
Outdoor Activity Quotes

There are 548 quotes

"Everyone should get outside and find a movement pastime to last a lifetime."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If every single person on earth spent 30-60 minutes moving outside, I'm convinced the world would be a better place."
"Taking a walk, viewing things at a distance, and especially getting that sunlight outside during the day through mechanisms separate from the clock mechanisms, is known to improve mood and improve metabolic function."
"Let's go! R fam, we just caught our first fish!"
"Spending time outside staying active basically just things to reduce your risk of anxiety and depression over time."
"So today, i'll be asking complete strangers to play catch with me and trying to get them more interested in baseball."
"I think climbing is a good way to hang out with your friends and kind of go out and literally be able to interact with an environment or landscape."
"You've got to get outside, embrace the cold."
"Just get out and ride; that is the number one thing that matters."
"Be good to the ones with whom you live and eat good food, and by all means, get outside and achieve greatness."
"When Pokémon Go came out, it was the first time gamers saw sunlight."
"The Zone reveals a whole new world. We can stick with the old one fearing change."
"In almost any ancestral circumstance, the amount of outdoor time during the summer would result in sufficient vitamin D production."
"That brightful I'm actually gonna go hunting in Africa with that."
"Maybe book in that walk with your family or by yourself with your dog, get in that step count, get in that fresh air as well."
"From my perspective, not necessarily a bushcrafting perspective."
"I personally believe that you'd be way better off telling your kid to go outside and play with kids in the neighborhood or telling them, 'Hey, go solve a problem.'"
"The person who can run on a trail the longest is going to win the challenge."
"The beauty of Pokemon Go is how much fun it is to get outside and walk around, experiencing it with other people." - Noah J456
"I kept my eyes on the path but I was very aware of that thing watching me the whole way until we got to a bend in the path that led away from those trees."
"Start to move around, don't get frustrated, remember it's beautiful out, we're having a good day."
"Go get some sunlight, it's a beautiful day out there."
"As part of the process to fix them I needed to go outside and get some swamp water."
"Snakehead fight hard, look incredible, and are delicious."
"This is the happiest thing ever, this is exactly what I wanted to do at the lake, woo!"
"Nicest day boating I think I've had all year, to be fair."
"Playing puck out on the pond, cool breeze in the flow, 45 degrees but like you're wearing a lot of layers so you're sweating inside. It feels good, I like doing that."
"With a little motor power, you can ride more trails."
"If you stick around a little longer by the grassy area near the Imagination Pavilion, you just might see Winnie the Pooh or Joy."
"More fire tables here... perfect s'mores opportunity."
"Should something say like a bear suddenly take an interest in your leisurely ski, your ski game better be 100."
"The walk was really quite pleasant as long as you ignore the dents."
"Amazingly, magnet fishing where people hunt for metal and treasures submerged in canals and rivers is actually increasing in popularity."
"Well, that's a start, but I don't reckon you came to me to learn to fight sarsaparilla bottles. Tell you what, I gotta go chase geckos away from my water supply anyway. Darn critters are attracted to it. Why don't you come along?"
"Part of the pleasure, part of the joy of the subject was the opportunity to be out in nature."
"I want to hike in public lands, I want to show you the beauty that exists in these places."
"Every time we went fishing, I'd be keeping my eyes open for black bears and maybe hoping to see something like a Bigfoot."
"Everything's depressing a lot of the time, and if video games make you feel love and beauty, don't let anything distract you from that."
"Get outdoors and move while learning - it's the best way to stay energized!" - AJ Hogue
"Want to energize your learning? Get outdoors and move while you study!" - AJ Hogue
"It's always fun to throw off a hill and just see how far you can throw it."
"But it all comes to like this, this moment right here. This is where we earn the downhill. This is the best part of the bike ride."
"Make sure to go outside, go on a walk, clear your head."
"It does not get better than this: Lake Tahoe with the family out on some jet skis. Now that's how you bring them, baby."
"Honestly, mate, one of the single best four-wheel driving experiences I've ever had in my life."
"This has been the most fun I've ever had on a yard cart."
"We hiked all the way down and found the perfect spot to just hang out and lay out."
"This is the payoff for all the work that we do we're feeding ourselves from the land."
"Mountain climbing just takes a little bit of skill."
"I'm really happy I decided to make these trails a few years ago."
"The garden needs pruning, all right boys, it's time, it's time to engage in a little bit of pruning."
"What are you doing? We're getting ready to do some gold."
"It's kind of important, I don't talk about this very often but you should go outside, get some exercise daily."
"An afternoon at the park is just falling after Ling... that's good."
"We're gonna take them out to the country and have some fun with them."
"This is the most cool thing to get out here and be able to do this without making hardly any noise whatsoever."
"It's kind of neat being able to explore the cliffsides and have a nice day freaking camping down here."
"Sharers, comment down below if you would do the overnight challenge in our backyard pond."
"It's just nice to be able to get up and do a bit of shooting."
"We all love doing a bit of shooting whether it be target or hunting. Sometimes it's nice to leave everything at home and go out and just sit. Yeah, you know, we're outdoors and it's just great for men's mental health."
"It's a bit of a track for me. It's a two-hour drive but the drive is worth it. It's covered in like rats. Um, we've got squirrel permissions now."
"So the location based games are giving you reason walk. This is the perfect genre to go outside and play a game."
"Try something different this spring get out there pick up a finesse jig pick up a handful of trailers and go give it a try you're gonna have a blast."
"It's called geocaching and it's pretty much a giant treasure hunt."
"This morning we went on a gorgeous hike to a waterfall."
"That was the most difficult climb I've ever done."
"Yeah but first and foremost we've just done a session in the garden there on completely different type of fitness to anything i've ever done to be honest"
"It was Memorial weekend and... 70s, 80s and 90s... went camping... I had a lot of fun with friends and family..."
"Boys, we need to get started. We are running out of light!"
"I'm obsessed with fishing... it's my passion."
"Sweet! What a beautiful morning. What is going on, my friends? Welcome to a little fishing adventure with the ancient."
"It is an impressive hike that you shouldn't miss if you have the chance."
"You want to see someone go rip a trail superfast and have some fun doing it."
"Stay off of Tick Tock and touch grass, kids."
"So let's go outside and do our best to test this thing out."
"I love it when it's warm, I just want to soak up the sun."
"Oh, what a beautiful day, amazing to go scuba diving."
"It's about 4 p.m., the rain just started, we're fishing in a literal storm."
"We love to barbecue outdoors, especially when we see any glimmer of sunshine."
"Mushroom hunting in the northwest is part of our culture."
"I had an experience while mountain biking..."
"I finally found one at Mountain today this is what I'm gonna be riding."
"You guys are actually watching me learn how to fish a lake like this today."
"So, if this is giving you the idea, why don't go there and try an epic winter ride?"
"Absolutely fantastic day outside kicking up a lot of dust."
"I forgot how much I love just being out in nature."
"It's time also to get a little bit more sunshine, Gemini, get outside more—there, I think we all kind of need to get outside more, right?"
"I'm so excited, we can actually be out here."
"This is what hunting is all about to me man, coming out here having a good time with your friends."
"These baits are amazing for going anywhere doing anything."
"Before it gets too dark I want to take you guys on a little bit of a tour of the pond."
"There is a monumental difference between showing up and shooting something on a hunt and grinding out every last day of the hunt, looking, searching, doing your best, and just pouring everything out in search of an animal."
"It's a good day to go outside, stretch, get some fresh toxic air, maybe scavenge a thing or two."
"There's nothing wrong with squats over the rock."
"Cripps trading company is officially up and running so get out there and do some huntin'." - Cripps
"Pay attention to the bobber now, munch it munch it munch it, there we go that's a fish baby."
"Let's have a tent in the backyard, have a camp out."
"My favorite part of rucking is the mental health aspect."
"If you've never caught White Bass Run up in a creek, you need to try."
"We've had an amazing day on foot out here today, probably caught around 40 fish honestly."
"Let's go ahead and clean up the grass we're going to do it."
"My God that duck hunter, his equipment's unreal."
"Catching a giant bass in the winter time? Throw a deep diving crankbait in brush piles."
"I'm glad people are getting out and gardening."
"Couldn't ask for a better night. Gourmet camp meals."
"Over the course of the last three months, I've uploaded four videos mainly about yeti fishing."
"Pick the one you feel like is going to be the most enjoyable for you and get out to the lake and start fishing."
"We've got the best day for foraging ever."
"What is good, Foundation Nation! We're out here in Ogden, Utah, River Park, playing against Team High Altitude. Let's do it!"
"We're going to go on a nature walk, it's amazing."
"I hope you enjoyed our day out today."
"Epic 24-hour fish trap day, it feels good to be back."
"I'm going to go bike packing on this thing, two-day trip and that is going to give it the ultimate test."
"I took a whole full day white water kayaking course."
"The freedom when you're riding the sand is the draw for me. I mean you can go out there on a day that there's no tracks on the sand, that's the perfect, perfect dune."
"Rogers and Tony Stark ventured outdoors and engaged in wood chopping."
"Get yourselves out there and enjoy fishing."
"I had a perfect day. No boats, no noise. Sunny, few clouds, and a nice slight breeze bringing the tiniest ripples on the water. Perfect fishing day."
"Obviously, I'm not going to make a lot of money doing these square bales but I thought it was a fun way to kind of get outside, get a workout, kind of go back old school with a small square baler."
"where else would I rather be... this is it, we're out doing it, we're lucky to be doing it"
"That's crazy that that track and the drone took you right on the trail dude."
"Oh, he's so cute, he loves it outside."
"I started running in some grass and then sort of a wooded area."
"There's nothing quite like loading up on eggs and bacon. Definitely going to need this protein for our hike later this morning."
"Really really impressed with this camper and can't wait to show it off a bit more and get him out there and get them on the trails."
"It was incredible it's spring everybody get outside that's my recommendation go find a 5K and like train for it you know I'm gonna run a 5K in May so you have to go jogging or something just get yourself outside."
"There's nothing better than spending time with your buddies out on the trail."
"Okay, let's set up a giant slip and slide in our backyard."
"One of the most important behaviors is waking up and going outside... Your visual health leads your mental health."
"We're back, we're back with the team, we're back with Rich Larson, we're back with Mobility, we're back with trying to inspire you to get off your ass and do something outside because that lifestyle is going to lend itself to preparedness."
"Fishing, because fishing is how you go outside."
"We went outside and we like sledded with a cardboard box."
"I'm going to go brave the outdoors and go put some books in the little Free Library. I'm going to do it, babe. I'm going to."
"I love camping. What could be more fun than lying in a field at night?"
"It's amazing how kids come to life once they're cooking on a fire."
"I love working or having fun work, like a physical activity outside, like at a playground or a park or hiking."
"...it's a simple way to just introduce a little bit more outdoor activity in your life, doesn't cost anything and it has a huge positive disproportion effect on your happiness."
"I hope you enjoyed this video, and I know it was long so now I would highly recommend that you just shut off all electronics and go outside for a walk or sit and have some tea and read a book or something."
"We're gonna go counterclockwise around the lake it's about 13-ish miles hour hour and a half right at your own pace have some fun."
"When all of this is over, we are planning on going mud locking with the mud pies."
"It's always great to be outside and be in the woods so we had a good time doing that."
"Playing at the park with the kids today has actually worked me out of a little bit of a funk I was in."
"Always a great time out in the kayak catching fish and bringing them home to eat."
"Get out, get outdoors, let that sun hit you."
"Two hours a day outdoors can offset or even reverse nearsightedness."
"Camping season is just right around the corner."
"Provides 20 hours of cooling and reliable leak protection, perfect for any outdoor activity."
"Hike the Box Academy is freaking awesome."
"I love to come out here and I burn that stuff. Well, after Christmas it warmed up but the wind matched the temperature."
"I much prefer a binocular harness and I think most people out there who do a lot of hiking like big game western hunts are wearing binocular harnesses for a reason."
"I think instead of going to the gym, I'm gonna do a little walk, a little lap around my neighborhood."
"We're having so much fun enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air."
"A lightweight fleece is an active layer, so you can wear it in the cold and still run up a hill."
"Ultra Light fishing will boost your confidence."
"I am totally sweating, I just climbed way up this mountain to find a nice little spot here."
"From a first-hand experience it's lovely man I mean I love the fact that I can go outside and get interaction anytime I want."
"We've made it a huge priority to go outside on every single sunny day because it really is quite cloudy and Moody most of the time during the season."
"I love exploring new spots as you guys can see, we have the waders on."
"I really liked it was plenty playful for me and I mean that's what I was more focused on was just jibbing around on the trail versus trying to Nuke down as fast as I could."
"I love it out here I'm so excited to be out here right now playing. It's a perfect Arizona spring day."
"It feels good to have gotten my workout done and also get some like fresh air and walk with her."
"Now, to be honest, typically we do this inside, but it feels so good outside, we're going to have some fun."
"Blue had a lovely fetch session, huh buddy? On those fields over there, which is great when we're able to find stuff like that for him to run around."
"We're at the park right now, and we're gonna have a little paint war."
"Get outside and take a walk to allow your imagination to run."
"It feels so good to be out here doing this again, even if I'm doing it slow for short periods of time."
"I think you just need to bear in mind the transition when you eventually run outside, it'll feel totally different."
"Weather forecast last night said 98 degrees and sunny, so I wanted to come out here first thing in the morning to avoid getting beamed down by that 98 degree Sun."
"Appreciate you guys watching; this was like a bonsai trip wasn't really planning to come out, but I just knew I had to hit that spillway."
"Here we've got a cross-country course, we've got literally miles and miles of hacking, I can go for a six hour hack if I want to."
"This one breathed a little bit of life back into me because even though I didn't uh have that deer on camera um you know ended up with a really nice box."
"Gardening is something that you do outside in the warmer months, where you grow vegetables or flowers."
"This Daniel Boon Trail system is tight."
"Exercising these dogs and getting outside with them is so important, and it's actually really good not only for them but for me, my mental health, going on walks with them."
"Preparing for deer season, it’s a great way to get outside and enjoy Creation."
"I don't wear any makeup when I go surfing."
"There's no better way to get outside and enjoy the spring than with an electric e-bike."
"That's success, it's always a success when you're outside."
"I think that's what mommy needs. I'm gonna feed her a little bit more and then we're gonna bundle up and go outside."
"Climbing up high is a lot of fun, but it's important to drink water after you play."
"King's Landing, you must make a reservation whether you're renting canoes or kayaks or if you're launching your own. You must make a reservation online."
"Last time we did it it was a summer's day and we just did it outside and it was just great."
"It's a full family and I out on the dirt bikes tonight."
"A climbing frame is always a great idea."
"I just love it to see this Young Generation coming outside and uh working on their game in a in a park and not needing a gym you know what I'm saying this this is where you get that that toughness and that grit."
"...you can literally take these boots out of the box at your camp and start hiking and hunting as we've done it many times."
"It's been a long day today, but we made good ground, and what's more, we're going to have a good camp cookout tonight too."
"The top water stuff is just so much fun and excitement when they hit it."
"...so there you go kids how much fun is it when you get to cut the grass on a ride on lawnmower just like this I hope you've learned Lots about ride-on lawn mowers I hope you've had lots of fun today I certainly have."
"I'm gonna be using the Z-Man Bang Sticks, black and blue laminate color."
"Ever since I camped here, I'd been wanting to come out in the kayak, so I'm glad my mate brought it, we can go for a little early morning kayak and continue the adventure."
"Especially when I'm fishing, I can put my hoodie up, it keeps the sun off of you."
"Late afternoon hours are always going to be the best time of day to fish."
"Hope you learned a little bit about... how to prepare for a great day of offshore fishing."
"I encourage someone to shoot sporting clays if they have a competitive Drive, want to meet new friends, and have some fun. If you're an avid hunter or even if you're not and you enjoy being outdoors and you like the smell of shotgun Gunpowder, go out there and give it a try."
"Camping season has officially begun."
"I'm really excited for this one because I just enjoy camping season."
"Let's go get some more, baby! Crappie fishing from the bank, guys. It's nothing more fun than this right here. Let's see what else we can get."
"You wouldn't experience that if you weren't on a bike."
"That trail was one of my absolute favorites I've ever ridden in my whole life."