
Alternative Medicine Quotes

There are 318 quotes

"Acupuncture has been used very successfully to treat headache and other forms of pain so much so that many insurance companies will now pay for acupuncture as an insured practice."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Let's make it loud and clear that sauna is medicine."
"I had to make a decision at that time in my life... to decide if I was gonna spend the rest of my life on addictive medications and with surgical rods in my spine or if I was going to see if the mind could actually heal the body."
"Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries is quite noble in its aims."
"Mushrooms could also play a factor in mitigating stress and various factors that contribute to a bunch of different health ailments."
"The psychedelics can provide a lot of help that Western medicine can't even dream about providing."
"Time magazine has described Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the country and credits him as the poet-prophet of alternative medicine."
"The use of psychedelics for healing is nothing new. Humans have been using visionary plants and fungus as medicine for thousands of years."
"There's no such thing as alternative medicine. There's just medical claims that are proven and all the rest that are not proven."
"If the average person knew that regaining their health was as easy as cleaning their intestines and the environment they expose themselves to, then we wouldn't need prescription drugs."
"Natural remedies don't have side effects, they have side benefits."
"Nature recognizes that people are highly stressed and that people need healing medicines for the problems of addiction and depression."
"Yoga's been put to the test for... multiple sclerosis, back pain, neck pain, insomnia, breast cancer, depression, anxiety..."
"Cannabis can help the opioid crisis... using a less harmful substance, to me that's like a huge win."
"The medical marijuana community is better educated than the doctors."
"Cannabis oil has got to be part of the arsenal it is just amazing."
"Essential oils are nature's true plant-based medicine."
"Water exposed to pyramid energy becomes healing water."
"Even to this day, what frightens people in The Establishment about Laetrile isn't about it has nothing to do really with an apricot kernel extract, it's about the loss of control, the loss of authority."
"Celery juice binds onto toxins from pathogens and pulls it out of their body."
"There's a reevaluation of the value of shamanism and psychedelics and plant medicines."
"There's growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of iasa in treating conditions like depression anxiety PTSD and addiction."
"I want to empower people to take their own health off-grid and be independent."
"If you have IBD or know someone that does and they are not using essential oils, you're missing a powerful tool to transform your health."
"Goop's history of promoting pseudoscience and snake oil in the name of alternative healthcare."
"If alternative medicine worked it would just be called medicine."
"Alternative medicine is alternative for reasons."
"Just get some gold in your body, in your system, to amplify that energy within you."
"Craniosacral work is a gentle form of body work that works with the body's natural healing properties."
"They want alternatives, they don't necessarily like the drugs."
"You can go your whole life's journey without plant medicine."
"What a nice day outside, a good day for some acupuncture."
"In our teachings, we emphasize the importance of oxygenation because oxygen feeds the coating and awakens the junk DNA in your body."
"I'm a self-made I like to say holistic healer."
"There are efforts to reverse Hashimoto's successfully with a functional medicine approach."
"Let's let the market decide how many doctors we need, let's let prices give that information of how many doctors we need and not bureaucrats in Washington."
"Absolutely, it should be between a doctor and a patient or might I add an alternative health care provider and a patient because that's the other thing."
"Essential oils are nature's most powerful form of plant-based medicine."
"If you find something that works for you that makes you feel good, then that's awesome," she said.
"And of course when you think about alternative medicine, we know that the more you charge someone, the more powerful the placebo effect will be."
"Again, compare this to alternative medicine practitioners, who rarely discuss the possible side effects of therapies they deliver, and who might exaggerate the benefits with a confidence that scientifically-guided practitioners simply cannot give."
"Nothing excites me more than knowing that with the knowledge I give people, they're going to be able to improve their own health without Pharmaceuticals."
"We can retrain the immune system and you can seal leaky gut." - Dr. Gundry
"That is how you heal diseases, that is how you heal ailments is through that frequency feeling."
"Upper cervical manipulation may benefit patients with hearing loss and tinnitus."
"It activates your body's own healing mechanisms."
"I think kratom is much more healthy and safe than say using a benzodiazepine."
"Before the advent of pharmaceutical medicine, iodine was a go-to solution for a lot of things."
"I'm gonna do it because it's the best shot I've got and traditional medicine has literally nothing left for me to try."
"Turmeric is just as effective as NSAIDs without the side effects."
"Oh my God, you're knocking it out of the park. This is with herbal medicine!"
"CBD is proven to be a natural way for people to cope with a lot of different ailments."
"It's all about doing all the things that we can do with exercise and eating right to be our best selves. Essential oils have played a significant role in my life."
"Healing trauma without medication and without medicine is possible."
"No matter what you may believe about voodoo, there is no doubt that the mind can be one of medicine's most powerful tools."
"I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine, Gerson therapy, and foods. It's working for me. It is."
"How old is Homeopathy, maybe we should have been taken cues from them scientifically?"
"Meditation is equally as effective as some of the best sleep medications that are out there."
"I actually had a patient once who had his eyesight restored with a chiropractic adjustment, how can that happen?"
"Well, it seems that his little girl was suffering from very severe warts... So I placed a photograph of my daughter between the input plates of my wishing machine."
"Our own herbal medicine... that might be very useful indeed."
"Water fasting might be one of the most powerful cancer treatments."
"Medical medium information was always about freedom."
"There's even a center at NIH focused on studying its efficacy."
"Weed is probably a great thing for a lot of people who are having trouble sleeping, especially as an incredibly healthier alternative to things like Ambien and pharmaceuticals."
"Yoga and Tai Chi reprogram your brain, physiology, and nervous system."
"And start using Himalayan salt, both as a lamp in your house every single day and, again, sprinkling a little bit of sea salt or Himalayan salt on your food every day."
"Western medicine has largely ignored, put down, even buried information about safe natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs."
"At the end of the day, it's like seeing a person with cancer using homeopathy to treat themselves rather than say chemotherapy."
"The body heals itself; you don't need medicines and chemotherapy."
"Progress is happening... it does carry on nonetheless."
"There have been literally now, you know, probably millions of miraculous kinds of healings that have been proven from this form of medicine."
"Functional medicine was the original biohacking."
"Magic mushrooms are therapeutic... So is ecstasy."
"Mindfulness is like Tylenol; it's over the counter but still a medical treatment."
"Alternative to Big Pharma based on quantum physics."
"Metabolic therapy first and then you'll be shocked at how you won't need toxic radiation and chemical chemicals."
"If I had not been treated with Ivermectin, if I had not used massive doses of Vitamin C D zinc, I really doubt that I'd be here with you today."
"The second you get rid of acidosis and toxemia... the cancer already stops."
"Vitamin C injections... the tumors or the cancerous growth was basically gone within a couple of days."
"Colloidal silver is fantastic; bacteria can't adapt to it."
"Charlotte Gerson was going to give this lecture for the national health Federation on cancer."
"The Gerson Therapy is especially helpful in cases of malignant melanoma and other aggressive cancers."
"CBD is hugely useful even if you're like against marijuana for whatever reason." - The trek to tiny.
"These new healing modalities that can end so much suffering, be brought out to everyone."
"Unlock the power of natural remedies for common ailments."
"There's no reason to worry about overdoing Flower Essences."
"What we're trying to do is keep people off big Pharma under the word of God amen."
"There are ways that cancer could be healed... put her in this chamber for a period of six weeks with double the oxygen level and the cancer was completely taken out of her."
"Being able to just naturally heal on the move makes it a very desirable choice for many."
"Well, people are dying and they need something to heal with, and that's a very healing alternative."
"If we can consider a metabolic model, then we have the potential to starve cancer."
"Medical medium information gets people better because not only does it make sense but because there's a real reason why it works."
"Botanicals like licorice root and medicinal mushrooms can normalize cortisol levels."
"Cannabis is medicine for cultural evolution."
"What is it? There are no horrible side effects, there's no ridiculous expense, there's no Farmageddon."
"The biggest hoax in human history is that we cannot heal ourselves and we need poison to fix us."
"Solution that delivers results without the harsh side effects or unwanted chemicals and no need for prescription."
"When we add laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope, we can see the cancer cells dying off like flies."
"Of those with early diagnosed cancer, at least 80% will be saved by vitamin therapy."
"The correct use of psychedelics... far better place than it can be today is the correct use of psychedelics."
"Try cannabis, try dabbing, try edibles. Maybe it's CBDs that's gonna help you out."
"Hypnosis is so incredibly powerful for birthing and for everybody."
"Functional medicine is about what's wrong with the mitochondria."
"It's so freaking powerful... better than any like artificial like you know medicine can provide."
"Are there doctors that believe and practice and preach the low-carb way of beating diabetes? Yes, there are."
"Milk thistle shows promise for liver disease, but it's not an approved treatment."
"Spices aren't replacements for modern drugs, but they offer real properties we can learn from."
"If cannabis could be used to replace some of those higher risk medications, it could have a huge role in how we manage fibromyalgia pain going forward."
"Cannabis has been a healing plant for me."
"If alternative medicine had been shown to work, it would just be called medicine."
"Even cancer can be cured. This shocking method. It's really unheard of."
"Two tablespoons of organic coconut oil per day will dissolve the plaque in the brain that causes Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"Reflexology is such a beautiful powerful treatment."
"The feet are a replicant of the body itself."
"It's amazing what shows up on the feet as imbalance."
"Monolaurin for me did what massive amounts of antibiotics failed to fully do."
"I think anyone with chronic pain that wants to go this route should try CBD alone and see if it's helpful."
"We routinely reverse multiple sclerosis here on the farm, reverse osteoarthritis pain, even when someone is on the schedule for a knee replacement already, they can cancel the operation."
"Turmeric extract and curcumin is quite impressive and can stand on its own when compared to multi-billion dollar big Pharma drugs."
"All of these things are just not presented or talked about enough as being a form of medicine."
"Acupuncture and acupressure have been associated with increased endorphins."
"Essential oils of vanilla and lavender have been shown to increase endorphins."
"Essential oils of bergamot, lavender, lemon, oregano, rose, and peppermint have all been shown to increase dopamine levels."
"I believe in natural remedies and Crystal healing and therapy. I believe you should do all of these things before you ever go and speak to someone on the NHS cuz all they're going to do is poison with drugs."
"That's why I like Gwyneth Paltrow though because like she experiments with Reiki."
"Acupuncture covered for lower back pain."
"If surgery is not the answer what are people supposed to do? ATM always think muscles muscles move your bones."
"Acupuncture works very well with the kind of conditions that we've got within our group."
"I found medical marijuana extremely helpful with the pain."
"Crystal healing operates on the vibrations of your body."
"Those are the two things they want to talk about all the time - we should be able to heal ourselves and we should have free energy."
"You're not going to kill every germ in your body with antibiotics. Ozone therapy can help your immune system deal with the rest."
"Salvia has demonstrated anti-depressant effects in some cases. It's been reported that patients with chronic treatment-resistant depression experienced complete remission after using small doses of Salvia."
"I'm not rejecting modern medicine. I'm saying we need to know this stuff even to make medicine work better."
"Myo-inositol appears to be a safe and effective alternative, with no reported side effects in trials."
"Chiropractic or osteopathic care... you can see great results there for those kids with autism..."
"Food aggressively works better than traditional medicine for many things like diabetes, heart disease."
"You cured an incurable condition according to traditional medicine."
"It's about something that's pretty prevalent and mostly ignored or overlooked by traditional medicine."
"If you don't want it to trigger your mass cell then you can make a paste out of it but a few drops make a paste and apply it over the muscle it works very well."
"Berberine is much more than just a natural alternative to these prescription drugs."
"I'm of the belief that this is the one for the people who have bounced from doctor to doctor. This is the one that's life-changing in many cases. Holistic healing."
"Some people believe in the curative powers of crystals, while others remain skeptical."
"So it depends, your outcome is depending on your definition of cure, and probably if your definition of cure, is I feel fantastic, I tell you my herbs get my immune system up, I reduce my stresses, absolutely cure possible, and as long as you get to the illness early."
"Maybe some of you might benefit from going on a shamanic journey."
"We have this incredible arsenal of tools at our disposal that are completely ignored by traditional medicine."
"I didn't want to go the conventional medical route and because you know particularly in the UK but I know it's the case in the U.S. as well that you know people are getting sicker and sicker generally you know whatever they're doing the conventional recommendations don't work."
"I'm very holistic, I didn't want to take anything."
"I haven't spoken about this much but I Got My Placenta turned into pills which you then take for as long as until it runs out."
"Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are highly recommended to help with acute and chronic symptoms of endometriosis."
"I love the whole Eastern medicine aspect of this."
"But I think it's very true and very unfortunate that the Health Care system is so bad that people are trying to pay for psychics and stuff."
"Based on his patients that he worked with over the years, 90% of those people didn't need surgery and their back problems went away."
"Pumpkin seed oil... a natural alternative to powerful medications."
"I've seen people reverse Alzheimer's, reverse autism, reverse ADD, reverse depression, things that bipolar disease, schizophrenia. I mean you just wouldn't even imagine how powerful this is."
"Magic is always there in any form, whether it's herbs, tinctures, tea, or just thinking."
"Essential oils are great, they're also like not a cure-all."
"This was Jontron, extremely alternative medicine. Signing off, I'm Nate, I am Nick. We'll see you later, everybody. Peace."
"Help with skin cancer please? Look into eggplant extract."
"I just want more people to know that there really is a viable option, that there is a very different approach to staying healthy or getting healthy than the conventional route."
"Doctors like Ben Edwards, who I know was in the RCP 101 video series with you, that was probably the thing that really launched and solidified RCP in my mind."
"His work continues to offer hope to those in search of cures that have eluded modern medicine."
"...if you can go see a functional medicine doctor definitely it won't hurt to give it a try um especially if your normal you know regular care doctor is not really giving you the answers that you're looking for or hoping for..."
"Get the meta honey. I was skeptical but man that thing works miracles."
"These case reports are very interesting and important, raising some level of suspicion that acupuncture might be beneficial."
"What I used and what I've helped so many people with is herbal therapy."
"I know many people who rub their hands or their knees or whatever arthritic part of their body in nettles to help work with it."
"This is an interventional strategy that requires no medication that works every single time it's applied correctly."
"Essential oils are far better than pharmakia on any given day."
"Use plant medicines in lieu of conventional medicines."
"Few things have changed my life like earthing has. One year ago this month, I was looking for something to help with some pain, some autoimmune-related pain."
"Why don't we see people coming to get healing? They'd rather go to the doctor and get surgery or take medicine, pharmacon, which means witchcraft."
"Just by connecting her hand to the Earth through the ground, via an electrode patch, the pain disappeared."
"Although I had only undergone one session of his acupuncture technique, I can clearly feel a change in my own body."
"Essential oils have frequencies and disease can't live in your body if you use these oils."
"...berberine is more or less the poor man's metformin."
"I think it's totally fine to use a Neti Pot."
"At first, I was like, 'Oh, that sounds pretty woowoo and crazy,' but it actually seems to be working."
"Traction, diet change, and nutritional supplementation can save a person from needing surgery."
"...no longer take any drugs for MS, I no longer see Western medicine doctors, and I no longer spend any money on health care..."
"We got a lot to work out here really be careful of like the functional medicine people and a lot of other practitioners they abuse the crap out of this stuff they overshoot and over speak way too far but there's clearly something here"
"...I think it's a really, really great alternative. It helps you become really in tune with your body and aware of what your body is doing."
"Using homeopathy in place of this only serves to prevent people from such a life, and puts more people’s health at risk."
"...he also promoted the plant extract oleandran as an alternative treatment for covet 19."
"CBD has been proven to be good for anxiety, depression, arthritis, back pain, epilepsy, autism, and general well-being."
"Most people that are looking for chemical pain management should look at cannabis and the endogenous cannabinoid system."
"But to some, honeybees are miniature flying drugstores that could reverse the course of multiple sclerosis."
"This is better than any medicine we could ever give in any clinic."
"I find that the herbs are sometimes vastly more useful tools than pharmaceuticals."
"Florida alternative medicine where age is just a number."
"Massaging oil roses into the area was said to help, and it does."
"Acupuncture not only treats pain problems, it helps people expand their life and make you more healthy."
"Complementary therapies can help to relieve stress, help with relaxation, and reduce anxiety."
"I was introduced to plant medicine 10 years ago to deal with my depression and it knocked it out."
"Research has proven that velvet antler is very useful for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis."
"Studying acupuncture will take the blinker off your eyes; you'll suddenly connect much more with things."
"Using essential oils as kind of a therapy is called aromatherapy."
"People use altmed primarily because it fits with their personal philosophy; it treats the whole person."
"The use of complementary and alternative medicine was attractive as it offered more options in healthcare than just relying on conventional medicine alone."