not that good."
"You can be surrounded by all the knowledge in the world, but you do kind of have to live in order to really understand the meaning behind it all."
"The struggle taught me something... the struggle is not it."
"I think near-death experiences can give us powerful lessons about what really matters in this life."
"It's very important in life to feel vulnerable."
"Life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free."
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."
"Everything is a lesson, life, everything that happens to you, man. You better treat that [stuff] like a college course."
"Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction, if you pay attention."
"Failing is wonderful if you learn and share, because it's how we learn from mistakes and enjoy life."
"One of the important things that everybody has to learn in the course of their life is how to forgive."
"People with a near-death experience were my greatest teachers."
"If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Life lesson."
"This has been the worst but most important wake-up call of my entire life for a lot of different reasons."
"Your life is trying to activate these attributes in you because you are those attributes."
"The greatest things in my life have come from the deepest hurt."
"Embrace your embarrassing moments; they make the best stories."
"Life is not fair, and that's okay. Until we accept that reality, we'll always be shocked when something doesn't go our way."
"I think everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they've ever dreamed of so they can see it's not the answer."
"It's usually whatever the problem is, the solution right next to it. And that's in life, too."
"You taught me how important being honest is."
"A lot of what life is, is lessons and seeing the pattern."
"Your life, my life, the life of each one of us is going to serve as either a warning or an example."
"Learning from Ocarina of Time and connecting with what it has to say means living with it, growing up with it, and escaping into it."
"You've got to pay the price of tuition to figure out what you want to do in life."
"In life, you can learn something from anybody."
"At the end of the day, you're just getting new perspectives on life."
"If you don't learn what you were supposed to learn, you are destined to take the class over again."
"Don't stop playing; find your play and make time to play. It's a beautiful lesson."
"Even wrong people in your life become lessons. Bad times become lessons. Your mistakes become great lessons."
"Sometimes you may lose in order to gain, sometimes you may get sick to get healthier, sometimes you may lose to get rewarded, sometimes you go through strife in order for some other plan to come out. Allah knows and you do not know."
"You come into high school merely a young, innocent, and clueless child, but you leave even more clueless than before."
"Most people have a graveyard of failures behind them."
"You might hate something that is actually better for you, and you might want something or like something, which is actually worse for you."
"If you haven't found something that you're willing to die for, then you haven't found the purpose to live."
"Those that are proud will be humbled, and those that are humble will be exalted."
"I've lived these 53 years and learned a lot of things, and all I want to do at this point is just take this wisdom, these things that I've learned, and share them with anybody who wants to receive them."
"My bads have been my stepping stones throughout life."
"A lot of the times, we don't get these gifts unless we learn a lesson first. That's just the nature of life."
"She's giving out a free life lesson for real."
"No one really won, and everyone moved on with their life, or so you would think."
"We've heard these so many times in our lives that they can turn into cliches in our heads and forget how true and valuable these lessons are."
"Sometimes you need life to save you from what you want, to give you what you need."
"Experience, however painful, is the greatest teacher of all."
"There's nothing like a prison camp that makes you realize you could still be happy with very, very little."
"Those who were told they were born with a disadvantage, he taught them how to turn that into an advantage."
"The game taught me how to be a man, taught me about life, gave me some of the deepest friendships."
"One of the chapters in your '21 Lessons for the 21st Century' is 'Happiness equals reality minus expectations'."
"Every new freedom that you get, there's a lot of responsibility that goes along with that."
"I feel like I'm just starting my life now. I finally feel like I'm figuring this stuff out of how to live well and be well and be happy and to be of value and to add back into the world."
"Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right."
"You need to have that firsthand experience of wanting and then being disappointed to have that lesson really sink in."
"She always taught me to just have faith no matter what."
"Life's a bit like a pancake; sometimes you flip it, and sometimes it flops."
"There is so much wisdom in being able to distinguish wants from needs."
"My younger self taught my older self to never count anyone out."
"Virtually every moment, just ordinary life, is showing us the way. The teacher is everywhere; it's life itself."
"Remember, not all is lost. Sometimes certain people and certain things are taken out of our life for a reason."
"Saturn helps us get our stuff together. Saturn helps us mature. Saturn teaches us life lessons and you're ready for it."
"What we'll see in Tokyo Godfathers between these three main characters, Hana, Gin, and Miyuki, are different ranges of care and selfishness and the effect they have, hopefully providing an idea of what we should and shouldn't do, in part, in our own lives."
"I'm appreciative of the lesson... it's one of the biggest teachers in my life."
"Sometimes you're sent the things you need, not the things you want."
"Jim Carrey said that he hopes everyone becomes rich and famous so that they could realize that it's not the answer."
"There's so much wisdom that comes in life through experience."
"If that isn't a lesson to trust the timing of your life implicitly, I just don't know what is."
"The world isn't fair. The sooner you learn that lesson, the better."
"As good as you are, somebody might have a cheat code, and that's life."
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary; you can't gain anything without losing something first."
"One of the biggest things I've learned from Vegas Mat is don't be afraid to make friends and meet people. You never know what's going to happen."
"Actions have consequences, and you might not like the consequence."
"Nothing in life worth having is easy. Remember that, guys."
"Life's my guru, life's my teacher, and it strips you away."
"Most people are in a stupid loop where they actually believe that they'll be happy when they get what they want. You won't."
"There's nothing we can look at, listen to, or touch that can't teach us something important."
"Everything you're going through is for a reason...whoever you're dealing with right now is in your life for learning and for growth."
"It was a disaster in my life, self-inflicted, self-destructive, and something that I will regret for the rest of my life."
"You explained to me what has become arguably the most important lesson I've learned in my life, which is that you can get tougher, and it's important to do so."
"God's ways often include apparent setbacks that result in great advances."
"She taught me three lessons about money at seven that to this day I still teach."
"Soul mates are meant to teach you lessons... but also there is such thing as love, there is such thing as soul mates."
"Life is always whispering feedback to you; if you don't listen, it will have to scream it in your face."
"Life isn't always calm seas and sunny skies, but if you let it, it will teach you to weather any storm."
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."
"If you lie down with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas."
"Popularity isn't the most important measure of this thing, and really, in life in general."
"Oh absolutely, I'd love to have done certain things over, but you can't. That's true in life."
"There's fun and then there's reality. And you had fun up to the point where reality is coming to hit you."
"The most important thing I learned is you realize the things you lose after you've already lost them."
"If we're not careful, we put so much effort on the destination that we forget the lessons that God has to teach us along the journey."
"My dad taught me so many of the key things in life which was... be resilient and be kind and keep going."
"I look for the lessons, I look for the growth opportunities, I lean into the challenging experiences because I know something positive is going to come from it."
"Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine."
"Whole spread was about freaking lessons. Earth school, the biggest teacher is love."
"She reveals to The Child that there is a natural ebb and flow to life and that by living in our hearts and trusting our intuition, we can go with the flow and live the life of our dreams."
"Drake likes to say, 'Better late than never, but never late is better.'"
"You need a new roof. You keep banging up on the things… Here's what happens through life. You learn lies and become loyal to them, and then those lies become limits."
"During the low period in your life, it teaches you a lot."
"I'm not a person to judge people, but I always want to be able to take a situation, extract the lessons that we can learn."
"What you don't tackle when you're young will not disappear; they will show up time and time again."
"You can cut the flower from its roots, and it's beautiful, and you can show it to everybody, but then it dies."
"Don't worry about the past; you're in this lifetime to learn and grow but also to teach others."
"Great parenting... taught me not to quit things."
"There are no mistakes in life; there's only lessons."
"I've learned the hard way that kindness is very much the way forward."
"All that matters is that we learned the lessons in the end. We live and learn."
"All the money in the world can't buy you self-awareness."
"An open letter to my 15-year-old self would be a way to share the crucial life lessons I've learned, hopefully helping others."
"It's one of those things in Spanish that are so small and yet so important. It teaches about life because such a small thing can really explain to us a lot of bigger things."
"Life is not meant to be always happy and euphoric; life is a karmic cycle we come here to learn lessons from."
"I learned that the ultimate lesson is to determine what the questions you're going to ask at the end of your life are going to be, find out those questions, and then live each day intentionally so you're happy with the answers at the end."
"I'd like to share with you some important lessons that I need reminding of, and you all, I believe, also do too."
"Every day he taught us the value of living life to its fullest and the importance of working to be excellent at everything you do, no matter how small of a resource you have."
"The axis of success and the axis of contentment are linked because early on in life, as we climb that mountain, we think that these two things are linked."
"If you don't study, you don't know; if you don't know, reality itself will teach you."
"Sometimes it's the people we love who end up showing their true colors. Better to know than to never find out."
"Pain is uncomfortable, but it serves a purpose."
"The universe doesn't give you what you want, the universe gives you what you need."
"Poker teaches you about things you cannot control, and you have to be okay with it. It's a valuable lesson in both poker and life."
"Everything in life has a learning purpose, but I just feel like you guys are kind of trying to learn who you really are."
"The lessons that I've learned in skateboarding I take throughout my whole life and apply to my whole life."
"If you play chess at all, you'll understand, you move your pieces around the board... But in real life, which is not a chess game, it is personal. We aren't pawns and knights and bishops, we are people."
"This is a really good way for your niece to learn that actions have consequences."
"Be careful what you wish for, because sometimes you're going to get slapped right in the face. Well, metaphorically speaking."
"College taught me real valuable life lessons."
"I've learned a lot more but I wish I would have had a wake-up call before this."
"The deepest lessons can be learned only in retrospect, once the storm has passed."
"You're going to learn that not everybody's going to like you, and that's okay."
"Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment."
"Being 30, you really do get kind of like an eye-opening experience on what matters."
"We won't be in 2020 anymore. You got to take the little victories in life."
"Not every relationship is meant to go from season to season, not every person in the novel of your life is meant to make it to the next chapter."
"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."
"It's never too late... it can play a big role in who you are now."
"As human beings, we make mistakes, we grow, we change, and we continue with our life."
"You actually learn so much from the difficulties and the disappointments of life, and to me now, I realize that's where you start doing your growth, I call it growing pains."
"You got scammed, brother. You got freaking scammed."
"Friendships that go right, relationships that end, and that is okay. That's part of life, that's part of growth, and that's part of change."
"Pain teaches you about how reality works and also how to approach it better."
"The universe has a unique way of revealing who's who. When something gets revealed to you, believe it the first time."
"Rushing through these scenes... she choked and died in her house. So the point of the story is, don't rush."
"It's the lesson of contribution which makes life so meaningful."
"Embrace the unexpected; sometimes the universe sends reminders in the most mundane forms."
"The same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him."
"Jim Carrey has that commencement speech where he says, 'I hope you get everything that you dream of, so that you can realize that that's not the answer.'"
"Every person you meet is meant to bring something into your life, whether it's for a moment or a lifetime."
"That extremely painful experience was probably the best experience of my life, really, and it changed my way of thinking."
"You can't run around trying to save people. Some people's lives are meant to be examples of what you shouldn't do."
"What kids taught me about life and business is... they're my reason. It softened me. I'm living for something different than me."
"Every time I got kicked down and I was wounded, I can go back and look at the scars and go, yes, I went through that because I needed this change in my life."
"Life tends to give us our greatest gifts brilliantly disguised as our worst nightmares."
"Shaolin masters are taught from a young age to overcome fear and how not to let it hold you back."
"Don't have fear of making mistakes because you know, mistakes do happen; it's part of the learning lesson of life."
"One of the things I quickly learned is that everything I had ever learned throughout my entire life was flawed to the point of false."
"Life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through."
"She mentions that she learned this lesson the hard way, and that personal experience is a ruthless teacher."
"You can't just take everyone else down with you; that's not how life works. We have to take accountability for our own actions."
"What we thought was going to be important wasn't important."
"Experience is the one thing that never becomes obsolete."
"You can live your whole life trying to get approval from a world that is so fickle."
"Your struggle is part of making you who you're supposed to be."
"Dogs help us return to our natural, simple, profound way of being – they remind us of who we are and what's truly important."
"Your experiences are some of the best teachers in the world, even if you make mistakes."
"I had a 'wax on, wax off' moment in my life... My dad always said like this is gonna pay off one day."
"But it's going to teach you a few things that if you will live by them, it will increase your joy."
"For everything you do, there are consequences, good and bad."
"Because sometimes you're gonna win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you're gonna save that person, sometimes you're not. And that's something that I think all of us need to understand."
"I've had a good tough upbringing. Learn to respect people, no matter who they are."
"You're not going to be perfect. You're going to make mistakes. The key is to love each other."
"Now I'm gonna tell you the most important lesson I ever learned in my life because it changed the path of my destiny."
"Stories about Death are also stories about life, and the writers that pull it off guide their audience through a journey that lets them sit with that sorrow - and then reminds them that they're alive."
"Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble."
"Whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and whoever shall humble himself shall be exalted."
"You will be rewarded in life for the price you had to pay if you choose to wake up."
"Gilgamesh Tried To Become Immortal And Learned A Great Lesson."
"You take your punches and roll with it. This is boxing, you know. Hey, sometimes you win some, you lose some. It is what it is."
"In order to keep what you got, you need to do what you did to get what you wanna keep."
"The true treasure all along were the friends we made along the way."
"People are in your life for a reason, season, or a lifetime. The pain comes when we put them in the wrong category."
"There will be times in life when we don't have the choice but to accept responsibilities that we may not even be prepared to handle."
"The greatest of all spiritual lessons is letting go."
"Past experiences happened to help you awaken more and that it was never truly personal; it was all a lesson."
"I learned that you can't live your life for other people."