
Taste Quotes

There are 20175 quotes

"I love the art of sushi, the whole thing, the way it's presented, it changes the way you taste it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Bitter receptors are there to make sure we don't ingest things that are poisonous."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliciousness will win out...you've got to make delicious vegan food if you're going to actually convert people."
"I have a very particular style of comedian that I like a lot, and most of them are dead."
"This is an entirely different taste. It's very, very good. I mean, oftentimes, unless it's got that really crispy amazing skin, I don't particularly love duck and goose."
"Wow, if you don't like that 10 out of 10, you got no taste, my friend."
"You hope to grow and evolve, and I feel like I have a better taste now than when I was younger."
"At the end of the day, your taste is going to define everything you do."
"Healthy food doesn't need to taste like cardboard."
"The supreme poultry or well chicken with an Armagnac sauce infused with a 100-year-old Armagnac, this dish alone has ruined chicken for me."
"This leaves an aftertaste kind of like you just took a bite of a Bath and Body Works candle."
"This does not look professional, but it's really tasty."
"Eat fresh natural bread when you can, mostly because it'll taste noticeably better."
"Everyone knows those BDub wings are delicious, crispy, juicy."
"Oh, here we go. These are so good, though. Like, you can't deny it. They're so good."
"This special coffee, Fisherman's blend, Brazilian dark roast, it actually is really awesome coffee."
"This for $3, you're getting a ton of flavor for the buck. It's like you went to an art sale and paid 50 cents for a masterpiece painting."
"This is so crazy. It's so freaking good. This might just be the best noodle deal in all of South Korea, hands down."
"This is delicious, buttery, juicy burger. Beautiful, scrumptious patty with a nice sear."
"This is what I call a massive pancake, but a banquet for the taste buds."
"McDonald's bacon sundae was the perfect mix of sweet and salty."
"You haven't had a fruit like this; it's frutal."
"Camp has always had a loving cisgender heterosexual audience who either discovered it through queer friends or just happened to be heteros with taste."
"I personally love the Saskatchewan pork noodle stir-fry with carrots, scallions, and peanuts; it's absolutely delicious."
"I love strawberries because they're so eatable, nice and sweet."
"Litvinenko later told police that he only took two or three sips of the tea, which he found tasted quite bitter."
"The Sweet Taste of betrayal... it tastes a lot like salted caramel."
"It's so good. Delicious, rich mozzarella, not too salty, very clean, obviously fresh."
"This bad boy tastes the best, and it's closest to orange juice."
"This is fruit punch, right? It tastes like childhood right there."
"We never compromise on taste, but we prioritize health."
"Presentation and taste are the two things that we are judging you on today."
"Kingpin Burger, tastes like a barbecue burger."
"If you're a fan of mango or like fruity ales, this is one of the only fruity ales that I've had that claims to be fruity and actually is fruity."
"This is a beer that is actually supposed to taste like mango, and I think it does."
"It's not every day you find a beer that's actually fruity and delivers on that promise, but this one does."
"This might be the best thing ever, so creamy with a bit of sweetness from the outside chocolatey shell."
"This thing just tastes like a mother's love."
"This cake is the pandan gula melaka, also known as possibly the best cake you can ever put in your mouth."
"It's like it's one of the only novelty-shaped chocolate bars out there that actually tastes delicious."
"It's good, it's very refreshing, very orangey."
"It tastes like pizza, but like fresher. The tomatoes are fresher."
"There's nothing that tastes as good as feeling alert and energetic feels."
"Nobody tells people who are beginners... that all of us who do creative work... we get into it because we have good taste. But there's a gap, for the first couple years that you're making stuff, what you're making isn't so good."
"The taste of coriander is influenced by your genetics; if you have a receptor gene that lets you detect chemicals called aldehydes, eating coriander is like chewing a bar of soap."
"Taste buds are given to us so that we can stay alive; for instance, sour and bitter flavors can be a sign that you may be eating rotten food or poisonous plants."
"Salty and sweet tastes tell us if foods are rich in nutrients."
"You got good music taste too. That's how I know you're a man that knows what he's doing."
"These are so good. As soon as you bite in, you get some of the aroma of the mint. It's just so good, it's just so perfectly balanced."
"What's good about these is the saltiness of the peanut butter."
"You have good taste. This can be for food, fashion, music, movies, whatever."
"Now that's the taste I was looking for. Even the bird knows that the food tastes good."
"There shouldn't be a battle in the mouth; it should be a dance."
"Most people say this cake looks nice, but it also tastes wonderful."
"Such a good blueberry muffin, it is delicious."
"I love these because they're classic, it's a wonderful family recipe, and they're so crumbly and they just melt in your mouth."
"It's like eating a crispy, crunchy marshmallow, you guys."
"People nowadays have tastes. What comes back is always good."
"That's delicious, really delicious. Lamb is just melting in your mouth."
"Always different taste with the hands. Very nice, love it."
"Nice chicken biryani, tomato sauce. Oh, I love the layers."
"Your tastes are your own, and you have the power to stop the conversation there."
"The more drunk you get, the less expensive your alcohol should be because you can't taste the difference."
"People love sweet notes and mixed in with the saltiness... it's just a wonderful concoction."
"Have you ever noticed that sometimes your beverage tastes extra good and you don't know why? Well, it's one of those days."
"Sagittarius B2... is known to taste of raspberries and it also smells like rum."
"It's literally the most flavorful roasted chicken I've ever had in my entire life."
"But when she tasted the dish he cooked for her, she was completely astonished because the taste was so delicious that words couldn't express it."
"Trust me when I tell you, this taste is gonna be perfect."
"Reese's Peanut Butter Cup is genius. The peanut butter to chocolate ratio is fantastic."
"You got the perfect balance of caramel, chocolate, cookie."
"It's not just about a look, it's also about the taste."
"Taste may be the final bastion of human creativity."
"I personally really love it. I love mayo, and I think the vegan chicken fillet, I think it's called, I really like it."
"It's not tea, it's not chai, it's nectar of the gods."
"We're hitting all the taste receptors right now."
"Everything in this world is better when it's fried, including rice. It's so, so good."
"These little guys are the bomb, they're so good."
"The sweetness of that yellow tomato that just pops in your mouth it's so juicy."
"The freshness of the pumpkin and yet it remains crisp and refreshing."
"You can just squeeze that into your wow mouth almost tomatoey yes it's so sweet and it's sweet because it's yellow."
"Taste is the infrastructure of our divisions."
"The ultimate soft shell crab crispy soft shell crab sandwich and it's delicious."
"It's salty, it's slightly sour, I think I taste a little bit of pomegranate. Let's break it open and see what's inside."
"It just tastes so comforting, and fried onions make everything good. Period."
"For something so simple, it just tastes so comforting."
"This came out so so good it had so much great flavor."
"It's like drinking mouthwash, it's lovely isn't it?"
"It's like a little kick to the Salt, right? It has a spicy mayo flavor."
"We experience flavors mainly thanks to our senses of taste and smell."
"Once you realize the flavor is incredible and the convenience is unlike anything else you won't go back."
"It's like a malt ball... but there is, there's a coating of sadness."
"The home became this ideal place of perfection and taste, this enclosed bubble of purity."
"I like what John Waters said about there being good bad taste and bad bad taste."
"Dark chocolate's like coffee... it's sophisticated."
"That pastel daata, it was definitely delicious."
"I just don't understand how you could drink those first two and be like, 'Disgusting.' and then drink this one and be like, 'LET'S 🎸 GOOOO!'"
"If you have a discriminating taste and you're willing to get into the details the AI it's going to be able to do the rest."
"It tastes like real elves, you know I'm gonna guess no like I think elves probably taste like..."
"It's a liquid gold turmeric drink. It is rather good."
"It is amazing to see the ways that you can have foods that are healthy and delicious."
"It's the chocolate bars... they are amazing."
"There are no wrong opinions in matters of taste. People have the right to express their genuine disappointment, even through review bombing."
"Your tears don't taste as good as your blood."
"Around my cream is just, I'm not really like salivating for that, you know?" - Nicole Enayati
"It literally tastes like those green apple blow pops in a bottle but it's so good."
"And even if this didn't taste great, it would still be a huge hit just because of its appearance."
"When it comes to the pure simplicity of making a burger absolutely delicious, Five Guys scores very high..."
"That is a delicious creamy sweet coffee treat absolutely on the nose too."
"They are hands down the best fast food fries that I've ever eaten."
"Oh my gosh, guys, I am so so excited for this experience that's just about to happen in my mouth."
"Tastes like the best sherbert there's ever been."
"Of course, you want the food to be delicious."
"Street food is all about satisfying your cravings—these donuts are sweet, sticky, and absolutely delicious."
"It's a little too obscure for my taste. I wish it was more common."
"His food is incredible, the best they've ever eaten."
"Wow it's more crunchy than Buffalo Wild Wings and the inside is more tender and more juicy in every way it's better."
"This is honestly such a good combination of flavors."
"Chick-fil-A and only Chick-fil-A only tastes good because of the sauce."
"We want our plant-based meat to look and taste like real meat."
"If food tastes good to you or not, it's just no big deal."
"A lot of chocolate from the UK tastes like calendar chocolate like it tastes like a advent calendar."
"It's brutal without feeling like poor taste."
"So if I'm hearing you guys correctly it sounds like the physical experience of taste comes down you know largely to smell but it also comes down to other reference points you have for flavors."
"It sure was absolutely delicious would make these again can confirm that."
"Your grandmother's cooking tastes so much better because she made it with love."
"It's gonna be so good it's gonna be bananas."
"Crispy, creamy, cozy potatoes are very comforting."
"They have a really good vegan Thai Coconut Curry Tofu. It's with bell peppers and cilantro lime rice. It is absolutely delicious."
"With ProHydrolase, I could actually decrease the amount of pea protein in the shake for the outright best taste and mouthfeel while still ultimately delivering more protein than most other shakes on the market."
"Supplement that actually tastes great... It makes me feel unstoppable."
"These may look small, but boy do they have big flavor."
"I want to kind of keep the granola together... I just taste-tested this granola, phenomenal, probably the best granola I have ever made."
"Smoke preserves food both physically and chemically. It also tastes real good."
"The MRE was the first ration that was specifically developed with taste and variety in mind."
"It's chicken it's pork it's an animal it's delicious."
"You've literally put a bad taste in my mouth and I don't like it."
"You know, one of the reasons it tastes so good is because there's just, you know, water, uh, stevia maybe, and then sugar."
"If you like tomatoes, grow tomatoes because they taste way better than store bought."
"Plants aren't just to look at, sometimes they taste good and sometimes they feel interesting."
"The deep sourness of the lemon somehow makes the beef taste both sweeter and more intensely savory."
"Very weird but it's good... it's a yellow Lappy Taffy... this is heat."
"I'm very impressed with how well all this food tastes."
"The best boxed mac and cheese you've ever had."
"I knew it looked delicious but I didn't know it could be that good."
"It's a lot of food guys, but it is very delicious."
"Oh yeah, that's really good. Way better. I mean it's still a little bit dry at the end but it's sweeter."
"It's time to try Magic Spoon cereal, the cereal that tastes good and is good for you."
"This is just a vibrancy, a harmony of spices."
"I actually feel a bit of exhilaration, you know, it was the worst thing we've ever put in our mouths on 'Good Mythical Morning,' that bile." - Rhett
"Plums don't get enough credit for how good they are, plums are good. Plum yeah when they're juicy it's seductive."
"If I could only choose one to eat, it'd probably be number one."
"Garden vegetables that you grew taste a hundred times better no joke ask anybody."
"It's meal prep that doesn't suck, all the meals are backed by nutrition science and they taste great as well."
"It tastes like blood from an angel's sacrifice."
"Super light, delicate, crispy crunch on here."
"Does that just Snickers? That's just has to be, okay, yeah."
"Taste that real thing, ever tasted a sweet algorithm?"
"I challenge you to find a strawberry that tastes anywhere near as good as one you've grown yourself."
"Home cooking has to be easy, fast, and delicious."
"This food can be so insanely delicious that it's just crazy."
"This creamy chicken noodle soup is delicious."
"Taste the rainbow and if you're only tasting one skittle at a time you are only tasting a color, you are not tasting the rainbow."
"It really does taste like meat... lots of flavor."
"I can't actually taste the difference between this and a regular Coca-Cola."
"It's soft and it's moist and it's like gooey, amazing."
"It's just like a Jack Daniel's apple flavored liqueur and it's really [ __ ] nice."
"I gotta admit, this is good. This is definitely good."
"As long as it's tasteful, classy, it's all good."
"I just died and went to heaven. That is delicious."
"So it's like a mince left on a pillow at a high-class hotel. It leaves an aftertaste for around three minutes. You say to yourself, 'Well, that tasted pretty good,' and then you reflect on the time that you spent there one day later."
"It's like shells with cheese and lobster, it tastes like lobster bisque."
"It's like taking your taste buds on a first-class flight."
"A nice tartness almost got a really nice tartness there's a little bit of crunch in there."
"One of the best flavor combinations of the evening."
"Your perspective on the traffic stop is gonna determine how you feel about Queen and Slim throughout this entire movie."
"Wow, that has almost a citrusy flavor, that's good."
"Just because it tastes bad in isolation doesn't mean it won't serve a purpose in the finished product."
"That's good. It tastes like chocolate milk, and it's smooth."
"These low-cost meals are also super tasty, obviously I'm a chef, I want my food to taste good, be nutritious and just nourishing for the body."
"Their lemonade does taste better, definitely."
"It's one of the most tremendous things I've ever put in my mouth."
"Oh my God, it is so moist, it is so juicy, it is just falling apart."
"These really aren't probably some of the best wings on the planet, tender, crispy, whoa juices."
"This is the best ice cream, and if you disagree you're wrong."
"This is really, really good. It lives up to all the hype."
"Extra fat tastes better, helps you achieve satiety, and keeps you full for longer. Butter, especially grass-fed butter, is full of vitamins and minerals."
"That honestly is one of the best things I have ever eaten in my life, like genuinely, genuinely speaking."
"It's crazy how a lot of things you make at home you can generally make taste better than when you go out and eat."
"Get a little bit of everything in the bite - biscuit, little strawberry - there we go!"
"Dark chocolate is fire though bro the dark chocolate is so good it's my favorite chocolate so no it's good dude I actually really like the."
"These bad boys don't just taste incredible, they make you feel incredible."
"This is going to look right and taste amazing."
"Dying thoughts are just like this is delicious it slaps you're like slowly epipening yourself."
"Brussels sprouts have gotten a bad wrap for far too long."
"Everything here, let's just put it out there, nothing I ate at this place is really good for you but it is simply delicious."
"Cheating on my other cereals with Magic Spoon. It tastes so freaking good."
"It tastes like vegetables but then I can smell like goat or sheep or something in there too."
"I find that it's extremely palatable and does not taste much because of the cinnamon has that natural burning sensation to begin with it doesn't taste much like alcohol at all."
"It's the perfect flavor balance from hot time not too sweet not too salty."