
War Quotes

There are 6774 quotes

"War is waged by powerful, rich people, and it's the poor people that suffer."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the hopeful things that I discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"The answer to war is not more war; it's peace."
"Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in. Freedom of speech is our birthright."
"You cannot trust the Legacy Media, we cannot trust the people that want to perpetuate this war."
"You killed a million people in Iraq. It's incredible that you have the brass neck to be sitting here now urging another Iraq war."
"The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It's left hundreds of thousands of people dead, an entire generation of Ukrainians, and it's depopulated the largest country in Europe."
"But no one seems to have told the Ukrainians or Moscow, both of whom seem determined to fight on even as the war extends and the costs mount."
"What you realize when you're in the war is that the people that are next to you, you rely on them, and they're relying on you to survive."
"The bigger it is, the more important it is. That's why I'm focused on Ukraine because it's a war. People are getting killed. What's more important than that?"
"I liberated Italy, I liberated France, I liberated Belgium, and now I'm going to liberate the Germans from life."
"The war has been going on for 750 days, it's in its third year now, and these fundraisers are still passing fundraiser goals."
"War is always about choosing the lesser of two bad options."
"His Majesty the Emperor, mindful of the fact that the present war daily brings greater evil and sacrifice upon the peoples of all the belligerent powers, desires from his heart that it may be quickly terminated."
"The rank and file, the military, the lower enlisted, the junior officers—they're the ones that pay the human toll of war."
"War is a test of will, but it's also a test of logistics."
"I hope I don't have to give the order to release our terrible weapon."
"War is starting, but everything will be okay."
"All war is crime...The deliberate bombing of civilians, which is what we did, was both wrong and militarily highly ineffective."
"Former enemies are now friends and allies, united by memories of a war that ended millions of lives."
"We're in danger of possibly a World War III."
"It's funny because the way the paintings are done, it shows war and then it shows children being better than the war and then a world of peace."
"One of the hopeful things that I've discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"War should never excite us because those that fight it are not those that declare it, and war will inevitably spill over to irrevocably harm those that never volunteered to be touched by it."
"We could be in World War III right now, but we might be in a couple of weeks."
"The entire war... was all for the sake of drawing out as many adventurers as they could."
"No one had to die in this war because it never had to start."
"Wars of aggression generally bad. Never again to me means something."
"Suffering in this war, like in all wars, is tragic. It is heartbreaking."
"In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war."
"This is a real threat to the conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization."
"War is an extension of politics, so the solution isn't going to be military...there will be a political solution."
"If you are looking to push another country to adopt a particular policy, or give up something particularly unpalatable, then starting a war can allow you to bring more coercive force to the table to encourage them to change their minds."
"But fortunately for humanity as a whole, somehow despite all of those challenges and perverse incentives, wars eventually do tend to come to an end."
"Fighting a war is about cohesion, it's about teamwork."
"The prophecy say Fimbulwinter leads to Ragnarok. War is coming."
"The most valuable thing in war is combat experience."
"I hope we've learned our lessons in the Middle East about the forever wars."
"What is the point in democracy and freedom if the two great modern examples of democracy and freedom, France and the United States, are burning down or spending all their money on war and killing?"
"Questioning war became unpatriotic or immoral."
"Why does it require war for us to feel intense comradeship, absolute solidarity with each other, and total loyalty?"
"This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
"You need a great talent to live in peace time," Yuri said. "For in wartime, everything is intense; everything is precisely defined, clear. Everyone knows what to do and how to live. But during peace time, it's easy in your everyday life to gradually lose your way."
"The price that Ukraine is going to pay is unimaginable."
"The catacombs were used during World War II by those in the French Resistance. They were actively used in the underground tunnels as a hideout during the war and planned attacks against the Germans."
"War can only be accepted as an absolute last resort."
"You combine social media with war propaganda, you're in a whole different environment."
"Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce war?"
"The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were completely wrong, based on false premises."
"The 41st millennium, a time of darkness and war."
"We're not putting forward this intelligence to start a war, we are putting forward this intelligence to stop a war."
"Maybe the problem isn't that dating is bad right now; maybe the problem is that you're the type of person who wishes for a war leading to the deaths of millions of millions of people just to slightly increase the odds of you getting laid."
"If the president of a country at war is unable to dismiss his senior commander, then that shows that the situation in the country has become grave indeed."
"It's hard for me to see how this doesn't culminate in at least a significant regional war, and heaven forbid, a World War."
"It perfectly illustrates the horrors of war, the irrationality of war."
"At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them."
"For those of us now who didn't live through the Great War, what are we remembering? A terrible sacrifice, and for what?"
"Helping Ware to design the gravestones was another man too old to fight, the poet Rudyard Kipling."
"The camps showed to the world the utter barbarity of Nazi rule. This second war, unlike 1914-18, seemed unquestionably a good war."
"The Great War was a people's war, truly democratic in its impact. It was indiscriminate in its slaughter of officers and conscripts."
"We have a media that questions peace more than they question war."
"Americans have the right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in."
"Combat's hell... calling for their mother, the fog of war... it's pandemonium."
"The story is not complete without the miseries of war and depressions and so forth, but also blueberries and butterflies and all the rest that go with it."
"Only the dead have seen the end of war." - George Santayana, 1922.
"Human life is not cheap. All of the warring powers thought that just by throwing more men and more material at the front, they would solve their political problems with military force."
"There is nothing worth nuclear war, but Winston Churchill said it brilliantly when he said that war is horrible, slavery is worse."
"The overwhelming majority of this country does not want war and opposes it."
"Ritter was also the U.N. weapons inspector who broke the news that we found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which of course was the entire reason for invading Iraq. That war killed millions of people."
"States at a time when we say we're here to help Ukrainians are literally using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder for the sole purpose of killing Russians, not for Ukraine to win, but to punish Russia. That's the most cynical approach I can think of."
"An Ember in the Ashes: a story where love and duty collide in the midst of war and rebellion."
"Our hearts are with the innocent victims of the war, and our hope is for it to end with the safe return of hostages and with peace and security."
"It's unfortunate civilians die in war...maybe Russia shouldn't have started the war."
"Market failures: They say war is good for business, so a global war has to be like Black Friday for businesses, right? Wrong."
"This hideous and barbaric action of Vladimir Putin must end in failure."
"There's never been a less necessary war because you're going to end up where you started except a lot of people got killed."
"The most horrible thing is that... the overwhelming casualties of the war are Russian-speaking Ukrainians."
"And so the courier's road came to an end, for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died just as they had in the old world because war, war never changes."
"And it might sound radical, colleagues, but the answer to war is not more war. It's peace."
"Musicians from all sides of the war putting the pain they had suffered in the streets into their music and in the process making hit records that would generate big money in the music industry and creating big opportunities to build legitimate businesses away from the hard life of crime they grew up around."
"It was very famously said by Otto von Bismarck that there was going to be some Great War."
"After indescribable suffering and millions dead, the world learned its lesson and never had such an awful war again, for about 20 years."
"Believe in the Emperor and his protection gave the regular guardsmen the courage to undergo extremely terrifying situations without breaking."
"The Commissars were usually extremely charismatic and fearsome warriors, units that had one attached to them rarely ever broke in the face of an enemy onslaught."
"War tears apart. It takes that which is whole and dismembers. To remember is to bring together again that which was once torn apart."
"War is a brutal reality that often defies the expectations and predictions of experts."
"Truth in warfare is often the first casualty, as narratives and realities diverge under the fog of conflict."
"A few things in Warhammer are worse than being covered in Hell Canon ectoplasm, screaming your name with the voices of damned souls as you burn alive."
"If the profit were taken out of wars, do you really believe we would have them?"
"War is complicated, and all of us should be focused on Ukrainian people and how to help them."
"The horror of war... the complexity that it brings up... none of that diminishes the rights of Ukrainian people to live lives free from horror and terror."
"There are worse things than a Cold War. This thing could heat up, and we don't want it to heat up because that would be very destructive."
"The church is a beacon of light in the middle of the war."
"This matters because, to the extent that the connection is believed by the Russian public, the Kremlin will have an easier time building support to pursue the war with greater intensity than was possible before."
"For the first time since the war began, the Ukrainian Armed Forces took advantage of a golden chance."
"Protecting, educating, and standing up for the rights of children caught up in war."
"I went through the Pentagon, and one of the generals called me in. He said, 'We're going to war with Iraq.' I said, 'Why?'"
"The greatest war crime of them all is a war of aggression, because from that all other crimes take place."
"If Russia withdraws the troops today, the war is over; if Ukraine stops fighting today, Ukraine is over."
"War isn't a sport that rewards second place. War is the sort of thing where there are winners and there are parking lots."
"We should vote to go to war or not when that happens, politicians should have to either themselves agree to go to the front lines or one of their children or grandchildren."
"Wars may be expensive, but states are pretty hardy things generally, and they're capable of carrying on a fight for quite a long time."
"War is something nobody should ever want. No reasonable person would advocate for it."
"The big question... is that if the war does come to an end and there is an agreement, will all of these Banks ultimately release that money back to Russia?"
"If Haru falls, if the Russians capture it, then everyone...will conclude that the Russians have won the war."
"All Quiet on the Western Front... it just hits you in the feels."
"They are both currently living their own lives but still dreaming of the same thing, namely a world without war."
"But he said that he wanted a kingdom without war, so the proposal was rejected by him."
"The people of that nation are lifting their voices resolutely in song and spirit despite the escalating horror of war."
"War is not about good guys and bad guys; war brings death and suffering to everyone involved."
"Cher Ami, sits up and with a bullet wound bleeding from his chest, he still manages to get up and fly away with that message tied around his leg."
"War: what is it good for? Well, some things actually, like shaving off the generational excess of violent young men who want to have their valiant power fantasy."
"You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."
"War has a cruel way of stripping the civilization from a soldier, and piece by piece, many of them were reduced to feeling they had nothing left but the uniform they wore."
"The invasion of Iraq was criminal, was illegal. It led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians."
"You call retaliation, reprisal, or self-defense against a tree, finally, an unacceptable act of war."
"The most valuable thing that you can have in any war is veterans."
"War is a liar who claims there isn't enough land, isn't enough wealth, isn't enough food for all people in all places to live in abundance."
"The way the world wars break out is miscalculation. They break out because one side believes that the other side is likely to cave in the face of its aggression."
"Miscalculation is the most likely way the great powers end up in war."
"The military-industrial complex plays a major role in continuing to keep us in some state of war."
"We always seem to have enough to pay for war but never enough to cover the cost."
"Wars in general are much easier to start than they are to stop."
"I've concluded that it's time to end America's longest war; it's time for American troops to come home."
"We don't learn from history. We just keep making the same mistakes because of one reason, war is profitable. We make a lot of money at war."
"People would not go to wars and they wouldn’t fight and they wouldn’t turn against each other...unless we are able to stir up fear."
"War always is a tragedy, and the closer you get to it, the more horrifying it seems. It's the ugliest thing that men do ever."
"The targeting of civilians, of residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, is inexcusable and intolerable."
"Although wars bring adventures that stir the heart, the true nature of war is composed of innumerable personal tragedies and sacrifices, wholly evil, and not redeemed by glory."
"Premise Richtofen tells Ultimis Nikolai that the greatest war was the one they fought against themselves."
"A new kind of world and a new kind of war, a war of numbers, ammunition, guns, ships, aircraft, men who will die in their millions."
"The conflict has become a numbers game; in a war started by monarchs and aristocrats, ordinary men have become sacrificial pawns."
"Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European, it's not anti-Ukrainian, it's not pro-Russian, it's common sense."
"The war in Ukraine is quickly escalating into a wider horror."
"World War Two was the most lethal event in history, killed more than the fourteenth-century plague, more than the great famines of history, 60 to 65 million people died in just about 6 years."
"I think the vast majority of the country regrets the forever wars in the Middle East and doesn't want us getting involved in more wars."
"The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6th and 9th of August 1945 was the ultimate expression of total war."
"If it's a war he wants, then it's a war he will get."
"Just this concept that human beings are semi-intelligent beings predisposed to war, but that we might have other brothers and sisters and individuals out there."
"Each war is unique in its own right. You have to understand the nature of this conflict because every war is different."
"War isn't peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun. It's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"It's kind of hard to fight a war if no one is willing to fight it."
"War cannot be declared without a casus belli."
"But over time the world does not see peace, instead only new forms of warfare, as is the nature of humankind."
"My education was formed on battlefields, and my knowledge sealed with blood."
"War is a way of shattering to pieces or pouring into the stratosphere or sinking in the depths of the sea materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and hence, in the long run, too intelligent."
"War is the most potent narcotic invented by humankind."
"After 13 years of spending trillions on two wars with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, the annual count of terror attacks has more than quadrupled."
"Wars are long things, and there are back and forth, and I just think there needs to be more of an acknowledgment that that is a possibility."
"We will win this war because all the Ukrainian population is absolutely sure about this."
"Looting, in some sense, then shows us the tragedy of war for both the victim and often the perpetrator."
"Looting is a common occurrence in war, happening in virtually every conflict. But what is its impact on war itself?"
"We've run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility, and cruelty of this war."
"The cycle of death, destruction, dislocation, and disruption must stop."
"The dark sky expels hard rain that beats down on the countless soldiers fighting and falling over each other, men desperately trying to survive to their bitter ends over a conflict not worth dying for."
"El Salvador is where I came to understand war, but more importantly, it is where I also came to understand peace."
"There are no winners in war, and wars do not solve problems. Invariably, the underlying reasons for conflict will persist unless they are resolved through dialogue."
"Whoever held this high ground would determine not just the outcome of the battle, but quite possibly the war itself."
"A war in which 99% of combatants have been killed has never occurred so far in history."
"We are most certainly living in the end time, and we are now on the verge of the greatest war of all history."
"The wolves are Bush and Blair, not the soldiers. The soldiers are lions led by donkeys, sent to kill and be killed."
"Given that I believe this invasion is illegal, it follows that the only people fighting legally are the Iraqis who are defending their country."
"I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Iraq, and I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies."
"This war in which he glories has cost the lives... well in excess of 100,000 people's lives... and it was all for a pack of lies."
"After three long years of unremitting conflict, the Clone Wars came to an end not in victory or defeat, but in deception."
"War never changes. The game was rigged from the start."
"Hundreds of thousands of people are dying: Russian people, Ukrainian people, human beings. Sons and daughters and people's relatives, people that are beloved, are dying in a war to some degree, it seems to me, because it's financially beneficial to prolong it."
"What do you think globalist, military industrial complex interests housed in America actually want? Peace or war?"
"The war and its ensuing atrocities affected him and his work deeply."
"War in the name of God: the great world religions preach peace and mercy, history, even modern history, shows that religion and violence are not contradictions."
"This kind of situation almost inevitably led to a great power war...but over the last few decades, we have seen a remarkable reduction in wars between great powers."
"By the 20th century, the Christmas spirit held such power over people that it even caused some German, French, and British soldiers to lay down their arms on Christmas of 1914 and celebrate together despite having spent the past few months in brutal warfare against each other."
"War is often associated with desperation when there's nothing more to lose, roll the dice in the chance of some incredibly lucky break."
"For everybody's sake, and the sake of the global economy, we really need a conclusion to this war."
"Once a war starts to go longer than a matter of days or weeks, once it stretches into months or even potentially years, war ceases to be a purely tactical and operational exercise. It becomes a fundamentally economic problem."
"Every day that [the war] continues causes more damage to civilian infrastructure, more lives to be lost, more individuals to lose family members, friends, colleagues, more lives to be damaged and destroyed."
"It's the ordinary Russian that's paying the price."
"For those who don’t understand the fortunes of war think the outcome depends on strength alone… But you, I think, know that although it’s men who do the fighting, it is God who judges the contest."
"We can hope for peace. We must, however, prepare for war."
"War does exist, not just like traditional war what we actually consider war, but competitiveness in business environments, career, social environments, etc., and the war in our own mind with our own ego and things like that do exist."
"He's had enough; he's leaving this damn war, but the decision will haunt him forever."
"Money matters a lot in this war, and Ukraine has no shortage of very rich countries happy to bankroll the excessively pricey conflict."
"Wars are very dynamic things, and what starts off blazingly well can end in disaster or quagmire."
"Attacking hospitals is a straightforward war crime."
"The destruction of a medical system of an entire territory by definition is a genocidal act."
"We have to put a stop to this senseless war."
"The wars between the Autobots and Decepticons...has not just been an actual physical battle; it's an ideological battle."
"Maybe they've realized after nearly a decade of war that there's no point in fighting and that there are only losers in war."
"Faced with the unimaginable horrors a battle entails, what inspires the ordinary rank-and-file soldier to reach deep within himself and find the courage to press on, regardless of the mortal dangers that lay ahead of him?"
"In such times is to be amongst untold billions. It is the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."
"The sisters marched to war armored by steel and faith, delivering salvation to those that follow in the Emperor's light and his divine judgment to the wicked."
"Ukrainians are not fighting just to protect their country; they are fighting to preserve democracy for themselves and the rest of the world."
"It is clear that Putin feels emboldened to initiate war in Ukraine. That's what it is, war, no matter what lies they tell."
"Someday this war is going to end." - Reflection on "Apocalypse Now"
"We didn't need to have a 20-year war in Afghanistan and then go invade Iraq."
"Sometimes we have to go to war, but by god we've got to think about it."
"The only war that's going to happen with Russia is if nobody helps Ukraine."
"This is the most consequential thing that's happened in the world in terms of war and peace since World War II."
"War doesn't have to be the way that we profit out of a depression."
"I talk people out of killing each other. You know, the 250 Ukrainians who died because of being thrown into the meat grinder."