
Social Awareness Quotes

There are 1700 quotes

"I care about other people, even if I don't know them, because I can understand and empathize with what it feels like to be vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone praised them for shedding light on the lives of the poor through interviews."
"This younger generation senses that, and that's why they're into nuance, kindness, seeing the kinds of distinctions which are lost on older generations."
"Dolphins are mammals. We know that. And what we know about dolphins right now... is they are large-brained, highly social, self-aware, meaning self-aware and socially aware animals that feel pain and they can suffer."
"I became a passionate Zionist and kind of pro-Israel supporter. But then, like many American Jews, came into contact with Palestinian narratives."
"You naturally see what's wrong with this world and you have a keen sense of wanting to fix that."
"When you see on the television women and children dying, and you're just beyond their control, and it's totally oppressive, it just really makes you think and ask yourself, 'What am I doing? Am I sitting here desiring convenience?'"
"We've come to a point in recent years where we're better at saying, 'We all have unconscious bias and it's not just about race. We all benefit from diverse views.'"
"Being on time is not about upholding supremacy; it's about respect and being socially aware enough to acknowledge those around you."
"Folks, those eight minutes and 46 seconds opened the eyes of millions of Americans and millions of people all over the world. Perhaps we can step into a different way of being."
"As people, you need to understand and try and delve into different social classes to understand that. Stop staying where you are."
"I would say something along the lines of, 'Hey, I know I've been really mean to myself... I just wanted to apologize in case I made anyone feel uncomfortable.'"
"Privilege allows you to do things that other people cannot do, but that does not mean you should use your privilege to be blind to the realities of everybody outside of your lived experience."
"The idea that because men are being raised by women that they're weaker is completely false. Our generation is not more sensitive; we're more aware."
"The majority does not even realize it, and what's worse is that if you attempt to even bring this up and highlight the delusion, you can be silenced and portrayed as a speaker of hate or discrimination."
"There's a lot of white suburban... there's a lot of white people who don't realize this stuff has been happening for a really long time."
"There are more intersex people on Earth than there are people in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia – combined."
"People who say, 'I'm not rude, I'm just honest,' often fail to recognize their own bluntness as rudeness."
"As you get older, you start to realize not a whole lot of people think very deeply about other people's experiences."
"Everybody knows the inequality is getting worse. Well, almost everybody, anybody serious anyway."
"I want to push people to be educated and go out there and read... understand exactly what's going on before we act."
"He continued to make both self-aware and socially aware comments on Impulsive that people really appreciated."
"The only thing that has really changed is that there's cameras today so we can see police brutality happening."
"It takes a lot of courage for victims to speak out... assume that they're telling the truth. Don't believe them naively but give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them with respect right at the outset."
"The best place to keep this theory appears to be in the abstract, a matter of relative probability and a means to provoke sympathy and thought."
"If you've always been wealthy, you don't know what it's like to be poor."
"You're gonna want to heal the world, you're gonna see like how messed up the government is or how messed up the world is and you're gonna want to heal the world on a larger scale."
"For the first time in my life, I'm seeing, like, when I was a kid... I never once heard a single person ever talk about indigenous issues seriously. And then, all over... everyone I know marched out in orange shirts."
"I am taking a hard look at the meaning behind white privilege and am committed to growing from this experience."
"If we fail to perceive connections, relations, intersections, crossings, junctures, coincidences, overlapping, and cross-hatching phenomena, we will be forever imprisoned in a world that appears to be white and male and heterosexual and cisgender and capitalists and U.S-centric or Eurocentric."
"What of the empathy you feel for the starving and the downtrodden? That is human nature too."
"I know a lot of people will race to help children, but these people 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years old...their lives matter a lot and they matter up there with how children's lives matter."
"Misgendering is...harmful, disrespectful, and exhausting. We can fight misgendering by remembering that we cannot and should not be assuming anyone's gender."
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." - Sign at a protest
"Woke isn't really something that you can say you are; it's an action."
"Simply recognizing the problems doesn't do much except make the average person miserable. We often feel powerless in the face of monstrous crises like climate change and inequality that exceeds that of the Gilded Age. But we're not as helpless as we might feel."
"Racism can impact someone without their conscious knowledge... you don't have to know anything about the racism going on in order for it to have a huge impact on your life."
"Sometimes uncomfortable conversations are very healthy. Get out of your bubble, whether you're black or white."
"Genuine social awareness requires more than just the knowledge of popular terms and ideas."
"Remember that genuine social awareness and progressivism is about more than buzzwords or surface-level activism."
"Everyone needs to take responsibility for people's sexual and reproductive health."
"I wanted to understand what their lives are really like and walk a day in their shoes: no makeup, no lights, nothing but me."
"People experiencing homelessness are people, just like you and me."
"I can't tell a Jewish person what is anti-Semitic just like nobody can tell me what racism is. It's like nobody can tell a woman what sexism is. It's like nobody could tell a gay person what homophobia is."
"These are people; they're not a product on a shelf. They're human beings."
"Brands are doing another new thing: they're becoming people, woke people."
"All I want to say is that when people are talking about privilege, we're not trying to say that men are acting in a way that they believe they deserve more... listen to women, listen to what happens to them."
"Be thankful for what you have because there are a lot of people out in the world right now that don't have a goddamn phone to begin with."
"We often forget how much unites all the members of humanity."
"The idea that we would take [people doing everyday thankless tasks] for granted seems to me outrageous."
"Political correctness basically means not saying bigoted things, woke means being aware of structural injustices, and multiculturalism means it's good that there's not just one kind of people here."
"You got to pay attention to what other people are going through, man. You never know."
"I think what people are talking about is representation. I do believe that representation is something that is important."
"How many more kids got to [__] die until we wake up to that reality?"
"Check your privilege, we're all doing the best we can out here."
"Discrimination occurs by and against every race, every gender, every sexual orientation, yes, including white heterosexual males."
"You know, a caregiver right, 20% of Americans are caregivers, you know one, ask them how you can help."
"Gen Z have also been shaped by growing up in the shadow of #MeToo and intersectional feminism, more aware of consent than older generations."
"I don't want people to not be racist because they're guilty. I want them to not be racist because they are actualized, sociologically aware, strong people who understand what's right and what's wrong."
"If you eliminate these concerns, more and more people realize there is only one real war, and it is the class war."
"Peele intends his movie to be like this flash, not hypnotic entertainment that lulls us into submission but a jolt that wakes us up to reality."
"Racism is bad. It doesn't matter who it happens to. Anyone can be racist. And if we can just unite on that thought, I think it'll be so much better."
"I wanted to hop in here real quick before the video gets started and let you know that this video was filmed pre-filmed back in mid-May, but I made the decision to hold off on posting it to give space for the Black Lives Matter movement and to the black voices that we really need to be listening to."
"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
"The most important thing for you to remember is to have humility; you have been socialized to be unconsciously invested in racism."
"Just because you can't solve it and don't see it at every corner doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of it and trying to address it."
"Hopefully, raising awareness can help solicit tips and also I really want to shed a light on the realities and vulnerabilities of homelessness."
"What I care about is what's happening in the world and what's shaping things."
"Invisible people, like immigrants, are reminded of the understanding and compassion that we all owe."
"One of the key lessons that I took from that was that we're all equal... until you meet somebody your same age, growing up in a different place... they don't have the same opportunities, but they have the same dreams as you."
"We've got to keep talking about it. I mean, I understand how people just wind up stepping over somebody and just going to work because you wind up wondering how big a difference can I make. But I feel like we can't give up."
"Monitor and be aware of what is happening in your own circle. Do not tolerate domestic violence."
"I remember there would be these like these viral videos periodically that were extremely gruesome and people would be like don't watch it don't watch it. I'll be like I kind of feel like you shouldn't hide from what's out there."
"Believe victims. It's not easy to come forward."
"We're all intersectional because we all understand that things can have more than one cause."
"It's given a lot of people a wake-up call which I think they needed."
"Intersectionality is basically the acknowledgment that no one thing defines any one person."
"Everyone is connected, everyone is always thinking of everyone else, and sometimes you think, 'I am so small in this world and no one would ever notice,' and if the truth is so completely different."
"You end up discovering a lot of times... that there are lots of other people in the institutional space who also were thinking, this shit is unacceptable."
"It's important to be reminded of this kind of thing every now and again... remind ourselves how horrendous it is."
"We came out we found out later we just from our generational coming up we knew who's the neighborhood."
"Honestly, it's kind of evil. They're just pretending they don't even see the problem. They absolutely see the problem, everything they did here was absolutely intentional, and they fully understand what they're doing."
"That's what I like about this, they seem to have a community responsibility."
"They stopped and raised their voices because they saw his humanity."
"Where's the humanity? These are people, real living, breathing people who are beautiful."
"Wake up, people. Wake up, because if you're woke, your eyes are so closed you'll never see."
"Awareness without saying anything out loud is useless. Right? You need awareness to be coupled with courage."
"Ladies just want to come on here real quick and just say you're beautiful and you should always keep your heads up and be aware of your surroundings and keep smiling because some ladies can't smile my mom lost her teeth what was it last Monday."
"This isn't right" - you all have to look at this
"It's a matter of educating yourself around your own privilege and power."
"Fortunately, more and more people are seeing through this [ __ ]."
"We all need to check ourselves daily and make sure we are not perpetuating the same beliefs and systems that are causing the pain in the black community."
"It comes as a great shock to discover the flags which you have pledged allegiance along with everybody else has not pledged allegiance to you."
"Understand your privilege in the society. Take the opportunity to go through the bias busting training, read about privilege, read about the real history of oppression in our country."
"The world needs to see what's happening and force change. The more people who see it, the more pressure there is to make it right."
"It's a bit of a balance, exercising your free will but also being conscious of how your actions affect others."
"I don't understand when it became okay to generalize about racial groups."
"Instead we should think about the world around us."
"Realizing that things can be real for other people without you ever having to see or experience them is just a huge part of being an accepting and genuinely decent-ish person."
"They made it personal, they made people face and look in the mirror and listen to women."
"You can believe that without actually having to accept that you are somehow a privileged member of society."
"You have to start seeing the signs or if you don't want to see the signs you have to start believing the black people who are telling you about the signs."
"If you're forgetting minorities, you need to do some introspective work."
"The most important thing to remember is that these people are not insane and that this could have happened to anybody."
"It feels extremely fake woke to talk about inclusivity of shade ranges"
"Watch this: the world is waking up and change is coming."
"Be nice to someone today, we're all struggling with something."
"In the end, I hope that Jack gets the help and support he needs and I hope that people become more open and understanding to male victims."
"If we all thought outside the box a little bit more, we would be in a lot better opened our eyes a little bit wider and took a look at the world a little bit differently."
"Minidisc had won the format war that never was."
"I think the hopeful part though is that the people who are being messaged to have a much higher literacy around what this is."
"I was shocked probably by the magnitude of pain that I saw in the world, you know. I didn't understand how many people there were out there who were essentially dying for lack of an encouraging word."
"Recognize that we all have subconscious bias."
"A proper apology for this would have involved admitting to racial biases, however unconscious."
"Trans people have always been there, you just didn't care until it got made a big political issue."
"Many of these kids don't even feel like they have the right to have boundaries."
"I insulated myself from that world... I missed what was going on in the middle class."
"Awareness needs to be raised of these things because people have them and we're all people."
"The first sign that they fear is our consciousness." - Vikki Dillard
"Shining a light on these stories that the mainstream media just does not cover."
"I don't think we should watch like... we should not sit idly by and watch that happen."
"I think a lot of people have gained a sense of class consciousness."
"The truth has been presented. Racial tensions exposed."
"You don't realize how [__] privileged you are."
"I think the Me Too thing is an awakening to all that."
"Privilege is a kind of blindness to your own power."
"We're smarter than we look. We know what's happening in America."
"Stay woke means stay conscious of what's going on... stay aware of your surroundings."
"The most important thing we can do is not isolate and not keep silent."
"There is a critical mass of black people who are trying to think about things... and yes, I am talking about me as being one of them."
"I think now Black men see clearly what they have to lose. They can get killed and the president won't say a word, won't utter Jacob Blake's name, will not talk about police reform."
"I know where this is heading and I think a lot of people are starting to realize where this is heading."
"We just want to be here with you. You never know what people are going through."
"It's important that people speak about these things. That is why everybody, as time goes on, is fighting for mental health disorders to not be so stigmatized."
"If you care about people being killed illegally in Wars then yes, but you know what the world's like and you know how we are deluged with propaganda."
"The best thing we can do right now is bring awareness to this girl and to her case."
"Terry Crews in Me Too has done so much to normalize the idea that even beefy masculine men can be victims of sexual assault."
"Rape is not a joke. It's not. It should not be a form of social punishment, especially not one condoned by anyone. It's a very serious matter and I wish it on anyone is depraved."
"Some words can be offensive because they are dehumanizing or worse."
"If we are to build a culture of affirmative and enthusiastic consent, it’s critical to understanding the ethics of looking."
"It's about empathy and just being inclusive of the people that are less privileged than us."
"There's a normalcy bias... It can't happen here, but we're closer than people realize."
"Thank God that's not me, but I started to notice like, 'Dang, I'm getting invited to a lot of events and I'm drinking almost all of the events. This is not the move.'"
"Live your life, resist where you can... pay attention to what's going on."
"Just focusing on who's getting hurt always centers the right person and avoids that nonsense."
"We need to recognize that this time, something is different."
"Being woke means being awake, wake up everyone."
"Justice serves itself in many forms... simply being heard and being believed."
"The incident became a light-hearted reminder to put our phones down and pay attention to our surroundings."
"People are aware that they don't have to put up with this crap anymore."
"You see these things like the Arab spring, you see these things where people are now aware that other options exist."
"That's abuse, ladies and gentlemen, that's abuse."
"Just because you don't know what texturism is doesn't mean that it doesn't exist."
"I really try to do the right thing. I try to bring hope to the world. I try to shine a light on evil [__] that is happening on this planet."
"I don't think I had some sort of special skill in 2020 to see through it. I just think I cared."
"We're in a conversation about these things happening, you can't run from them."
"Defining someone's culture by their race is racism."
"We're at a point in America where if we the people don't begin understanding this infighting on all these fronts, it's game over and we deserve it."
"I recognize the privilege that I have all the time."
"It's almost like he's aware that there's 40 million people living in poverty in America and they don't give a damn about Russia or stormy Daniels."
"It's all I could think about were the survivors today and what they must be feeling."
"The big wave here is transparency, the big wave is blowing the lid off this [__] and showing people what's really sitting underneath it."
"Respect the tone of the room and respect your own boundaries too."
"As sad as it is and as discussing as these people are it is important that we know about these people so we know a little bit more about how they combat them and how to stop it before it gets too far."
"I hope people wake up to the fact that what is happening before our eyes is what the Bible warned about in Bible prophecy."
"Whenever you see something and you don't say something, you are complicit."
"I probably would have laughed at the idea of grooming a child too because it's so absurd."
"Isn't it about time that someone tried to make a conscious effort into bettering, into transitioning into this PC-culture era that we now live in?"
"You don't have to hearken back to our ancestors; you can look at Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Tamir Rice."
"Some people might just be blissfully unaware, they just don't realize what they're doing is bothersome and maybe one's told, they'll stop."
"If it sounds racist it's probably because it is."
"Understanding our own racism is a matter of life and death."
"Host clubs make us recognize how powerful effective labor is and how it can be used and abused."
"Rights are being eroded faster than we can keep up with them."
"It's amazing and very heartening how many people are waking up."
"Trafficking doesn't always look the way people would expect it to look because of the way it's been portrayed publicly the reality is very different."
"In today's world of canceled culture, you have to be careful."
"An awakening is underway around issues of intersectionality, sexuality, and gender norms across all industries and art forms."
"Many Americans aren't even aware paid parental leave is a thing."
"How many more coincidences have to happen where people wake up?"
"2020 was obviously with COVID and everything else but that summer I think probably red pilled a lot of people."
"Black lives do matter, yes they are real people and they should be respected."
"Class consciousness workers in the United States are listening to these labor leaders."
"Microaggressions may appear to be a compliment but contain a hidden insult towards target groups."
"I view the recognition of one's privilege as an impetus to change things."
"I think moving somewhere where there's a massive diversity of people... opens your eyes to just being a decent human being."
"I always want you to realize that we're talking about real people in real places with real problems that lived historically."
"So, it's good to also know that. You might not want to use that word in that way, but just so you're... You understand it better so that you're not in any embarrassing situations."
"Empathy is easy when the person's right in front of you... being empathetic towards people who can't see is the difficult part."
"It's pretty weird that misogyny is one of those things that people still can't really get a full picture on."
"I've been speaking to the people who understand how the world works."
"There are different kinds of homelessness which we'll look into next."
"Every missing person counts. Everybody deserves to be found or looked for at least."
"When it comes to our children, we try our hardest to teach them how to look for signs, to be aware of evil people, and to choose their friends wisely."
"We were on a course of becoming an ever larger and more capable team of activists."
"One in 10 people is a lot of people. Imagine if one or more of those people were victims of forced labor."
"Hopefully if people in college see this and they have a classmate who is pregnant, they will make an effort to make them feel accepted."
"Acknowledge it, change it, do better. People were still uncomfortable for a reason."
"We've been lied to, friends, and I think it's very important that we expose the truth."
"There is no superior race. We've been lied to. It hasn't anything to do with race."