
Societal Behavior Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"We're less punitive, we're less rushing forward as a society and trampling the vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to be compassionate towards each other. There's so much shaming and blaming."
"Maybe the reality is we need to stay down here until we figure out how to be a little more civil."
"99.9% of people are just so polite and so good."
"We live in a society of rationalization, not rationality."
"Without external threats and challenges, people will just fall apart."
"This is a layered approach. Every layer of precaution we add helps us as a society and as a city change our collective behavior."
"The internet is not society, and how people behave on the internet is not how we behave in our homes."
"We live in an attention society and people will do anything for attention because attention is a currency."
"We should not dehumanize each other like this to this extent."
"People tend to forget and move on pretty quickly."
"Americans have found it hard to be separated from their money, and the bank crisis now in its fifth day continues to cause eruptions of violence."
"They're loving the fruit every chance they get, every chance they get they're loving the fruit and pretending to hate the tree."
"The assumption of good faith is dead. What matters is not goodness but the appearance of goodness. We are no longer human beings; we are now angels jostling to out-angel one another. God help us, it is obscene."
"Let's make sure that we're trying to help the people that we don't like at least almost as much as the people that we do like."
"Sodom was not destroyed because of homosexuality... it was destroyed because of the cruelty of the people."
"The American people are putting into practice the social distancing guidelines."
"Why do we not value each other? It's like we have so little regard for each other when we're alive."
"What's more terrifying, a vampire creature that's draining people's blood, or a group of people who are willing to...stage it?"
"The greater the income inequality where they live, the less likely they are to be generous and giving."
"Everybody just yells and screams at each other; nobody's civil anymore."
"It's all theater. It's like they get everybody riled up. It's like this team versus this. It's like they just have us basically watching Gladiators in a ring."
"It's like a collective effort to bend the truth, to just destroy the truth."
"We live in this deeper cultural moment where the everyday citizen is so weak-willed that we will trade off the thing that we know we care deeply about for some short-term outcome."
"We live in a day and time where people will just hate you because they know you're blessed."
"If we are unable to live in a society that allows for constructive discourse even on very uncomfortable topics, then frankly, we as a society are nothing but a bunch of babies."
"People are much more judgmental about how others spend their money than how they spend their own."
"Cancel culture... is a replacement for knives. It's... a replacement for wiping the other side out."
"The days before my second coming will be as it was in the days of Noah: when they were eating and drinking, indulging in life, marrying and giving in marriage, and knew not judgment was coming."
"Sexism is bad, and you shouldn't do it regardless of the circumstance."
"Not enough people think critically, you know, and including myself. We're all guilty of that, I think."
"If we were genuinely wanting a better world...we would assume the best when someone slips up...instead of trying to destroy their life and their family."
"Everybody feels like they have to be so careful, and so now they say everybody's dumb because no one loved one another enough to stand up and tell the truth."
"We often seek punishment instead of accountability."
"It's like the rules of the Jungle when it comes to dating; women are hypergamous, they will pursue the best option available to them."
"We're gonna have to stop blaming each other for every crazy person who does a crazy thing."
"Maybe the thing that makes us flaunt our status as the least racist country is the same thing that makes us racist."
"It's all abuse logic. As a collective, they will act like horrendous pieces of [__], but then they'll be like, 'Ah well if you didn't want this then maybe you should have listened to us when we were being nice.'"
"We're so busy trying to feel smart(er than everyone else) that we don't let information permeate."
"People are not going to snap back like a rubber band."
"Panic is terrifying, like why do you guys do extra?"
"Who's the bad guy in all this? Is it Amber? Is it Johnny? Or is it us? I mean, they're airing their dirty laundry and we're sniffing it up like a Japanese businessman."
"We enjoy the suffering of successful people because we want to see them humanized."
"We don't need this product. This is madness!"
"This is dumb and it's dangerous and our brother nearly fuller talks about how black people we've been programmed to run away from constructive behavior."
"If you play it honest and honorable, you'll get stampeded over and crushed by the people who are willing to lie."
"You get what you pay for, and if you pay people to stay at home, they'll do that."
"Our culture of shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo chamber."
"That's not something that is American... I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room."
"The biggest effect during times like this is not outbreaks of panic it's actually outbreaks of altruism."
"Most people are good, and if they see that they're a part of something that went to a bad place, I think they're able to regroup and think, like okay, who am I now?"
"It is baffling that we willingly and knowingly continue to sow the seeds of our own destruction."
"It's so easy to hate on somebody who's successful."
"What is certainly possible is you can dehumanize people so that you treat them not as people anymore but as animals."
"We're a people who are quick to give our opinion."
"The Americans respect talent which we don't because of the hangover of the British. We are jealous people, petty-minded, so on so this is something that we need to acquire."
"Every single individual out here in this country right now and really quite honestly across the globe their actions and their words matter more than they ever have in society."
"If people stop feeding the monster, it dies."
"Fourth of July dude, that's the time to shoot someone. That or New Year's Eve, shoot them right when the clock hits."
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and at the end of the day, you just need to be supportive of everyone."
"When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism but demand it."
"It's not political partisanship nor stupidity but rather probably laziness."
"Just know where the majority of people are is where you're gonna see this happen the most."
"I just think societies at this point where they're always trying to find something to get mad about."
"The best thing for people of color to do is to pretend like they don't know what they know."
"People, especially nowadays, are so obsessed with knowing everything."
"The world does not get kinder, it does not get gentler, it does not get nicer."
"Comfort, it's consumer-based comfort. I go out and buy things that make me happy, and I wrap myself in this. As long as I can sit in my little cocoon of comfort and nobody bothers me, I'm happy."
"Lockdowns are prompting just about everybody to hoard."
"In the UK, the average Brit breaks the law... once a day."
"Our supply chains are going to break down and there will be irrational activity from other people around us."
"There wasn't the necessity of eradicating each other for the sake of pleasure or envy."
"Stay safe, stay off the streets, unless you should be on the streets."
"Masks will essentially... encourage us to see our fellow citizens as vectors of disease."
"You can learn a lot by someone by whether they wear a mask, especially now more than ever."
"We're at our best when we open our hearts rather than clench our fists."
"It's very important for people to treat each other kindly these days."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"That's why we can't have nice things and why they're going to pull cameras."
"There's 80% of people who are not gonna do it, you know that's a reality."
"Excessive responses: superstition, threats, violence."
"I had never imagined sort of adults in a room having so patently self-serving a notion of how the world works."
"Technology hasn't changed us. Technology's exposing us."
"Jonathan Edwards: those you idolize, eventually you demonize."
"We should be allowed to disagree without being disagreeable."
"Instead of focusing on one collective goal, we just hop on to the next thing."
"I think the audience will be very surprised when they see it because maybe in everyday society people fight with and scheme against each other."
"Once someone says the sky is falling, people get on board with it."
"People get off on destroying someone's life."
"What happened to manners in the United States of America? What happened to politeness and treating each other as human beings?"
"People will literally diss you and disrespect you constantly, and I hate that [ __ ]."
"Nobody thought the American people could be so disciplined."
"In times of real crisis, you see people for what they value."
"It's easier to dismiss a confrontation with reality."
"Most folks, guys and gals, will leave their guns at home."
"Canceling achieves nothing and is done just to make people feel morally superior for a few days before they forget. That's a hot take, that's really spicy. But yeah, you're both right and wrong."
"I look at how people are acting and thinking and talking."
"What's the negative to validating somebody if that's what they need to be happy in society?"
"If we don't think that way then the only thing we can do is continue to reach for our cudgel and our sword and behave as though we're cavemen."
"We've got to stop giving them passes because they're crying."
"Everyone's clueless, but everyone's acting like experts about it."
"It's really just a matter of messing with kids and treating other human beings disrespectfully which is not okay."
"Eventually, it goes around. Eventually, I don't understand how artists in particular don't understand."
"People let things slide up until it affects their pocketbook."
"People are too afraid of social consequences to stop tipping."
"We've had this tendency, too. We put our finger up and point out the disease before we point out health."
"People don't like to admit that they'd like to change something, so when somebody changes that thing, there's kind of like that inherent rejection."
"Everyone's pretending to know what they're doing, no one knows."
"This is a time when everyone should be uniting in fighting this disease rather than keeping people apart and spreading divisive nests and hatred and fear."
"Can we not be weird in 2024? Can we support our democracy?"
"Nothing beats the truth, bro. The only thing people try to do with the truth is ignore it or suppress it or cover the truth up. And that's just life in general."
"The worst outcome would be that nobody acts upon what they think and this just sort of happens without us noticing."
"I think Americans have been so conditioned during the past decade to kind of act on fear."
"Why they gotta go back to school to learn how to act like decent human beings?"
"People just won't act until there's public backlash nowadays, that's just kind of how it works, it's a sad reality but it's a reality nonetheless."
"Personal consequences... when good guys don't punish bad people, people just keep doing it."
"Humanity has dispensed with the sheepdog; humanity polices itself."
"Why does other people's happiness bother other people?"
"Like, honestly, people have lost their minds."
"They prey on people being nice, they prey on people with manners."
"Survived and evolved over the years because we take the long view."
"It's always the panic like the idiots like zombies man, Home Depot picking up a couple pitchforks to kill zombies, right?"
"All of us get along better if we behave nicely to one another. It all comes out best for the rest of us."
"At least we're in a weird position economically where because people are trapped inside during the pandemic we're basically rooting for the pandemic"
"The worst atrocities and worst things that happened didn't happen because most people were evil. They happened because most people were apathetic or passive or quietly complicit."
"The news affects almost everything in our lives... how we vote and even how we think."
"It's not a mystery as to why, when you have so many people being vaccinated, it's because the people who are not vaccinated don't care."
"How bad does it have to get before the people tear gassing children realize that they're the bad guys?"
"Fascism is not about changing people but cultivating innate qualities."
"The only way we're going to live in a free country is if the people who live in the country act like it's a free country."
"We all deserve compassion and to live both online and off in a more compassionate world."
"Don't be so quick to jump on negative things because this world is full of people looking to be negative all the time."
"You see a wallet on the floor and you say oh no, someone left their wallet here."
"An entrepreneur paying taxes, you better pay attention to politics because one regulation could affect your business."
"Let's take a moment of silence for everyone who has to deal with Karen's."
"Let's stop mocking people of God, let's stop mocking destinies."
"We must remember that entire societies can and do follow the wrong path for a very long time."
"I'm not trying to make an example out of them, but sometimes you do gotta make an example out of somebody."
"I think that we have a responsibility to act and behave like humans."
"Americans will just go right back to sleep. So the only question is, will we?"
"Just because you grew up watching violent movies doesn't mean you're going out and being violent."
"Everybody just wants to do what's best, we just don't have guidance or context."
"Most fraud is perpetuated business to consumer business to business right but in history though we have a rich tradition in America of screwing each other over uh, you rarely see people try to take advantage of the government so brazenly."
"Karen threatens to call the cops over 25 cents."
"Let's focus on mental health, let's be more human, let's just not assume that something nefarious is happening."
"Are we seeing a rise in people being vilified for their imagined intentions rather than what they actually say or do?"
"so why do ethnic groups with comparable historical traumas insist on perpetuating the crabs in the bucket mentality"
"We either learn groupthink or start screaming bloody murder."
"2023 will be the year 'passport bro' starts getting shamed."
"Why are people so quick to judge and so quick to hate?"
"They expect us to be rioting right now. We never rioted when Obama got into office."
"An armed society is a polite society, right?"
"Microaggressions are common daily behavioral things that we do, whether intentional or not, that end up being derogatory or paint negative messages about a target person or stigmatized group."
"If we are so smart, why are we doing so many stupid things?" - Yuval Noah Harari
"I think many people have the stern don't take advantage of a tragedy principle don't capitalize on someone else's suffering."
"It appears to be that for a lot of first world countries... you hit a certain amount of months of 'hey [ __ ] chill out' and then they just all decide to give up."
"People will do anything to put you down, find any reason to make themselves seem better than you."
"The overblown reaction of this is really quite astonishing."
"We have become a society that just records for the views."
"Everyone is acting as if it's business as usual. What's even scarier is that those of us that are still taking it seriously are the only ones watching you guys talk about this."
"We're acting like this thing is over. This isn't even the second wave; this is just equilibrium."
"History often repeats itself, and usually because people forget what happened."
"People do anything in their [ __ ] power to lose weight, except put in the actual work needed to do it."
"I just think we need to be a little bit kinder to each other."
"People want to do anything that's a shortcut and cheap. Most people want to do it."
"Everybody was nice, and it's in everybody's best interest to be kind."
"Every day we as Americans have the opportunity to choose to be like a little bit more kind."
"Remember how people are always like no like cheaters are the same they've always been like i don't think they're higher or anything we're at an all-time high average for cheaters."
"The only people that you see do that are these people that are over here."
"It should seem obvious that to declare otherwise would be foolish yet this is what's witnessed all over the Earth every day."
"It's like I mean people get so obsessed by numbers, it's weird."
"We're used to instant gratification, always."
"If you incentivize people to say 'oh it wasn't me,' people will begin ideas will plant themselves in people's minds."
"They'll run amok if they stop believing in God because forget you're not responsible for your actions."
"The fact that you've done the hard work to think through this is what virtually guarantees that neither end of the spectrum runs amuck."
"Congratulations, you can actually be members of a civilized society."
"What matters is what they do and that you control by force."
"People are capable of taking it seriously and are capable of adapting."
"When enough of a society becomes absorbed in wasteful spending, corruption can happen all around them."
"You have to kind of mimic you have to be approximate a good person and do good things and don't steal don't kill don't do these things because it gets you ahead because um you you can't get away with it."
"Putting on a bra and wearing it around, stop. Please stop."
"Shaming is wrong in the world we live in today, shaming has become a very popular part of our culture whether we want to admit it or not."
"Our culture has become so obsessed with just skipping straight to the finish line that we don't realize how self-defeating that actually is. And it's got to stop. It just has to."
"Humans are addicted to Doomsday narratives. I've noticed that sometimes people want things to be worse than they are so their neuroticism and paranoia will be Vindicated."
"If bad people speak all the time, then people will just be bad."
"The thing that annoys me the most is that we keep on doing our best to save all these people and then you get another batch of people that are doing exactly the opposite of what you're telling them not to do."
"Human nature: demoralization vs. herd mentality."
"People often loathe what they can't understand because it scares them."
"People just haven't flown, you know? It's like it just seems crazy to like be negative towards people."
"Happy; The holidays are over. Everyone's already forgotten about their resolutions already."
"The difference between Saint Patrick's Day and the Puerto Rican Day Parade is that nobody got shot and nobody's women got groped and molested."
"For 100 days, Rome celebrated its completion... Aside from the typical Roman celebratory actions of orgies and drinking."
"The moment you make reality exciting, people will prefer it over their phones."
"We need to focus on building Mutual Aid societies."
"Americans that realize that behaving like the biggest and most savage beast in the jungle merely reduces all of us to animals."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"We must stop the ad hominem attacks, the bullying that occurs to the people who are just trying to push accessibility forward."
"It seems as though everyone was boarding the hype train just not a real train."
"It's one of those reminders of how untrustworthy it's kind of, you know, like, okay, we kind of need to, for a lot of things, just believe in the public good."