
Breathing Quotes

There are 3466 quotes

"Breathing itself is described as a bridge between conscious and unconscious states."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Certain patterns of breathing will calm you very much like entering a hypnotic state."
"Breathing instinctively unites us all, regardless of our race, sexual orientation, religion, or political beliefs."
"By actively training the breath, we can increasingly gain control over a range of physiological processes in the body."
"This is nature's way of offloading carbon dioxide because it maximally expands the alveoli sacs of the lungs, which then pulls carbon dioxide into those sacs and lungs, and then you offload more carbon dioxide on the exhale."
"The first thing you learn at monk's school is learning how to breathe because we're taught that the only thing that stays with you from the moment you're born to the moment you die is your breath."
"We have the access to the most powerful regulator of stress through our breath."
"And just another time or two as you welcome the breath into your body. Just notice that you're literally bringing fresh energy and oxygen into your body."
"Breathing can become your best friend in this situation."
"Being a nasal breather is known to provide the right milieu to keep that nasal microbiome at its healthiest."
"The length of your breath is the length of your life."
"Feel where it feels good for the body, and once you've found that position, breathe through it."
"Breathe and feel your chest rising, count to eight then count to ten as you're blowing out that air."
"Just breathe. If people understood what breathing actually does on a physiological level, we would all be practicing every day."
"With each breath in, feel your body expand... and with each exhalation, let your body relax."
"Breathe lightly when needed, deeply when able, and treasure the air, a force of life."
"Learn how to breathe so that you can be fully present in every single part of your being."
"You don't need to pay for this stuff... breath is a healing and very nourishing modality."
"Breathing dysfunction is a serious problem, especially with kids, especially for adults as well."
"Breath actually sets the upper limit of our neurological function, metabolic function, cognitive function, sleep recovery—all those things are dependent on how we breathe."
"What's cool about our breath is that although it's happening passively without us thinking about it, we can actually override it consciously."
"You can use breath to increase your energy and alertness, increase your blood pressure, increase your heart rate. You can also use breath to lower it."
"For every 10 pounds that someone loses, eight and a half of those are lost through the breath."
"Our mouth is literally dirtier than our anus in terms of bacteria. We want to take nice clean air and breathe out through our nose because our nose recaptures moisture."
"Breathing correctly is the first step towards better health."
"No joke, holy crap, I can breathe. This is crazy."
"By changing the way in which you breathe, you can actually change how your mind is processing thoughts, feelings, and emotions."
"How we breathe absolutely affects us; it even affects the density of our bones, it affects us down to the atomic level, subatomic level with electrons."
"Focusing on your breathing can really have some transformative effects."
"If we breathe better, we're going to live more."
"When we're breathing slower and when we're breathing deeply into our lungs at our metabolic need, our heart can work so much more softly."
"Breathing: one of the most important life-sustaining tasks that you perform every minute of every day."
"Don't rush it, don't push it, just, breathe through it."
"With every inhale you create space, and every time you exhale you move a little deeper into that space."
"It's utterly fascinating to me how one, how well it works just to breathe from your diaphragm, but two, that people have been saying this for thousands of years."
"Breathing is such an important thing... Yoga is a practice of breathing and it's helped me so much."
"Even though mastering a specific breathing technique in the real world will not allow us to use supernatural powers, I still find it fascinating how these various breath techniques form the crux of demon slayers epic battle system."
"Breathing deeply instantly makes me feel calmer."
"The truth is, if we had to hold our breath for another two-and-a-half to three minutes, most of us, unfortunately, would be dead."
"Breath is the most powerful tool that everyone has within their reach to bring their stress response right under their control."
"Embraces each and every breath you are taking. Celebrate your life. Live it."
"Deep breathing: simple, drug-free, FDA-approved."
"To me yoga is so much more about the breathing the pose is just another way to facilitate the way that the breath is moving through your body."
"Find a way into your body through breathing... focus on yourself talking your lips moving."
"Breathing is the most simple thing: in, out. And if that is a struggle for you, then you need to be inside."
"Breath is the commander of the mind state and the mood."
"Breathing is normally an automatic function, but we can take it over." - Dr. David Spiegel
"It's resistance training, it's weight training for your breathing muscles."
"Let breath be your teacher, let breath be your lifeline, let it root you into your physical body and deeper, deeper into the earth connection. Just breathe."
"Breath is life. Every time we're breathing, that is your life right there."
"Allow each inhale to become a little deeper and each exhale a little longer."
"Big breath in, exhale to switch sides, stretching out your whole right side body."
"As intense as this sensation is, focus that much more on your breath."
"Each Breath You Take is a testament to the miraculous nature of existence."
"Do not hold your breath, keep the breath moving."
"Can you slow down your exhale, lengthen it, pause at the bottom?"
"For the first time in his life, he could breathe."
"The speed of your thoughts correlates with the speed of your exhalation."
"You do get a good response when it opens because you could see the actual difference between the congestion."
"Remember to keep the face soft and the mind calm and the breath and the flow."
"He's getting increasingly labored with his breathing... it was time to get that sorted."
"Have you noticed that when you're concentrating or stressed out, you breathe faster? How does the mechanics of breathing affect us?"
"A huge part of yoga is all about connecting to your breath."
"Listen to your breath, it's like the movement of the body."
"Not about tensing everything up trying to get as much breath, just a natural breathing, easy flow in and out of the nostrils."
"The solution is to breathe right as much as possible throughout the day."
"Breathing here, letting that breath really circulate."
"Keep breathing. Keep coming back to the breath."
"Conscious breathing through yoga, we find our unification through movement, connected to breath in mindfulness."
"Inhaling for a full count of three, filling up belly ribs chest. Sign out nose or mouth, get all the breath out of the body."
"The most important thing is that you are breathing in and you're breathing out."
"Suddenly, oat stops breathing. Howdy stop breath holding."
"Relax here, keep a long smooth steady breath."
"Inhale halfway exhale fold, inhale coming up to standing as you reach both arms up to the sky."
"This is the exhale, it takes both actions to make a complete breath."
"The deeper the breath, the more the life. The shorter the breath, the less the life."
"Recognize the inhale and the exhale as a vital part of our life."
"My natural breath flows in calm and nourishing waves."
"We're all a little different in how we respond to nasal breathing."
"Breathe in... two, three, four... and out... two, three, four..."
"If you breathe in and then breathe out, you live."
"Breath moves in, breath moves out. Belly rises and exhaling that subtle contraction, low belly pulls back, pelvic floor draws up."
"Take three deep breaths for me: inhale, exhale. Two more. Inhale, exhale. Final breath. Inhale, exhale. Okay."
"If you can breathe more instead of breathing less, you'll start to expand the resistance which means you'll start to elicit growth."
"Think of a breath as a gift, and you'll honor the breath more, deepen it, and be more present with it."
"Breathing on your punches and breathing on your kicks automatically engages the core."
"The breath is a powerful tool that can help calm us down in stressful situations."
"Breathing deep into our bodies can be achieved through releasing tension and intention."
"When you own your breath you are on your way to owning your life."
"So breathe deep, notice who comes to mind, what comes to mind, welcome back to the sound of your breath."
"The more you talk, the more you breathe and stay stationary. That attracts them, right? It's your breath that gets them."
"Connecting the movement of our bodies with the rhythm of our breath."
"Stick with your breath my friends, I know the mind is powerful, but so is your breath."
"When police officers say, 'If you're talking, you're breathing,' that is literally not true."
"Yoga increases flexibility, stabilizes posture. Deep breathing is key."
"What sets this practice apart from your traditional moving or aerobics is this breath. Stay connected with it."
"Breath control is one of the simplest and most effective ways to activate the relaxation response."
"Take a deep breath in and a complete breath out."
"Breathe, breath work or just breathing in general is something that a lot of us take for granted."
"Take a deep breath in, my love, and slowly exhale."
"It's a constant reminder for me when I start working out to connect in with my breath."
"Think about taking deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth."
"Using your breath, keeping the heart and the chest up, and just moving from left to right, right flat."
"Inhale through the nose, really blowing your birthday candles out, you've got 10 seconds left."
"Taking it inhale through the nose, and then exhale out the mouth, one last breath."
"Take a deep inhale and exhale, sigh it out."
"One of the most immediate and first things you should do is focus on your breath."
"Close your eyes and just stay with this posture stay with yourself inhaling deeply and exhaling it all out."
"In through your nose, and out through your mouth."
"Just take a few breaths here."
"Breathing in your intention, your focus, your presence."
"Take a deep breath, inhale, and exhale."
"Breathing it out, and relax."
"Breathing in, I know I'm breathing in."
"Breathing in, I'm aware of the air; breathing out, I enjoy breathing the air."
"You have to practice being here by mindful breathing or mindful walking or any other practice that helps you be present."
"Make sure to breathe. Ideally, you'll be able to breathe softly through your nose while you're kissing."
"By spending more time on your exhale, it's a subtle way to start to downregulate the nervous system."
"Open up your lungs and begin to breathe again, for I care for you."
"Notice your breathing, the gentle rise and fall that happens all by itself."
"Just honestly breathing can be one of the most effective ways to just work through those emotions."
"Sitting upright is really going to help with breathing."
"If you take a really deep breath, can you feel how that would be good for the respiratory system?"
"Feel the entire back side of the body get heavy and just breathe."
"If you can just sit for one minute and do intentional breathing, you're going to start to get in touch with all of these incredible centers."
"I always like to come back to the breath when I am experiencing an anxious situation, thought pattern, or panic."
"Practice your breathing; this is the hard part."
"One surprising rule the students have to follow during the escape training is to never hold their breath."
"The healthy adult savage and the healthy infant of civilization both breathe in this manner, but civilized man has adopted unnatural methods of living, clothing, etc., and has lost his birthright."
"Breathe rhythmically, and command that a good supply of prana be inhaled."
"Life is absolutely dependent upon the act of breathing. 'Breath is Life.'"
"To teach these things is the object of this work."
"Inhale and exhale, let any stress out."
"Breathe with each exhalation, go a little bit deeper so working with the breath sending oxygen into those muscles to release any tension any stress anything that holds you back."
"Squeeze and breathe, exhale on exertion."
"Breathe normally, find that center."
"If you breathe right at night, you think right the next day."
"If you are breathing, it's not only possible, it's possible for you."
"Breathe in, understand that you'll breathe out."
"Mouth taping let's talk about why you should be taping your mouth shut every single day before you go to bed"
"This connection feels like breathing; it's very easy, effortless, and just very enjoyable for this person."
"Breathing in, I know that I'm breathing in. Breathing out, I know that I'm breathing out."
"I can breathe easier because it's the diaphragm."
"This is the first exercise on breathing that the Buddha gives to us"
"Breathing is one of the most fundamental and accessible tools for promoting relaxation and calmness in both the mind and body."
"This technique involves breathing deeply into the belly rather than shallowly into the chest, allowing the diaphragm to fully expand and contract with each breath."
"This rhythmic breathing pattern helps to synchronize the breath with the heart rate, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety."
"Box breathing also known as Square breathing is another valuable technique for promoting calmness and focus."
"This thing wasn't threatening me, it wasn't like it was about my breathing of all things."
"Nice inhale through your nose and exhale out through your mouth."
"...happy to be able to breathe again."
"I'm gonna take big deep breaths, hopefully not full of snot."
"I think if you want a good strategy for your kids right off the bat, do some breathing and some deep breathing and teach them how to take a really nice breath."
"When you're under a lot of pressure, you have a tendency to get shallow breath."
"If I was your son, I would ask you, you know, how many seconds you breathe in and then breathe out."
"With every exercise you do, remember to breathe out on the exertion and cinch down at the same time, and you’ll have a much better looking set of abs."
"Stress management is knowing how to breathe."
"Nasal breathing good, mouth breathing bad for cranial facial development."
"Be a nasal breather, really chew at your food."
"Breathing with the music, taking space to breathe and go to the next line, something more organic, a little bit more natural."
"I'm starting with a breath that I can feel closed off up by my tongue."
"You twist and twist nice and quickly. You have six more, five, four, keep breathing."
"Inhale as you roll up, exhale as you round forward, inhale as you come back down, and exhale arm sweep overhead."
"It's one breath to ground, exhale to release."
"Keep breathing, do not hold your breath."
"Remember your breath is your friend here."
"You're doing really well, just keep breathing here, feel free to close your eyes if you need to."
"Take a deep breath in, filling up all the way, hold the breath at the top, and then with an audible exhale, release."
"Inhale, filling up all the way, allowing the breath to move up through your chest, through your heart, and then exhale, let it go."
"Finding a deeper twist on every inhale."
"Breathe like you love yourself. Breathe like this practice and this time with your body matters."
"Exhale on the way down, inhale on the way up."
"Inhale open your chest, then exhale round your spine, drop your ribs down to your hips."
"Feeling it let it feel good and breathe through, that'll help you connect to that core too."
"The most important thing with yoga is that you focus on your breath."
"If you are not breathing, then you're not living."
"Optimizing digestion and absorption strongly depends on diaphragmatic breathing, chewing food adequately, and avoiding antacids."
"Let's take two more breaths together. Deep breath in, sighing it out."
"Before you dismiss the tape idea as a gag, remember this: nose breathing is the fun uncle that brings all the gifts to the party, and mouth breathing is the grandma that knits you The Itchy Christmas sweater. And that's just science."
"With each breath you take, you feel more and more tension melting away."
"Just the whole breathing mindset actually really helped."
"Breathing is a massive part of how you can deal with stress."
"Inhale, pull the belly button through, lift the chest up."
"You burn calories when you're just breathing, watching TV, and even sleeping."
"We breathe air through our nostrils, and in the Latin tradition, breath was known as spirit."
"The way to keep your mind on your breathing is to forget all about yourself and just to sit and feel your breathing."
"Try to breathe and stay focused on the present moment."
"One of the best controllers of that switch between your stressed revved up State and your restorative state is controlling your breathing."
"Human beings have been coming up with ways to go underwater for a long time but the thing is you gotta bring air with you because you'll know breathing is good."
"Focus on your breathing here for just a second, in your nose and out your mouth."
"Inhale drop the belly, open the chest. Activate the upper back body by drawing the shoulder blades actively together."
"With every breath you take in and every bit more comfort you feel, you are giving your body nourishment."
"Breathe through it with me, I'm breathing with you."
"Vision and breathing may be the secrets to surviving 2020."
"I won a record in audiobook that's eight hours of breathing and Page turning then justo you mean out loud right at the end."
"Breathing and vision can also drive changes in our internal state."
"Breathing is huge, not enough people focus on their breathing in life."
"Nasal breathing should be your default also in sleep. Nasal breathing should be your default."
"if you expand your chest that is how you pull air in"
"Munchkin didn't need help breathing at all."