
Anti-inflammatory Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"Curcumin has been shown to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and has been shown to be very effective in treating different types of headache, in particular, migraine headache."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I personally think it is one of the most powerful, anti-inflammatory things, dietary lifestyle, things that we can get easily, relatively easily, that is going to powerfully modulate the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you age."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the best anti-inflammatory medicines you can get, period."
"Oranges' hesperidin lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects."
"Turmeric has profound anti-inflammatory properties... without the side effects, without the harm."
"My favorite anti-inflammatory meal... involves eating the rainbow because each color represents a different phytochemical which is going to help fight inflammation."
"Turmeric seems to have the curcumin part of it is a very potent anti-inflammatory."
"Raw organic honey has so many anti-inflammatory properties on top of all the antibacterial properties."
"With the anti-inflammatory properties that this lifestyle and the diet have, you're going to be able to recover so much faster."
"Exercise is a really good way to boost the anti-inflammatory processes and natural ones in your body."
"On today's show, we find out how we can reduce dietary inflammation, which foods can help, and discover how our gut microbiome could play an important role."
"Generally, things that are good for your gut microbes tend to be anti-inflammatory."
"Food is medicine. Anti-inflammatory exercise is medicine. Sleep is anti-inflammatory. Meditation's anti-inflammatory. Yoga is anti-inflammatory."
"It's very well-studied and most famous as an anti-inflammatory, but it does a ton of other things."
"Vitamin D is probably one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories."
"Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory; it gets rid of pain."
"Vitamin D is the best anti-inflammatory, and it's not really even a vitamin; it's a hormone which acts very similar to cortisol."
"Turmeric is another one with high anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent cancer, improves digestion, boosts your immune system, promotes weight loss, detoxifies the liver, helps control diabetes, improves skin health and so much more."
"Curcumin...has been shown to be as effective as a whole variety of some of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs."
"Garlic and onions are great for reducing inflammation."
"Drink healthy water, eat more organic vegetables... why? Because fresh vegetables are anti-inflammatory."
"The curcumin in turmeric has super powerful anti-inflammatory properties."
"Mugwort has a ton of phenolic compounds and antioxidants and it's really good for dry irritated skin. It has a profound anti-inflammatory effect."
"Beta-hydroxybutyrate, the main ketone body, is a powerful epigenetic anti-inflammatory compound."
"Well I would say you know all the fundamental principles we've talked about for sure the you know nutrient-dense Whole Foods anti-inflammatory diet that's tailored for you based on your health status and also your activity levels."
"Lemons offer a comprehensive array of properties that make them a valuable asset in the quest to reduce inflammation."
"Ketones have inflammation modulating properties."
"Curcumin has been widely researched in the past 20 years for its proven effects as a powerful anti-inflammatory."
"Lemon reduces chronic inflammation, helping with various inflammatory problems."
"The power of curcumin: a compound found in turmeric with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects."
"Niacinamide: calming redness, irritation, and oiliness, with antioxidant effects for anti-aging."
"Cranberry juice is a remarkable beverage with a multitude of potential benefits for Kidney Health, equipped with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to prevent urinary tract infections."
"We know it's really effective at reducing obesity. We know it's really effective at reducing insulin resistance. And we know it's really effective as an anti-inflammatory diet."
"Azelic acid is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and can lower the amount of bacteria within the pore that contribute to acne."
"Panthenol: anti-inflammatory, beneficial for calming down irritation, activating essential cells for wound healing and recovery."
"It's just a tool in a fight against a super inflammatory disease."
"The benefits of Keto: strongly anti-inflammatory, right? Okay, we get, of course, the beta hydroxy butyrate is anti-inflammatory in and of itself."
"Mugwort, an incredible ingredient for calming inflamed skin."
"Omega threes have a very strong potent anti-inflammatory effect."
"They have amazing anti-inflammatory properties and are full of essential antioxidants."
"Magnesium is a natural anti-inflammatory agent."
"Omega-3 fats found in wild Alaskan salmon help fight inflammation throughout your body, including in your brain, and offer numerous protections to your brain cells."
"Inflammation is implicated in many different disease processes in the body, so one of the things you really want to do especially if you're trying to lose weight is cut the inflammation."
"500 milligrams of curcumin c3 complex is more than sufficient to keep c-reactive protein levels homocysteine levels and the overall systemic inflammation as low as possible."
"Turmeric: ancient spice with powerful anti-inflammatory properties."
"Ginger: versatile root for managing inflammation and digestive issues."
"D'Arco: beneficial as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever."
"Fresh ginger and fresh turmeric... an anti-inflammatory... anti carcinogen... nutritional powerhouse."
"Stay away from inflammatory foods like sugar... excess starches... processed oils."
"Incorporating these beverages into your lifestyle not only serves as a proactive measure against inflammation but also empowers you to take control of your health."
"...boost the immune system but also fight inflammation sipping on warm lemon water daily can provide a gentle yet effective way to reduce inflammation throughout the body."
"Turmeric: decreases inflammation in the kidneys and enhances their function."
"Short-chain fatty acids are the most anti-inflammatory compound I've ever come across." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"This is going to be great for sensitive skin it's going to give you relief it's going to help calm down any inflammation any redness."
"Brazil nuts are a true powerhouse in promoting healing and reducing inflammation."
"Anytime you have things like anthocyanins which are in dark dark berries... the darker the fruit really... these have been demonstrated in research to be quite anti-inflammatory."
"The purpose of keto is not just to lose weight, it's to modulate inflammation."
"Rosemary has notable anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ally for those who experience joint pain accompanied by inflammation."
"It smells like the root itself. If you guys don't know, ginseng is anti-inflammatory, so if you are acne-prone, this product will really help you calm down any redness and make your skin feel really, really nice."
"Calories in, calories out, but timing is key."
"Omega-3s help form pro-resolvants, which aid in resolving inflammation and healing."
"Exercise is perhaps one of the most effective anti-inflammatory agents known."
"Nitric oxide I talked about earlier is an antiviral agent but it is also anti-inflammatory."
"Onions have anti-inflammatory phytochemicals... increased testosterone levels in rodent studies."
"Bell peppers are rich in a compound called luteolin, which we know is a pro-longevity agent."
"Extra virgin olive oil contains oleokanthal, an anti-inflammatory compound as effective as ibuprofen."
"Capsaicin can also help reduce inflammation by inhibiting the activity of inflammatory molecules."
"A proper human diet is uninflammatory."
"Think about lots of different colors because that's feeding the microbes that are giving this anti-inflammatory properties."
"Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatory."
"Caffeine applied to the skin is anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant effects which may help in suppressing inflammation in the skin."
"The most anti-inflammatory food component is fiber, found only in plant foods."
"Berberine can act against pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic responses through suppression of the nuclear Factor KB signal pathway."
"Cruciferous vegetables provide amazing anti-inflammatory benefits."
"Spinach also contains flavonoids, another compound with anti-inflammatory properties."
"Ketones provide an anti-inflammatory and even metabolic benefit."
"Castor oil is great antioxidant. It's a Wonderful anti-inflammatory, wonderful pain reliever."
"Berries offer a vibrant and delicious way to potentially alleviate arthritis symptoms, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals."
"Extra virgin olive oil has been shown to contain all sorts of anti-inflammatory compounds."
"Omega-3 resolves inflammation efficiently."
"Restasis is an excellent anti-inflammatory drop for the ocular surface."
"Omega-3... very anti-inflammatory... tells the immune system, 'settle down, there's no threat here, Keep Calm, we don't need to attack anything.'"
"Using an anti-inflammatory like copper peptides just keeps the skin in tiptop health."
"CBD has anti-inflammatory effects."
"CBD is everywhere and it's a big anti-inflammatory."
"Galveston diet: an anti-inflammatory nutrition program I created for myself and my patients who were frustrated with the 'calories in, calories out' approach."
"Curcumin in turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory that can prevent DNA damage and help with DNA repair."
"Fresh pineapple or pineapple supplements can have anti-inflammatory effects."
"Ketones have anti-inflammatory effects... keeping inflammation very low."
"Innocal cysteine, the anti-inflammatory, mucolytic wonder."
"Witch hazel has been traditionally known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties."
"An anti-inflammatory approach across the board is obviously the way to go. Everything we've talked about so far: diet, movement, and the full spectrum of lifestyle changes and medications."
"DHEA is a profound anti-inflammatory but it remodels, rebuilds, and goes regrows tissues."
"Alpha lipoic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory, which is critical for many chronic degenerative conditions."
"Berries are packed with fiber, berries are packed with micronutrients, and they are highly, highly, highly anti-inflammatory."
"Super good at reducing inflammation on the skin... really good calming serum."
"There is a superior anti-inflammatory effect in the low carbohydrate high-fat group."
"Avocado is like a treasure trove of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant goodness, essential for keeping your liver happy and healthy."
"Anti-inflammatory diets are associated with reduced chronic pain, reduced depression and anxiety, reduced dementia, improved sleep, improved energy, and improved immunity."
"Butyric acid... very good for the digestive tract... reduces inflammation..."
"Curcumin appears to work as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil to reduce pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve function."
"Avocado is rich in healthy fats which also helps you maintain healthy moisture levels and also reduces inflammation."
"Black cumin seed is something I've been using since I was a child. Found out when I chose this as a profession that nigella sativa the black human seed is very very powerful anti-inflammatory."
"Curcumin is one of the most potent anti-inflammatories."
"Muscle is anti-inflammatory tissue."
"It's nice to know that these ingredients within the serum do have benefits both from anti-inflammatory antioxidants and stimulation of growth."
"The most powerful inflammation buster ever devised."
"Sleep, because it's so anti-inflammatory in the brain, especially that non-rim sleep and the use of the lymphatic system and that activation, it's really an interesting thing."
"Exercise, fitness as medicine, glutamate can be burned directly as a fuel in the mitochondria when you're exercising, which is a good thing. It also reduces inflammation, oxidative stress, and glutamate, so this is a good thing."
"Fatty fish may help reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation common in diabetes."
"Cooking your rice in the bone broth... an easy way to add in that anti-inflammatory component."
"It really is the most powerful anti-inflammatory chemistry that I've ever seen."
"Curcumin, the main active compound in turmeric, is highly anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, thus enhancing your body's natural defense."
"Silkworms also contain an enzyme in their bodies called serrapeptase, which helps relieve inflammation in the body."
"When plasma vitamin C reaches these high levels, it becomes something more than a vitamin. It becomes an anti-inflammatory agent."
"This is the part of the brain responsible for thought, imagination, and creativity, and reduces inflammation."
"Castor oil is a potent anti-inflammatory agent, primarily due to its ricinoleic acid content."
"Stimulating the vagus nerve shuts off inflammation in the body."
"The benefits of the pineapple, and especially the pineapple skin, is that it contains a protein-digesting enzyme that is used as an anti-inflammatory."
"The omega-3s have a wide variety of anti-inflammatory effects."
"Extra virgin olive oil has been found to be as anti-inflammatory as low-dose ibuprofen."
"Eat real food, don't over or under eat, avoid inflammatory foods."
"A well-formulated low-carb diet is very effective at reducing inflammation."
"The sugars found in fruit aren't refined sugars; fruit contains a lot of anti-inflammatory compounds like antioxidants and fiber."
"The omega-3 fats... are important in their anti-inflammatory effect."
"Cannabidiol... has 20 times the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin and twice that of hydrocortisone."
"Caryophyllene is a very interesting compound; it's a sesquiterpenoid with strong anti-inflammatory properties and protects the stomach from ulcers."
"The primary health benefit of the omega-3s in chia seeds is their ability to combat inflammation in the body."
"The cytokines that are released by exercising muscle have profound anti-inflammatory effects, basically they are the antithesis of the metabolic syndrome."
"A proper human diet is ancestrally appropriate, nutrient-dense, uninflammatory."
"Ginger is so good for the body because it has anti-inflammatory properties."
"The Mediterranean diet has been shown over and over again to reduce inflammation, to increase your levels of phytochemicals... and your NF-kappaB pathway is diminished."
"Garlic and fresh turmeric, both those two ingredients really powerful naturally anti-inflammatory."
"It's a really good treatment for that on the flip side for acne. It is germicidal and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory."
"Elic acid, a unique component in strawberries, wields powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects."
"Bromelain, an enzyme in pineapples, works diligently to reduce inflammation within the kidneys."
"As for linolenic acid, it's commonly found in food products and is good for treating inflammation."
"Vitamin C actually helps to prevent vascular inflammation."
"Turmeric is very high in anti-inflammatory properties."
"Eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help your body overall, including your skin."
"Fermented foods are shown to reduce markers like interleukin-6, which is an inflammatory cytokine."
"Blueberries are one of the strongest anti-inflammatory foods out there."
"Turmeric has been used for several thousand years in India, one of the oldest foods that has been used medically for battling inflammation."
"Chickweed is an exceptionally beneficial wild green for cooling heat conditions and soothing inflammation in the body."
"Methylene blue, when given to these rats that had this brain inflammation caused by LPS, it resolved the neuronal inflammation."
"Ketones fix things, ketones turn off bad genes, ketones downregulate cell inflammation, ketones fix the brain."
"The anti-inflammatory effects of some psychedelics are just super potent."
"CBD is good for inflammation, helps to get rid of swelling."
"It's a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug."
"Sesame oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties."
"High oleic sunflower oil is shown to be beneficial for cholesterol and heart health while combating inflammation."
"Walnut oil is high in polyphenols, notably lagenamins, which have anti-inflammatory and blood sugar regulatory properties."
"NSAIDs work by decreasing the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and reducing fever."
"It's not just moisture, there's something that is really calming inflammation on the skin."
"Cinnamon contains powerful components that have anti-inflammatory effects."
"The strongest effects of nicotinamide riboside that have been seen in the most number of studies are anti-inflammatory."
"Anti-inflammatory ingredients will help to calm and soothe the skin."
"Green tea leaf is just such a good anti-inflammatory antioxidant that helps to calm and soothe the skin."
"Hemp milk contains a solid amount of Omega-3s aiding inflammation prevention."
"Olive oil, rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, plays a pivotal role in combating inflammation and supporting the health of blood vessels."
"Frankincense contains a lot of what's called boswellic acid, the oil contains higher compounds of things like alpha-pinene, which are also really, really, strongly anti-inflammatory."
"Rosemary oil works both on the brain as well as on your body at a cellular level at reducing chronic inflammation."
"Colored sweet potatoes can help combat toxins, inflammation, cancer, aging, improve hepatitis, gut, and immune health."
"It's anti-inflammatory, that means it's helpful in both redness prone skin with rosacea and acne."
"Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and has sedative actions."
"The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits really can help to calm down pimples."
"It's very gentle, it's very calming and soothing and anti-inflammatory can help to cut down on any of that irritated burning feeling that you might have on your skin."
"Niacinamide is also anti-inflammatory, which is great for those with rosacea."
"When you munch on these vibrant tubers, you're actively calming those inflamed cells."
"Turmeric is one of nature's best anti-inflammatories and anti-cancer compounds."
"Calendula... the flowers have really healing and anti-inflammatory properties."
"Red grapes are high in vitamin C and contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation."
"Broccoli is a great food that can help with overall inflammation and decreasing the puffiness."
"Tart cherries are also a great food to decrease inflammation and to decrease that puffiness under the eyes."
"Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can help combat inflammation in the body."
"Zone 2 cardio is everything. It does not create inflammation; in fact, it's known to reduce inflammation."
"It tastes delicious and it's so anti-inflammatory, it is so healthy for the body."
"Golden berries contain unique plant compounds called withanolides, well researched for their immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory attributes."
"It also heals inflammation on your skin."
"Turmeric has this phytonutrient called curcumin which is extremely potent in decreasing the symptoms, the signs, the complications of diabetes."
"Water dense, thus having many hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties."
"Estrogen turns out is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory hormone."
"I obsess about where there is the most consistent evidence we have in terms of the anti-inflammatory properties of the Mediterranean diet."
"Omega-3s are Nature's anti-inflammatory."
"My body started feeling incredible. I've eliminated all this stuff and I'm eating foods that reduce inflammation."
"It can dramatically decrease the inflammation."
"Fasting decreases this inflammation."
"Turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects... this reduces the inflammation... making it so that the signal from insulin can reach the cell better."
"Intermittent fasting definitely helps reduce inflammation which removes stress that's placed on your kidneys."
"Giving people fruit not only does not cause inflammation but it actually improves inflammation."
"Fruit as a category in general is very good for inflammation."
"Adding an anti-inflammatory fruit juice to your meal can help prevent the inflammation that foods like high fat foods cause."
"Flax seeds may help reduce swelling and inflammation in your body."
"Anthocyanin-rich and dark berries are probably some of the most anti-inflammatory berries that are out there."
"Garlic contains allicin, an organic sulfur molecule with anti-inflammatory effects."
"You cannot have inflammation in a grounded body."
"Turmeric contains curcumin which is highly, highly anti-inflammatory."
"Bile is also critical for reducing inflammation and basically getting rid of bad bacteria and bad microbes."
"C8 not only had the highest net ketogenic effect but other studies have shown that it has a really powerful effect in terms of anti-inflammatory effects in the gut."
"It reduces puffiness, shrinks pores."