
Social Inequality Quotes

There are 498 quotes

"War is waged by powerful, rich people, and it's the poor people that suffer."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can make so many more mistakes in life when you're born into a wealthier family, and when you're born poor, you're like one or two before your life is over."
"We have a big wealth gap, we have a big opportunity gap, we have big gaps that are issues."
"Poor people everywhere are hurt worse by pretty much everything."
"The rich, the powerful, and the politically connected would be the ones guaranteed underground hideaways when fire starts falling from the sky."
"The way I define systemic racism is a system that negatively impacts a racial group disproportionately."
"An average Senator is paid 50 million a month, an average Nigerian worker is paid 30,000 a month."
"The losses are socialized, and the gains are privatized."
"I don't want to exist in a system where your ZIP code determines the type of healthcare you give your child."
"I grew up in a low-income immigrant household, and I think the systems that are in place right now aren't sufficient enough to support people like myself or my family."
"The America when you have a society with the middle struggling and the rich realizing like almost unimaginable gains, it starts to corrode the civic foundation."
"You can't really call a nation a society when the three richest people have as much money as the 50% of the poor."
"Shade is increasingly seen as a precious commodity, as the crises of climate change and inequality converge."
"Reincarnation is certainly one answer to the great inequities between people."
"The people who suffer the most at the hands of climate change are those who've done the least to cause it."
"Mostly, it was the poor who were left behind. They had no choice; they needed to keep working to survive."
"When the upper class catches a cold, the lower class gets pneumonia."
"Famous people are often considered to be above the law... But it's more about having money and connections."
"If the United States can't figure out a way to do better for poor people and lower middle class people, those people will make the rest of us feel their pain eventually."
"Poverty by America: It's our fault. Our society has been structured in ways that benefit affluent people at the direct expense of those living in poverty."
"Privilege is invisible to those who have it."
"Meritocracy has a dark side because it generates hubris among the winners and humiliation among those who are left behind."
"It's folly to create an economy that makes dignified work and a decent life dependent on the attainment of a university degree."
"The only people who matter are the people who can't leave the country. We can get a plane out, club class, and have a glass of champagne. These people have to live and die there with their families."
"The difference between being very lucky in our society and very unlucky should not be as enormous as it is."
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
"Financial education...is a big reason why you're starting to see a bigger divide between the haves and have-nots."
"If corporations own everything, they're essentially creating a new style of modern-day serfdom."
"The fight is fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's just how it goes, everyone knows."
"If you are poor and black and don't have an education in America, they will treat a stray dog better than you."
"An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics."
"Class inequality and low socioeconomic status trump every other form of violence and public threat, hands down."
"Residents of Baltimore's poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace."
"Taxes are bad for the rich and the poor, but inflation is bad just for the poor."
"The mass incarceration of poor people of color in the United States is tantamount to a new caste system, one that shuttles our children from decrepit, underfunded schools to these brand new high-tech prisons."
"Only those social and economic inequalities will be permitted that work to the benefit of the least well-off."
"I got really, really pissed off with people with lots of money telling people who don't have any money they need to pay shit back."
"The largest demographic that is underserved in our democracy as it is right now is the poor."
"If we don't divide the enormous benefits of AI and biotechnology even-handedly between different classes and different countries, we could live in the most unequal societies that ever existed."
"We are fighting for our lives in very unequal circumstances."
"We're trapped in a rigged game where the haves stay the haves, and that's the problem."
"Every billionaire is a policy failure, and every precarious household is also a policy failure, and the two are connected."
"There are literally two Americas. One America is beautiful for situation...overflowing with the milk of prosperity and the honey of opportunity."
"This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the ebullience of hope into the fatigue of despair."
"The system is so rigged against poor people. Society wants them to suffer and basically not be healthy and thrive."
"Fate thinks about how, in this world, there are halves and there are Have Nots. What separates them are the special powers bestowed by the gods: their skills."
"The people who are lucky enough to get powers battle monsters and become successful in life, while those without powers become losers in the eyes of society."
"Even if you start treating everyone the same... there is still an inertial impact of that inequality on today."
"No one should die of a tooth infection, especially in the United States, such a rich country."
"Labor strikes are a fight for dignity and survival, where workers are standing up against a system that seems increasingly skewed towards the top 1%."
"More students from the top 1% than the bottom forty percent, there's a reason for that."
"I know that I've had a good education, a secure home, and a loving and supportive family. So many young people, however, do not have these advantages."
"So many of our people can't afford to go to a doctor."
"The difference between middle class and poverty in the inner cities was the number of words they hear by the age of five and the ratio of positive to negative."
"Poverty is a political choice. There is enormous wealth in this country, and people born into disadvantage should not have a different childhood than people who are born rich."
"We're partnering with Calm, the number one mental wellness app, to give you the tools that improve the way you feel."
"Ultimately just reinforcing a world where she lives on the top, only choosing to leave it because she wants to be humanized, not because she seeks to humanize others and create a more egalitarian world for everyone."
"I just don't think America can be called the most superior country on earth when people are dying because they can't afford medication."
"Refusing to explain yourself contributes to a form of classism in which people with less formal education and access to information are marginalized within anarchist community."
"Your anger should be at the powerful, not the 100 million people who don't vote because their lives are so horrible."
"America built on the dream of upward Mobility has become a country of deepening divide between rich and poor."
"The impacts are much darker and more striking in marginalized communities... It is the marginalized communities who suffer most." - David Wallace-Wells
"Suffering great for the poor, terrible for the rich."
"Storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."
"To make the wealthy suffer means that the poor suffer more every single time."
"People with privileges and money don't have to follow the rules."
"The reality is people don't have equal access."
"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage."
"Wall Street got bailed out and Main Street didn't."
"As long as there is no economic challenger strong enough to end this system, capitalism will continue to rob the poor for the benefit of the wealthy."
"We're not playing with the same deck of cards."
"Children must get educational foundations in school, especially those lacking advantages at home."
"When the aristocracy gets a cold, the working class dies of pneumonia."
"There's haves and have-nots when it comes to security."
"It is not normal that so few have so many and so many have so little."
"Segregation leads to worse outcomes... because lower-income children reinforce each other's problems."
"Race and income really determine your access to resources."
"The concentration of power and wealth in this country is disastrous for our society."
"White privilege isn't about being wealthy, it's about the absence of consequences."
"The inherent vice of capitalism is an unequal sharing of blessings."
"All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others."
"The real problem being wealth persuading labor to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power."
"Pretty privilege is real. There are two worlds: the common people world and then there's the hot people world."
"There is a shared view that those at the top are not doing their part."
"Because what it means is that women that have money and that have access to information, they will always be able to access safe abortion services."
"There's a different set of law and justice for elites."
"Many young people, assessing the scale of contemporary inequality and of the climate emergency, are asking deep questions about how they want our world to be run."
"There's gonna be two sides of the fence, the halves and the have-nots, and I prefer to see my family on the side of the halves."
"We know that darker skin folks miss out on opportunities."
"The stock market is soaring because the nation's richest are doing so well while the poorers continue to suffer greatly."
"The movie theater is and always has been a sacred Democratic space for all Woodrow this new initiative by AMC Theaters would essentially penalize people for being lower income and reward people for being higher income."
"Billionaires like Elon Musk play by a different set of rules than everybody else."
"Being poor should not disqualify you from being a father."
"What's considered trashy if you're poor, but classy if you're rich?"
"The product of this negligence was poverty, a gaping hole between the rich and the poor."
"The widening chasm between those who can and those who can't."
"If you don't allow trans people to live their truth... that's the sentence that you're handing down to them."
"The solution being proposed by the Northern Independence Party is that the only way these inequalities can be righted is if the north secedes."
"Freedom of Association for them but not for us. That's how it's going to go." - Michael Knowles
"As Orwell so aptly stated: 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.'"
"Artificial intelligence will increase economic divisions by worsening the disparity that already exists in society."
"Why is it not a machine gun in areas that are poor, mostly minority?"
"The people who are hurting like they have never hurt before not in our lifetimes and have the courage to tell the billionaire class who are doing phenomenally well that they cannot have it all."
"It's not a rich versus poor thing, it's just a politically favored versus politically disfavored thing."
"The Trumpocalypse... is really the dominance of everything that we do by the rich."
"The world is ruled for the benefit of the 1% more than the benefit of the 99%."
"Neoliberalism is the utopian ideology that was created to justify the massive social inequality and misery."
"We're all at risk of getting sick but let's be clear we are not all equal risk of getting sick."
"Debt is a massive mechanism for moving property from the mass of people into the hands of the rich."
"Life was so polarized— the poverty was extreme, and the rich was extreme... You can say that about nowadays, but I don’t think it’s even touching the levels of what society had back then."
"It's the poor people that couldn't stock figure Eights that suffered."
"It means that white people have a disproportionate advantage in society."
"You can punish Jeff Bezos but how do you really hurt the poor and the middle class? Bad economic policy, that's how you hurt them."
"The rich are going to have security, they're going to have the police, and they're going to have the ability to wield them, and the public is going to be left with warlordism and underfunded, not so hot police officers protecting them."
"The pods and the bugs, it's only for the poor people."
"Not everyone has an equal opportunity to access to success."
"The rich have all the assets, and everybody else is basically leasing from them."
"Low investment, low productivity, and the model is broken. Inequality is baked in, and that is morally wrong and it's economically stupid."
"We're at a moment like in American society now, and ironically this is a moment when the class contradictions in American society are greater than they have ever been in the history of the Republic."
"A reminder of the big difference between the haves and the have-nots."
"Widening economic gender and racial inequalities as well as the inequality that exists between countries are tearing our world apart."
"The people at the top of Ishgard live a life of luxury, while the common folk suffer."
"95% of us are getting screwed at least five different ways."
"One child may be offered limitless possibilities and given the resources she needs to propel her into a PhD at an ivy league, while another child may be told she doesn’t need to learn algebra because she’s a girl."
"Clearly, this is unacceptable. This trend of the rich getting richer and everybody else getting poorer is not what America is about."
"It's what you own and control that will determine your opportunities. If you don't have the money, the opportunity doesn't exist. It's an illusion."
"A poor man does not have right. A poor man is not funny. A poor man is a dead person working. Poverty is a reproach."
"If you dream, you can achieve. But these people are killing the dreams of those born into poverty."
"We've got to do something about systemic racism in this country. It involves healthcare, housing, police, law enforcement, jobs, and economic fairness for African Americans and people of color."
"Your ability to be resilient is defined by your wealth position."
"Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, right? And it was for the upper five percent of the populations who happen to hold some direct share in the plantations or shipping lines."
"America doesn't treat all people equally and nowhere does because that's a preaching of moral apathy."
"The worker is unable to understand his situation because he doesn't have the education of a rich man. The rich man is not able to understand the worker's situation because he doesn't have the education of the poor man."
"There's class warfare all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."
"When inequality gets one of the precursors to societal collapse is inequality."
"Studies show that student debt weighs heavier on graduates of color."
"Level out the playing field a little bit because unfortunately, it's only getting worse."
"The byproduct of the Fed trying to eliminate business cycles is a larger division between the haves and the have-nots."
"It's going to be the haves against the have-nots."
"We're just looked at as less than it doesn't matter how much the family will say that they love us."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"The rich had gotten rich by taking from the poor."
"The aim of the corporate state is not to feed, clothe, or house the masses, but to shift all economic, social, and political power, as well as wealth, into the hands of a tiny corporate elite."
"People who are stressed, disadvantaged socially challenged in various ways... are going to be hit much more."
"Squid Game deals with the ever-increasing divide and unfairness between the upper and lower classes."
"If wealth inequality becomes too severe, if wealth becomes concentrated..."
"We tend to think nowadays of the monarchy as such a solid institution whereas in fact wealth and privilege and power and status just hang by a thread. There's no such thing as the Divine Right of Kings."
"Trump was given special treatment, treatment that you don't get, treatment that I don't get."
"This kind of legislation hurts poor women, women of color, black women. It disproportionately hurts people who are already marginalized."
"This is somebody that is literally taking it down, they're throwing it away, everything that they built, it's like it's coming down."
"The existence of billionaires just like the existence of a homeless person is the perfect symbol that our system is fundamentally broken."
"The level of inequality in America is obscene and a threat to our democracy."
"Neither is true. Wealth presents us with a different life experience and different opportunities, and poverty does as well."
"We can't have a society where one percent of the population controls 50, 60, 70 percent of the wealth."
"Heavy taxation exacerbates inequality and empowers elites."
"Income inequality is the greatest determinant of your health and life expectancy. Our economy needs to work for the many, not the few."
"One rule for them and one rule for the rest of us."
"The fewer the number of people that get to participate in the growth and see the upside, the more there are that just wants to tear it all down."
"If inequality reaches a certain point, something has to give."
"You're the real socialist. The problem is it's socialism for the rich." - Bill de Blasio
"The basic essence of this lawsuit against keith is that there is one set of rules for the rich and well connected and another set of rules for everyday people."
"The gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown and there is a lot of resentment toward the richest 1 percent in this country."
"Most of the injuries that are happening right now, they impact that bottom half a lot more."
"Any disparity between black and white is the system at work."
"This is why I believe that term Rich stay Rich the poor get poor because it's information like this that is always gatekeeped by the most rich and successful people."
"No, the rich just get richer, the comfortable just get more comfortable, and the working people get left behind."
"The simple reality is the people on top, the billionaire class, are doing phenomenally well. Meanwhile, the middle class continues to shrink."
"Kids from poorer backgrounds are more likely to be excluded from school, be unemployed, or end up in prison."
"If you see your president and those in leadership positions doing just fine while you're struggling and those around you are struggling, yeah, I'd be pretty pissed too."
"The children of the billionaires don't see the effect of these wars; it's the working class who bear the brunt."
"The future is here, but it's not evenly distributed."
"You didn't get it from the bottom. You were privileged."
"Part of the legacy is this huge inequality that we see today between the descendants of the enslavers and the descendants of the enslaved."
"This sentiment, this idea of humanity creating a paradise for themselves while others live in squalor, would be echoed one day again far off in the future."
"We're living in a weird era of faux equality."
"The ruling elites, the billionaire class took everything they could for themselves."
"If you are rich, you get good representation. But if you are poor, you get someone like Richey's court-appointed attorney Bill Kluge, who he says lacked the time, money, and qualifications for the job."
"The biggest problem we have in America... rich people screwing poor people."
"Overall you say hey we added 20 trillion to the economy but what it doesn't tell you is actually half the country suffered and went backwards and only the top one percent gained."
"Liberals see large structural forces of inequality, conservatives see behavior."
"Politicians have absolutely no interest in reaching out to renters."
"If you're a wealthy woman, you've always been able to get whatever care, whatever doctors, whatever you ultimately want. This is really about the autonomy of poor and working-class women."
"Whether you're a billionaire or someone who's been deprived of economic opportunity..."
"The city is marked by real inequality and real racial disparities."
"Covid revealed a lot of inequalities in the social framework of this country."
"If money is always the number one motive, then white people will always win."
"Socialism for rich people is a terrible way to help the American families that are actually struggling."
"At the end of the day, the 99% is a lot more than the 1%."
"The difference between the haves and the have-nots is already so massive."
"The ruling class lives like kings... while you need to live in squalor."
"We're moving toward a system where the only people who will have access to a college education are those who can pay for it."
"Ramza struggled to understand why others would treat commoners in such a different manner just because of who their parents were."
"Look at United States of America right now what is more pouran to our culture than the Joker about a movie about how people in high places looked down and thrown upon the poor the poverty this is America this is United State America."
"Create as much disparity between the haves and the have-nots."
"The world is unfair, some people are born into wealth, power, and privilege and never have to work a day in their lives. The rest are forced to struggle and slave away just to make ends meet."
"But in either case, it looks like the rich would get richer and the poor got poisoned."
"It hurts. The ones that don't have anything, they're suffering the most."
"There's always going to be inequality, but I'm interested in the amount of opportunity."
"The more inequality you have, the poorer the quality of life is in a given society."
"We can't keep on living in a country where bosses raking billions in profit while their employees are forced to use food banks."