
Desire For Change Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"How badly we need or want the plasticity determines how fast that plasticity will arrive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You naturally see what's wrong with this world and you have a keen sense of wanting to fix that."
"There are times when I wish that I could have gone back and redo that day to where things worked out differently."
"Americans don't want a revolution, they just want change."
"The reason why I criticize the bad behavior in China is because I legitimately want it to change."
"This person does want to change and be better."
"They'll change it. They will change things. They wanna be in power. Yes, they wanna be in power. They wanna stay there."
"Isn't there something to deliver us from these two men?"
"This stuff happens all too often sick of it tired of it I wish things would change."
"He really seems to want to make a change, which is awesome."
"I want something different, I want something different now."
"I'd get rid of every one of these politicians if I could."
"I really feel like we're lacking some edginess in here."
"I want to be 14 again so I can ruin my life differently."
"It's time for me to take action if I want something to happen."
"You want something new, something that's magical, something that is more in alignment with who you are."
"I'm bored and I just want to experience something new."
"If I was conscious of it, then I'd want to wake up."
"I know this is a simulation and I'm ready to get out."
"They want something better, they're ready to reduce the resentment."
"A town is dreadfully boring; any break in the monotony is a welcome reprieve."
"I want someone to take my spot turn my spine it's like a chain though it was like sound like that."
"Sounds like Zach wants something to spice it up a bit."
"But my heart just kind of wants y'all to just send Tom home like I'm just tired of this dude just always winning all the time he always around like okay I'm just like most times let the new [ __ ] spin like that's just kind of one of them."
"But it's yeah, you want to do something different but not different worse."
"It's about saying I want to see change I want to see the things that we care about and believe in change."
"Ariel was a character that in my opinion was incredibly strong-willed and someone that wanted to you know get out of water wanted to see the world wanted to experience explore and enjoy"
"It made me feel like I really wanted to do something new, I needed a change of scenery."
"Anything would be better than what we have now."
"I want to get lost. Maybe then I would feel something again."
"You're just going to want change, and I'm talking big change."
"My world around me is crumbling, I want the pizzazz, I want the wow out of life."
"And like i said i'm really re-saying this again because i don't feel for some of you it's not leaving the connection it's actually you know communicating what you feel to get the change that you have been wanting."
"Life was boring at 18 years of age. I had enough. I needed more excitement in my life."
"Enough of this success, enough disaster."
"I need like something else has to [ __ ] happen, you know, I mean, it's just absolutely all [ __ ] over and over again, that's what I'm saying."
"They want a fresh new start, a fresh new start."
"If God is going to move, if he's going to do something, if he's going to change things… We say we want change, and we shout about change, and we pray about change. What we really want is we want change that we choose and that we can control."
"I get bored of everything that stays exactly the same. I promise that I'll burn it down with fuel in flames before I lose myself and become all the things that I hate."
"People are tired of this [expletive], they want something that makes sense."
"We deserve better, a continuation of that cycle from faction to faction or is it an attempt to break it."
"For the longest time I just wanted chaos, and then I got chaos and I was like take it back please, I can't do this."
"I would love to see something, just something here."
"There are many people who do want change they just need to know how to do it."
"You're wanting something new, you're wanting something fulfilling."
"Deliverance has a lot to do with the person's will, the person's desire to be free, and the person's willingness to want to be free."
"I would really like to see some change starting now."
"Somebody's in love with you and they want to get away from this."
"I'm just so angry, I'm so tired, I'm fed up and tired of the same old stuff. It's time."
"Spontaneity does not exist in my life, and I want it to. I need it to."
"All you need is an open mind and a desire for change."
"I just want something different, you know? I've been saying that for a long time."
"Normal is how we got here. The last thing on earth you ought to want is to get back to where we were before the pandemic hit."
"This lifestyle and this body hurts physically and mentally and socially and I want a good life where I'm not afraid of strangers or chairs."
"You don't want to feel pinned down exhausted anymore."
"Have you ever felt disgusted with your present life and that your parents do not love you and you just want to get out of the house? I have."
"A lot of these dudes couldn't handle the tough situation."
"You wanted this to happen low-key, you wanted change, you wanted things to happen in the way you wanted them to happen."
"This person's manifesting some sort of a change with you and I feel like for many of you it's like wanting more."
"I am tired of the same old faces, the same old things."
"If there was fair press in this country, I would do it in a heartbeat."
"He's addicted and he wants to get off the [expletive]."
"It's been too long that I've been on my own. I'm going to scream if I stay here."
"You don't have to be a stereotypical alcoholic to have a desire to stop drinking."
"Everybody wants to see change in the world, especially the ummah."
"Chanel wants that to freaking stop."
"If you could change one thing about your body, what would you?" "You know... wings... so I could fly."
"I don't want to turn out like this, I don't want to be living like this."
"I can't do this anymore. I want out."
"They want to go back to how things were, they want another chance."
"I am sick and tired of talking about this I want to see some changes yes I want to."
"I hate this fuse box. I hate it with a passion. Wish I could burn it to the floor, pull a stancy pants."
"I went into work and I went, I'm not doing this anymore. I've had enough of all this. I want to get out of this. I want to go fishing."
"She desperately wants to change and especially to mature."
"I wish I had superpowers and could stop all this."
"I just want it all to go away. I want it all to go away. I don't even know what I'm saying. I want it all to go away like I just want to go back to my old self."
"I mean, who the [ __ ] do I think I am? But like, I just so badly want those poor people to not suffer anymore."
"I want to get out of here, I want to just buy a house."
"Gary talked to a friend about his fantasy of leaving his life behind and starting all over again."
"Every time around this year in the summer I get the bug. I want to move, I want to upgrade."
"Vayne demands grief go back to the way things were."
"There was like a really bad point a couple months ago and I was like I literally just want to [ __ ] stop this."
"Can y'all throw 2020 away please 'cause we're tired, we're over it."
"Nobody wants to feel that way forever."
"Doing the same thing every day, taking the same road, seeing the same people every single day, it just expanded my mind, it just made me want more basically."
"You gotta wanna change; no one can make you change."
"I feel that I'm stuck in this rut of this perpetual cycle of routine and I just can't find a way out of it."
"I'm tired of working for idiots who are gonna get me killed."
"Sometimes I wish it would rain, sunshine blue skies go away."
"Every new year comes about, I always feel the motivation and the craving for change."
"Change is something that every single person desires."
"...we want to salvage something from the ashes which is testimony in the hopes that if we bear witness the world can be different..."
"If you live more than a few years, you have it. You ever gone into your job like, 'I need a change'?"
"I love who I am but you can love who you are and still want to change aspects about yourself."
"They're so sick of it, they don't want to live like this, they don't want to live in the constant fear."
"I wasn't brought up to a bad life; you can see that by little things, by my handwriting, and indeed, I should like to have a chance at something else."
"I really really want to change. I don't want to be like this anymore."
"I didn't want my children to go through what I went through."
"I just wanted the space to really evolve with the new addition, and I just thought it was time for a change."
"I would love to see something new."
"Can I get a break? I wish that I could just get out of my goddamn way."
"That's what started the show, dude. That's what Tucker... that's all he wants, he wants things to go back to the way they used to be."
"You were tired of going through the same cycle here over and over and over again."
"These were the reasons why the Jamison family was desperate to leave their home in Eufaula and move on to a large plot of land."
"She is fighting a strong desire for change that she may not be able to overcome."
"I cannot live in that kind of life because it's been such a living prison."
"I am what you think I am, but I hate it. I don't want my life to be this hard."
"After a while, prison becomes old, man. You get tired of doing the same old stuff day in and day out."
"I don't know if you know what it is like to want to be someone else, to not want to look like you look, to hate your own face, and to go completely unnoticed."
"I'm tired, and I'm angry at my drug of choice. I don't want to survive anymore; I crave to live."
"I created the life that I was living and I was really tired of it and I wanted out."
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can."
"Honestly, I wish it weren't like this. I wish things could have been and could be different."
"You have to want to change. I do, I don't want to... I'm not happy about being dishonest."
"It's like the world [is] messed up, man, it need to be fixed."
"I feel like this person has been needing change, something different, something better."
"It's such a strong emotion for me; it tells me about you staying in one place and you long for a change and you have to fight for this change."
"You actually want the change somewhere deep down, underneath it all."
"I don't want to live with inside this pain."
"The only thing you want is change, and you're gonna get it in a huge way."
"People are getting tired of all this wokeness, and they're wanting somebody who will stand up and preach the word of God and speak the truth."
"Sometimes you just feel like you need some kind of change."
"They want to change the circumstances significantly."
"The voters demand change but they don't want very much change."
"You're ready for change, you're ready to move on."
"That's something I could use, a cure for the ordinary life."
"There is a hunger for resolution, there is a hunger for justice."
"I'm so tired of feeling alone, lonely, and I'm ready to break free."