
Suffering Quotes

There are 6472 quotes

"War is waged by powerful, rich people, and it's the poor people that suffer."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People think, 'Oh, it's just her period.' Well, actually for a lot of women, they really do suffer."
"Suffering is not a mental illness; it is part of the human experience."
"I'm all about just alleviating suffering and helping All Humans."
"There's a lot of people really suffering out there, and we have to be much more attuned to that and listen to people."
"Understanding there's a root to your suffering is the first step of a very important journey."
"Every great philosopher that's ever come before us talks about how suffering and sacrifice lead to becoming good men."
"On the other side of suffering is happiness."
"Life is too short to suffer, and I'm not gonna tolerate it because we all get what we tolerate in ourselves."
"The one thing I've learned in my research above all else is that in the absence of love and belonging, there's always suffering."
"Life moves only in one direction, and suffering comes from wishing that it didn't."
"Desire is suffering, but I like the pain anyway because with desire comes growth."
"Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds its meaning."
"All suffering comes from attachment to an outcome."
"Suffering is crucial in order to grow and to develop."
"I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through. It's terrible, no one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered."
"All the 20 years of suffering has a meaning if it allows me to help somebody else not end up down that road."
"No matter how much suffering comes my way, no matter how much undeserved suffering comes my way, I will not lose faith and I will do good."
"I choose peace. Life does not want you to suffer."
"You can't enjoy the beauty in life without suffering through the pain first."
"Mindfulness may help you accept things as they are, or in other words, suffering = resistance x pain."
"We are living in dark times... There's so much suffering, and disease, and death. What is the role of spirituality and philosophy at a time like this?... This is the time when these questions become most important."
"Desiring what, and for whose sake, would that person continue to suffer?"
"If God is all-powerful, God can do everything and remove our suffering, and if God is loving, God would not want us to suffer. Then how is there suffering possible?"
"The desire for God is not to be counted among desires...the desire for God acts as an antacid; it removes the suffering created by worldliness."
"Deep sleep state gives us that experience of bliss and beyond all suffering."
"You suffer because you don't know who you are. You confuse yourself with your body, mind experience."
"The source of suffering is clinging, craving, desire, expectations, or attachments to things."
"Suffering often means there is a greater readiness for spiritual awakening."
"All life is suffering... but the other part of his teaching is, 'I show you suffering and the end of suffering.'"
"Suffering stops once we rid ourselves of the attachment to our desires."
"We might well define consciousness as the capacity to suffer."
"The link between consciousness and suffering, and between consciousness and politics, manifests itself in numerous political debates in the modern world."
"Ultimately, the ultimate goal of yoga is to transcend suffering."
"I teach that there is suffering and there is a reason for suffering, a cause, and there is an end to suffering, and there is a way out of suffering. The four noble truths."
"Finding meaning for your suffering is everything."
"The living all suffer, but don't you think the dead suffer more?"
"The suffering comes out in a lot of different ways. It may be that in a relationship, a person realizes, 'I can never feel like I can really get close to someone.'"
"The Buddha said that the great suffering we experience is not realizing the truth of who we are."
"If you want to change your life, sign up for an ultramarathon...you will meet yourself in a way you never have before, and there will be a tremendous amount of suffering, but there is a joyous aspect to that because it's a journey of self-discovery."
"After that you have suffered a while, He will make you perfect, establish you, strengthen you, and settle you."
"If I'm going to suffer, it's going to produce glory."
"Suffering recalls your real nature, and you relax into the Peace of that."
"There is a huge difference between pain and suffering."
"Suffering is the nature of self because of the impermanent nature of all phenomena that the self clings to."
"The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
"I hope people find it useful, you know, I hope it alleviates some unnecessary suffering."
"Suffering is really, unfortunately, one of the biggest ways that we learn. It's one of the really big ways that we grow."
"You're a person who is suffering right now, and that deserves a show of mercy."
"I think trans people are funnier than cis people. Suffering tends to make people funnier."
"The title of the book refers to a theoretical landscape in which the peaks represent the heights of well-being and the valleys represent the deepest suffering."
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"True, valuable happiness only comes through the conscious choice to suffer."
"Notice when you're suffering and what causes suffering."
"Suffering itself is not necessarily evil... When I work out, I experience suffering, but we would say this is healthy and therefore instrumentally good."
"The good of life outweighs the suffering that we can experience."
"Triumph with suffering is far more intrinsically better than a world without suffering and just pleasure."
"A world with virtuous people and suffering is far better than a world without virtuous people and just pleasure."
"What has higher value, the suffering of others or our convenience?"
"Pain is unavoidable. We're physical, sentient beings. Suffering, however, is something we can work to eradicate."
"I think we have a moral obligation to minimize unnecessary suffering when it occurs."
"I am in a situation where I have the opportunity to minimize unnecessary suffering in such a way that there is practically no skin off my back. To me, that is almost the definition of a moral obligation."
"The only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow. To grow, you must suffer."
"A full-scale conflict in a country of 44 million people will bring immense suffering."
"In their capacity to suffer, a dog is a pig is a bear is a boy; we are all equal in our capacity to suffer, which is all that matters."
"You gain knowledge through suffering. And on the other end of suffering is a world that very few have ever seen. It's a beautiful world because that's where you find yourself."
"Life is full of beauty, life is full of suffering. You cannot control what happens to you; you can only control how you react."
"All your entire life you live in one of two states: states of suffering or beautiful states of being."
"For Dostoevsky, suffering is a fundamental tenet of human life; it is infused in the blood. Thus, there is no life nor social or material condition for life that can exist without suffering."
"I want to tell this young man and woman that the only way, I believe, this is just my experience in life, the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow. To grow, you must suffer."
"Every minute that you're not awake, you're living through an unnecessary hell, not realizing the love that is all around you, that is your god-given birthright."
"Life is suffering. What do you do about that? Accept it, bear the weight of it, play the drama out."
"Ageing is the world's biggest cause of death and the world's biggest cause of suffering as well."
"The first step in becoming free of unnecessary suffering is to become aware of your own mind."
"When you are rooted there, then the whatever it may be, the pandemic, the whatever, any form of illness or adversity, they still arise but they are not transformed into extreme suffering anymore."
"A difficult human is usually an unconscious human. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know that they're creating suffering for themselves and others; they just can't help it because they're in the grip of certain forms of mental emotional conditioning, which is their ego."
"The landscape of suffering in the minds of conscious beings is much larger than humans."
"Acknowledge your own suffering and look to the wisdom within toward the healing."
"In the absence of love and belonging, there's always suffering."
"Suffering compels us to grow. It is an incredible learning tool as much as we don't like it."
"The fourth noble truth is that there is a way to go beyond suffering, there is a method to it, that is called Marga, the way, the well-known Eightfold Way."
"I have understood the truth of suffering, and there is a cause of that, and I can be free of it."
"I think that you don't suffer less, you suffer differently. And the most important thing is if you're not alone."
"Change is not tantamount to suffering; it is our unenlightened state in which we grasp by changing objects, thinking that they are going to be unchanging sources of joy for us."
"Suffering and pain is understood to be a function of an untamed and undisciplined mind, and happiness and joy is understood to be a function of a tamed and disciplined mind."
"The Buddha taught that suffering must be understood or recognized but there is no suffering to be understood and recognized once you have attained the result."
"Bravery is only good insofar as it overcomes some form of suffering or evil."
"When you are faced with evil and suffering, assume that there is a justification for why it's happening; you just don't know what it is."
"Suffering in this war, like in all wars, is tragic. It is heartbreaking."
"I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage."
"The ultimate defeat of suffering is when everything sad is going to come untrue."
"Time does seem to slow when we're experiencing our moments of maximum suffering."
"Facing the potential for malevolence within you and in the world, and voluntarily accepting the burden of suffering, is perhaps the truest form of responsibility one can undertake."
"These are people who have suffered horribly at the hands of history."
"Sometimes to get the thing that is good, you have to be willing to suffer and engage in things that are painful and difficult to get there."
"Suffering is a fact of life. If you look at suffering the right way, it's a great tool to callous your mind."
"I believe that life, the purpose of it, is to learn, and it's a struggle, and it is to suffer. I don't think that we are put on the planet to be happy. I actually genuinely believe we're upon the planet to learn things and to struggle and to genuinely suffer."
"If you want to be any kind of man of caliber, your life needs to be full of suffering. If you don't have that story of pain, you don't have a story at all."
"If you have intense chronic pain, my heart goes out to you. It's really awful."
"No mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering."
"You can live a life and avoid suffering, but overcoming suffering is something different."
"For every one that comes forward, 44 are sitting in silent suffering. That needs to change."
"So much of the pain and suffering and sorrow arises primarily by the way we think about ourselves."
"How can you subject anything to potential suffering without getting its consent? That seems to be like a pretty big violation of any creature."
"There's no pain quite the same as the one that makes you insane."
"The more you're willing to bear the burden of being voluntarily, the less suffering is actually associated with that."
"The evildoer mourns in this world, and he mourns in the next; he mourns in both. He mourns and suffers when he sees the evil of his own work."
"He who overcomes this fierce thirst difficult to be conquered in this world, sufferings fall off from him like water drops from a lotus leaf."
"Suffering is to the mind what pain is to the body."
"Nobody is stopping you. You can have all the expectations you like, but be prepared to have all the suffering that comes with the 'I wants' and the expectations."
"If you want to do great things, there will be some suffering, and there'll be some pain."
"Ego is the root of all human problems and suffering."
"The voluntary acceptance of suffering is key to its transcendence."
"Happiness is simply what remains when we lose our suffering."
"The real question is how do you liberate yourself from suffering?"
"Pain isn't a pie. One group isn't deprived of suffering just because another group is suffering as well."
"Once you're in suffer mode and decide not to quit, you force your brain to operate on a level it's not used to."
"In principle, the amount of suffering we inflict on animals could mean that our speciesism, as an attitude and all the practices that flow from it, have actually done more harm, caused more suffering, and in that sense been worse than all of the terrible things slavery did."
"When you change the narrative, you recognize not only your own suffering but the reality that everyone is suffering."
"Benzodiazepine withdrawal was worse than death."
"You can eliminate all your suffering in life...because your suffering is all internally created, completely 100% internally created."
"Meaning is what helps you stay the course, setting it against the tragedy and the suffering."
"Truth is the antidote to suffering, not safety."
"We can't even imagine the pain and anguish that Maddie's family is going through."
"Deeper version is really to understand the mechanics of your own mental suffering and put yourself in a position to cease to suffer unnecessarily."
"99% of our suffering around everything, even objectively horrible things like brain tumors, is our thought about past and future."
"If you don't have a sole reason to do it, you only have an ego reason to do it, then you're setting yourself up for a life of suffering where you will never have enough."
"When suffering comes along, there are two things we can do with it: we can try to just get rid of it, not to feel it, to numb ourselves, or we can actually learn from it."
"Suffering is an inner attica belief, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death, life cannot be complete."
"For the majority of us, suffering was the doorway to enlightenment."
"Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional."
"I have known real suffering, I've known pain, and I've had to grapple with it."
"We bring suffering on ourselves because we are so selfish; it's an old-fashioned word for it called sin."
"If you stop doing everything that you know is off target, even by your own criteria, how much suffering would be alleviated?"
"Control is the origin of suffering, and surrender is the origin of peace."
"The only difference between discomfort and suffering, as my good friend Todd Telkamp says, is resistance."
"True growth comes from discomfort and not through suffering."
"I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us."
"Everyone feels pain when they are rejected. What determines whether that pain turns into suffering is simply how somebody deals with the pain."
"To live is to suffer. There's a certain amount of suffering that comes with simply being a conscious agent in the world."
"You are here to enjoy your life, not suffer through it."
"How can an all-powerful and an all-good God allow so much of pain and suffering in this world?"
"If you don't have a purpose, it's that your life becomes characterized by unbearable suffering because the baseline condition of life is something like unbearable suffering."
"Sometimes God is most glorified in us, not when things are going well... but sometimes God is most glorified in us when we suffer, when we are persecuted, and yes, when we are sick."
"I don't think if a human being wants to suffer, that should be questioned."
"That there's an axis of suffering and contentment that is actually independent of happiness and sadness."
"Life is suffering. What do you do about that? You voluntarily accept it and then strive to overcome the suffering that's a consequence of that."
"The fundamental reality of life is suffering and finitude."
"Nobody deserves this, nobody deserves to go through what he went through."
"May the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."
"Would you live out your life to stop the suffering?"
"The burden of self-consciousness is exactly what happens when you have to carry along the potential suffering of the future and put it into the present all the time."
"In tragedy, when tragedy is really effective, there is a redemption offered through suffering."
"The first thing to understand is that you can't avoid pain in life... you can, however, do something about suffering."
"Suffering comes from attachment. Peace or contentment comes from detachment."
"The root of all suffering is attachment. The more attached we become to different things in our life, the more pain we create."
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!"
"Fear creates so much suffering and so many unnecessary problems in our life."
"Millions of American families are suffering and are counting on us to help."
"Ask yourself, how is my identity producing this suffering that I'm experiencing right now in my life?"
"It's meaningful engagement that allows people to bear their lives without becoming resentful because of the suffering."
"When we suffer, we're often so quick to look up and blame God, and yet when he suffered at our hands, he looked down from the cross and said, 'Father forgive them.'"
"Indecision and inaction will cause you so much more suffering than going through it."
"Pacifism, defending yourself, both are imperfect. Misery, failure, and suffering are inevitable parts of being human."
"By sharing in this cruel, arbitrary suffering, something special happens: we become both the bard and author."
"Suffering is no longer suffering when it finds a meaning."
"The meaning that sustains you and protects you from corruption during suffering is to be found in responsibility."
"Desire always leads to suffering. This is the message that is inherent in every great religion."
"Surrender, forgiveness, thinking of those who are suffering, remembering to take into account other people's suffering and pain, not just ours."
"The greatest people on the planet have suffered the most."
"Spiritual practice can take care of the second arrow and alleviate and remove the suffering caused by our internal reaction."
"The greatest people on the planet have suffered the most. Suffering is purification and preparation for personal heroism."
"When you're not looking to escape suffering, you rarely suffer."
"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."
"It's the psychological component of suffering... their relationship to their suffering that's been made to change."
"Heaven is surely worth all the sufferings and trials that we endure on earth."
"Facing mortal suffering, a mystical experience can reduce the fear of mortal suffering itself under the most dire circumstances."
"If you try to avoid suffering, you will end up suffering more, and you will not live a meaningful life."
"Sometimes vengeance leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"So let's not lose this opportunity of offering up to God this suffering for the sake of humanity."
"Sympathy, compassion, and love for those that are directly affected by this suffering are something simple we can feel."
"The work is a way to identify and question the thoughts that are the cause of all the suffering and confusion in the world."
"When I believed my thoughts, I suffered, and when I didn't believe my thoughts, I didn't suffer."
"The suffering is on the highest level, and they're wanting to walk, every single person wants to walk."
"You've got to have that to keep the focus because right now the suffering is on the highest level."
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." - Seneca
"There's nothing worse than watching one of your family members or close friends suffer."
"Attachment is the root of all suffering. Anything you feel attached to will create some type of suffering in you."
"We are never so helpless against suffering as when we love, and never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost the object of our love or its love." - Sigmund Freud
"Excruciating, from the Latin excruciatus, meaning 'out of the cross.'"
"All life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, and to remove suffering, you have to remove the desire."
"Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right."
"Please help us and have mercy on us; we've suffered enough."
"The Buddha claimed to attain deep understanding of reality that allowed him to finally blow out or eliminate the problem of suffering."
"There is no physical pain, no anguish of soul, no suffering of spirit, no infirmity or weakness that you or I ever experienced during our mortal journey that the Savior did not experience first."
"You've got a heavy load of suffering to bear and a fair bit of it's going to be unjust. What are you going to do about it? Accept it voluntarily and try to transform as a consequence."
"If I desensitize myself to my own suffering, I'm more likely to be insensitive to the suffering of others."
"Suffering is created by thoughts. So if you want to lose your suffering, you have to look at your thoughts and understand them more clearly."
"Suffering and anxiety are integral parts of the human existence."
"If I can just be present even in my suffering, I'm there. Then I can experience joy for being human and having this experience that I only get once."