
Transformation Quotes

There are 82852 quotes

"The brain is an extraordinary organ that weighs maybe 2% of your body mass, yet it consumes anywhere between 25 to 30% of all of your energy and oxygen. And it gets transformed into a mind, and this mind changes the human condition. It transforms fear into courage, conformity into creativity, sadness into happiness. How the hell does that happen?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're completely going to be changing your life, shifting onto a new path."
"This is going to be a time of great transformations and through these transformations, through death, comes out the seed of life of art and beauty."
"The essence of being transforms you, which is what happens when you pursue your interests deeply."
"We can transform our brains with what we think and what we do."
"Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one."
"If you really understand neuroplasticity, then you can make the worst times in your life the start of the best time in your life."
"It's a tremendous relief and I'm filled with gratitude for the transformation."
"Everyone's shining, their eyes are so clear, and their hearts are open. It's a beautiful process."
"We're talking about, actually, a transformation in the way in which we relate to our lives, to our bodies, to our calling, to our loves, to our ambition, and so forth, so that we can live lives of balance and fundamental, profound satisfaction."
"If you trade resentment and impatience for gratitude, freedom, and joy, and you start making those chemicals in your meditation every single day, I swear to you, you'll get familiar with that."
"Gratitude transforms every experience into a blessing."
"Transformation doesn't always mean crunches, faster, harder, louder... stronger. It's also the tender things."
"When your life becomes a non-stop prayer of thank you, you will know that you have mastered this key, and your life will be nothing short of magical."
"It's going to be very transformative in very many beautiful ways."
"The ability to shift something and take something that maybe wasn't so good, learn from it, and totally shift it into something that is serving us."
"Transformation is beautiful. It's okay for you to change."
"Art can have a powerful transformative effect on people."
"Gratitude will turn everything around. That will make you feel good. That will get you off the negative."
"Solitude is not a state to be feared but a condition to be sought. It's a crucible for self-transformation and the road to greatness."
"Your brand vision is your vision for the future. This is what you're leading your followers toward. Your brand identity is your story, where you came from, and how you transformed."
"The act of forgiveness is incredibly powerful and has the capacity to heal and transform."
"You have the power to turn nothing into something."
"You guys are literally starting a whole new you, a whole new vision for you, a whole new vision for your future."
"You're not the same person you were last week; that's very powerful for somebody who's trying to change themselves in fundamental ways."
"Everything gets turned upside down, and then life just becomes so profound. The depth of life, the richness of life, this is true richness."
"In just 3 years of being on this path of self-improvement, of becoming more like Adonis, the ultimate man, this is what my life looks like now."
"A good storyteller...can put the story on the edge of their cognitive transformation, and then it's absolutely captivating."
"The wound is the place where the light enters."
"Total transformation: Fix your mental health, fix your body, fix your wallet."
"I believe in you. I believe that you can reach a very high level. I believe you can change your life and... you'll pay that forward."
"This could be a big ending of something in your life but also the beginning of reaching for something more in alignment with your true prosperity."
"And I wanna know that when things click, massive rapid transformation happens."
"Big happy changes, your life is going to be drastically different."
"All of life could transform us just like music does, if we would treat it as music, if we would change our perception of it."
"You don't need to fight them, you don't need to slay these big dragons...because every head you cut off a Hydra, a new one just comes up...but if you just accept these things, what will happen is that you'll just soften to them and then naturally these things will just melt away and fall apart."
"You're gonna start seeing transformation; you're gonna start seeing a lot of growth."
"Daily meditation without ever skipping and making a commitment to meditate for the rest of your life without missing a single day...it's completely life-transforming."
"Allow Reiki into your life and let Reiki become a new way of life."
"I personally believe, and I think you will agree with me, that self-driving really has the potential to deeply change the way we look at mobility and the way we move people and things around."
"Jesus Christ did not come to change a bad person into a good person; he came to change a dead person into a living one."
"The tower gives you an opportunity for positive transformation and to rebuild bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"Let go of the past and soar. You are guided by the winds of spirit."
"Embrace my transformation. I courageously let go of the past."
"I learned so much from Gordon Ramsay. The whole experience has been amazing. It's life-changing, really."
"The hero starts out just in ordinary life, basically just doing mundane stuff stuck in a rut, then some new trigger comes, which is a call to adventure."
"What we're talking about here is transforming your entire perceptual system. Literally, the doors of your perception will be cleansed, and what you will be left with is the infinite."
"A beauty has been born. All is changed, changed utterly."
"Arthur believes he is part of a larger story. 'I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.'"
"These six practices saved my life, they saved me from missing out on what was possible, and they can do that for anybody."
"My parents were originally alcoholics and addicts and they kind of got out of the life and got sober into recovery and became pretty successful individuals."
"Disruptive innovation...is transformational in terms of changing the way the world works."
"He's the only one that can take your mess and make a message."
"What could I possibly do with my life after being like a chronic fuck-up for 20 years that could mean more than trying to help someone not go down that same path?"
"Changing your story from being a victim to overcoming it... That's a huge deal."
"What if the worst day of your life became the best day of your life?"
"Once an empath has awakened, they become a fierce phoenix that is rising up out of the ashes."
"Self-awareness is merely cognitive... Insight must include an emotional component which motivates to action or motivates to internal transformation."
"A person is not a body. Death is a transformation into something new."
"Sometimes there has to be a fire before there is new life from the ashes."
"Now, I get to reduce it and get to live the next 40 years of my life, being the woman I wanted to be in the beginning."
"Once you realize that everything is meaningless, you are able to get in touch with being... that being is so profound and divine that it transforms you from the inside."
"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Amen."
"Everything that we do, testimonies of people that have got saved and their lives were transformed automatically, it's like overnight there was a transformation."
"The beauty is in the butterfly, but the growth happens in the cocoon."
"If I told you my rap sheet, you would be surprised that someone like me could be standing where I'm standing, but He broke the chain of what I've been anchored to."
"Tool Academy is the one place that has proven it can take the world's biggest jerks and turn them into loving, caring boyfriends."
"The impact I want to have on the world is to transform and revolutionize the entertainment industry so that it becomes educational without anyone knowing."
"The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master."
"What does it mean when a character starts a movie alone wearing one color and ends it in love wearing something else?"
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"Humor is an alchemist, transforming that call it into something less gravity with more levity that helps us."
"Your life purpose is to bring transformation to the world, to mother earth."
"You are opening a window to a brand new life, a magical life, the divine matrix where you get to rewrite exactly what you want, exactly what you desire."
"The purpose of the crisis is that's how we transform."
"I believe when you get to 28 days, life just changed beyond belief."
"People have these massive transformations in all areas of their life from this one transformation."
"Extreme beliefs can be negative because it can create... bigotry, but it can be also very positive because when you believe something with such intensity, this is when you really can use this powerhouse of atomic energy... to transform your life."
"Feral druids become ferocious, agile stalkers, ripping, biting, and bleeding their enemies dry."
"It's like night and day, the phoenix rising from the ashes where it's like there's nothing and darkness and then boom, you step through this portal, and whoa, it's a whole nother world."
"A lot of you have really just transformed, and your wishes because of that are gonna come true very soon."
"Developing a hobby out of this...your whole life is going to start to transform in unimaginable ways."
"Over the next two years, you're going to have options because Aquarius is going to have Pluto in your seventh house, leading to major changes in your relationships."
"Chef Ramsay did more than anyone could ask for; he saved this restaurant and he saved the relationship I have with my family."
"The universe is trying to teach you to love, but you're resisting it because the love is so great that it will annihilate you in the process."
"The educational system in this country is broken and it's going to take us years to fix it. That's the bad news. But there's some good news too, and the good news is that you can transform the educational system for the children in your lives right now."
"Resting in awareness... transforms our relationship to everything that's unfolding in the world."
"This whole new magical reset where miracles begin to happen."
"You're shedding the old self and stepping into who you truly are."
"You guys are going through this path that will lead you to an ultimate transformation."
"You're letting go of the old ways of being because I feel like the old ways of being kind of held you down a little bit."
"When we love, our lives are changed forever."
"I always loved this expression: This is where you either turn into wine or vinegar."
"This whole process mirrors the hero's journey in which the hero has a call to adventure, and then eventually, a part of him or herself dies, and then a new transformed self emerges."
"I'm grateful we're talking about it because it's a game-changer."
"We often fear becoming the next level or version of ourselves... now is no longer the time for that. We are all becoming new at a planetary level."
"With a critical hit, Wayne, you take your own sword, drive it into your own stomach, and we literally see your spirit leave your body, fly over to the hippo, enter the hippo's body, and suddenly, not only are you in the body of the hippo now, you wake up and you can do all the things you could normally do. You can talk, you can cast spells, you can do everything. You're Wayne, but you're in the body of the hippo now."
"This consciousness renaissance is going to occur when we do the work."
"This is going to transform absolutely everything."
"Healing from heartbreak shifts your energy and brings new possibilities."
"How much brighter is this looking? I am loving it so far."
"I was born in West London, but I was made in the Royal Navy."
"I love these kind of projects because you can take a whole lot of nothing and turn it into something really special."
"You're truly kind of awakening and becoming like a new version of you."
"Our life is never going to change until we change."
"Inside the chrysalis, there's a war. The immune cells of the caterpillar fight to the death the cells that are responsible for turning it into a butterfly."
"Seeing what new forms of consciousness might come and seeing how I might be transformed is both exhilarating and terrifying."
"Transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change."
"I used to enrich valuable minerals. I made dust out of a 2 cm stone, and then it was turned into steel. Now he turns enemies into dust."
"Let me remind you what it looked like before and then what it looks like now. I think it's absolutely stunning."
"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."
"This miraculous change is like this person's leaving your life in order for a new beginning to come in, which is going to be more fulfilling."
"Life was a punishment I was to endure and now I feel like every day is a gift."
"Dragon communion is the abhorrent act of consuming the hearts of dragons to commune with the ancient dragons and become more like them."
"Meditation, gratitude, and compassion are practices that can transform your state of mind and your life."
"Transform, emerge with beauty and grace from your cocoon. It's time for you to shine."
"You're about to go through a big transformation, and this transformation is about you starting to really own who you are."
"Be open through this transitional time. You are going through a massive transition of who you've been and awakening a brand new you."
"It's gonna deeply touch your heart, it's gonna deeply transform your whole life, your whole mind, everything."
"I want to be changed. It's so easy to look powerful in this pulpit. I want to look powerful in the secret places and with the people who are closest to me, not on YouTube, in my home."
"We are now one step closer to our final transformation."
"Goku's first transformation to Super Saiyan versus Frieza, that is my favorite transformation."
"When Goku changed, well, the portion of my childhood life, I thought I could do that shit. He screamed his way into a transformation."
"Gon's transformation transcends anime transformations."
"Griffith's transformation... still haunts me to this day."
"That's the most epic transformation of all time in any piece of fiction I have ever experienced."
"The moment freaking Ichigo turns into the Vasto Lorde, like, that was like the best moment in Bleach for me."
"We are continuously shedding old layers. We want to let go of the old, in order to embrace the new."
"New phase, rekindle, renew, transformation, growth, changed mind."
"LifeSum and Farron have actually just changed my life. I'm eating better. I'm transforming."
"When we can see the light and the growth and the positivity within anything that we go through, this is where we transform."
"You are being formed into a diamond right now... Diamonds are formed under pressure."
"You might feel small right now, but your highest self wants you to know that you're actually creating some of the biggest shifts in your life right now."
"That was a double transformation. I would give that a 12 out of 10. Let's go."
"The Quran is a book that you use to be completely transformed."
"We're here to build a church that represents God to the lost-and-found for one reason: transformation in Christ."
"When you believe God, it changes everything. When you believe God, the things are a byproduct."
"The biggest transformation isn't how she looked but how she felt... so much stronger, so much more motivated."
"Captain America's transformation is about being a little more realistic and trusting the world instead of only defending it."
"Thanos began as wanting to do good and ended up vengeful and a pile of dust. That is a huge transformation."
"From a militarized doormat to a loving game-changer, Nebula deserves the number one transformation."
"The greatest sign that you've received the Holy Spirit isn't the gift of speaking in tongues... but the nature of Christ in you."
"A shocking revelation happens... a flurry of color as thousands of space worms... are transforming into butterflies."
"As you go through this process, you are going to come out on the other side freer than you've ever been in your life."
"I promise you that if you give those unfair situations to God, He can heal you and redeem you, and not only that but He can give you new gifts and new fruits that you never had before."
"During cellular transformation, repigmentation of the body will occur."
"Super Saiyan Royal Blue...it looks better than regular blue."
"Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun."
"We reflect the Lord's glory and are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory."
"Transformation changes us from emptiness to fullness, from defeat and failure to faith and victory."
"The closer I get to God, the more my life is going to be transformed."
"The transformations that you're making are going to lead you to more fulfillment, which is also going to lead you to more success."
"You're shedding these old patterns and old behaviors and old identities that kept you not feeling your best. You're shedding those over this next year and really stepping into this new version of you that really just again, you have a lot of your ish together."
"The transformation that you're making is actually stepping up into that leadership role."
"You're rebirthing a new version of yourself, and your highest self wants you to know right now that you're completely... right where you need to be."
"You have the power to begin shifting and growing into something new."
"Goku erupts from the crater in the ring, now adorned in a wicked new blue aura and piercing silver eyes."
"Ultra Instinct is one of the best transformations in the entire series."
"Perfect Cell is the best villain transformation in the series."
"Amir Khan's body transformation in 2016 is nothing short of incredible."
"You are literally manifesting your wings, you're manifesting your butterfly phase."
"You are not alone; all of nature goes through this... We transform as well, so this is all just a reflection of nature; you're in one of Nature's natural cycles."
"Frustration is fuel and God uses it to energize you to get you from where you are to where you need to be."
"Repentance is when I say, I'm breaking up with all the things that drove the nails into my Lord's hand because I love Him."
"Grow in understanding, and it would be one principle of the Bible that will transform your life inside out."
"Once you break out of the matrix, you never want to go back in."
"Go beyond the powers of a Super Saiyan, discover what was Super Saiyan beyond Super Saiyan."
"Goku showed that he could indeed go further beyond."
"Super Saiyan 3 increases your speed and your power significantly, but it also has a huge handicap and that is the strain on the user."
"Super Saiyan 3 is meant to be a form you use to end fights quickly because the more a fight goes on, the more energy will drain and you'll eventually burn out."
"Even in the new Broly movie, when Vegeta had an epic Super Saiyan transformation, it really tried to showcase the importance behind it to all fans once again."
"Rage, anger, emotion, need, desperation – boom, Super Saiyan. It was perfect the way it was."
"Under that pressure...that's when the most beautiful gemstones and crystals are formed."
"We have to have respect for both of them (tradition and transformation), and how do we know when something needs to be changed? We don't know, so we have to argue about it."
"My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me and dispenses his life into mine."
"People who read '12 Rules', who watch your lectures... experience rapid personal growth. Their emotional state, their health, and their relationships change."
"Embrace the brand new you because it's going to be very powerful."
"This woman had only eight dollars in her bank account today she has 600 acres of land in Costa Rica where she's building her own Resort Empire."
"Transforming ourselves and our lives is possible."
"Extreme changes can occur when someone shifts identity."
"In being yourself, you're going to realize so much transformation, it's going to be beautiful."
"Stop people-pleasing and just focus on yourself; this transformation that you're going to go through is going to be beautiful."
"It's finally time to transition out of that neverending story of people-pleasing."
"This transformation is going to encompass and make you feel whole and complete."
"Imagine being a lonely, worthless loser and considered the worst in the village but suddenly you get summoned to another world."
"There's going to be a miraculous change with you guys."
"Rwanda has undergone a remarkable transformation, turning into a nation unrecognizable from its past."
"Their trailblazing triumphs will transform the solar system and forever change life here on Earth."
"We are transforming ourselves; we are becoming brand new."
"You're blossoming into who you really want to be."
"The idea you have of yourself right now isn't complete; you can transform."
"Everybody needs a change, and there's nothing that can change you like God can."
"Chuing Zo's body now possesses all of the Dragon King's power."
"His form was determined by the amount of blood, and this small body worth of blood was currently keeping her body alive."
"You're about to timeline jump into your deepest desires."
"We can take energy and transmute it into doing something...we can turn a thought into a physical thing. That is alchemy. That is being the alchemist of your life."
"If a guy like me can go from where I was at... to where I'm at right now, that's why I love baseball. Baseball's a spiritual game, it's a very unique game."
"I went away from the base for like five minutes and I've come back and it's an entire kingdom."
"God's way is wondrous. When we come to Christ, He makes what is ugly to seem beautiful, and what is beautiful, it seems ugly."
"A simple haircut changed way more than her look."