
Human Experience Quotes

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"If there's anything that really captures the essence of Lex Fridman, it's his love of learning, his desire to share with us, the human experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sensation, perception, feelings, thoughts, and actions really encompass all of our life experience."
"Art and design is a human experience that almost everyone can appreciate. It has the power to invigorate, reawaken dormant memories, or simply improve your quality of life."
"Consciousness is the most important thing. Suppose you give me a billion dollars and say that you will not be conscious... none of us will accept it. Consciousness is the central thing for us; without consciousness, we are not there."
"Your structure as a human being is the sum total of everything you've ever consumed."
"Suffering is not a mental illness; it is part of the human experience."
"We're not actually that unique... Our life experiences aren't that unique because people relate to us."
"The true beauty of The Human Experience is that every single one of us, depending on what we've done in our life and where we were born and how we were brought up, has individual things that make them unique."
"It still makes me feel special because I have experiences. I feel the world. I experience the world and independent of whether there are other creatures out there, I still feel the world, and I have access to this world in this very strange, compelling way. And that's the core of human existence."
"Humans, conscious humans, are a way for the universe to know itself."
"Consciousness means this: that you are a soul having a human experience and what your soul craves is growth more than anything else."
"There's been people like us that have emotions like us, that have physical sensations like us, for so, so long."
"Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience."
"I tend to focus on the positive aspects of the human experience like love, beauty, joy."
"You have to work hard to get by in this world, and it's an important facet of being a human being."
"We are all spiritual beings here on earth having a human experience." - Oprah Winfrey
"The right question is how can you help me know who I am and what can I do to become myself. Know who you are and figure out what the human experience means to you."
"There's an infinite variety of consciousnesses, and even within human consciousness, there's a countless variety of consciousness within us."
"Nobody in the history of humanity has ever achieved work-life balance, whatever that might be."
"There are many things that we humans cannot explain, but the greatest of these is our own consciousness."
"Consciousness is as much a part of our biology as growth, digestion, mitosis, meiosis, you name it; any biological process."
"The consciousness that we all enjoy is not what we thought it was; it's a way of being in the world, being knowledgeable, adroit, and adept." - Daniel Dennett
"Human beings live our little lives, and we often need a bigger story to identify with, to give ourselves a significance that by ourselves we just don't have."
"You think there's human beings that don't wake up today and don't want to do their day, that aren't sad, that aren't down, that don't feel lost? Of course, they do. We're all just trying to get better and grow."
"Self-love... is the ultimate lesson of the universe, not just for humans."
"Our consciousness is the electro-impulses in our brain, but it's the combination of all of them slowly being changed over time that gives us the experience of self."
"Consciousness is really dependent upon the whole human sensorium... it can't exist in a kind of vacuum."
"We might well define consciousness as the capacity to suffer."
"Philosophy is the most practical thing a human being can hope to embrace."
"The whole point of being consciousness at all is to come to appreciate the meaning of truth, goodness, and beauty."
"And perhaps some mysteries are meant to be just that, a testament to the unfathomable greatness of the Divine."
"Day-to-day life and our human experience... It's a lot of nuance in a lot of people's lives that we might kind of ignore."
"Optimism is probably the only way to live in a 'meat suit' body and keep going."
"You are a multi-dimensional spiritual being having a human experience."
"I'm just grateful that stuff like this exists. I think it's a really beautiful part of the collective human experience."
"The Human Experience was mostly characterized by strife, uncertainty, and conflict."
"We've been given a neurology that can hold on to memory just long enough to keep bringing the last experience forward and for that, we keep dying faster and faster, more and more separated from nature."
"Emotions are universal... regardless of the country in which you were born... we all have these same sort of building blocks of emotions."
"Isn't grief normal? Isn't it the most human thing in the world to have grief? Isn't it an utterly essential, if painful, part of the human experience?"
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"You are here to learn, learn and grow and evolve. That is what we do."
"The worst thing for any human being would be to be prevented from encountering adversity."
"Being a human being is an incredible experience; it's such a gift."
"We have an obligation to preserve this... so the maximum number of human beings has that experience."
"I think no, but we are very well able to experience new feelings, which are the complex elaborations of these physiological states."
"We're able to take accumulated experiences of thousands of previous generations, dilute it, distill it, and pass it on."
"I prefer to work with ordinary people because I'm interested in what I call the mysteries of everyday life. You know, the things that ordinary people know about."
"We have no idea what people are going through. You don't know their stories."
"You are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"What you learn finally is everybody goes through the same thing."
"Character development in anime is a mirror to the human experience, reflecting growth, conflict, and resolution."
"We arrive here on Earth, our memory is wiped clean, and the goal is to find our way back to our truth, to remember that we're a soul having a human experience."
"We are truly trying to grab whatever lever or dial we can get within reach to change the human experience in predictably benign and ultimately positive ways."
"It's easier for someone to empathize with a victim if they've experienced it themselves. Empathy requires you to have compassion for something or someone, even though you haven't been through that or you might not go through that."
"Your pain makes sense. You're not a machine with broken parts. You're a human being with unmet needs."
"The mystery of all things we don't know is also part of being alive and being a human being."
"Grief is a natural emotion that most everybody experiences at some point in their life."
"We're here to have the full in-depth human experience with all that that involves."
"The entire human experience is happening within you."
"Bad choices are the human experience. It's called being human. You're not a human being if you're not being human."
"Emotions are all triggered at the subconscious level... the feeling is the endpoint of the human experience in the physical body."
"We are actually spiritual beings in a physical journey, not physical beings on a spiritual journey."
"What happens to the forests? What happens to the human communities? What happens to all of the actual small human experiences that matter in life?"
"Stories allow us to understand the world and we're generally motivated by two primary forces: to increase pleasure while reducing pain."
"Falling is part of the human experience. It's not the fall that matters; it's how you react or respond to the fall that I want to explore."
"The wonder of being on this earth is that there is this possibility to tell our own story and beyond that to build stories we can hand on to other people to empower them to tell their own stories."
"Just because I teach this stuff... doesn't make me immune to what it means to be human."
"Representation is extremely important. How someone sees media that they feel reflects who they are as a person is a very human experience."
"I think death will be bad. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of it. For me, the worst thing about death is not knowing how the human story turns out."
"We believe that we're going to go into a new Epoch of Human Experience because humans are not used to having a human-like assistant, partner, opponent in their world."
"We're not human beings on a spiritual journey; we're spiritual beings on a human journey."
"I think more people can relate to the struggles than anything."
"Wisdom is aligning yourself with this process and moving directly towards selflessness as soon as you can, without detours, distractions, games, defense mechanisms, and all that other stuff that we call human life."
"The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own."
"The inconceivability of it!... The inconceivability that monkeys like us are sitting on a fucking rock!"
"I'm not sure what a deflationary world does to other aspects of being a human."
"Every single human being wants one thing, and that is happiness."
"No matter how good computers get at this, they will never be conscious because manipulating syntax is not what consciousness is about."
"You are not a spirit trying to have a supernatural experience; you are a spirit having a natural experience on earth."
"It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to regress and you know fall back a little but you know you're human. You always get right back up. I promise, that's life."
"There are some things worth crying about. Some things are just too much to bear, and some things are too beautiful."
"The goal of human life isn't to win the game; the goal of human life, in some sense, is to win the set of all possible games."
"What makes us human is we all live a life to learn."
"The quicker we could accept that as human beings, we would be living such a fruitful life."
"Grief has always been an unavoidable part of the human experience."
"We are all infinite souls, infinite consciousness having this unique bodily experience."
"Based on the minds we have, there is a range of possible experience."
"Being human is a pretty extraordinary thing. You chose to incarnate here, and there is a reason you're here."
"For the first time in six months... our Crew 3 astronauts take their first breath of fresh Earth air."
"We had dolphins basically jumping and trimming alongside the boat before the crew splashed down."
"Virtual reality is a tool, except this tool allows us to create moments of human existence that are more powerful of a medium than anything that mankind has ever invented before."
"God is how we imaginatively and collectively represent the existence and action of consciousness across time."
"I think the human experience I look at it like a rainbow, and each emotion is like a color, a part of that spectrum. To make up a rainbow, you need all the colors."
"There are things at the macroscopic level like human experience and human emotion and human action and the sensation of free will that we undeniably all have, even if it itself doesn't have a basis in our understanding of the physical world."
"There's two parts of the human experience: there's wanting more, and there's being scared and trying to protect what you have."
"Combat's hell... calling for their mother, the fog of war... it's pandemonium."
"People are just trying to be humans and be themselves and it's just not that big a deal."
"It's okay to feel and have feelings. We are humans."
"Having witnessed one thermonuclear explosion, I hope that no humans ever have to witness another."
"Hearing voices happens to a whole lot of different people; it seems to be an aspect of human experience."
"The greatest battles are fought in the confines of the human soul."
"It's almost like there's a reason behind that, almost like, um, I don't know, art is a tool for emotional expression that can range throughout the entire human emotional spectrum."
"We are spirits having a human experience. That means this human experience is of great value."
"We are immortal spiritual beings living temporary human experiences."
"The very act of being in a body is part of this evolutionary journey because we are extending expanding our state of consciousness through all these levels."
"Emotion, a curse, and a blessing. A challenge."
"The most important of which, of course, is love."
"Psychedelic substances have been part of the human experience for thousands of years."
"Freedom of mind, the ability to be human, to have our own unstructured evolution, our own brushes with death, our own great exhilarating moments."
"Physics is to be regarded not so much as the study of something a priori given, but rather as the development of methods of ordering and surveying human experience."
"True wealth is the ability to have a full human experience."
"These are largely unanswerable questions, but we should nevertheless strive to answer them; that's the whole point of the human experience."
"Much of what quenches the human soul lies beyond rationality and reason."
"If the observer plays a role, then there should be something non-fungible about the human experience."
"Physics is to be regarded not as the study of something a priori given, but rather as a development of methods of ordering and surveying human experience."
"Emotions and feelings, even when they're ugly, even when they're inconvenient and scary and like a lot, they're part of being human."
"There are a surprisingly small number of truly universal human experiences."
"Pain and suffering bring nothing to people except their ruin."
"We grow as humans through happiness, through sadness."
"Feeling pleasant, feeling unpleasant, feeling worked up, feeling calm – these are all features of consciousness."
"So immortality, kind of a popular subject, and it makes sense. Mortality is basically the only universal human experience."
"Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility."
"Our humanity is only realized and expressed at the intersection of our divinity and our mortality."
"For us, this place is the most familiar and comfortable, and the fact that it's just a grain in a massive structure full of mysteries is mind-blowing."
"Trauma is more than a clinical illness; trauma is a biological experience, a psychological experience, a human experience."
"Trauma is like a biological experience, a psychological experience, a human experience that bad things happen to humans."
"Awe is something that's missing a lot today... It reminds you of your place in the world."
"It's like humans do with our time, and why mortality is actually a gift because it makes everything you do more meaningful."
"Isn't this a beautiful thought about the human existence: If I could not be sad, then I would not experience joy."
"If I can just be present even in my suffering, I'm there. Then I can experience joy for being human and having this experience that I only get once."
"Somebody hold me too close, somebody hurt me too deep, somebody sit in my chair and ruin my sleep and make me aware of being alive, being alive."
"The whole entire eternity of our human journey on this Earth is to figure out who we are."
"Sometimes ideas become isms; names become adjectives. But what is it to go back to the original source of an idea, really grounded in a human being, grounded in their lived experience?"
"I love this little story because of how unceremonious it is; there isn't a fanfare and a great sad musical score to accompany this, it's just a real human moment."
"We envision technology as if it were autonomous, as if it were simply outside of human and social experience."
"Everything moves so [__] fast, and I'm with Scatman John; I want to be a human being, not a human doing."
"We need to build a better world that more accurately encompasses the overall human experience."
"We're literally spinning on a rock right now, and we have the ability to be conscious and experience the human experience, which is wild."
"The vast majority of human experience affirms the existence of immaterial things."
"Our dreams can be wildly unique, yet researchers have noticed that people's dreams do share certain elements."
"Dreams will likely captivate us for as long as we have them, as they always have."
"We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not humans having a spiritual experience."
"Every minute, we absorb the total experience of a human being in the 18th century."
"Music is extremely powerful. It gets right to the core of a human being. It sways and moves people in ways that other forms of media don't."
"It's our curse but it's also our blessing and it's what makes being human, being human and trying to understand that through art or through science, it's the same exploration, the same search."
"Our soul knows where we are going and part of the joy of being human and sometimes the unease of being human is we don’t always know what’s calling us forward."
"We want to celebrate as many types of human experiences as we can."
"We are infinite spiritual beings having temporary human experiences."
"We are human beings. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"We just want to create something that can tell a beautiful story about humans who lived during this time."
"Every single person going out to chase their dreams has those voices in their head. I think it's part of the human experience."
"We Are Spiritual Beings living a human existence."
"I've learned this recently: We are not humans who then go into The Ether or whatever. Who knows? I've never died."
"I believe the spirit is a huge part of the human experience."
"It is only human attention which opens the doors of this universe."
"Feeling connected... it's not the icing on the cake. It is the cake."
"Laughter is so visceral and so involuntary, and it's really the most inexplicable of feelings."
"Photography for me is so much more than just a way to document a scene or capture a moment; it's a means to deepen our understanding of the human experience."
"To miss out on a true, deep, compassionate, authentic love is to miss out on honestly what is the single most powerful part of the human experience."
"There's a tingling in the spine, that catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the grandest of mysteries."
"Gender is a part of the human experience and every single person experiences gender in a different way."
"One of the greatest challenges of human being is learning how to live as a vibrational being in a vibrational universe."
"Human experience is far too complex and fluid for strict borders around identity."
"Critiquing of art, whether it's film, video, or music, is an entirely subjective process; it's one of the beauties of being a human."
"This is one of the ways that we're uncovering the connections among us, and they're much more surprising than we think."
"Color sits on a beautiful spectrum just like humans do, as we attempt to articulate ourselves and our experiences."
"All of us are seeking the same thing. You're here...to fulfill the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being."
"Think of all the human stories these individuals could tell and how different they would have been in life."
"History is made up of individuals, actual people that lived, breathed, and dreamed."
"Thank you for being on this journey with me and just reveling in all the highs and the lows. I'm just so proud of us for existing as humans and navigating all of it."
"Jealousy, the green-eyed monster of jealousy, is a universal emotion we all feel."
"We in actual fact are here to be tested. It is a testing ground."
"Every single one of us in this room, every single one of us on earth, is tested in one way or another."
"Life can just be overwhelming no matter who you are. It's just part of being human."
"The very beginning of all religions is the cry 'Help!' that we all sense it’s out of control, that we’re all impermanent."
"We're the same. We're together. We're connected."
"I think as we speak, the world is going through a horrifying process, the extent to which we have never seen before in human history."
"You are an infinite spiritual being living a temporary human experience."
"Consciousness is the ability to feel things like pain or pleasure, love or hate, and it's far more valuable than intelligence alone."
"There is a combination of what we know and the limitations of reason and science, but then there's also this combination of this other side of humanity and the human experience, which is more intuitive and less rational."
"At the end of the day, sometimes we need to experience these fears and worries because they can lead to a reminder that amongst all the chaos and neglect in the world, hope can still exist."
"Our capacity to create something that is not useful, that is only understood by mortals, that is only within the human experience and that is beyond the provable and everyday, that is unpredictable, that is the highest praise we can give for being human."
"Begin pilot projects of a new humanity... decentralizing the human experience so that we can start to do these pilot projects and allow a great amount of experimentation."
"You're a spirit in a body, having a human experience."
"Without hope, life would be an absolute miserable hell."
"We are Stardust; we are the universe experiencing itself in human form for a tiny bit of time."
"The life of man is not merely a brief interlude between the cradle and the grave."
"No man should pass from this world without knowing some kindness."
"There's so much human suffering and pain in the world that it's inescapable. It touches all of us."
"Life and humanity are inherently flawed, and surviving through that life is the point of the human experience."
"It's the most important thing as a human to do."
"It's one of the most human endings that I've ever seen written into a video game."
"In doing so it highlights the importance of conflict not only to a fictional story, but to human experience."
"This is the most human that I've been... It's my most uncomfortable record in a weird way."
"We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"We are non-physical species temporarily using a biological body to experience the physical world, to grow, to learn, and to express ourselves."
"The physical world is just the epidermis of the universe; we have the ability to experience these other dimensions, and that's magnificent."
"We are spiritual beings having a physical experience."
"Femininity and masculinity, they are regarded as sexes and genders, but there are energy systems available to all genders."
"The feminine side is more so just being in touch with your emotions, the ability to feel, which I think is like so essential to having a complete human experience."