
Socioeconomic Issues Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"We've made unhealthy foods cheap, that's a problem. We've made healthy foods expensive, that's a problem. We put health, from a dietary perspective, out of reach for millions of Americans. That is a fundamental problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The people who have had all the money and all the power have screwed up for so long... it's stifled innovation, it's stifled progress."
"Poverty is certainly not caused by something as simple as a lack of money."
"The driving factors are wage stagnation with rising cost of living and inequality, which means there's more competition and desperation for fewer good jobs."
"The financial system was built on our bodies and built on extracting wealth from us."
"Africa is very rich, but its people are poor."
"There's a distinction between being broke and being poor."
"The middle class is being systematically dismantled. People are getting screwed."
"Systemic poverty leads to positions where criminality is the only way for some to make it out of the hoods they're born into."
"Children who live absent from their biological father... are at least 2 to 3 times more likely to be poor, to use drugs, to experience educational, health, emotional, and behavioral problems."
"The bottom line is the American people are hurting and they're hurting badly."
"One of the things that this coronavirus has revealed is just how close so many million American families are to poverty."
"Dear Joe Biden, how about some affordable housing? These rich landlords are screwing us."
"This process creates a gap between the rich and the poor, those who have more financial assets now see those asset prices go up and for various other reasons, a wealth gap has developed."
"It's not just a wealth gap, I think it's more important than the wealth gap is an opportunity gap."
"The vast majority of problems that we face aren't down to the nitty-gritty of economic distribution. It comes down to the fact that the people making all the decisions just have different interests than the vast majority of people."
"The majority of people on this planet are living paycheck to paycheck."
"The median wealth for white families in America is $170,000; for a black family, it is $17,000. That is 10 times the amount."
"When you defer to answers that don't provide a socio-economic answer, what you're deferring to is a stereotype."
"We don't see the scope again of how issues of race connect to socioeconomic issues, to issues of poverty, to issues of spatial isolation, to a whole range of issues."
"Historic gaps in income inequality... it's just the tale as old as time."
"But that doesn't change the fact that she's come from humble beginnings and has screwed over people that look very much like her."
"One of the richest countries in the world, one of the richest societies that's ever occupied Earth, is losing ground in the most precious, irreplaceable resource that exists: the hours and days we have on this planet with each other."
"Individuals with lower socioeconomic status suffer disproportionately more harm."
"Why are there fewer working-class MPs now than they've been at any point in the last hundred years?"
"The problem with poverty and socio-economic deprivation is not money, it is priorities."
"I don't believe Democrats or Republicans are going hungry and losing jobs. I believe Americans are going hungry and losing their jobs."
"Lower and middle class communities are the ones disproportionately affected by the rising costs of inflation."
"Nobody's having to make that choice between looking after their health and the health of those around them or go into work because they can't afford not to."
"Poverty is not an economic situation. It's a spiritual entity."
"The existence of the CCP regime is the real root cause of agricultural backwardness, the prevailing poverty, and discrimination against the peasants, and now the food crisis in China."
"The credit system in this country is an industry designed to prey on poor and desperate people."
"Sooner than most people think, millions of Americans will potentially be pushed down out of the middle class, out of private retirement, and out of a decent life based on independence and privacy into a collectivist nightmare."
"There are correlations we can see at every level of education... poverty and poor education can create a feedback loop."
"Income disparities: blacks earn only half of what their white counterparts do."
"What Ben Carson is talking about is that the welfare system incentivizes bad behavior and since they're more black people disproportionately in poverty they are more likely to be affected by those bad incentives."
"So the rich get richer but the poor and middle class are getting poorer, it's tragic what's happening today."
"How are we going to rebuild equity in the Working Poor in this country?"
"Aristotle wrote that poverty is the parent of crime."
"May's struggle to understand why she can't go back to the way things were is both a struggle to grow as a person and to struggle to come to the grips with the socio-economics of possum Springs."
"Renters have been left behind economically in America over the last 30 years."
"If you're not intelligent, you're more likely to be poor."
"The closer you get to a free-market capitalism, the greater the level of inequality that will be experienced."
"Stories like this are sadly nothing new for Grimsby and especially the East Marsh, the area is the most deprived across the whole of Northeast Lincolnshire."
"Doctors back then were just as poor as the rest of the middle class."
"Europe and the whole world in general is about to have a large political, social, and economic crisis."
"Being a working American is a life or death work, and while there is a disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, working-class communities, white working-class communities are being hit hard as well."
"This might be the last hope for the middle class."
"Black poverty is a billion-dollar industry. If you solve black-on-black crime, a lot of people will be out of work."
"American economy is not working for workers."
"There's only one group in this country that competes at the bottom of the median household income - Native Americans."
"It's not all tragic here they're small pockets of town like this where homes are nice this area is kind of on the north end up against the hillsides these people have managed to hold on as the cities collapsed around them."
"The vast majority of Chinese people did not benefit."
"Will this prime minister balance the budget, get inflation and interest rates down so more Canadians don't have to live out on the streets?"
"Inexplicably rife with subtle political and socio-economic commentary."
"Intelligence is evenly distributed, generational poverty is about mindset."
"What matters is when people can't eat, people get mad. That's it."
"So we've all bought into this globalism, which is really predatory capitalism, which is a race to the bottom."
"Teachers are so undervalued, so underappreciated, so underpaid."
"The problem is a broader socioeconomic one; kids aren't going to magically do well in school when they feel they have like no hope for the future."
"What is happening is there is some very serious plans to destroy and steal the wealth of the middle class."
"Suddenly everyone is very eager to raise taxes on the 26-year-old doctor who earns $150,000 a year."
"Regular Americans and billionaires don't get the same treatment. It's not a logical, factual debate with them."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"It's okay to make fun of the largest proportionally the largest section of poor people in this country—poor white people."
"It's destructive to a traditional black family ecosystem."
"There's no such thing as an underdeveloped country, only an over-exploited one."
"One of the great tragedies...is that for working class people...wages in this country have been stagnant for decades."
"Life is cheap in a way that is familiar from the developing world."
"The problems that you have assigned to poor people and overpopulation, this kind of Idiocracy thing, are 100% the result of the economic conditions that we have decided on."
"It's about people who don't have a clear future of being able to have their own homes and raise their own families."
"We got a working age black population that largely has no wealth, no pension, and ain't dealing with the fact of how that affects the structure of what your family should look like."
"You're choosing between paying rent and putting food on the table."
"People associate hunger with homelessness. Homelessness is definitely ground zero for hunger, food insecurity, but the majority of people who actually suffer from food insecurity are the people who barely live above the poverty line."
"Everybody has problems, rich people have problems and poor people have problems everybody has problems it's how you're dealing with them."
"Poor living conditions hamper children's ability to do schoolwork."
"The idea of someone unable to afford insulin even though they're a full-time federal worker is so devastating."
"I want the middle class to be thriving again. We're losing our middle class."
"Being broke ain't the problem. Having impoverished mind is the problem."
"The disparity existed at every level of the wealth hierarchy."
"Black society, we don't want to live next door to criminals, so the criminal sector who lives into the lower income sections of black society, black folks can't get protection from these people."
"Crack cocaine: cheap, easy to make, and highly addictive."
"What if they don't have capital, dog? What the [__]? Yeah, just go buy a fixer-upper dude, yeah because everyone has like uh enough money to just like rent out."
"At a time when corporate capture of our media, our government, and our politics is nearly absolute, everyday working people need a champion to fight for them."
"Life-saving therapies shouldn't be just available to the wealthy."
"We're here to talk about why in the United States of America we have more income and wealth inequality today than at any time since the 1920s."
"The houses that were the homes to the richest middle class in America are empty and broken. Many words can be used to describe Detroit, but quitter isn't one of them."
"Professional managerial class has delegitimized itself with its arrogance and greed."
"Thanks to the occupation, poverty in Afghanistan has risen to 72% in 2020."
"Maybe young people want to start a family but they don't know how they can afford something bigger than a one-bedroom apartment."
"Britain's winter of discontent is the inevitable result of austerity."
"I was always interested in health to some degree when I was poor I couldn't afford to eat healthy."
"Our leaders are completely out of touch with the fact that half the country is poor or in poverty half in the richest country the face of the earth has ever seen."
"The spirit of poverty can come from a religious perspective."
"I'm not talking about black people, I'm not talking about white people, I'm not talking about any nationality, this is a socio-economic thing I'm talking about."
"Income inequality and poverty...are inextricably linked with crime...but his point about income inequality being the driver behind crime...is just not the case."
"We're not gonna put money in inner city communities, we're not going to do that."
"The middle class is quickly disappearing at an alarming rate."
"As the middle class shrinks... lyrics about struggling through, working hard, and eventually getting rich are increasingly relatable."
"China is showing more civil instability even as its economy continues to decline due to its zero covet policies."
"The people who are educated who have decent jobs... are still living with economic stress, something's really off."
"It doesn't really matter if you're poor or rich... it's horse crap."
"Debt is not just about money, it's about power."
"Poverty and misery in Haiti are human-created; the root causes are the political and economic systems which have dominated Haiti for over 182 years."
"American rust is is a deep dive into good people stuck at the bottom doing whatever they can to survive and del harris is one of those people."
"No one who needs to struggle to meet their basic needs is truly free."
"The number of malnutrition cases in England has almost doubled in five years."
"Two out of three children growing up below the poverty line live in families where at least one adult is working."
"People aren't stupid... even these people in these low-skilled jobs can recognize the struggles they face."
"Football clubs built by the poor, stolen by the rich. It's a sad day for football."
"Ultimately, it is one thing: a tax on the poor. And people are calling them out."
"You make more money taxing poor people than you do taxing the very few rich."
"Black people are the only demographic that have a better chance of regressing financially instead of progressing."
"Unfortunately, this crisis has revealed the fault lines along race and socioeconomic status." - Tish James
"I fear a few wealthy islands in the sea of poverty will also turn into a global calamity like climate change."
"See I feel like that's the problem like people get money and they leave and don't want to come back and put the [ __ ] on or try to fix the city because they done seen some new [ __ ] that they ain't never seen before in their city."
"In a time when more and more Americans... the people making big decisions for America don't have to be rich saviors."
"You're making people choose between having a place to live and eat or not like this is life in death situation."
"Black folks don't own [expletive]. We don't own nothing."
"Poverty is a mindset, poverty is not just about what's in your wallet or in your purse."
"He is really redeemed himself since being incarcerated... you can turn your life around."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"Ask any worker that's ever worked in hospitality or a service industry that's on a low wage: unregulated zero rights from day one."
"The assumption that people are choosing not to change their lifestyle is not sensitive to the fact that said choice is a luxury that some do not have."
"What we want is for the poor to have access at public hospitals."
"Life expectancy is still below average. Wow, no private health care."
"I don't think that poverty in itself is linked to a lack of political participation... the sense that there is no political lever available to pull, that could in any way inflect the way your politics is going, that's a problem."
"Disturbed drug cartels, opium farmers, and the routes for drug trafficking."
"The majority of households in poverty in this country have one or more people in work."
"It'll eventually come for the rich person... gas prices, inflation, electric vehicles."
"No child should feel guilty for eating daily meals and no child should have to tell their parents not to buy them toys."
"Rich people don't eat bad food because they don't want to eat bad food, and people without money eat bad food because they're forced to eat bad food."
"For millions of people, the only path to the American Dream is to scale an uncountable mountain of debt."
"It's terrible that you can still do this in America unless you got the means to fight."
"Anyone that's been really, really low... knows that you'll do anything for food and you'll do anything to keep a roof over your head."
"The deindustrialization of the inner city was the first weapon of mass destruction."
"Growing up rich shelters you from anything that has to do with manual labor or that's effort intensive."
"We're feeding the problem by consuming subsidized foods."
"The core problem is the fact that people need a job to live."
"That Dragonball could be extended for years to come decades even maybe even after Toriyama's long since departed this world."
"The struggle of the poor versus the weak, the environment in the most basic sense... is the water clean... basic environmental concerns."
"Vaccine nationalism is causing children in average countries to be more likely to get a booster dose than vulnerable older folks in poor countries are to get their first dose."
"Labor competition raises more questions than answers."
"This lowers the quality of living in those areas and then squeezes out the wealthier people in that area."
"Homelessness isn't an innate quality in a person... a lot of people in this country are one paycheck away from becoming homeless themselves."
"When you ask a woman why she's ending a pregnancy, pretty quickly what comes into view is not a 'I really want to wear a bikini this summer' but 'I can't afford to have this child.'"
"If we do not solve the problems facing the middle-class and low-income earners, Canadians will eventually withdraw their support for a growth agenda."
"In many areas, unemployment is high, drug use is rampant, and education is undervalued."
"New Mexico has all the issues we described above wrapped into one: a Native American population that's poor and violent, a poor relatively uneducated population that's lacking jobs and a bright future."
"People are losing their homes because they're not going to have the money to make the necessary repairs."
"Money was hard to come by and because of that these cars were looked down upon during that time because people were starving in the streets while the rich people were driving around in class. It was a bad look."
"If you can't move your family, if you can't get food to your home, if you can't heat your home in the winter because you can't afford energy, like that's terrible."
"I think the problem is when gentrification creates cities for rich people only, like San Francisco right now."
"Central banking is the primary socioeconomic problem in the world."
"Money isn't real. You know what's real? Poverty. Poverty's real."
"1.2 billion people live below the international poverty line."
"I actually agree with the incels in the sense that there's a broader socioeconomic thing going on here."
"If you have a population where there's a large wealth gap and you have an economic downturn, almost reliably there is conflict."
"People who live on lower socio-economic positions or in poverty have increased risk for mental health problems."
"It was important to let them know that hey, not only have I wrestled with my identity, but I've also had to overcome battles with income and going to school because of those things."
"Death of the middle class is not the result of inevitable natural forces; it is the result of political decisions."
"Wealth inequality generating more inequalities of power, which in turn generated more inequalities of wealth."
"Poverty may cause crime because some may be desperate to gain more money."
"I think it would be beneficial for the world. A lot of problems that we see socioeconomically, morally, I think they would just disappear overnight."
"Shout out to Korea, South Korea, for not having poor people fight a rich man's war."