
Public Health Quotes

There are 6256 quotes

"By putting fluoride in the drinking water, they could prevent a large amount of tooth decay and cavities that would otherwise occur."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Optimizing sun exposure may be a possible public health intervention."
"If just half of Americans ate one more serving of fruits and vegetables, we would prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year."
"The United States Surgeon General even referred to this as a loneliness epidemic and saying that it's a Public Health crisis."
"Masks do more to protect other people than ourselves."
"Wearing the mask becomes respect...you do it out of respect."
"We simply want to equip particularly young people with the knowledge of the part that they can play in stemming the passing title of new cases, not because the coronavirus represents a significant threat to them, but because no younger American would ever want to spread the coronavirus to someone who would have a serious outcome."
"Doing the moderate social distancing, doing the basic things, will go a long way."
"Clean air is something everyone can get behind... You reduce CO2 but you're also really focusing on the human story which is making air cleaner for kids."
"The vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person."
"I think we're looking at meditation as the next big public health revolution."
"When you have 110,000 people dying of overdoses last year in this country, and overdose being the number one killer of men between 18 and 34, it is a crisis."
"We managed to get rid of alcohol abuse finally last episode. It's no longer an issue in our country, in our society, which is very good."
"Now is the time more than ever when we need to stand in line six feet apart."
"This is a layered approach. Every layer of precaution we add helps us as a society and as a city change our collective behavior."
"I will say that with the pandemic now, and certainly just with infectious diseases in general, it's really important to be aware of the possibility for compromising your health through the spread of germs."
"For decades, we've under-invested in the public health infrastructure of this nation."
"I would rather see during my legacy to help over-prepare our nation's public health system."
"There's no doubt that these recommendations mean inconvenience and disruptions for many, but we all need to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect the most vulnerable."
"We can't let the virus rip, so we follow a balanced approach, to keep the R down while keeping schools and the economy going, and controlling the virus by changing our behavior so as to restrict its spread."
"The pandemic continues to pose risks to the economic outlook. Progress on vaccinations has limited the spread of COVID-19 and will likely continue to reduce the effects of the public health crisis on the economy."
"It's bad in principle to inject billions of people with an experimental technology."
"It's a public health imperative to address vitamin D deficiency."
"The sickness is the system when capitalism fails to save us from pandemics or itself."
"Our administration is working around the clock to ensure that there is enough safe baby formula available for all who need it."
"Wearing a mask in public when you cannot social distance is a sign of respect."
"Public health would improve dramatically, and if you really think about it, that's all that matters."
"A resource-based economy wants to create a sustainable culture... to support public health directly, not through the movement of money."
"Public health and ecological sustainability are the true economic factors in our world."
"Vaccines are becoming extraordinary as a tool and whether you hate a COVID vaccine or love a COVID vaccine, it's a technology that has saved tens if not hundreds of millions of lives."
"This is a public health crisis, and you cannot solve public health crises one person at a time."
"Vaccination status is a public health issue that affects people throughout society, it is not a hazard particular to the workplace."
"No matter who you are or what you do, this is a time where you should be focused on your health and that of your neighbors, not whether you're going to lose your job, not whether you're going to run out of money for things like groceries and medication."
"To flatten the curve and to protect those who are most vulnerable, we have to look out for each other."
"We need to see even more action like this going forward because this is a time to think about each other, not about the bottom line."
"We have to continue doing what we are doing correctly, and that means staying at home as much as possible."
"There is very good national coordination of all the public health officers."
"We all have a role to play in the fight against COVID-19."
"Every single one of us have a social responsibility to protect not only ourselves but our loved ones."
"Our response has been based on the latest available science and advice from our world-class health professionals."
"Please get tested, get vaccinated, and if you're not doing those two things, please just stay home."
"Social distancing, which means staying at least 2 meters apart and staying home as much as possible, is the best way to help each other."
"There's no financial barrier, there's every good reason, and it is essential that people come forward as soon as they register symptoms."
"It's following the ones we have now, it's following and playing our part, all of us sticking together and looking out for each other."
"The seriousness of this disease cannot be overstated."
"By keeping a distance of two meters from someone else, you are protecting yourself and others."
"Keep doing what you're doing with the 30 days to slow the spread, and we will hasten the day that we heal our land."
"We want to be very, very safe at the same time we got to get our country open."
"This is just an appropriate step surely from a public health perspective."
"We really do have to learn how to coexist with this virus in a way that doesn't require constant closing down of economies but at the same time in a way that is not associated with high levels of suffering and death."
"The best place you can quarantine people is in their homes."
"Those who have taken it seriously over the past seven weeks, you have saved countless lives."
"Outbreaks like this require an aggressive, coordinated, and comprehensive response, as well as timely and trusted guidance from public health officials."
"We're working hard to contain and mitigate this virus outbreak to save lives and protect Americans."
"We're in the midst of procuring more immediately, meaning tens of millions, and have released a request for proposals for 500 million N95 respirators."
"No one should be afraid to seek care as the coronavirus spreads, placing our communities at risk."
"Discrimination against Asian Americans and Asian immigrants during this time is unacceptable. Public health concerns do not target any group by race or ethnicity."
"Victorians have earned this restrictions being eased. There's more we can do, but we can only do that with the certainty and the protection of having the public health information, testing, and responses in place."
"Social responsibility: Stay at home. Don't get infected in the first place."
"Unless you are doing essential work... please stay home."
"What will get us through this outbreak is a combination of our restrictions but also of more people being vaccinated."
"Even one dose of the vaccine not only gives you personal protection but it also reduces your chances of passing the disease onto others."
"Test, test, test. Testing is the foundation of breaking transmission chains."
"Given that young people are dying from spontaneous cardiac deaths, in my mind, this always should have been an emergency. We should be investigating this."
"The American people deserve to know that we're going to save lives as we reopen our country."
"Monkeypox cases are rising sharply, and that is the absolute worst collection of words that you're going to hear this summer."
"The correct honorable way to do this is to recognize that lives are at stake in the public health policy questions."
"Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly being recognized as a public health priority."
"People are starting to wake up to the problems in our criminal justice system, and that's great for the long-term health of our public."
"We are dealing with a deadly virus and this behaviour is unacceptable."
"Loneliness could actually be the number one public health issue we're facing right now."
"Starting at the end of 2021, overdoses became the number one cause of death among U.S. adults aged 18 to 45."
"Finland has virtually eliminated vitamin D deficiency in its population with rates of less than one percent."
"We have to all be on the same page that this is a big issue on a national systems level and it should not bombard your daily life as a person trying to enjoy a happy time in their life with fear."
"The coronavirus is God's call to His people to overcome self-pity and fear and with courageous joy to do the good works of love that glorify God."
"This just reminds us that the pandemic doesn't care if you're a Democrat or Republican, and we all need to be vigilant and do our part until we defeat this virus."
"We have four percent of the world's population, we have 21 percent of the deaths from COVID-19."
"Israel has what they're calling vaccine green cards...if you'd like to go to this restaurant, if you'd like to go to this bowling alley, if you'd like to go to this crowded scenario, get the vaccine."
"This excess mortality and that's why I think it's so important to discuss and learn."
"To every single American, please know that the sacrifice you're making at this time is saving lives, many, many lives."
"We're used to thinking about smoking and obesity as clear public health concerns... loneliness increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and among older adults, dementia."
"The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations, it is to protect the health of the populations."
"Big Pharma never came up with this initiative; it was the World Health Organization who had proposed a roadmap to eradicate the diseases by 2020 and convinced governments and NGOs to join them."
"Harm Reduction is a progressive approach to public health which takes into account that people are going to engage in risky behaviors."
"Any negative pattern we see occurring consistently over time in relevant numbers across a given population is effectively a public health concern."
"Poverty and inequality is an economic precondition simply for disease, violence, disorder, and lower public health."
"This isn't an argument towards what's good or bad...This is an issue of Public Health and what is required to keep society with some form of stability."
"There's a reason we're not talking about measles today. It was a required vaccination. We put it behind us."
"A disease with a relatively low mortality, if it affects very large numbers of people, can have a massive impact."
"Population immunity leads to the epidemic going away."
"These vaccines are helping countless people avoid the harms associated with COVID-19."
"Taiwan has started doing face mask diplomacy... they have big signs on that say Taiwan can help."
"The harms of our children from those school closures are a heinous legacy of those who recommended and presided over that policy."
"We have an opioid crisis that is killing 70 to 80 thousand people a year in this country. That's way more than the wars kill us."
"In the face of deadly heat waves, the city has appointed an extreme heat official."
"Social distancing... was arbitrarily arrived at."
"To win, we need to attack the virus with aggressive and targeted tactics: testing every suspected case, isolating and caring for every confirmed case, and tracing and quarantining every close contact."
"At the core of public health, there is this principle of social justice. That people have the right to be healthy and to live in conditions which support their health."
"The strength of a public health system rests on its capacity to effectively deliver the 10 essential services of public health."
"Interventions focusing on the lower level of the pyramid tend to be more effective because they reach broader segments of society and require less individual effort."
"Public health focuses on populations while health care focuses on the individual patient."
"You cannot fight a fire blindfolded. And we cannot stop this virus if we don't know who is infected."
"According to the federal government, just one of our studies has led to the prevention of about 1.7 million people from being injured every year, with the savings of two billion dollars in health care costs."
"We're going to start a new effort today, a public education campaign that reminds people that it's smart, it's right, and it's caring to come out and get the vaccine."
"As I said, one of the most important things we need to do is build a robust long-term foundation of global health."
"Why do we lurch from crisis to crisis and lapse into complacency in between? This outbreak is a reminder of the importance of a well-prepared, well-trained, well-trusted, well-funded public health system."
"CDC and our public health partners are the nation's first line of defense against these disease threats."
"Anything that can actually go into somebody's lung through vaping or anything else is of concern to us."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, but personal beliefs and individual choice should be respected."
"A devastating infectious disease pandemic could kill more people than nuclear war."
"We can't afford to ignore lessons that measles, Ebola, pandemic influenza, the plague, Zika, and other diseases have been teaching us about our vulnerabilities."
"Roosevelt’s biggest accomplishment was his influence and signing of both the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act."
"Please, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated, do it. Do it now. For yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, and for your country." - President Joe Biden urging vaccination
"Every day, WHO is talking to ministers of health, heads of states, health workers, hospital managers, industry leaders, CEOs, and more to help them prepare and prioritize according to their specific situation."
"The best defense against these variants is to get vaccinated. It's the most patriotic thing you can do."
"If you haven't gotten vaccinated, do it, do it now. For yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, and for your country."
"Vaccines do reduce symptoms and they do save the lives of many people...but the discussion about mandates is 100% based on the premise that the vaccine protects others from you."
"I fully expected medical science, government, public health to mobilize the knowledge of vitamin D, but it didn't happen."
"That knowledge might as well never have happened as far as the COVID-19 epidemic developed without the involvement of Vitamin D."
"The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce the risks of COVID-19."
"If the fear caused you to not get your kids vaccinated against polio, please do. This is a really serious illness."
"We have the chance to within 10 years stop HIV from being an epidemic in this country."
"Vaccines for me are just this win-win situation. It protects me, which I'm pretty happy about, but it also protects those around me and contributes towards herd immunity. So it's a win-win situation."
"Playing politics with public health...does nothing to advance the health and safety of the American people."
"Harm reduction does not coddle the drug addict... what's better, that people should inject with dirty needles using puddle water from the back alleys, or should they use sterile water and given human contact which would encourage them to seek help?"
"This pandemic is a once in a century public health challenge."
"Iodine deficiency is recognized as the most common cause of preventable brain damage in the world."
"Even moderate deficiency results in a loss of at least 10 to 15 IQ points."
"The prevalence of both obesity and type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide, and this trend is associated with increasing mortality, cardiovascular risk, and healthcare costs."
"Public Health believes that you have truthful conversations at an esoteric level and then you decide on a different exoteric strategy because the public doesn't know Transfer RNA from messenger RNA."
"As soon as the opioid crisis really penetrated the suburbs and the white community, suddenly we look at it as a public health issue."
"The Secretary of Health in the UK has launched a call for evidence to improve vitamin D levels in the population, increase intake through dietary supplements and fortified foods and drinks."
"One action that each and every one of us can take is to follow the rules on hygiene, on social distancing, not just for you, but for your loved ones and for your community."
"Theme parks may consider reopening with limited capacity, strict social distancing, and proper measures to clean and disinfect."
"It explains everything. I hope it becomes mainstream for public health."
"The real herd immunity that we have here is innate immunity."
"If you want to end the pandemic, get vaccinated."
"It is incumbent for us to adopt as it's quite obvious that the virus itself has adapted."
"The health of the nation is literally at stake; it's not hyperbole."
"These findings provide rationale to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using population-based and public health measures."
"This COVID issue... is a totally unprecedented issue that was never foreseen."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to outbreaks."
"These pandemics are coming. We've been saying it collectively for the last several years."
"Misinformation can substantially impede the effectiveness of public health response measures, increase societal discord, reduce trust in governments, leaders, and responders, and increase stigmatization."
"It is much more humane, efficient, and economical to prevent disease rather than to identify, respond, diagnose, treat, and attempt to contain an outbreak."
"The best vaccine cannot change the course of an outbreak if people refuse to take it."
"Every day more and more people go without work and paychecks, propelling the debate of how important the stability of the economy is to public health."
"If you make guns harder to access, you limit the amounts a lot less young black men are going to die in these poor neighborhoods."
"When people are dying, when people don't feel safe, the economy is not going to come back." - Mike DeWine.
"More than 44,000 people died because of guns in the U.S last year, that's the size of a small city wiped out."
"As campaign chairs of Vax Live, my husband and I believe it's critical that our recovery prioritizes the health, safety, and success of everyone, particularly women who have been disproportionately affected by this pandemic."
"If huge numbers of people are successfully switching over to e-cigarettes, this has the potential to really dramatically reduce death and disease associated with smoking."
"I should stress that if we are to beat the virus, then everyone, at all times, should limit social contact as much as possible and minimize interactions with other households."
"Met with the information that their products were causing a massive health epidemic in the 1960s, the industry responded not with concern, apologies or any effort to rectify the situation, but instead with a massive push to mislead consumers and deny their part in causing hundreds of thousands of people to lose their lives."
"I've been privileged to spend my entire public health career in the struggle to reduce largely preventable health disparities and pursue health equity."
"We're living through an unprecedented public health emergency, and we need to keep responding accordingly."
"We must remember to keep doing the things that are helping to slow down and then to stop the transmission in our communities. This includes washing our hands frequently, physical distancing from one another, and staying home as much as possible."
"It's a public health issue and we deal with public health issues by raising awareness by talking about the subject."
"The United States is headed into the G7 in a position of strength, with 64 percent of our adult population vaccinated."
"We're working with donuts and beer and all sorts of incentives to get young people and people vaccinated who have been either hesitant, resistant, or just didn't want to take the step to get vaccinated."
"You are aware of the fact that an unprecedented way, life expectancy is actually going down in America because of diseases of despair."
"No matter where we live in our country, everyone must remember to keep doing the things that are helping to slow down and then to stop the transmission in our communities."
"We need to keep practicing physical distancing, staying home, and washing our hands."
"Saving lives and how many people's lives can be saved depending on the rate of infection."
"This is a step we can all take to protect the health and safety of Canadians and ultimately to ensure that our economic rebound comes more quickly."
"Safe injection sites... all showing the same pattern of infections, like HIV and hepatitis C, as well as overdose deaths, all decreasing as well as a general lifting of the stigma that came with addiction."
"Liberalisation of gun access is associated with an increase in fatalities from guns."
"The number one priority from our standpoint is the health and safety of the American people."
"Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at a minimum. Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing. The estimates by the experts are we'll save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if people act responsibly."
"It's not about your rights; it's about your responsibilities as an American."
"We're working to ensure that the American people have access to vaccines, will have enough to vaccinate all American adults by the end of May."
"Our whole response thus far has been a response to a crisis."
"Three billion lives were saved by the COVID-19 vaccine."
"We are living during an epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings."
"The death certificates of more than 150,000 Americans will say something like Covid-19. In a larger sense, what should be written on those death certificates as the cause of death is 'incompetence.'"
"We will all have to make adjustments that may be uncomfortable for us, but when you have thousands upon thousands of people in our state who are testing positive, we have to do all that we possibly can do to slow the spread of this virus."
"It's not that if you're young and you go to a big public event you're gonna die, but that if you go to a public event, you may become a carrier or transmitter to somebody who is more vulnerable."
"Wearing a mask, according to experts, can help, but it cannot replace the social distancing that we should be practicing as a priority."
"I am a science fearing man. I believe vaccines may be, along with antibiotics, the most miraculous invention for public health in the 20th century."
"Vaccines have completely transformed what childhood is like."
"Vaccines save lives. They prevent disease, they prevent disability. Do they have side effects? Yes. But wisdom resides in the balance of those risks and benefits."
"Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 49 because it's pouring over the border like an open sewer."
"Sitting is the new smoking. Sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of all-cause mortality."
"Medical error is the third leading cause of death."
"The American people have made it clear that they want a government that will fight this virus and will protect their families and small businesses from the impacts of COVID-19."
"Many people look around the ways that big industries like pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and processed foods interact with the agencies that are meant to regulate them and it seems to them that there's generally very little concern for the health and well-being of ordinary citizens."
"This is not a political issue. This virus does not care. It doesn't care the color of your skin. It doesn't care about the god to whom you pray. It infects, it spreads like wildfire, and it can kill you. Game over."
"Our focus every step of the way was doing what was necessary every moment based on the recommendations of experts, based on science, and doing what we can to keep Canadians safe."
"It's not easy to operate in an economy and in a society where we all have to practice physical distancing, but it's what we have to do."
"We all must stay strong and stay at home unless we are doing essential work."
"Coronavirus is not like the flu; it's vicious."
"President Trump has no higher priority than the health, safety, and well-being of the American people."
"The compliance of the Chinese population was a major factor in reducing the spread of the infection."
"Social distancing... means curtailing our social activities. We don't want to be in crowded places at this point."
"Self-isolation if you're concerned you might be infected... is to call in for advice rather than to visit a hospital or GP."
"We're going to get a lot more cases if there's community spread from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic carriers."
"Everyone has their role to play, absolutely everyone, in preventing the spread of this infection, in saving lives."
"When you social distance, you are interrupting the flow of the pathogen through our society. You are part of a collective that's engaged in the battle with this virus and you're doing your part."
"We can defeat this virus, but we have to work together and we have to be really proactive."
"The more people who are vaccinated, the safer we are."