
Service Quotes

There are 23060 quotes

"Through our acts of service, we actually forge powerful connections and remind ourselves how much value we have to bring to the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People get through crises with service of some type."
"It's your karmic duty and your righteous action with Jupiter accessing your sixth house to really be of service to other people, to help the underprivileged, to help the needy."
"The purpose of life, the meaning of life, is to be of service, is to help other people."
"The best of us is motivated by the opportunity to serve the best in other people."
"If I do nothing else on this planet but actually serve others and try to help people and free them in some way shape or form... I'll die fulfilled knowing that I did the right thing."
"When you are accepting and loving of people as where they're at, as an opportunity to serve, your motivation's different."
"Service to another oxytocin wins. Serotonin wins. The more we look after each other, the safer we feel, the more we feel like we belong, and the more we will work together to confront the dangers outside."
"These individuals place their lives on the line for us. It is an act of service unlike any other."
"The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others."
"How can I serve greatly?... High performers are always connected to purpose, they're always connected to the meaning of life and the meaning of why they're doing what they're doing."
"If you've got a strong sense of purpose and you know what you're committed to creating in life, and your life is not about yourself but it's about serving others, it's very hard to be depressed."
"Your passion is for you, your purpose is for others. Your passion makes you happy, but when you use your passion to make a difference in someone else's life, that's a service. That's a purpose."
"You'll never feel good about life unless you serve and connect with other people."
"Each of us can also go about doing good, knowing God is with us."
"Raising the dead is a miracle, but every act of kindness and concern for someone struggling is the covenant way."
"The pinnacle of personal growth is that you know that it's not about you. You're serving the ages."
"I gotta make a living amends. I gotta find another way to be of service to the world."
"I got to tell you, man, it's a remarkable career you've had. I want to say thank you for your service."
"The goal is to have the brand begin to think of itself as a service helping men become more fully realized, better men."
"What can you do for me or how can I serve you, and I choose the one, deliberately, every single morning, how can I serve you."
"The family is the system that we serve. It's not the kids at the parents' cost or the parents at the kids' cost. It's the family."
"The willingness to ask for help is a very, very vulnerable statement. Can I help you? Not so much. An act of service, but the act of service really comes from allowing somebody else to serve you."
"It's about building something you believe in, it's about serving other people, it's about work ethic, it's about showing up and working, and I value myself for that."
"Fulfillment has a very specific universal formula: work your ass off to get very good at something that you care deeply about, that allows you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"We're wired for generosity and we're wired to serve."
"You find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others."
"If you're seeking power, I think it's empty unless it's in service of something."
"What is required is a return to values, a return to love and kindness and service."
"The balance towards the Divine Feminine and service to others is really the only way that we can fight back against a negative."
"I am going to be of service to this one thing today, and if I do that, it was a great day."
"I get to make a difference in this person's life. I get to have the privilege of helping them in their hour of need."
"If you have opportunities and you don't take them, that's a disservice to humanity."
"The greatest statement I've ever heard about gift and leadership is this: 'I did not come to be served, but to serve.'"
"Service to your country should come before personal benefit."
"True leadership is not measured by how many people serve you, but by how many people you serve."
"Minnie lived for other people; service made her happy."
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."
"Leadership is not about control, it's about service."
"Love is the best in me serving the best in you."
"They aren't neutral, and you shouldn't be neutral. The Lord Jesus didn't call you into his service so that you might be a secret agent of his kingdom."
"A full life is not a boring life. A full life is not a depressed life. A full life is life in Christ and then life to others."
"You want to live the happiest life and you want to be able to serve God because He created everything that we have."
"A great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it, and he answers."
"We love what we do, and this is what we get to do and be of service to ourselves and the world with it."
"The sole purpose of life is to be fulfilled, to work really hard to garner a set of skills that serve not only yourself but other people."
"The more people you serve, the more money you make. It's about service, not just talent."
"The more people you serve, the more effective you become."
"We're so grateful for Toria's service and for the lasting mark she's made on this institution and the world."
"Serving others and helping others with your skills and strengths is the greatest thing you can do."
"If you want to serve other people, you serve yourself first."
"Work really hard to gain a set of skills that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Love does not conquer or label or control; it only gives and serve. That's real love."
"The Secret of genuine success: any individual can be happy, healthy, and prosperous if they will seek an opportunity to serve where there is an unlimited opportunity to serve humanity."
"We are compensated in the coin of the realm according to the quality and the quantity of service rendered."
"They display an intense, deep love of God and they display a love of neighbor, of others around them, so much so, that they consecrate themselves to God and to neighbor, to serving both."
"I am so proud of this amazing country that has given me everything, and it is my mission to give back."
"It isn't the grand success, the accolades, money, or fame; it is truly working really hard to gain a set of skills that you care about that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people towards an end that excites you."
"We shift our own pain and experience an avalanche of love when we lose ourselves in the service of others."
"What needs you today? Make one soulful connection. Notice the joy you feel when you serve others."
"You guys do thank you so much for being here and doing your job. Thank you."
"You're using your gifts to help other people this year."
"It's a real community where you answer the call of service to one another."
"The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
"Entrepreneurship is simple: you literally just find needs and problems that need to be solved, and you charge people for that product or service."
"Remember God, serve others before you serve yourself, earn an honest living."
"When you're a leader, you work for everybody else."
"At its core, entrepreneurship is all about service because we have to walk in somebody else's shoes and understand their problems."
"Find a way to serve your community or serve the planet or serve people in need."
"The key to true purpose is serving those that serve others."
"Your service is meaningful, powerful, and important. You fought for the Marine to your left and the Marine to your right. You never let them down."
"The greatest sense of purpose and meaning we can have in our lives is to serve those who serve others."
"Service is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth."
"The greatest award for me is truly providing the infrastructure for a transformed life."
"Service to others is an important characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ."
"You never feel fear when the mission to serve is clear."
"Serve all beings knowing them to be none other than God."
"When I close my eyes, I find peace within. When I open my eyes, my attitude is, 'What can I do for you?' This is spirituality."
"To lead is in the truest sense to serve and to lead is in the truest sense to serve those who need to be served most."
"Jesus came as a humble, lowly servant to other human beings."
"May your drinks be sweet and your refills be free."
"Your food was outstanding, but there was more flirting going on than service."
"Life is not, we may say, for mere passing pleasure, but for the highest unfoldment that one can attain to, the noblest character that one can grow, and for the greatest service that one can render to all mankind."
"Let us forsake our sin as servants of the Lord, as we serve in the name of Him who was forsaken upon Calvary’s cross."
"Her bravery in sharing in this way and her continued commitment to supporting others speaks to her compassion and her sense of service."
"Barry's time in the service revealed something previously unthought of about him: that he was a remarkable person."
"Altruism and serving and helping others actually activates healing mechanisms in our body."
"There's nothing more rewarding than actually helping people and serving people, making a difference in their lives."
"His only friend in the house is a servant girl named Yea, who always finds an excuse to come to him."
"Create more value... Can I provide them a certain service? Can I create certain tools?"
"As I use my gifts and talents to serve others, doors open to support my success."
"The best leaders never think that they're the final; that the buck stops with them. They always believe that they're in service to something bigger than themselves."
"Greatness is about living a life committed to helping others find their greatness."
"I did not come to earth to be served but to serve and to give my life for many."
"If you're serving someone else, that is an act of humility; that's humbleness."
"This is how we will bring the kingdom of God into the world."
"You're in service of the eternal. You don't have to feel like a genius; you are simply the conduit through which genius passes."
"Outstanding job taking care of the electrical failure, the tenant household was pleased with your prompt response."
"Service to others is the means to prosperity."
"God has given each of you a unique spiritual gift to help others. Let his gracious generosity flow through you!"
"Lord Jesus, I fully devote myself to you now. I desire to serve you only."
"There's only one way you succeed long term...real success in any measure whatsoever, comes when you do more for others than anybody else."
"Am I happy? Am I being of service? Do I feel like I'm contributing anything to the world? Do I love myself? Do I love others? Am I being a good brother? Am I being a good son?"
"Live to serve others. Make serving others a lifestyle."
"Real spirituality is where you see the God in other people and you're like, I want to use my existence to be a conduit of God here on Earth."
"The best in me is serving the best in you. Yeah, yeah. And so what I'm going to help you do is separate the wheat from the chaff."
"You may expect the blessing in serving God if you are enabled to persevere under many discouragements."
"My life is not for me; if my life is just for me, I don't want it. My life is for people."
"Our primary objective is service and sacrifice, not self-entitlement."
"Man, I appreciate my wife having a servant's heart and going to the Dollar General for me."
"The successful life is a life dedicated to service, not getting dedicated to accumulation."
"I think life is about growth and our potential for growth and to make our own lives better, to make the lives of others better, to serve others, to heal."
"There is no fear when the mission to serve is clear."
"As you receive these precious children in the Savior's name and help them in their eternal journey, I promise you that the Lord will bless you and shower His love and approval upon you."
"Focus on them and how you can serve, don't focus on yourself."
"Abundance: When your heart's intention is to serve humanity, doors of abundance naturally open."
"Our unwavering commitment has been to serve all people of the world with equity, objectivity, and neutrality."
"The life purpose of Aquarius is service, always pouring this big pot that is full of water, knowledge, love, compassion."
"In service to each other, we will remain free."
"True leadership is about serving others, not asserting dominance or control."
"I basically provide a service for the city, bringing smiles and laughter to children and adults, anybody. Seniors, senior citizens, to all the people that encounter me gets a smile."
"Service to a cause larger than oneself, devotion, and dedication."
"Building your dream life while working a nine to five is about learning what our value is to other people and providing some sort of value to others."
"I ask we stand and bow our heads for the nation we love, out of respect for the people who served it with distinction."
"I don't have any affiliate programs, nothing like that. I don't have any programs that I'm trying to pitch. I just like the service."
"Service of humanity is transformed into worship of God."
"I think it was knowing that when someone calls for you, you're going there to help them."
"In the kingdom of God, service is the secret to success."
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many."
"Working and serving God like this, it's hard for us to attain salvation and be perfected."
"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."
"Make your life about service and helping other people, not just to feel good, but make that the reason why you do what you do."
"We really believe that sex is a part of being able to serve each other within marriage."
"Every situation you're in, whoever you're talking to, whatever the circumstance... the universe, whenever anybody's consciousness is how can I serve and I'm available today, use me."
"Ultimately meaning in life arises out of service, out of going beyond the self."
"This is not done to take; this is done to give, to be of service, and to be considerate."
"Performance necessity...is a moment in which you are serving people or you're trying to achieve your goal or your dream in which now it is not a preference, it's a must."
"If you don't feel you have a purpose, I can point out five right like there is so much that just needs service and help."
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
"Everything that we do is to improve the health of others, physically and spiritually."
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few; so pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, ask Him to send more workers into His fields."
"The more you're of service... the more is returned to you."
"The feeling of fulfillment comes from doing something for another."
"I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service."
"It's really hard to be depressed when you're in service to someone else, when you're helping others."
"I honestly feel like God has made me a servant of water."
"I'm grateful to be changing the lives of others."
"The orientation towards service...is a natural expression of Oneness Consciousness."
"The core of business is service. The more people you can serve, the more energy you produce."
"And shall be confident without confusion and shall be glad without fear for they hastened to behold the face of him whom they served in life."
"We are grateful to them and to all the essential workers for their service and sacrifice."
"The real point of the Bible is about why we're here; we're here to love and serve God."
"The best service is not needing service in the first place."
"Everything happens for a reason, and you're put in a place to serve a higher purpose."
"The government is a tool in the service of its citizens."
"Choose you this day whom you will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
"The lord can use us as instruments in his hands in our part of the vineyard that we're living in today as well."
"There is absolutely nothing like being a part of a community that you know is literally striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus."
"Caring is your ultimate power. Because when you care about the people that you're going to serve, you care about your clients, or people, humanity, then that's going to allow you to tap into you being at your best."
"The more you own your truth and move through layers of fear, doubt, and disbelief into your most creative, productive, powerful, loving, decent, noble self, the more you will see yourself as an instrument of service to the world."
"Service and love, again turning down the ego, learning the tools to turn up the voice of your heroism, is not just a recipe for happiness but also to materialize whatever you want."
"I am not here by myself, but I am not here for myself."
"In my heart, I'm still very proud of serving. The last thing I want to do is lose the respect of the organization and the American people I love."
"This is our generation's great call to service."
"Service Above Self, and we got to restore that in these future generations."
"What is spirituality? When I close my eyes, I find peace within; when I open my eyes, my attitude is 'What can I do for you?'"
"Soulset is about building intimacy with your noble self. It's about finding that cause that you'd be willing to take a bullet for, that will not only allow you to live a gorgeous lifestyle but serve the world in the process."
"That's how business transpires: you super serve your market."
"What we did was for the Lord because we believe everyone is created in the image of God."
"We will do our very best to honor those who have served, those who have died."
"Canadian soldiers risked their lives on the battlefield; Canadian scientists, doctors, nurses, and care workers battle on."
"The state should be here to serve us, not the other way around."
"We can pray, we can pray, we can work for those who feel lonely."
"The better you serve people, the more you will receive."
"Thank you for the honor and privilege to be a part of something greater than I am."
"The more people I serve, the more effective I become."
"In 1947 on her 21st birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her peoples."
"And wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect, and love, as I have throughout my life."
"Thank you, thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years."
"Chick-fil-A has never discriminated against a gay person in their service ever."
"God desires only the service of love, and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority. Only by love is love awakened."
"I want to spend my life mending broken people."
"On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service."
"God increases your grace and your mercy because you're doing works for him."
"I never do enough... no one does. How can you ever do enough for someone who's lost?"
"In the energy of infinite love, I am on you here in service in the time of the great evolution, reminding you, you are greatly loved."
"I will serve you like I served this country."
"Money is actually a reward for service rendered. You are paid in direct proportion to the value that you provide to the marketplace of needs."
"The word samurai means 'the one who serves.'"
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
"We do this to proclaim His death until He comes. Our lives were made to serve Him and honor Him."
"When you work and live with a heart full of love and service for the benefit of a better world, good things always happen."
"Greatness is being an instrument of service to as many people as possible so that when you're no longer here, people will say you lifted people up."
"No princes or princesses were elected. You have no divine right or entitlement. We are all servants of the public."
"They would all do the same job all over again for this country."
"She brought a lot of joy and would rather serve others. She was a very kind person."
"Monarchy is about profundity. It's about service."
"The only way to prosper in a capitalist society is to identify what somebody else needs and to provide it for them better than they can provide it for themselves."
"The institution should never be for the individual but rather to serve the people after the individual passes away."