
Vulnerability Quotes

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"We're less punitive, we're less rushing forward as a society and trampling the vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Social media is a highlight reel, and everyone's pretending to be perfect, so I'm going to show my vulnerability."
"Let yourself be vulnerable... Stop with the negativity, start looking at the positives, start looking at how good you are."
"The more that you allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic to the world, the more you're going to get career success."
"Just being willing to be vulnerable and share yourself, you will help that next person, which will then in turn lift others."
"When you open up with being vulnerable, it shows a certain amount of strength."
"Embracing failure looks like choosing the things that are going to make you feel like an idiot. That's how you build confidence."
"Being vulnerable and having these conversations with a third party is really a breath of fresh air."
"Vulnerability is not a weakness; it's a strength."
"Emotional sharing is key; share your insecurities with someone you trust."
"The best measure of any society is how we treat our most vulnerable citizens."
"Please, I beg you, don't hurt me. Oh goodness, I know how bad this must look to you right now, but I assure you I mean no harm."
"I'd rather live my life having really beautiful relationships with people than live my life pretending like I'm too good for that."
"We struggle to show love because we're scared of losing that person."
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."
"Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable."
"Our capacity for wholeheartedness can never be greater than our willingness to be broken-hearted."
"Vulnerability is where we share, where we reveal, where we let people in and let more of us be seen."
"I'm so grateful that I have the life that I have today and how quickly I could lose it."
"You can only be intimate to the degree you can be vulnerable."
"But as soon as I showed the world all of me, that’s when they started to fall in love with me."
"Intimacy is the relationship of vulnerability you have and how you react to people...the amount of vulnerability that you are willing to express in regards to the people that you are in relationship with."
"The willingness to ask for help is a very, very vulnerable statement. Can I help you? Not so much. An act of service, but the act of service really comes from allowing somebody else to serve you."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change."
"Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection."
"Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling."
"Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you're feeling. To have the hard conversations."
"If you can make God bleed, then people will cease to believe in him."
"We forget the truth, the vulnerability is the basis of friendships and indeed relationships."
"It's very important in life to feel vulnerable."
"Chase perfection, and perfect is the last place love would exist because the only way to develop a deep connection with somebody is through your vulnerabilities."
"The strongest thing you can do is be vulnerable and admit where you're having trouble."
"Be real and vulnerable and authentic with other people instead of keeping it very cold or professional."
"The more you let yourself be soft, vulnerable, authentic, and kind of dreamy on the outside, the more people are going to be very attracted to you."
"Migrants are vulnerable to exploitation by human traffickers who prey on their desperation."
"It's never a bad thing to ask for support, whatever that support is for you."
"We humans have to face our own vulnerabilities."
"Ask for support if you need it...it's okay to ask for help."
"There is a fragility in the middle of this regime. There is an opportunity here where Putin's regime has got a central weakness on display."
"Emotional intimacy is about connection, openness, communication, love, vulnerability."
"If someone were able to permanently knock out all internet and cable in this country... just think about the levels that that would affect us."
"That's not a sign of weakness; that's a sign of strength."
"Authenticity involves a certain amount of courage on our part, a willingness to be vulnerable, a willingness to let other people know who we really are, how we really feel. Sometimes it can be really scary."
"The best first step is to acknowledge that you opened yourself up to another person, you offered up your loving heart and, yeah, it didn't work out."
"Vulnerability is my super power. How many feeling it?"
"The human mind...is a very large exploit surface."
"Being vulnerable is one of the most empowering things because you allow other people to see you."
"Daring to live vulnerably for the world to be inspired by and taught by is my definition of greatness."
"Vulnerability really makes you relatable with people."
"Facing the raw power of nature, we are reminded of our vulnerability and the preciousness of life."
"It's like we fear what may happen, and we fear the repercussions of failing or we fear the repercussions of putting ourselves out there."
"The beauty is in being wrong... it's showing that you're fallible, you're flawed, you're human just like everybody else."
"I was too afraid to tell you how much I love you."
"I've been trying to hide it from everyone for so long, I just can't do it anymore. I have to get help."
"I think I might be feeling the same way too. I don't know what to do with all of this, but if you are willing to try, I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
"Vulnerability is strength, lay your cards out on the table, reveal the true you."
"Being vulnerable and transparent can transform us."
"No growth can happen without compassion and no growth can happen without vulnerability."
"There's a way to combine vulnerability and masculinity, and there's not much of a road map for that in our society, but it's probably, in my mind at least, one of the most foundational missing links that guys are experiencing."
"People feel like they can really get close to you when you're too strong; it pushes people away. It's like people want to feel like you need them in their life."
"I think it's strong to feel things that have hurt you and then to still choose to feel nonetheless."
"Vulnerability is going to trigger trust and create trust between you and him."
"Every time I've run the experiment of vulnerability, it's like the antidote for loneliness in many respects."
"Vulnerability is the daughter of connection."
"The only safety lies in letting it all in: the wild and the weak, fear, fantasies, failures and success."
"We tend to protect our groin during three key times: when we're feeling vulnerable, threatened, or insecure."
"Courage means you're taking small risks with your heart, little by little, even when you're afraid."
"Confidence cannot grow if we are never willing to be without it."
"We're a very long way from help if anything was to go wrong."
"Be comfortable and content with your vulnerabilities, insecurities, and weaknesses."
"It involves being honest and taking risks and, I don't know, maybe being wrong. That's my offering to you."
"My definition of greatness is vulnerability because vulnerability you have no courage without vulnerability."
"The only thing of real value that I got out of it is, I shared some secrets with another human being that I never shared with anybody else."
"I believe the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others but are vulnerable for all the reasons I've outlined."
"Poor people everywhere are hurt worse by pretty much everything."
"Don't be afraid to show vulnerability... vulnerability isn't a weakness, if you show vulnerability it's not a weak thing."
"A true emotional grown-up, a true grower and builder, he has the capacity to be vulnerable, authentic, and transparent."
"Through embracing vulnerability, you will find strength."
"Sometimes strength means asking for help or assistance. That takes the most strength."
"Personality, morals, and a sense of vulnerability... these are what make you successful."
"The most successful artists... allow themselves to become vulnerable."
"The key to successful relationships is vulnerability."
"There are forces in this world that remind us of how fragile we are."
"We thought we were safe. We thought it could never happen to us."
"Vulnerability is sexy. Own your weirdness. And your confidence is contagious."
"You provide the same experience for your audience; it is a superpower that superpower could be described as a unique combination of insight and vulnerability."
"Initial vulnerability improves the right relationship. Repeated vulnerability over time with no progress can damage a good relationship."
"What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful."
"Vulnerability means being open to the possibility of being let down or being built up by a connection."
"A tree doesn't grow where it's hard and thick, does it? It goes where it's soft and green and vulnerable. The vulnerability is absolutely essential for growth."
"Everything in nature grows only where it's vulnerable."
"Vulnerability is our capacity to be wounded."
"All perfectionism is is the 20-ton shield that we carry around hoping that it'll keep us from being hurt when in truth what it does is it keeps us from being seen."
"Vulnerability is not weakness. In fact, I would argue that it's our greatest measure of courage."
"Vulnerability is not weakness; it's about the willingness to show up and be seen when you can't control the outcome."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity."
"They fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful."
"To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen; to love with our whole hearts, even though there's no guarantee."
"This vulnerability is actually nicknamed Log4Shell...it's almost like anyone can open a shell on any server and issue commands."
"Vulnerability is not about winning or losing; it's about showing up and being seen."
"Vulnerability is the center of difficult emotion but it's also the birthplace of every positive emotion that we need in our lives."
"To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen...to believe that we're enough. Because when we work from a place that says, 'I'm enough,' then we stop screaming and start listening, we're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves."
"This is really exposing how fragile our civilization really is."
"When we see vulnerable people targeted by powerful politicians for the purposes of dividing people and gaining power with reckless disregard for the impact that it has on particular children and young people who are struggling, who are bullied, who are marginalized, who are bravely grappling to reconcile themselves and how they feel about themselves with the expectations of family and society, then a political environment is imposed upon them in which they're made the center of attention and a focus of criticism and hatred, children... I think it's worth just stepping back and powerful people in the U.S. Senate reflecting on the impact of our words, our deeds, our statements."
"The Ultimate key to attracting women, according to me, is vulnerability."
"Vulnerability doesn't only help you connect with women and build healthy relationships, it can also help you turn women on."
"A man who's willing to be vulnerable is like a breath of fresh air for women."
"Intimacy is the act of being present with another person in their undefended state."
"Vulnerability in a romantic relationship is a gift, not a given."
"Revealing our vulnerabilities creates trust, but trust also is the condition from which vulnerability grows."
"I have so much empathy for the vulnerable individuals who are following this."
"Allow yourself to be open and vulnerable; through embracing vulnerability, you will find strength."
"It's really wonderful to integrate all parts of ourselves, to stare at our shadow, to at least bring our shame into the light of day, and to find venues to connect with other people where we can show up perfectly authentically raw, vulnerable, ourselves, and have reflected back to us: I see you and I still accept you."
"Over-sharing is often a sign of poor boundaries because you're going in there so quickly, not only can it potentially make another person uncomfortable, but it also could be putting over-sharer in a position of tremendous vulnerability."
"Whenever you have to look outside of you and the Creator for a sense of worth or value, you are setting yourself up for abuse and misuse."
"If we don't know how to love ourselves, if we don't know how to take care of ourselves, motivate ourselves, stand up for ourselves, then we're always going to attract people into our lives that will take advantage of us, that will manipulate us, that will hurt us."
"Healing that tendency over this next year and showing up as a more powerful version of you that's more open, authentic, vulnerable, and does not fear being themselves."
"No one is untouchable. It's good to be back."
"Don't be afraid to open up. People return the favor because if you're just having small talk and you say you know the weather's nice today blah blah you can only go so far."
"Everyone has trauma; we all deal with trauma, and I suppose I'd put up all these protective walls around me, and now they're just flooded out."
"It's deeply threatening to reveal things about your own experience that are not going to land in a space where we can kind of collectively engage with them as legitimate experience."
"Our aim in all of this is to protect the most vulnerable, the most at risk."
"People with mental health problems are the most vulnerable in society, and they deserve our protection."
"Tough times fall first and hardest on the most vulnerable in our communities. But we can change that. We can make sure that no one is left without help."
"We all are nobody's invincible, prepare yourself."
"Your power to acknowledge your weaknesses and vulnerability is what makes you so strong."
"I've always been a bit afraid to ask for help in that department. Feels like opening myself up to a lot of judgment."
"The measure of a society is how it protects its most vulnerable."
"If intelligent people think they're immune to indoctrination, then they are especially vulnerable to it."
"It's okay to not be tough all the time. It's okay to go down."
"Being vulnerable is scary, and on some level telling a story you care deeply about is a bit like tearing your heart out and submitting it for peer review."
"If I didn’t believe I was unworthy, I could relax here, I could trust that Marcella really does care, I could trust enough to tell her the truth that I love her."
"There's no shame in saying, 'I don't know what I'm doing, and I need your help.'"
"You would be astonished how much the image of masculine power and success is a source of weakness rather than strength for guys."
"The secret to life is relationships, and the secret to successful relationships is vulnerability and showing up for other people."
"Ignorance doesn't make you immune; it just leaves you vulnerable."
"I felt vulnerable because I felt safe enough to be vulnerable."
"These walls feel like paper when that gun's in play."
"You can't be courageous without being vulnerable."
"The most courageous thing you've ever said is 'help.'"
"Vulnerability is a great connector. When I'm willing to be open myself, it then allows your guest the safety to open up themselves."
"You get what you want from this person not through applying force, aggression, frustration, resentment, anger, expectation, commands... but by lovingly allowing them to feel vulnerable by giving them a safe space in which they can express themselves as and when they're ready."
"It's really taken from my experiences and brings the flaws to the surface."
"The second you're vulnerable...people see the true side of you, and they're allowed to be vulnerable too."
"Live life more vulnerably, and you can co-create the experience you have."
"How vulnerable is Europe's energy infrastructure to an eventual attack?"
"Vulnerability creates bonds and creates strength."
"Knight of Cups is about emotional availability. When we can be in this energy to be soft in our heart space, let our guard down, we then open up space to welcome in somebody who might want to serenade us and offer us their cup of love."
"This relationship is all about opening up that vulnerability more and more over time."
"The greatest weakness that they have is the fact that they think that they are untouchable."
"Just because I teach this stuff... doesn't make me immune to what it means to be human."
"I love you but I'm afraid to reach out and have you reject me."
"Real interactions are vulnerable and difficult."
"True strength lies in vulnerability—embrace your feelings as a sign of courage and authenticity."
"The streets of West Baltimore do not allow a child to walk through life carrying a sense of invincibility. Instead, parents harbor an unremitting dread when their child does something as mundane as walking to school."
"Me telling my story and being open, honest, and vulnerable about it...will help someone who was in a similar trajectory."
"Allow the emotions to flow, allow yourself to be seen."
"Being able to fully express your deep emotions."
"Having feelings does not make you weak, quite the opposite."
"I think it takes so much strength to be vulnerable and express those emotions to people around you."
"Healthy masculinity looks like being aware of that vulnerability and then being able to figure out okay, how do I process healthy emotions?"
"Being uncertain and scared and powerless is so often where you learn the most."
"Being a man is you could have some sort of emotional intelligence, you can be vulnerable."
"The challenge of being connected with another human being is, in order to be accepted by someone, the door must be open for them to reject you as well."
"I always want to be myself, always want to be honest, always want to be vulnerable."
"Patriarchy tells men they shouldn't be vulnerable or show emotions, labeling those things as feminine, so when men get vulnerable or emotional, they're criticized, made fun of, told to 'be a man, not to act like a woman.'"
"Live with your heart on your sleeve and know that yes, you might get hurt in the process, things can always go wrong, there's always that potential and risk but nothing's worth living if you don't take risks."
"Embracing that you can be vulnerable. A lot of men want to portray strength, strength, strength, but men are people and I know that men have feelings."
"Just because a man may be physically stronger than us does not mean they cannot be abused."
"You cannot be seduced unless you are vulnerable...being vulnerable is actually a positive trait."
"Respect honesty so much that you can allow the other person to say some really really bad weaknesses, and you don't scold them."
"It's on you if you mistake my vulnerability for desperation."
"When you're in love, you have to be willing to be hurt."
"Oh my goodness, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared."
"Become comfortable with vulnerability. Vulnerability is not weakness; instead, it involves great courage."
"The enemy loves isolation... and it wasn't until Jesus was isolated that the enemy came and tempted him."
"Once you [accept your vulnerabilities], there's something cool that happens when the person you're with sees you letting yourself be seen."
"Never be afraid to ask for help if you don't know something."
"Good intimacy leads to great sex, but intimacy is me being vulnerable, allowing you to see me and to know me and accept me."
"Love is a treasure chest, but once opened, our hearts become vulnerable."
"You can't drive out darkness with more darkness; you can't expose someone who's going to hurt you by being someone who's closed off and holding back yourself."
"It is the very vulnerabilities and faults of humanity that do make it beautiful."
"The hardest thing about saying what I need is I might not get it, which sounds so logical, but if it's so hard for me to say what I need and then it's not met, it's like, bro, I don't matter at all."
"It really does break my heart when somebody's so vulnerable and so innocent, and they just get taken advantage of."
"It excites me because it leaves us a little bit vulnerable, a little bit weak, but it excites me."
"He was a special needs child, autistic; he couldn't fend for himself."
"Take control while being vulnerable. Ask for what you want but be open to receiving."
"Check us out; we're getting into a deeper dive type version of ourselves and really sharing some vulnerable stories that have shaped our opinions over the show."
"Jon Jones is one of those fighters who fell victim to their own invulnerability."
"From a physical perspective, women are way more vulnerable than men, but when it comes to an emotional perspective, men are just as vulnerable."
"You should never be afraid of showing your humanity and your weakness... with your significant other or your best friend."
"To them, it's about protecting pregnancy, about protecting fetal life, about protecting the most vulnerable life in the world."
"To clothe yourself is to recognize your vulnerability and to use culture to hold it at bay."
"There is no emotion more delicate than love; opening your arms and exposing your heart to someone can quite bluntly be terrifying."
"Being transparent is like being in a fishbowl... but being vulnerable is letting people get in your fishbowl."
"Strong people feel like they can't fall apart, so then they always give the impression of strength, even when they're not."
"It's safe for you to love and be vulnerable."
"You need someone else to save you because you can't save yourself."
"We're still victims, people like little Luisa. She was playing in the basement when the storm hit. Now she's trapped, and her life hangs on the whims of fate."
"Something bad is going to happen because when you show weakness to our enemies, it encourages our enemies, and they get more and more aggressive."