
Behavioral Patterns Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Patterns that we don't like are the reflection of unhealthy defense mechanisms, and patterns that we like are the consequence of healthy defense mechanisms."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most frightening behavioral patterns on Earth are those that are disguised, because they're the hardest to recognize."
"You are not your patterns, but your life becomes a combination and a result of your patterns."
"You're not a procrastinator, you have a habit of procrastinating. Big difference."
"The cycle of abuse looks like: it starts with tension building, then acute violence, reconciliation, and then calm."
"People are very susceptible to the patterns they build for themselves."
"What makes me sad is that this is a pattern of behavior that can really destroy people's lives."
"They idealize and devalue on repeat, creating a toxic cycle."
"Potential is only what is possible, pattern is what is recurring."
"He apologized gifts wine etc which again plays right into dr hughes."
"People were still doing this dumb stuff; we're just now watching them do it."
"Someone whose behavior is aggressive and violent will tend to have aggressive thoughts as well as consistent patterns."
"Combat in my opinion is the most important thing that anything can have, it is the most important I think."
"You'll do it tomorrow but then tomorrow becomes today and then you put it off for tomorrow and then tomorrow becomes today and it keeps going like this."
"Awareness is key, understanding those patterns, the thoughts, the beliefs, right those pulls of to act in that codependent way."
"A curse may not be lifted but a pattern can be changed."
"The real work is to identify these patterns and to make different choices when you're in the midst of the pattern that's how you break it."
"Success and failure is predictable. You could tell if people gonna be successful or if they gonna fail if you pay attention to their pattern."
"The definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."
"Our software is designed to pick up those trends and recognize changes in behavioral patterns."
"You keep doing what you've always done, you'll get the same sh*t."
"What's the definition of insanity? To do what you've always done and expect different results."
"Ignorance or Insanity, whatever you want to call it, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results."
"You can't keep doing the same thing thinking you gonna get different results."
"Be very careful of repeating patterns and overthinking things."
"Covert narcissists do share very common behaviors that will end up exposing their true nature."
"Complaining, a habit often indulged without much thought, can significantly affect our vibrational energy."
"You'll only get what you've gotten... if you keep doing what you have done."
"Are you repeating the same patterns again? In other words, when we truly understand ourselves, we are less likely to run into trouble."
"The definition of insanity is doing the same [__] repeatedly and expecting different results."
"There's a pattern of behavior here that I've been ignoring from women my entire adult life."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."
"There's a difference between people who sin as a pattern and the people of God. There's a big yeah."
"Over time however, they escalate and worsen."
"The cooling off period distinguishes a serial killer."
"I feel like something needs to stop repeating. You need to end a cycle."
"Unfortunately, I think people will fall for him because he turns around and does the good guy shtick almost immediately after."
"What's an area of your life where you continue to repeat a cycle that ends with you feeling less valuable?"
"When he lifted his leg three times, it's always Karen."
"I'm addicted I'm addicted I'm like I'm so addicted let me keep re-scrolling until something good pops up."
"Find the pattern, don't repeat the pattern, do something different."
"It's not that you are fated to repeat these patterns."
"It's amazing how those dudes who started this country hundreds of years ago they figured out some just key patterns of behavior that human beings follow into and they decided to try to protect them."
"Instead of growing out of that behavior they grow into it."
"His behavior has the classic hallmarks of love bombing."
"Human beings run on patterns; steer clear of incorrigible toxic individuals."
"We habituate ourselves in patterns that cause suffering."
"If it's always that person in some [__], it's usually them."
"Recognize the pattern of quitting or giving up, transmute it, and make it more productive energy moving forward."
"Disrupt your patterns, betray the patterns that you've built, maybe you'll find a different result."
"The tactic we're seeing from these people, it's the same thing in different ways."
"Gaslighting is a thing that narcissists, sociopaths, and Psychopaths do often."
"Everything is patterns. Fighting is patterns."
"I'm working hard to break the patterns that still hold me back."
"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
"This is an assault upon a whole body of American citizens."
"Growing up with abuse and neglect can give you a habit. It's a pattern of behavior where when something makes no sense and you feel confused by it, you pretend it's perfectly clear."
"People get into their habits, you know, they are creatures of habit."
"Evolve or repeat. Remember what we said about Einstein's theory? I think it was Einstein. You keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's insanity."
"Once he gets in that mode, it's like a Snowball Effect."
"Most people cling to old, outdated maps or patterns, perpetuating their suffering."
"Consciousness becomes words, words become actions, actions become patterns, and patterns become a way of life."
"It's just the same high that they're gonna get That's why they always say and narcissists needs attention."
"Once you see those patterns there then you can see how it enhances the characteristics of control and superiority."
"A lot of different species of fish all follow this same general pattern."
"Repeated patterns of failure will persist if they don't acknowledge their transgressions and apologize sincerely."
"Psychopathy: a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others."
"Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."
"You cannot remove the things that trigger you, you can't. If you've been doing a pattern since fourth grade, there will be things for the rest of your life that will trigger that pattern to come up."
"Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."
"Same thoughts always lead to the same choices, same choices lead to the same behaviors, and the same behaviors lead to..."
"It's a cliche to say insanity's doing the same thing expecting something different, right?"
"What we're experiencing right now is the inevitable consequence of the cauldron of essentially extremism and lies that the right-wing media has been proliferating."
"It's replaced ADD, right? Growing up, everybody had ADD and they used it as a cop-out for [ __ ] misbehavior, yeah,"
"Spot it first, start spotting that pattern because that's all it is. It's a pattern, and we don't realize how much the words we say to ourselves have an impact."
"So, when you say what are the most important habits, there's just a few thoughts."
"Choice leads to pattern, pattern leads to behavior, behavior leads to character."
"We're looking for those positive trends of doing these things over and over, creating new patterns in the way we respond."
"After witnessing thousands of examples of men lose and win their wife back, I'd pretty much be an idiot if I didn't notice patterns and certain behaviors that make those men succeed or fail."
"Don't make assumptions too quickly; look for consistent patterns as you get to know someone."
"There's a myth that a shooter just snaps. It's just not true; there are always signs."
"Hurt people hurt people, and that is just like the tea."
"People lie, but their patterns don't."
"No matter how often you had seen a pattern of behavior, they could still surprise you."
"Our bodies are really, really good at being efficient, so if we are constantly doing one thing or one pattern over and over again, our body likes to take shortcuts."
"Until we meet these needs for ourselves that weren't met back then, we are going to keep repeating these patterns."
"Don't fall back into old patterns."
"Learning about my own patterns can really help me understand my own personality."
"Day of week might matter because our behavior is different on weekends versus weekdays."
"The behavior of children is influenced by the parents' habits."
"The patterns that we can't break are tied to the pain we haven't addressed."
"It's so easy to get in patterns and in loops and habituations, and that we forget about our dynamic nature."
"The way you tend to go about things is called your modus operandi or MO."
"Dysfunctional homes produce dysfunctional people which create dysfunctional communities."
"A pattern is hard to break once it starts."
"Our days are made up of habits; our weeks are made up of days; our months are made up of weeks; and our years are made up of months. So, our life is a series of habits."