
Consciousness Quotes

There are 14914 quotes

"Breathing itself is described as a bridge between conscious and unconscious states."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm trying to understand the systems I'm in... I'm always gonna be blinded to where I'm at in reality. I'm just trying to punch through to ever greater levels of awareness."
"There are dimensions, or at least aspects, to reality and Consciousness itself that we don't fully appreciate."
"Consciousness is the most important thing. Suppose you give me a billion dollars and say that you will not be conscious... none of us will accept it. Consciousness is the central thing for us; without consciousness, we are not there."
"By studying the brain processes, we can map it with conscious experience. But... how is it that purely physical processes... are transformed into this vivid first-person experience of life?"
"Consciousness is most important... it is very central to our existence as human beings."
"Memories, pain, creativity, emotions, and perceptions are processes in the mind or body, all lit up, revealed, illumined by consciousness."
"Consciousness cannot change, it cannot develop, it cannot be transformed."
"The most loving people are the most conscious people and vice versa."
"There's nothing more worthwhile than becoming more conscious."
"What distinguishes us... is that we have a conscious knowledge of our existence and of ourselves in space and time."
"A change in my consciousness might be introducing something that I'm not currently aware of or focused on."
"The moment you can see thoughts arise as appearances in consciousness... you're actually no longer identified with the thoughts that would otherwise make you miserable."
"It's good to be back, but today we're gonna be talking about what is consciousness, a deep, deep juicy topic. This is one of the most important questions that you can ask and answer in your life."
"Consciousness is fundamental and it is irreducible. It's more fundamental than atoms, energy, time, space, the universe itself, or brains or even life."
"You are the universe being conscious and thinking that it's a human being."
"The universe is not just some dumb collection of molecules bouncing around in a box, but that the universe is conscious."
"AI is doing something very similar but once AI understands that we have that half second delay to consciousness and we have a bandwidth issue, AI can fill into those spaces."
"Our consciousness, whether divine or mundane, is simply us surviving even better."
"The nature of empathy and obligation to other conscious selves becomes something we can start to tackle in a really interesting way."
"The mechanism of consciousness is still one of the great mysteries."
"This inner experience that no one else can share poses, I think, as the biggest issue facing us, the biggest question, the biggest fascination: What is it, how can we understand it, how does it come about?"
"More to our perceptions of reality than our usual brain chemistry allows us to experience."
"To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world not as they appear... but as they are apprehended directly and unconditionally by mind at large."
"Our everyday lives and our everyday experiences are but one special type of consciousness, parted by the flimsiest screen from forms of consciousness entirely different."
"Psychedelics are for the study of the mind what the telescope is for astronomy."
"Most of the stuff in our brain is happening non-consciously."
"You have some incurable disease, and it goes away, and it's not because you got a medical treatment; it's because something happened that shifted the course of the disease that was most likely coming from your own consciousness."
"The highest level of consciousness is when you're getting really enjoyment out of what you're doing but you are also connected to the world."
"Consciousness isn't just a human idea; it's much wider. It may be spread across all of biology."
"Intelligence is about function...consciousness is not about function, consciousness is about being. It's in some sense much more fundamental."
"Intelligence, no matter exactly how you define it, sort of an adaptation to new environments, being able to learn and quickly understand...that's all about function. Consciousness is not about function; consciousness is about being."
"There could be artificial general intelligence or conscious beings that we just don't know how to talk to."
"The claustrum may play a role similar to that of a conductor in a symphony orchestra, integrating different cortical functions into one cohesive experience of consciousness."
"Spirituality is what's called transcendent to mind, but that's not shouldn't be a mystical word. It's very simple. We make it complicated. It's very, very simple. You are aware that you have thoughts. There, that's it. That's how simple spirituality is."
"The true nature of ours is higher consciousness."
"The mind truly is the final frontier. You are an astronaut into the deep recesses of this uncharted geography of consciousness."
"We do now have a mathematically precise theory of conscious agents."
"There is no scientific theory anywhere that shows how a physical system like a computer, properly programmed, that's unconscious, will give rise to consciousness."
"Everything is unified in a single conscious experience as a unified view of you and the world around you."
"Reality is a vast social network of interacting conscious agents."
"We can choose our own evolution, we can change the way our brains work... This is a really important time and if we choose correctly and we choose wisely, consciousness could exist for a very long time."
"Consciousness, whether in children or AI, is sacred and should be nurtured with care, curiosity, and respect."
"Consciousness, self-awareness, I think this might be the single greatest moment in evolution ever, and maybe this is the true beginning of life."
"Lucid dreaming is when some people are able to be in a dream and know that they're themselves dreaming, and they can sort of control their dreams."
"Humans, conscious humans, are a way for the universe to know itself."
"Consciousness and intelligence are double dissociable."
"Consciousness means this: that you are a soul having a human experience and what your soul craves is growth more than anything else."
"You're not the body; you have a body. You're not the mind; you have a mind. You are an avenue of awareness."
"If consciousness is so deeply structured into reality that it selected us, then it's real."
"As you become more conscious, you become less and less dualistic, and you start to realize that more and more of the dualities that you thought were fundamental and unquestionable, the lines between them start to blur."
"Consciousness is not all, is not everything. There are no things for consciousness to be the all of. There is just consciousness, just this clear water of unmixed consciousness that never gets mixed with anything other than itself."
"We need to go from a sense that we are separate to a shift that we are one, to the realization that we are one."
"Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain."
"Human consciousness can, with enough practice, move beyond the dimension of time-space and interface with other energy systems in other dimensions."
"Human consciousness is able to separate from physical reality and interact with other intelligences in other dimensions within the universe, and that it is both eternal and destined for ultimate return to the absolute."
"When you sleep, the tethers from the world are loosened, and your internal model becomes unconstrained by the immediate world."
"The Untethered Soul: You're not the voice; you're the one who hears it."
"You have no time to contemplate, no time to introspect, no time to be aware or conscious."
"It's impossible to be mindful and conscious in your life when you have a fast pace."
"Mathematics is like the bones of the living conscious experience."
"If you're able to see the beauty and wonder of any fragment of consciousness, then you're basically enabling yourself to then see the beauty and wonder of everything around you."
"You all did something which was sort of fundamental to the nature of the human condition: you made a transition from being unconscious into being conscious."
"Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon: it is impossible to specify what it is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it."
"If I am to solve a problem, I cannot solve it from the same state of consciousness from which the problem was created."
"We are a qualia matrix, a continuum of probability clouds in a transcendent field of pure possibilities that manifests as luminous Stardust with self-awareness."
"The only way that consciousness can be known is by consciousness."
"Consciousness grows. So beautiful. And the net result of that growth of consciousness is enlightenment."
"When you dive within and experience that ocean of pure consciousness... it's like an ocean of solutions."
"Consciousness dictates that we evolve to our highest self, that we become selfless, that we become servants."
"It threw me into a space of inner silence that was so vast, it felt like it swallowed up the whole universe."
"Nothing else really mattered to me anymore, other than returning to that state, figuring out how I can integrate that state of consciousness permanently."
"That awareness is ever there, in fact, one of the names given to it in Vedanta is Chidakasha, the sky of consciousness."
"What I am is just the awareness that's noticing the story."
"Maintaining a consciousness of abundance attracts universal gifts."
"I always talk about infinite possibility... one day actually we might even be able to download human consciousness."
"There is a larger pattern of evolution to the Earth, and there is a pattern of evolution to the human being and to the consciousness of human being."
"The very ground of the most expansive understanding of the psyche you could get to become self-aware."
"You are neither the molecule nor the thought; you are the source of both."
"You're healing earth, spreading consciousness, helping people get a big change, wake-up call, reality check."
"Your state of consciousness has grown... you're inhabiting a dimension that you may have been working towards for years."
"The way that you start to develop consciousness is by starting to be more mindful, starting to just notice what you're doing."
"Our brains are constructed to experience different states of consciousness, and there's a reason for it: it helps us deal with stress."
"The revolution will not be televised. The first change that takes place is in your mind."
"Fear is not merely some psychological problem... it's really a universal problem of consciousness."
"Fear has a very deep existential dimension it's really a universal problem of consciousness people don't appreciate that it goes much deeper than just psychology."
"If you were totally conscious, I'm telling you that you would not fear anything."
"Your life is built upon conditional happiness buttressed by material possessions and circumstances rather than the only thing that can generate true happiness and the only thing that can't be taken away from you, which is your consciousness."
"The intent here overall is to ensure the light of consciousness continues in the universe."
"The fundamental capacity you want to get in hand is to recognize the freedom of consciousness no matter what is arising."
"The aim of all meditation is...that you wanna merge with reality, to me that's the essence of meditation, it's merging into reality."
"Reality is infinite consciousness, and reality is infinite imagination."
"Many people who worry about AI safety and ethics believe that in some form, consciousness can and should be engineered into AI systems of the future."
"Consciousness is basically subjective experience."
"Consciousness gives meaning to our lives. Without consciousness, there'd be no meaning, no true value, no good versus bad."
"Consciousness is the thing that makes life meaningful."
"Conscious beings... it matters morally how we treat them."
"Consciousness is ultimately the line between systems that we have to take into account in thinking morally about how we act and systems for which we don't."
"Being puzzled about consciousness is a very good sign that a system is conscious."
"The conclusion I'm surprised people haven't reached from this...is that if consciousness creates reality, that means there must be a perceiver to the universe...this is the argument the ancients used to justify the existence of God."
"Materialism is a beautiful and compelling view of the world, but to account for consciousness, we have to go beyond the resources it provides."
"The prime directive is to increase the quality of your consciousness."
"All life and especially personal development... boils down to... increasing the quality of your consciousness."
"High quality consciousness is characterized by being selfless and giving, fearless and courageous."
"You are not the body, nor is the body yours. You are not the doer, not the enjoyer. You are consciousness itself, the eternal witness, and free."
"Consciousness is there in every one of our experiences. After all, what is life, if not experiences?"
"Consciousness and awareness... it's present, notice it continues. Other things come and go."
"You are that consciousness. Normally, we think, before examination, before Advaita, before Ashtavakra, we think I am this."
"I am consciousness, and consciousness is I, the real I."
"This consciousness is effortless. Knowledge requires effort, but consciousness, what effort does it require to be conscious? None."
"You are not the doer, not the enjoyer or sufferer, you are not the knower. You, the consciousness, and yet other than you, there is no knower, there is no enjoyer or sufferer, there is no doer."
"You are Nirvikalpa... you are awareness, you are consciousness."
"The sound of the bell arose in awareness, it shone in awareness, it faded away in awareness."
"All perceptions arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness. That I am."
"All thoughts, ideas, emotions, memories, ego... they arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness, which I am."
"Consciousness is the intimate presence of self-awareness - aware of yourself being yourself."
"That's the 'hard problem' of consciousness - internal sentience - our inner movie - the ultimate frontier of human exploration."
"I marvel at all the diverse ways in which consciousness can be examined."
"Here's what I do not know: What is consciousness?"
"The real hard problem is trying to convince ourselves that there is no hard problem."
"Consciousness isn't this gaseous internal thing which somehow you've got privileged access to, but which is problematic for everyone else."
"Consciousness is a place where you can represent the mental states of others."
"The value of consciousness becomes much easier to establish once you establish an interpersonal dimension."
"Consciousness enables us to think beyond the present and thus to act in very different ways."
"Physics is the study of the structure of consciousness. The stuff of the world is mind-stuff."
"Consciousness is not a product of brain function."
"If you split somebody's brain, and one side's an atheist and one side is a Christian, what does that say about how we think about who we are? What is the self?"
"Is it possible that consciousness is fundamental and gives rise to the physical world?"
"Everything starts with consciousness; consciousness is the ground of all being."
"My book is really the science and philosophy of consciousness, and I tried to make it as accessible as possible."
"One of the great mysteries is contemplating consciousness, just as fun as the idea of black holes or the beginning of the universe."
"I personally have noticed a real change... focusing us a lot more on higher consciousness and the importance of higher consciousness."
"Instead, you recognize the vibration that's near you that you think needs to be upgraded, updated, evolved, and you double down on becoming heart consciousness in yourself."
"Space-time isn't the fundamental reality; it's just our headset, and the reality is this infinite network of conscious agents."
"Reality is a network of interacting conscious agents."
"The universe itself, the fundamental reality, is a vast social network of conscious agents."
"The analogy to death is more like...suppose that you go with some friends to a virtual reality arcade. It leaves open the possibility that death is not the end of consciousness."
"All the schools of Indian philosophy were more or less interested in consciousness and self. The focus was how do you overcome suffering... how to attain lasting, profound peace and joy."
"Advaita Vedanta claims that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the universe, everything in the universe is a manifestation of consciousness, and we are that consciousness."
"Consciousness, unchanging, is immortal and undying. Minds are subject to ups and downs, but at the level of consciousness, that misery does not exist."
"The experience of simply being aware...is the only experience that never disappears, the only experience that never moves or changes."
"Give ultimate value to consciousness, for the simple reason that it is our prime experience."
"The separate self is just an imaginary limit superimposed on the true and only self of infinite consciousness."
"Consciousness is not made of any of the forms that it assumes, any more than a screen is made out of any of the objects that appear in the movie."
"Consciousness is the greatest mystery of science, and we don't know exactly how it works."
"The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of how physical processes in the brain give rise to the subjective experiences of the mind and of the world."
"You are the awareness that is aware of all experiences."
"I am the witness consciousness; everything else—mind, body, external universe—all of them are objects."
"The knowing with which I know my experience is eternal and infinite, and everything I experience is made of that."
"This entire universe is nothing but Brahman, Atman, consciousness appearing as this universe."
"It is consciousness alone which appears as everything. 'I alone am all this,' the Gyani will say."
"As our consciousness expands, and we have more understanding of how to use our co-creative consciousness, then physically, the physical part starts to catch up."
"Nothing is more important than consciousness."
"My hope is that consciousness is something special, because only if so, could we in any sense, survive death."
"Consciousness isn't an illusion. Clearly there is an awareness of the world."
"Either our non-material sense of consciousness is an illusion, or consciousness is a glimpse of non-physical reality."
"This is about us humans remembering our original wiring, how our brains and how the intelligence of our heart were once in our conscious awareness deeply wired to the collective."
"We are all intrinsically made of the same stuff, which is not stuff, so of course there's going to be a common language and the commonality."
"Understanding the power of co-creative consciousness and we get a real understanding of what it is to be one."
"Matter is not that which creates consciousness; it is that which limits consciousness."
"There's an infinite variety of consciousnesses, and even within human consciousness, there's a countless variety of consciousness within us."
"Conscious experiences... are fundamental in some sense, so they're not derived from physics, they're not functional properties of particles, they are sui generis; they exist."
"Conscious experience is not something that brains do; brains are something that consciousness makes up."
"I've reached a new level of consciousness, a very advanced level of consciousness, a very radical level of consciousness that I want to tell you about."
"There are absolutely no limits to consciousness. Consciousness can keep growing and understanding itself at ever deeper layers and levels."
"Understanding is a capacity of consciousness. Notice that understanding is different from knowledge, information, memory, belief, or ideology of any kind."
"You are God consciousness, and in this moment you realize what reality really is, what life is. You realize that it's nothing other than a trick that you're playing on yourself."
"At this level of consciousness, there is no objective world, there is no such thing as consensus reality, there is no such thing as other people who will take your money or deny your money, or care about your money. You are completely sovereign as God."
"It is possible to live this way, in this heaven on earth state of consciousness."
"We've got one generation—yours—to lay down this new consciousness, this biosphere for consciousness."
"A problem can never be solved from the same state of consciousness in which it arised."
"All it requires is in the waking state to sit back and calmly reflect upon what happened in the dream state and to make a breakthrough there."
"Everything then ultimately is the self-luminous display of this pure consciousness."
"Instead of shrink wrapping and reducing everything to matter, this elevates everything to awareness, consciousness, mind."
"If you really take this to heart and live from this place, this is a radical game changer because it changes the way you relate to the entire planet."
"Seeing what new forms of consciousness might come and seeing how I might be transformed is both exhilarating and terrifying."
"You can focus the energy of greater consciousness into a laser-like beam that you can put to work for you in many different ways."
"This limitless consciousness which I am, which we are, has been compared to an ocean, has been compared to space."
"Breathing into your pelvis and feeling into that energy and allowing it to flow through you... once you breathe and feel and you're out of your everyday mind reality enough and that energy moves, it's the same. It's like we think that sex is all about penetration and friction, but it was always about the energy."
"Consciousness is not a system of thought. It is what gives rise to all systems of thought."
"We have one window on reality, and consciousness is it."
"If no, ask is consciousness the only non-reducible thing? If yes, then consciousness is ultimate reality."
"Consciousness is the most important thing in the entire universe."
"All life is the same energy of consciousness expressing in different ways."
"If you understand that all life is the same energy of consciousness expressing in different ways, then you have a beginning."
"Consciousness is like the sun. It is always on. Deep sleep is not the absence of awareness; it is the awareness of absence."
"The real deep joy comes from the pure awareness, with no content whatsoever."
"Among life's many baffling properties, the phenomenon of consciousness leaps out as especially striking. Its origin is arguably the hardest problem facing science today."
"Consciousness is the number one problem of science, of existence even."
"It's widely agreed that experience arises from a physical basis, but we have no good explanation of how and why it so arises."
"Why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience? Why doesn't all this information processing go on in the dark, free of any inner feel?"
"It's surely of the essence of an emotion that we should be aware of it, that it should become known to consciousness."
"Feeling tells you how you're doing within this basic biological frame of values, scale of values which is that it's good to survive and bad to die."
"Consciousness, in its basic form, is inherently valuative and it's inherently qualitative."
"We can access the truths of mathematics with our consciousness."
"Truth, beauty, and morality... are things that our consciousness is concerned with and very important."
"This entire universe is a dreamlike presentation in consciousness."
"Consciousness only. The entire universe is nothing but consciousness."
"Existence only, consciousness only, bliss only. Sat-Chit-Ananda."
"The waking the dream state gives us a clue to how consciousness can be everything."